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Nov 11, 2010

World business, finance and political news from the Financial Times– Europe

Geithner rebuffs Greenspan over dollar


US would never ‘deliberately devalue currency to boost exports’

From MARKETS 5:58pm

Alert over emerging markets volatility

TPG co-founder warns of ‘crisis of expectation’

From WORLD 11:45am

European Parliament backs new hedge fund rules

Long-awaited agreement on tough regulatory regime

Nouri al-Maliki 
Getty From WORLD 1:29pm

Iraqis reach power-sharing pact

Rivals agree on formation of new government


China inflation surges to 25-month high

Jump in prices could lead to more rate rises

Microsoft logo in front of Virginia corporate office 
From COMPANIES 3:20pm

Microsoft links up with China internet portal

Venture with Sina could boost MSN’s Chinese presence

Beauty Queen Carrie Prejean Pregnant

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

Controversial former beauty queen Carrie Prejean — who made headlines for coming out against same-sex marriage in 2009 at the Miss USA pageant — is reportedly pregnant.

“We are just so excited,” Carrie told “I’m due in May on my grandmother’s birthday. She recently passed away, so that’s very special to us.”

ENTERTAINMENT News | Celebrity News, Nov 11, 2010


Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Mullet Is Back

Now that he's divorcing and back on the market, Miley Cyrus' pops Billy Ray Cyrus is once again unleashing his early '90s chick magnet secret weapon onto the masses ... his mullet hair don't.

Rihanna and Matt Kemp: Eurostar Sweethearts

Enjoying her time overseas, Rihanna was spotted at the Eurostar Station in Paris, France earlier today (November 11).
Joined by her boyfriend Matt Kemp, the “Only Girl in the World” songstress looked a bit annoyed by the shutterbugs swarming around her as she hopped the train from Paris to London.

Sugarland: "Stuck Like Glue" at the CMA Awards

They’re a perennial favorite in the country realm, and Sugarland sounded fantastic at tonight’s 44th Annual CMA Awards (November 10).

Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush took the stage at the Bridgestone Arena for a spirited performance of their hit “Stuck Like Glue.”

Kelly Clarkson: CMA Awards Performance

She’s always been eager for the stage, and last night (November 10) Kelly Clarkson joined Jason Aldean for his performance at the 44th Annual CMA Awards.

The “Since You’ve Been Gone” songstress sang “Don’t You Wanna Stay” at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville much to the delight of the packed crowd.

Jessica Simpson Talks Nick Lachey Engagement

Rumors quickly circulated that she was “flipping out” when ex husband Nick Lachey proposed to fiancée Vanessa Minnillo last week, but Jessica Simpson recently cleared the air on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show.

On Thursday morning (November 11), the “Come On Over” singer explained, "I am extremely, extremely happy for him."

Gerard Butler's Night at the Victoria's Secret Runway Show

It’s always a celebrity draw, and Gerard Butler was spotted front row at the 2010 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on Wednesday night (November 10).

The “Bounty Hunter” hunk sported a scruffy look as he enjoyed watching the super sexy Angels strut their stuff on the runway.

Alessandra Ambrosio Heats Up the Victoria's Secret Runway

Showing why she is one of Victoria’s Secret top models, Alessandra Ambrosio was spotted strutting her stuff for the annual fashion show in New York City on Wednesday night (November 10).

The beautiful brunette donned several different ensembles (including the infamous giant wings) as she made numerous trips down the runway.

"Harry Potter" UK Premiere Live Feed!

With its highly-anticipated release coming up next week, lucky fans in London, England are getting an early taste of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I” at its premiere on Thursday (November 11).
Of course, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are expected to make an appearance at the London Odeon venue in Leicester Square, along with plenty of other UK celebrities.

Yahoo News

Silvio Berlusconi's women

Silvio Berlusconi has shortlisted his dental hygienist to contest crucial elections next month. The 73-year-old premier was apparently unable to resist the charms of Nicole Minetti, a showgirl turned dental hygienist who he met when his teeth were being r
Silvio Berlusconi has shortlisted his dental hygienist to contest crucial elections next month. The 73-year-old premier was apparently unable to resist the charms of Nicole Minetti, a showgirl turned dental hygienist who he met when his teeth were being repaired after he was attacked in Milan in December

China's Continued Failure to Rebalance Growth Threatens Global Economic Stability

China announced yesterday (Wednesday) that its trade surplus grew 60.7% in October from the month before as efforts to rebalance its economic growth this year have failed. Furthermore, recent policy tightening measures mean domestic demand is unlikely to pick up in the near future.

Stranded luxury cruise passengers fed Spam

A Navy Seahawk helicopter from the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier carries supplies towards the Carnival Splendour cruise ship during relief operations off Mexico's Baja Peninsula. The stricken vessel, with 16 Britons among the 3,300 passengers, suffered an engine room fire on Monday morning off the coast of Mexico
A Navy Seahawk helicopter from the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier carries supplies towards the Carnival Splendour cruise ship during relief operations off Mexico's Baja Peninsula. The stricken vessel, with 16 Britons among the 3,300 passengers, suffered an engine room fire on Monday morning off the coast of Mexico Photo: AP
By Jon Swaine in New York
But the 4,500 passengers on the Carnival Splendor were on Wednesday fed chopped pork shoulder mixed with ham, modified potato starch and sodium nitrite in aspic – Spam.

Iraq gets new government after coalition deal

Iraq gets new government after coalition deal
Iraq will finally get a new government on Thursday after politicians hammered out a late-night deal to end eight months of wrangling following an indecisive election.
Ayad Allawi (left) and Nouri al-Maliki Photo: AP.By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent 8:49AM GMT 11 Nov 2010.
The country's 249 days of impasse set a new world record, and led to fears in America and among its neighbours

Silvio Berlusconi defeated three times in Parliament as grip on power grows weaker

Silvio Berlusconi's hold on power looked more fragile than ever after his government was defeated in parliament and new claims emerged of starlets being supplied for parties at one of his mansions.

Osama bin Laden appoints new commander to spearhead war on West

Osama bin Laden appoints new commander to spearhead war on West
Osama bin Laden Photo: APBy Praveen Swami, Diplomatic Editor 10:00PM GMT 10 Nov 2010
Known to western intelligence services by the alias Saif al-Adel, or "Sword of the Just", al-Qaeda's new chief of international operations is believed to have conceived of the wave of strikes that set off terror alerts across Europe recently, as well as last week's mid-air parcel-bomb plot.

U.S., South Korea fail to reach free-trade deal

SEOUL - Negotiations over a U.S.-Korea free-trade agreement broke down on Thursday after four days of discussions, a setback for the leaders of the two nations and a blow to efforts to rekindle broader world trade talks.

Yahoo News

Nov 10, 2010

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Health services should be easily accessible, believe candidates

Media & Liliu at the Dateline Hotel every Wednesday at 7pm
BASIC health services should continue to be easily accessible for all Tongans, believed a panel of candidates discussing health, although the issue of life style diseases such as diabetes was also raised as a concern.

Antique furniture was not bought for students, says Tonga's Minister of Information

Nuku'alofa, Tonga: In a dramatically worded official statement Tonga's Minister of Information 'Eseta Fusitu'a on November 4 denounced a group that is questioning the King's sale of the 'Atalanga royal residence in Auckland, apparently for daring to ask questions of His Majesty.

Monetary policy measures muted by tight credit conditions

Nuku'alofa, Tonga: While the domestic economy shows signs of recovery, the outlook looks weak, according to the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.
09 Nov 2010, 16:49

Quashing an indictment is "NOT an acquittal", states Justice Shuster

"Quashing an indictment - is NOT the same as acquitting a defendant", Justice Robert Shuster stated in an 11 page document titled "Clarification of the reasons for quashing the indictment in file CR64-2010" - the perjury case brought by the Crown against Ramsay Robertson Dalgety.

Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff thanks Tonga for support

HRH Princess Pilolevu, Ambassador Steven McGann, Mrs Deborah Mullen, Admiral Michael Mullen and Hon. Dr Feleti Sevele

World news, The Guardian UK

Taliban insurgency alive and well, warns British major general

10 Nov 2010: Former senior military commander in Afghanistan cautions against unduly optimistic assessments of allied progress
Andy Warhol 44min ago

Two Andy Warhol artworks sell for combined total of £60m in New York

10 Nov 2010: Prices fetched at separate auctions for a painting of a young Elizabeth Taylor and a Coca-Cola bottle
Russia 1hr 11min ago

Russian reporter left in wheelchair by attack is convicted of defaming official

10 Nov 2010: • Mikhail Beketov had accused mayor of corruption
• Case linked to weekend beating of another journalist
Robert Mugabe 1hr 13min ago

Former minister suggests UK home for Robert Mugabe

10 Nov 2010: Lord Renton suggests best way to help economic recovery of Zimbabwe is to give the country's president a 'comfortable and well looked after home in Britain'
Israel 1hr 16min ago

Ariel Sharon may leave Israel hospital nearly five years after stroke

10 Nov 2010: Former prime minister, in a coma since January 2006, expected to return home to his ranch
Silvio Berlusconi 1hr 20min ago

Silvio Berlusconi barracked as video shows women being ushered into house

10 Nov 2010: Magazine scoop further strains Italian prime minister after his party loses three votes in parliament
Drugs 1hr 28min ago

Million plus in Europe's 60s generation of ageing drug addicts, report finds

10 Nov 2010: 122,000 heroin and crack users aged 35-64 in Britain alone
Tuition fees 1hr 32min ago

Student protest over fees turns violent

10 Nov 2010: Protesters smash windows and get onto roof of Tory HQ as estimated 50,000 attend London rally
Biography 1hr 47min ago

George Bush's memoir set for sales success

10 Nov 2010: Decision Points, by former president George Bush, has seen strong early sales

Brazil 2hr 45min ago

Stone age etchings found in Amazon basin as river levels fall

10 Nov 2010: Drought in Brazil reveals engravings up to 7,000 years old – evidence of ancient civilisation
Falkland Islands 4hr 15min ago

Falkland Islanders deny defence cuts leaves them vulnerable

10 Nov 2010: Retired commanders say decision to scrap HMS Ark Royal and Harrier Force amounts to invitation to invade
Global development 4hr 37min ago

US calls for return to democratic rule in Madagascar

10 Nov 2010:
Senior US diplomat, Karl Wycoff, tells Malagasy people their government is 'insufficiently democratic and consensual'
Mervyn King 5hr 10min ago

Mervyn King warns of global threats to UK's economic recovery

10 Nov 2010: Bank of England governor Mervyn King warns of global threats to UK's economic recovery on eve of G20 summit
Iran 5hr 13min ago

Iran exiles claim defection of former air force officer

10 Nov 2010: Green Wave anti-Ahmadinejad movement says Behzad Masoumi Legwan has arrived in France to seek political asylum
France 5hr 57min ago

French retirement age change to 62 becomes law

10 Nov 2010: President Nicolas Sarkozy sees through controversial increase in the minimum retirement age

Chilean miners accept Israeli invitation – if their relatives can go too

Relatives of trapped Chilean miners

Family members pray outside the mine before the 33 Chilean miners were rescued. Photograph: Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

Amid the euphoria surrounding the rescue of the 33 trapped Chilean miners last month, Israel has invited the men to spend Christmas in the Holy Land.

The miners – who became instant heroes after surviving 69 days trapped underground – have accepted the free trip, but with only one condition. They will not go without their relatives – all 70 of them.

Bombings target Christian neighbourhoods in Baghdad

Iraqis inspect a destroyed car at the scene of a bomb attack on Christian houses in Baghdad.
Iraqis inspect a destroyed car at the scene of a bomb attack on Christian houses in Baghdad. Photograph: Khalid Mohammed/AP
At least four people have been killed and dozens injured in co-ordinated attacks on Christian neighbourhoods in Baghdad.
More than 14 bombs and mortar shells were detonated, targeting homes and a church across the Iraqi capital.

Cargo plane bomb 'timed to detonate over US'

A forensic officer removes a package from a UPS container
Cargo plane package removed from a UPS container at East Midlands airport would have detonated over the US. Photograph: Darren Staples/Reuters
The timer on the bomb found on a cargo plane at East Midlands airport last month was set for the device to detonate over the eastern seaboard of the US, Scotland Yard said today.

Demo 2010 student protests

Student protests: Demonstrators gain entry to 30 Millbank.
Demo 2010 student protests: Demonstrators gain entry to 30 Millbank. Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images
A police spokesman tonight said 32 people had been arrested for a range of offences, including criminal damage and trespass, and were now in custody. Those arrested are being taken to a police stations across central London including Westminster and Fulham.

Cameron in China: What does Beijing think of us? Let's start with hypocrisy

David Cameron and Chinese premier Wen Jiabao
David Cameron with China's premier Wen Jiabao. The British PM's case over human rights has been weakened by recent news stories. Photograph: Pool/Getty Images
As David Cameron vowed to raise human rights as a topic of discussion in Beijing today, it became the subject of two other international news stories.

Awlaqi lawyer denies cleric linked to killing of Frenchman

A still image of a video taken on Monday from the website shows Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born cleric linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen speaking from an undisclosed location.Picture: Reuters
A LAWYER for radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi, accused of incitement to kill foreigners, denied yesterday the imam was linked to the murder of a Frenchman in Yemen and said his whereabouts are unknown.
Awlaqi and his relative, Othman al-Awlaqi, have been charged in absentia with "incitement to kill

Qantas reviews way it runs A380s in engine investigation

Qantas employees walk under one of the engines of a Qantas A380 during Qantas' 90th anniversary celebrations at Sydney Airport last Sunday.Picture: AFP
QANTAS Airways is reviewing the way it operates its A380s after last week's engine blowout, a source said yesterday, amid reports the carrier worked its Rolls-Royce engines harder than rivals.
Qantas's use of its A380 engines is being looked into as part of a wider investigation into why a Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine blew apart last

Mumbai attacker plotted attacks in Copenhagen: report

DAVID HEADLEY, who helped plan the 2008 Mumbai attacks, had been preparing several attacks in the Danish capital in cooperation with an Al-Qaeda-linked group, a Danish newspaper reported yesterday.
Headley, a Pakistani-American who has confessed to helping plot the Mumbai attacks that left 166 dead, has already been charged with plotting an attack on a Danish newspaper that published caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

Libyan president orders release of 20 journalists

VETERAN Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi has ordered the release of 20 journalists working for titles close to his reformist son, who were arrested amid a mounting backlash from conservatives, state television reported.
The Oea weekly and the Libyapress news agency, both run by the Al-Ghad publishing company sponsored by Seif al-Islam Kadhafi, said Monday that 10 of their journalists had been picked up by agents of the Internal Security Agency, among them three Tunisians and two Egyptians. A further 10 journalists working for Al-Ghad titles were rounded up in a second wave of arrests.

Nuclear fuel swap talk an 'independent issue': Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki speaks during a press conference in Tehran yesterday. Picture: AFP
IRAN reiterated yesterday that the nuclear fuel swap issue was separate from its overall atomic programme for which the six world powers and Tehran are expected to hold talks later this month.
"We have said from the beginning that these two issues are independent from one another," Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told AFP.

35 injured Iraqis arrive in France

A group of wounded Iraqis wait at Orly airport in Paris upon their arrival in France for hospital treatment last Monday.Picture: AFP
THIRTY-FOUR Iraqi Christians and a Muslim guard wounded in a deadly al-Qaeda attack on a Baghdad church just over a week ago flew in to France late Monday for admission to hospitals for treatment.
Bearing bullet and grenade wounds from the October 31 attack, they arrived at Orly airport outside Paris on a plane dispatched to Iraq earlier Monday to

Chirac faces new corruption charges

A MAGISTRATE said Monday that former French president Jacques Chirac will stand trial on a second set of corruption charges dating to the 1990s when he was mayor of Paris, an official said.
Investigating magistrate Jacques Gazeaux decided to refer Chirac, 77, to a criminal court over the case involving alleged use of public funds to pay salaries to his political allies, said a judicial official who asked not to be named.

German nuke waste convoy arrives after mass protests

Police watch as anti-nuclear protesters set a fire before the Castor transport of nuclear waste makes its way on the road to Gorleben, northern Germany, yesterday.Picture: AFP
Accompanied by swarms of riot police and dozens of armoured police cars, the convoy of 11 white containers on lorries crawled slowly into its storage site at Gorleben, northern Germany, after a 20-kilometre (12-mile) road trip.

Palestinians say it's time to recognise their state

ISRAEL'S plan to build new homes on occupied land should be countered by international recognition of a Palestinian state, the chief Palestinian negotiator said yesterday.

George Clooney | Sudan

Here is Clooney by the plane in which he traveled to southern Sudan. Clooney recently spent a week in southern Sudan on a fact-finding trip talking to local residents, official and policy makers. (Tim Freccia/Enough Project/GlobalPost)

Yemen ups security, but skeptics remain

Yemen bomb plot
Yemeni security are seen outside a branch of UPS in Sanaa on Oct. 30, 2010. (Mohammad Huwais/AFP/Getty Images)

RSS feed for United Kingdom Ireland slowly locates its "disappeared"

Ireland Disappeared The Troubles
Members of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains carry a coffin after finding human remains during a dig on Waterfoot's beach, 50 miles north of Belfast, on Nov. 3, 2010. (Cathal McNaughton/Reuters) Click to enlarge photo

Indonesia Visit | Barack Obama | Jakarta

Obama in Indonesia
U.S. President Barack Obama gestures to reporters with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono after speaking at a joint press conference, Nov. 9, 2010. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Dany looks nervously over his shoulder: “Come on, we have to move.”
A few feet behind the slender 25-year-old, two policemen are approaching, clapping their hands and barking at the street vendors,

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink Israel devouring East Jerusalem

Flying in the face of the international community, including its own guardian-ally, the United Sates, Israel has approved a wide-ranging plan to obliterate the remaining vestiges of the traditional Arab-Islamic identity of East Jerusalem.

Permalink Consumer debt tumbles $100B

Household debt shrank by about 1 percent, or $100 billion, in the third quarter, according to a report released yesterday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That means in the two years since the bottom dropped out of the economy, about $1 trillion, or 7.9 percent of consumer buying power, has been sucked out of the US economy.

Permalink Heading Towards the End of Globalisation?

A "grave recession" in the world economy may lie ahead, with a profusion of new barriers to trade and capital flows, if the Group of 20 major economies (G20) fail to come up with solutions to the present crisis. The G20 will probably begin to suffer "progressive fragmentation" at its Nov. 11-12 summit in Seoul, because it is based on "unsustainable coalitions" and there are insurmountable conflicts between members, according to Fernando Cardim, a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Only "a remarkable diplomatic initiative" at this point could bring about the common understanding needed for "a collective solution," which would be the only way out of the global economic crisis, he said. "Perhaps the vision of the abyss" will stimulate a spirit of cooperation among government leaders, the Brazilian professor added.

Permalink Bush book defends waterboarding - Video

Former US president says in his new book that techniques such as waterboarding helped saved lives. George Bush, the former US president, has reopened the debate on the legality of the use of torture in his newly published book Decision Points, in which he defends his "war on terror" in Afghanistan and the decision to invade Iraq. Bush invaded two countries and killed over a million human beings, but rest assured he saved lives through torture.

Nov 9, 2010

Janet Jackson On Being The 'Cool' Aunt & Heading Back To The Studio

Janet Jackson on the Season 2 premiere of "Lopez Tonight," Los Angeles, Nov. 8, 2010Lopez TonightAccess Hollywood
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Janet Jackson has gotten a reputation among the children of her siblings as a bit of an advice-giver.
"They call me the 'cool' aunt," Janet told George Lopez in an interview set to air on Monday's "Lopez Tonight."

Yahoo News

Six Ways to Profit as Consumerism Supplants Exports and China Throttles Up GDP Growth, Nov 09, 2010

pizza hut china gdp growth kieth fitz-gerald beijing exports throttles
Money Morning's Keith Fitz-Gerald passes a Pizza Hut restaurant in Beijing's Central Business District in China. Pizza Hut is an example of a U.S. company that's doing well with China's shift to consumerism.
BEIJING, People's Republic of China – There's something inherently satisfying about waking up on a clear, crisp fall day in this bustling capital city, and seeing this headline atop the lead story in this morning's China Daily newspaper:

Obama takes sentimental journey to Indonesia - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

President Obama's trip to Indonesia is bringing back childhood memories -- at least some of them.
"Obviously much has been made of the fact that this marks my return to where I lived as a young boy," Obama told reporters today. "I will tell you though that I barely recognized it as I was driving down the streets."

Boyhood memories...Deadly house fire...Cruise ship fire

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — President Barack Obama has returned to Indonesia, where he spent four years as a young boy. The trip was scheduled to last less than 24-hours and may be abbreviated because of concerns about volcanic ash. Obama is using the visit to address relations between the West and the Muslim world. He'll attend economic meetings beginning Thursday in South Korea and Japan.

Obama nostalgic on return trip to Indonesia

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Barack Obama marveled at the sights and sounds — the rickshaws, the cramped taxis — still vivid in his memories of boyhood in this Asian nation. More than four decades later, the president said it was "a little disorienting" to see the sprawling, built-up capital.

Stock Market Faces Critical Test This Week

Stocks rose gently like heat waves off a radiator over the past week, as traders guessed, assessed and processed the results of the midterm elections and the Federal Reserve's decision to try to light a fire under the U.S. economy by buying a $75-billion pile of fresh, new Treasury bonds every 30 days for the next eight months.

Cameron in China, FT

David Cameron’s first visit to Beijing is an opportunity to reflect on the foreign policy of the UK’s governing coalition. The prime minister came into office promising to build Britain’s economic ties with the fast-growing economies of Asia. While a worthwhile objective, this should not be the sole policy aim with these nations.

W3C WAI User Agent Working Group Face-to-face Meeting, 9 & 10 November, 2010

Participation is open to participants of W3C WAI User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG). If you are not currently an UAWG participant and want to attend, contact Jeanne Spellman, Staff Contact.

Learn Languages Abroad, Language Schools Franchise Worldwide

Yahoo News, Nov 09, 2010

Education woes linked to national security - Yahoo! News
FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2010 file photo, outgoing New York City Enlarge Photo. FILE - In this Nov. .... Today on Yahoo! 1 - 4 of 48. prevnext. Pro tennis player asks ...
Panel says problem schools hurt nation's security - Yahoo! News
FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2010 file photo, outgoing New York City. FILE - In thisNov. 9, 2010 file … .... Today on Yahoo! 1 - 4 of 20. prevnext. Health care loss could ...

Nov 8, 2010

World Cup beckons, Fiji

Albert Vulivuli trains in France where he joined the Flying Fijians in camp
Albert Vulivuli trains in France where he joined the Flying Fijians in camp
RISING New Zealand Fijian rugby star Savenaca Toakula has called on Flying Fijians new cap Albert James Vulivuli to play his heart out and be part of the World Cup squad in New Zealand next year.
A New Zealand sevens representative and Waikato outside centre, Toakula was among a number of well-wishers across the globe who sent words of support to the

Media cheers close relations

  • NEW DELHI, AFP - The Indian media has hailed a new closeness between New Delhi and Washington, with US President Barack Obama's courtship of India seen as reflecting the country's rise to power.

Rivals agree to share

BAGHDAD, AFP - Iraq's political rivals have reached a breakthrough power-sharing deal in which Nuri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite, retains the premiership, exactly eight months after inconclusive elections.

14 dead in drone strikes

PESHAWAR, Pakistan, AP - Two US drone strikes killed 14 suspected militants in northwestern Pakistan yesterday, local intelligence officials said, in the latest attacks against al-Qaeda and Taliban militants seeking sanctuary in the region.

Obama renews calls to free Suu Kyi

MUMBAI, AFP - US President Barack Obama has called for the release of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, criticising the first elections in Burma for 20 years as neither free nor fair.

"We renew our calls for the authorities to free Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners immediately and unconditionally," Obama said in a statement released in Mumbai.

Referendum on indigenes

CANBERRA, AAP - Prime Minister Julia Gillard says an expert panel will be set up to lead a national discussion on a referendum on recognising indigenous people in the Australian Constitution.

Burma counts votes

RANGOON, AFP - Burma counted ballots yesterday in its first vote in 20 years as western governments lashed out at the military-ruled nation for orchestrating an election that junta-backed parties look set to easily win.

Anti-nuclear activists holdup train

DANNENBERG, Germany, AFP - Anti-nuclear activists have abseiled over train tracks to block a cargo of nuclear waste from France as protesters stepped up preparations to halt the controversial cargo.

Yahoo News, Nov 08, 2010

Ambac Financial Group, Inc. Announces Fourth ... - Yahoo! Finance
As previously announced, on November 8, 2010, Ambac filed for a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code ...
Summary of AMBAC FINANCIAL GROUP INC - Yahoo! Finance
As previously disclosed, on November 8, 2010, Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (the "Company") filed a voluntary petition for relief (the "Bankruptcy Filing") under ...