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Sep 17, 2011

ISRAEL News, Sep 17, 2011

Netanyahu: Negotiations only way to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace
“Peace can only be achieved through direct negotiations with Israel, a statement released by the prime minister's office said on Friday, accusing the Palestinian Authority of consistently avoiding talks with Israel. It concluded saying “when the ...
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Digging in, the essence of Netanyahu's foreign policy
In the face of dramatic regional changes, Prime Minister Netanyahuhas allowed his rivals to set the agenda and has lead Israel to its lowest international standing in four decades, due to a series of misalliances, missteps and mistakes. ...
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Netanyahu praises Obama, Egypt
Heritage Florida Jewish News
One overriding mission laid before us—to secure the welfare and safety of Israel'semmisaries. We worked together in a responsible manner to ensure that this situation would end in the best possible manner. “Immediately at the beginning of the ...
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How would-be Labor leaders divided and conquered themselves
Like now, the Israeli defense establishment was on high alert. There was talk that the other side had misjudged Israel's intentions. Ehud Olmert was prime minister. Benjamin Netanyahu was opposition leader. They had become closer, and Olmert shared ...
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What Happened in the 9th Congressional District?
New Yorker (blog)
The election can legitimately be seen as a shot across President Obama's bow from the ultra-hawkish, pro-Netanyahu, pro-settler wing of the Israel lobby. Two nominally Democratic politicians with outsize influence in the district, the eccentric former ...
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New Yorker (blog)
Report claims US-Israel rift more than just a clash of personalities
Ha'aretz (blog)
New report 'Crossroads: The Future of the US-Israel Strategic Partnership', claims 'social and political trends in United States and Israel are reshaping politics of both societies'. It has become conventional wisdom since US President Barack Obama...
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Israel: “Ungrateful [US] Ally”
Intifada Palestine
The last was reported when Israeli prime minister Netanyahu blathered for more than an hour to “educate” US President on the indefensible1967 border. Gate himself was incensed with Netanyahu bleating Israel's disapproval of arm sales to America's Arab ...
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McKinley Recounts Israel Visit
Wheeling News Register
They had the opportunity to partake in the Sabbath at the Western Wall with a traditional Sabbath Eve dinner and met with Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu. ''While Congressman McKinley was pro-Israel before the trip, he returned with a new ...
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Sidelined by Arab revolts, Al-Qaeda firms hold in Sinai
Daily News Egypt
By Dan Williams / Reuters HERZLIYA, Israel: Though sidelined by pan-Arab democracy drives, Al-Qaeda may have found a firmer foothold in the lawless Egyptian Sinai where it poses a threat to Israel, experts say. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ...
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Israel's Social Crisis: Protests at the PM's Residence
Zahava migrated to Israel in 1936. She thinks the protest should be carried out in a different way. "I came here to identify with these protests. But I would also like to take this opportunity to express my opinion that this is not the right way. ...
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Group portrait with pixelization
Netanyahu, who made his first foray into our political life together with Channel 2, Israel's first commercial TV station, is still stuck somewhere in the late 1980s, setting his sights on ratings based on the lowest possible common denominator, ...
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Palestinians to seek full UN membership: President Abbas
A statement from Mr Netanyahu's office issued after the speech said the Palestinians were "systematically" avoiding direct talks with Israel. Mr Abbas said recognition as a state would allow a return to peace talks, but on a stronger footing....
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Turkey's anti-Zionist stance is a positive move
Tehran Times
This has increased Israel's isolation and animosity toward the Zionist regime. The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must now deal with this gradual isolation, which is leading to the Zionist regime's destruction. ...
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Britain's "Morality", Israel's War Crimes
Center for Research on Globalization
After the Gaza massacre in 2009, Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu stated that he would "never to allow Israeli leaders or soldiers to stand trial on war crimes charges over their actions during last winter's military offensive in the Gaza ...
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Center for Research on Globalization
Palestinian Bedouins threatened with Ethnic Cleansing
Intifada Palestine
Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli government has stepped up the campaign against the Bedouin, as part of the wider campaign against the Arab community within Israel's 1948 borders which has seen the targeting of leading Arab ...
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The Mass Movement in Israel, the Occupation in Palestine and the Left
Socialist Alternative
... and, finally, the call for a change of government, with the demand for IsraeliPrime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to resign. It is clear that the protests in Israel are part of the wave of protest and revolt that has swept Tunisia, Egypt, Greece, Spain,...
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Turkish President Has Lost Faith In Both Israel And Syria
... with Israel. He also said days are numbered for the Syrian regime. Gül added that Turkey still wants to be in the EU By Christiane Schlötzer and Kai Strittmatter President Abdullah Gül says Turkey no longer trusts Benjamin Netanyahu'sgovernment. ...
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Livni criticizes Netanyahu policies on Turkey and Egypt
The Voice of Russia
Leader of Israel's oppositional Kadima party Tzipi Livni has criticized the foreign policies of PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel has never been in such overwhelming isolation before she believes noting that the current government doesn't seem to be ...
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The Voice of Russia
Palestine and the UN Vote: How Did it Ever Come to This?
Huffington Post
Mitchell's team began boldly by calling for an unconditional halt to Israelisettlement expansion, but had no Plan B when Netanyahu fought back. The region watched closely as tiny Israel replied to its US benefactor and strategic protector, "NO! ...
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Cantor's Zionism and Bachmann's Dominionism: Joined at the Hip
Hawaii News Daily
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a tough chat with Netanyahufollowing Joe Biden's humiliation in Israel, when, unbeknownst to him, the Israelis announced new settlements in Jerusalem during his visit. Later, the administration made a statement ...
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Hawaii News Daily
Israeli-Greek-Turkish sea-air preparedness for first Cypriot gas drilling Monday
DEBKA file
Greece and Israel concluded a mutual defense pact on Sept. 4, 2011. Ten days later, Prime Ministers George Papandreou and BinyaminNetanyahu agreed to activate the pact in the light of Turkish threats against Israel and to exploration activity in the ...
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DEBKA file
Palestine at the UN
(3) Peace will be impossible unless the Palestinians are allowed to set up their state next to Israel. (4) Without peace, Israel will not be the model state we had been dreaming about in the trenches, but something very different. ...
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Writer pulls no punches on Mideast
The Augusta Chronicle
12, AC Forgay opened a window (“Give Israel, Palestinians single state”), exposing our opportunistic behavior at the expense of the Palestinians. I would like to add that for decades the Israel lobby has distributed millions of dollars, year after year...
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Obama to Meet Libyan Council Leader Jalil at UN Next Week
Obama also has set a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept. 21. The Obama administration, in support of Israel, is opposing a Palestinian plan to seek statehood status in the UN. So far, there is no plan for Obama to have...
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51st: Let those people go!
Commonweal (blog)
“Obama should threaten to abstain in this matter if the Netanyahu government continues to drag its feet in fully embracing the two-state solution, Israel's only hope for remaining Jewish and democratic. “Putting an end to the Israel-Palestine conflict ...
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Press digest
Times of Malta
Israel, while officially accepting the idea of a Palestinian state, wants to leave nearly all of the borders where they are and keep control of Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Post says the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuissued a curt ...
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President Obama to Meet With Israel's Netanyahu - World News ...
By Ashley Ulker
World News and Headlines From ABC News Radio.
World News - ABC News Radio
RT @worthynews: Netanyahu says he'll address ... - World Post News
By staffwriter
RT @worthynews: Netanyahu says he'll address UN ahead of PA state vote – Jerusalem Post: After weeks of deli… #israel #israelnews. SPONSOR- Make money selling your OWN CD's for only $997! Click Here and Find...
World Post News
Daily Kos: Israel/Palestine News
By (Friendlystranger)
Israel/Palestine: The Question That Stops The Discussion by PoliticallyNonEuclidean 17 comments 11 Recs; North Anna Nuclear Update by Joieau 129 comments 72 Recs; Israel's Netanyahu to offer Palestinians upgraded status in speech to ...
Obama to discuss Israel with Turkey's Erdogan | Antigua Observer ...
By njames
White House National Security Council spokesman Ben Rhodes told reporters that Obama also anticipated a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuduring the president's three-day U.N. visit which starts late Monday. “We have encouraged Israel and Turkey, two close friends of the United States, to work to bridge their differences, so we'll have an opportunity to discuss those issues,” Rhodes told a news briefing. Washington has watched with concern as Turkey's ...
Antigua Observer Newspaper
Israeli officials say they are just trying to help Palestinians, and ...
By Ira Glunts
In her talks with Netanyahu, Ashton raised the French-Spanish proposal to upgrade the status of Palestine at the UN to a non-member state, similar to the status of the Vatican, in exchange for the Palestinian concession not to bring Israel before the International Criminal Court. .... Years after Côte d'Ivoire accepted the jurisdiction of the ICC under an Article 12(3) declaration, the Security Council was still trying to get the ICC to apply that declaration to new and different situations. ...
Israel prepared to stay in West Bank at all costs — RT
In Israel, concern is growing that it may have to return land it has long occupied and built settlements on if Palestinian statehood is officially recognized by the UN.
News RSS : Today
(Q+A) The implications of the Palestinian ... - Wikileaks Online News
By Elmassy
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday he would request recognition of a fully-fledged Palestinian state at the United Nations when he goes to the world body next week, defying fierce opposition from Israel and the United States. Here are some of the reasons behind the ... to address US Congress. BenjaminNetanyahu Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of the US Congress on May 24, Republican House Speaker John Boehner . ...
Wikileaks Online News
U.N. showdown over Palestinian statehood tests limits of U.S. ...
By admin
U.S. officials have warned Israel's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Palestinian leaders, that the diplomatic clash over the creation of a Palestinian state set for the United Nations next week could further destabilize a region already in political tumult. But those have been ignored, not only ... In addition, from the Israeli government's perspective the United States is a less useful ally in the new Middle East that is emerging, analysts say. “Why does the U.S. have less ...
The Heights Life
Palestinians Seek UN Membership, US and Israeli Leaders to Meet ...
A combo of pictures shows Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas (L) delivering a speech in August 2009 in the West Bank and Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu speaking in Jerusalem on June 23, 2010. (MENAHEM KAHANA/ABBAS...
The latest stories from
Abbas will ask for full UN membership | Virginia | onPolitix
The Palestinian president said Friday he would ask the U.N. Security Council next week to endorse his people's decades-long quest for statehood but emphasized that he did not seek to isolate or delegitimize Israel. ... unilateral approaches to the U.N. or by joining forces with the Hamas terror organization," Netanyahu said in a statement, referring to a recent, unimplemented agreement between Abbas and the violently anti-Israel group that rules Gaza to unite their rival governments. ...
White House News - Virginia - onPolitix
Abbas Confirms: We're Going to the UN | Voice of the Copts
By Staff Editor
Elad Benari – Israel National News. abbas ... Meanwhile, Prime Minister BinyaminNetanyahu said on Thursday he will personally deliver Israel's opening speech at the United Nations General Assembly when it convenes on September 20. ...
Voice of the Copts
Abbas: We Want to Delegitimize Occupation, Not Israel | Radio Sawt ...
By Carol Maher
Radio Sawt Beirut International – Lebanon news, nightlife, broadcasting latest arabic songs and hits · Home · About Us · Contact Us · Live Radio · هدايا من لبنان · LebanonNews · World News · French ... “Peace is not achieved by a unilateral approach to the U.N., and not by associating with the Hamas terror organization,” said a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office. “Peace will only be attained by direct negotiation with Israel,” it added. Hamas itself hit out at ...
Radio Sawt Beirut International...
Netanyahu: Israel will agree to upgrade of Palestinian status, not ...
Netanyahu decides to address the UN General Assembly next Friday, the day the Palestinians will submit their statehood bid.
NYT: Netanyahu isolating Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
News: Editorial accuses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of embarrassing US President Obama with help of Republicans, against Israel's interests and ...,7340,L-4122656,00.html
Netanyahu: Israel Doesn't Need To Apologize | Fox News
Israel's prime minister on Sunday defiantly refused to apologize to Turkey for his military's deadly raid last year on a Turkish-led flotilla bent on breaking the ...
Netanyahu on 9/11: Terrorism 'Radical Islam ... - Israel National News
PM Netanyahu marked the 10th anniversary of the Al Qaeda attack on the United States by calling it a "war - of radical Islam."
BBC News - Netanyahu says Egypt peace stands despite embassy riot
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will stick to its peace treaty with Egypt despite the attack on its embassy in Cairo.
'NY Times': Netanyahu is dangerously iso... JPost - International
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has sought to embarrass US President Barack Obama, and must face the fact that Israel is more isolated now than when...
Israel news: Netanyahu promises reforms in Israel - GlobalPost
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday promised to implement reforms in response to massive protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on Saturday ...
Egypt and Israel seek return to 'normal' ties - Middle East - Al ...
"Israel will continue to adhere to the peace treaty with Egypt," Netanyahu told anews conference on Saturday. "We will continue to keep the peace with Egypt. ...
Flotilla Raid: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ... - Sky News
Israel's prime minister has refused to apologise to Turkey for last year's deadly military raid on a Turkish-lead flotilla heading for Gaza.
Israel preserving Egypt peace deal: Netanyahu - ABC News ...
Israel is preserving its more than three-decades-old peace with Egypt, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, after rioting forced the evacuation of Israel's ...
Israel, Egypt to preserve peace deal-Netanyahu aide | Top News ...
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel and Egypt are working to preserve the landmark peace accord they signed in 1979, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ...
Gates: Netanyahu ungrateful to Obama | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu was ungrateful for Obama administration assistance and gave ...

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