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Oct 13, 2010

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink World Financial System Not Sustainable

The financial system the world has evolved on the Bank of England model is not sustainable. It creates nearly all money as debt. Such money only exists as long as someone is willing and able to pay interest on it. It disappears, wholly or partially, in recurring financial crises. Such a system requires that new debt must be created faster than principal and interest payments fall due on old debt.

Permalink Beck Aides Try To Debunk Diet Coke Dangers

It's hard to believe after three decades of controversy on aspartame, NutraSweet, Equal, AminoSweet, E951, Benevia, Canderel, Spoonful, etc. that anyone would even question the fact that aspartame is a chemical poison. In reality, it is an addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically-engineered drug and adjuvant that damages the mitochondria and interacts with drugs and vaccines.

Permalink The Foreclosure Game Tricks and Traps in the Fine Print By RALPH NADER

This time the big banks and mortgage servicing companies, with their long, one-sided fine print contracts, may have outsmarted themselves. The newspaper headlines and the network television news are blazing news of the erupting fraudulent foreclosure process. This long-overdue coverage is generating public visibility and suddenly hundreds of thousands of foreclosures may be questioned due to what one commentator delicately called “flawed paperwork.”

Permalink Spying and lying about the left

A company hired by the state of Pennsylvania has spied on left-wing, antiwar and student groups. The US peace group "Peace of the Action" has discovered documents showing that it and many other organisations have been under surveillance for many months by a private agency called the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR).

Permalink California to decide on cannabis

Those backing legalised marijuana sale enjoy narrow lead ahead of November vote. This November, California voters will decide whether they would legalise the sale of marijuana. A measure on the statewide ballot called Proposition 19 would fully legalise, regulate and tax marijuana sales, which would be restricted to adults over age 21. Most of California's elected officials and candidates for governor oppose legalisation, but the latest polls show voters who are in favour of Proposition 19 have a narrow lead.

Permalink US lifts deep oil drilling freeze

Six-month moratorium on deep water drilling lifted after implementation of new stringent safety measures. The administration of Barack Obama, the US president, has lifted the moratorium on deep water drilling that it imposed in the wake of the disastrous BP oil spill, that dumped millions of litres of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.


By Nahida Izzat (Uprooted Palestinians) – Some still insist that Chabad is a “fringe group”, that “has no influence” and that exposing their supremacist ideology, their level of influence and the harm they do is a “distraction” ! Watch Benjamin Netanyahu Ordered by Chabad Rebbe to Hasten Jewish Messiah’s Coming YouTube – Veterans Today Netanyahu [...]

Permalink Taliban capture US base in Afghanistan

Taliban militants have claimed that they have driven US troops out of a military outpost in Afghanistan's northeastern Kunar Province. They also said that the Americans fled the military outpost in Kunar's Marawara district in helicopters on Monday.

Fourth of 33 men rescued from Chilean mine - Yahoo! News

Chile's President Sebastian Pinera embraces Florencio Antonio Avalos Silva, the first miner to be rescued. More photos »By MICHAEL WARREN, Associated Press Writer Michael Warren, Associated Press Writer – 33 mins ago.
SAN JOSE MINE, Chile – To hugs, cheers and tears, rescuers using a missile-like escape capsule began pulling 33 men one by one to fresh air and freedom at last early Wednesday, 69 days ..

Oct 12, 2010

Chile miners: Rescue workers expect to begin lifting trapped miners Tuesday

Officials said that Tuesday, the 69th day underground for 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet down in a northern Chile mine, will see at least the first rescue via metal capsule, with the rest to be lifted to freedom over the next two days.

Racism scandal: Australian cops joke about Indian's electrocution

MELBOURNEL In a shocking incident, top Australian police officers have been caught in a racist e-mail scandal joking about the electrocution of an Indian train passenger and suggesting that it could be "a way to fix the Indian student problem" in Melbourne.

Pope takes biggest step to revive Christianity

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict XVI today outlined his most tangible initiative yet to try to revive Christianity, creating a Vatican office for re-evangelising Europe and other traditionally Christian regions where the faith is falling by the wayside.

Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa to be guest of honour at CWG closing

Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa to be guest of honour at CWG closing
Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa is likely to be the guest of honour and will be joined by Prince Edward at the closing ceremony of the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games.

NATO: Latest News, Videos, Photos

KATHMANDU: Despite their differences, Nepal's Maoist party and the dissidents dismissed in unison reports in the media about a collusion between the Indian rebels and their comrades in Nepal, that was alleged to have resulted in "hundreds" of Indian Maoists receiving arms training in Nepal's Terai from the Nepal Maoists' People's Liberation Army (PLA) and operatives of the Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Propaganda and counter-propaganda in Nepal

KATHMANDU: Despite their differences, Nepal's Maoist party and the dissidents dismissed in unison reports in the media about a collusion between the Indian rebels and their comrades in Nepal, that was alleged to have resulted in "hundreds" of Indian Maoists receiving arms training in Nepal's Terai from the Nepal Maoists' People's Liberation Army (PLA) and operatives of the Lashkar-e-Taiba.

NZ radio host apologises for calling Gov Gen Anand Satyanand 'fat Indian'

MELBOURNE: New Zealand radio host Michael Laws today apologised for calling his country's Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand a "fat Indian".

Indian accused of stabbing ex-girlfriend 27 times in Dubai

DUBAI: A 41-year-old Indian computer programmer has denied in court the charge of premeditatedly attempting to murder his ex-girlfriend, who claimed he stabbed her 27 times.

Pak accelerates pace of its nuclear weapons programme: Watchdog

LONDON: Pakistan has been secretly accelerating pace of its nuclear weapons programme and it has assembled 70 to 90 nuclear warheads as against India's 60 to 80, a Washington-based nuclear watchdog has claimed.
The Institute for Science and International Security has obtained satellite images showing that a row of cooling towers at Pakistan's secret Khushab-III reactor has been completed, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Taliban now tap kidnapping as revenue source

ISLAMABAD: Taliban in Pakistan's northwest have changed their strategy and adopted a new approach of target killings and kidnapping for ransom, with a psychiatrist teaching youngsters brainwashed by militants and a relative of a political leader among the victims of this campaign.

Militants bomb girls school in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Unidentified militants bombed a girls school on Tuesday morning in Pakistan's Mohmand tribal region bordering Afghanistan, a media report said.

Musharraf planned to topple govt ever since he became army chief: Butt

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf had plans to topple the elected government since his inception as the army chief in 1998, revealed General Ziauddin Butt who was appointed as army chief by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on October 12, 1999, the fateful day that put an end to Butt's military career and Sharif's civilian rule.

Making news: US man bites police dog

WASHINGTON: When a dog bites a man, it's not news but the opposite is. Now, a man in US has hogged headlines by exactly doing that — biting a police canine.

Vampire wife drinks man's blood to express love

Vampires are probably not mythical creatures anymore — Melbourne 'vampire' Kriss Poison drinks her husband's blood as an expression of love.

Sex with the boss best way to the top

NEW YORK: Having sex with the boss is the fastest way to get to the top, according to an increasing number of Americans.

US lifts Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling ban

WASHINGTON: The United States on Tuesday lifted a ban on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico imposed after the BP oil spill and set tough new safety conditions, officials said.

Militants bomb girls school in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Unidentified militants bombed a girls school on Tuesday morning in Pakistan's Mohmand tribal region bordering Afghanistan, a media report said.

Jailed Chinese Nobel winner asks his wife to receive prize

BEIJING: The wife of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo who is serving a 11-year sentence in China may receive the peace award in Norway on his bahalf as there are slim chances that the dissident will be released on a medical parole, a human rights watchdog has said.

British media join forces against Murdoch buyout

LONDON: Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has dominated Britain's press for decades, shaking Fleet Street to its foundations and dueling with the BBC.

Merkel sides with Romania on Gypsy issue

BUCHAREST: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday the expulsion of hundreds of Romanian Gypsies from France will not influence the decision about whether Romania can join Europe's visa-free travel zone.

Pope takes biggest step to revive Christianity

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict XVI today outlined his most tangible initiative yet to try to revive Christianity, creating a Vatican office for re-evangelising Europe and other traditionally Christian regions where the faith is falling by the wayside.

The Times of India Sports: Extensive sports coverage, key statistics and free downloads

India reached the CWG men's hockey final, beating England 5-4 on penalties after the scores were tied 3-3. Meanwhile, the women's 4X400m Relay team bagged the 32nd gold medal for the country.

Huge win for BJP in Gujarat civic polls due to Muslim support: Modi

Besides Ahmedabad, the BJP won the civic polls in Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot and Bhavnagar with a two-thirds majority. The party, which decimated the Congress, got a simple majority in Jamnagar.

CWG: India beat England on penalties to reach hockey final

The Indians displayed great character and determination before a packed Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, to not only make a remarkable comeback into the match but also kept a cool head to convert all their strokes in the shoot out after both the sides were tied at 3-3 at the end of the regulation 70 minutes. </div>

India elected to UNSC as non-permanent member

UNITED NATIONS: After a gap of 19 years, India was today elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, a position which would help it push more aggressively for the reform of the world body's top organ.

Oct 11, 2010

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink Settlers move furniture out of Jerusalem home

Israeli settlers ransacked the home of a Palestinian family in occupied East Jerusalem's Old City early Sunday tossing furniture into the street. Homeowner Mazin Qirrish said Israeli police provided protection to the settlers as his family and neighbors tried to the prevent the evacuation of their home. The family's troubles began 14 September as settlers announced their plan to move in, claiming ownership. An Israeli court recently ruled in favor of the settlers...

Permalink American Science’s Racist History Still Haunts the World

Early in America’s crusade to spread the wonders of modern medicine, a group of researchers in Guatemala did something unspeakable in the name of science. Documentation of the project is just now coming to light, more than 60 years later, and it reads like a horror novel: Hundreds of men systematically infected with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in an effort, endorsed by both the U.S. and Guatemalan governments, to research the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Permalink When Did Teachers Become Bums?

When did teachers become bums? When did it become okay to vilify an entire occupation — three million college educated professionals working as hard as anyone to make the world a better place? It wasn’t that long ago that teachers occupied a quasi-secular-sainthood. It was the underpaid, overworked teachers who guided, inspired, succored, and cajoled every one of us to find in ourselves that bigger person we all long to be.

Permalink Torture Victim Sues Obama Administration Over `Kafkaesque Nightmare'

In a first for a former Guantánamo captive freed by a federal judge, a Syrian man now living in Europe is suing the U.S. government for damages from what he calls a ``Kafkaesque nightmare.'' Abdul Razak al JankoThe 44-page lawsuit by Abdul Razak al Janko, 32, described a decade-long odyssey of detention -- first in Taliban-era Afghanistan, where he was tortured as an alleged pro-American Israeli spy, and later in U.S. military prisons that ignored or misdiagnosed his history as a torture

Permalink White House staff exodus exposes Obama to charges of disarray

More senior staff including defence secretary Robert Gates, and senior advisor David Axelrod, leave their jobs. More senior White House staff are to leave in the next few months, adding to the high exit rate from President Barack Obama's administration. Political analysts attribute the attrition rate to exhaustion, but Republican opponents blame disarray inside the White House, with an insular team responsible for too many policy failures.

Permalink How Hank Paulson's Inaction Helped Goldman Sachs

Henry Paulson has received widespread acclaim for his bare-knuckled decision-making as the treasury secretary at the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, but former federal regulators say he missed multiple chances to contain the disaster.

Permalink Major shift: California leans toward marijuana legalization

A new Field Poll highlighted Sunday in The San Francisco Chronicle (whose site has crashed as of this writing) suggests that the tide has turned in favor of medical marijuana legalization. "In a dramatic shift of sentiment, nearly half of California's likely voters now want to legalize marijuana use in the state, according to a new Field Poll," the site's authors write.

Permalink Currency wars are necessary if all else fails

The overwhelming fact of the global currency system is that America needs a much weaker dollar to bring its economy back into kilter and avoid slow ruin, yet the rest of the world cannot easily handle the consequences of such a wrenching adjustment. There is not enough demand to go around.

Permalink Prisoners Protest by Self-Mutilation

ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN - Horrific protests that have seen hundreds of inmates slice their stomachs open over conditions in jails in Kazakhstan are set to continue as the UN accuses the Central Asian country of trying to mask the real state of its prison system. Convicts have said that torture, beatings and rapes are common in prisons and that the only option left to them to highlight their plight to the outside world is brutal self-mutilation.

Permalink Afghan War, Afghan Holocaust & Afghan Genocide 9th Anniversary - 4.9 million dead, 3.2 million refugees

The Afghan War has now entered its 10th year. It has become the longest US war. As of 7 October 2010, the 9th Anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan, the human cost of the Afghan War has been estimated as about 4.9 million violent deaths or non-violent avoidable deaths from Occupier-imposed deprivation.

Permalink Drunken diplomacy: new settlements

Barack Obama should demand an end to settlement expansions in the West Bank, putting Israel on the road to redemption. "Disappointed." That's the best the US could do. The Israeli government ends a 10-month suspension on settlement construction - it was, in fact only a partial freeze, but that's another story - and cement and bulldozers immediately start to spread across the West Bank. Did anyone really expect better?

Permalink Cuba's changes: what would Che say?

Cubans who previously worked for the state will be encouraged to take up farming under new economic policies. It is hard to imagine what Che Guevara, the legendary communist revolutionary, would make of Cuba's plan to lay off 500,000 state workers by 2011 as the island moves closer to a market economy.

Permalink A huge setback for, if not the end of, the American nuclear renaissance

A cascade of insurmountable obstacles now stand in the path of development of the widely trumpeted new generation of nuclear power generating plants in the US despite generous federal loan guarantees offered by Obama’s Department of Energy.


Until now, it' been a real source of pride amongst Israel's support network that big name musicians have felt 'safe' to appear at Zionist fund raisers. Even whilst Israel commits ever more stomach churning war crimes in Palestine and -as we saw in May with the attack on the Freedom Flotilla - in international waters. Aappearing at events to raise issues related to justice in Palestine was seen as a sure fire way of artists being branded anti semitic- leading to (so artists were lead to believe) falls in record sales and trouble s booking tour venues. But, as Gilad Atzmon has aptly named his latest CD ' the tide has changed.'


Oi vey, an Israeli orchestra plans to play the music of this meshigine Wagner, whom Hitler loved so much. Wagner’s music is considered taboo in Israel, it is years since he made it to top 40’s in the Jewish state. Wagner also held views that are far from being popular amongst Jews. He once wrote that Jews were only capable of producing money-making music and not works of art. I guess that Israelis do not like meshiges with an astute reading of the socio-economy of the show business.

Chile mine shaft reinforced, ready for rescue

MINE SAN JOSE: Chilean engineers Monday completed reinforcing a rescue shaft with steel tubes, preparing for an operation to bring 33 trapped miners to the surface, a local lawmaker said.

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Hair as we know, is most significant attribute of our personality. But due to modern life style as well as due to genetic reasons also, hair loss is very common among all the people, men and women around the Globe in all age groups.At same time mordern Hair Transplant have become only best and permanent solution to the Hair baldness and Hair loss.

HC sets aside divorce for wife of dead man

MUMBAI: Can a divorce be granted to a woman whose husband is dead? The Pune family court certainly thought so and passed just such an order recently. But finding the Pune order nothing short of "preposterous, a bench of Justices B H Marlapalle and U D Salvi of the Bombay high court set it aside on Monday.

A Pune-based woman who was married for almost 20 years through a love match and had two minor teenagers was going through a divorce battle when a freak accident took her husband's life.

London bombers may have changed attack date: Inquests

WASHINGTON: US doctors have begun treating the first patient with embryonic stem cells as part of the first human study of the controversial treatment authorized by the government, the Geron Corporation said Monday.

US treats first patient with human embryonic stem cells

WASHINGTON: US doctors have begun treating the first patient with embryonic stem cells as part of the first human study of the controversial treatment authorized by the government, the Geron Corporation said Monday.

India wins first Games track & field gold since Milkha Singh in 1958

Krishna Poonia, Harwant Kaur, Seema Antil
From left, Krishna Poonia, Harwant Kaur, and Seema Antil pose with their medals for the women's discus during the Commonwealth Games at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. (AP Photo)

Russian church to broadcast on YouTube

The Orthodox Church is to broadcast on YouTube
The video hosting site is about to become an online home for the Russian Orthodox Church, meaning discerning browsers can pick up a whiff of incense among the performing pets.

Arnie’s back – in Skolkovo

by Lidia Okorokova at 11/10/2010 20:49
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger flew into Moscow on Sunday for a three-day visit that included a whistle-stop tour of Russia’s answer to Silicon Valley, a ride on the metro and a spin in President Dmitry Medvedev’s vintage Chaika.

Schwarzenegger to lead tech delegation to Russia

MOSCOW — California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will lead a delegation to Russia next week to meet with President Dmitry Medvedev and visit the future Russian "Silicon Valley", organisers said Wednesday.

Military parade to honour Kim Jong-un casting Corporation)

Kim Jong-un
A senior North Korean official has given the first public confirmation that the youngest son of the dictator Kim Jong-il will succeed his father.The closed communist state is this weekend expected to hold the biggest military parade in its history in part to honour the rise of Kim Jong-un.
Speaking to the APTN news agency, North Korean ruling party member Yang Hyong-sop said his people were honoured to serve Kim Jong-un.
The comments are the first public confirmation by a regime official that Kim Jong-il's youngest son will succeed his ailing father.

BBC News - Chile reveals timing of attempt to rescue 33 miners

The Phoenix rescue capsule (1/10/2010)
An attempt to rescue 33 Chilean miners trapped deep underground could begin at midnight on Tuesday (0300 GMT), Mining Minister Laurence Golborne says.
A test of the rescue capsule has been carried out successfully, descending almost the whole way down the 622m (680yd) shaft, engineers say.

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Obama loses another staffer

President Barack Obama watches as outgoing National Security Adviser James Jones speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House. Photo / AP
President Barack Obama watches as outgoing National Security Adviser James Jones speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House. Photo / AP

Tourist space ship has test run

Photo / AP
MOJAVE, California - Virgin Galactic's new passenger space rocket SpaceShipTwo has made its first solo glide flight.

COMMONWEALTH GAMES 2010: Amir Khan fights brother Haroon's corner in row over England snub

Assured of a medal: Haroon Khan
Amir Khan has entered the row over his brother Haroon’s non-selection for the England Commonwealth Games team in a series of angry Twitter posts aimed at head coach Rob McCracken.

Commonwealth Games Organising Committee clips Lalit Bhanot’s wings

After being embarrassed by his comments on a number of occasions, it looks like the Commonwealth Games big bosses have ran out of patience with Organising Committee’s secretary general Lalit Bhanot.

India beat Pakistan 7-4 to enter Commonwealth Games Hockey Semi-finals

Drag flick specialist Sandeep Singh inspired India to a 7 - 4 win over arch rivals and 2006 Commonwealth Games losing finalists Pakistan, in a do-or-die encounter at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium on Sunday night. The win propels India into the semi finals of the Hockey event, of the XIX Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.

Three Indian wrestlers in finals at Commonwealth Games | NetIndian | India News

Three Indian wrestlers, including world champion Sushil Kumar, went through to the gold medal matches in the Commonwealth Games here today.

Commonwealth Games: Sushil Kumar fights all odds

On Sunday, India’s Sushil Kumar displayed why he is the number one wrestler in the world. The Olympic bronze medallist won gold for the country as he defeated Heinrich Barnes of South Africa in the men’s 66kg freestyle category here at Indira Gandhi Sports Complex.

Miners may see freedom Wednesday

Relatives of trapped miners embrace next to a Chilean flag at the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile. Photo / AP
Relatives of trapped miners embrace next to a Chilean flag at the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile. Photo / AP

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green: Karate Parents

Enjoying a leisurely weekend family outing, Megan Fox and husband Brian Austin Green were side-by-side in Hollywood, California on Saturday afternoon (October 9).
The "Jennifer's Body" actress and her hubby happened to be picking up Brian's son Kassius, who was just finished up with his karate class session.

Kim Kardashian's Connecticut Adventure

Continuing on with life on the east coast, Kim Kardashian was spotted stepping out in New York City on Saturday evening (October 9).
The E! reality beauty looked adorable as she hopped into an awaiting ride en route to greet fans in Connecticut.

Kourtney Kardashian: Big Apple Bonding with Her Men

Partaking in a little weekend family fun, Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick and baby Mason headed out in sunny New York City on Saturday (October 9).
Grabbing a bite to eat to begin the day, the E! reality couple later took little Mason over to Jamba Juice for a refreshing smoothie snack.

Katrina Bowden's LIV Birthday Bash

Partaking in a belated birthday bash, Katrina Bowden partied the night away at LIV at The Fontainebleau in Miami, Florida on Friday night (October 8).
The "30 Rock" actress - who turned 22-years-old on September 19 - was joined at the fancy soiree by pal Ben Jorgensen while the event was also held in celebration of Flo Rida's 21st birthday (which was September 17).

Olsen Twins: LAX Ladies

Finished up with their fashionable visit to France, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen were spotted touching down at LAX Airport in Los Angeles on Saturday (October 9).
In quite the hurry, the former "Full House" stars rushed through the terminal as they loaded into an awaiting car after the overseas trip for Paris Fashion Week.

Miranda Kerr's Undeniably Hot Holiday Shoot

She's currently well into her first pregnancy, but Miranda Kerr was able to fit in a few stunning photo shoots before welcomingly watching her belly expand.
The Aussie stunner can be seen both in a brand new Victoria's Secret lingerie shoot, as well as a flawless swimwear campaign for Iceberg.

Ashley Tisdale: Planet Blue Beautiful

Finally back home after a lengthy stay up north of the border, Ashley Tisdale partook in a day of shopping in Malibu, California on Saturday (October 9).
In quite high spirits, the "Aliens In the Attic" actress joined a gal pal as they pair perused the offerings at the local Planet Blue while chatting it up amongst one another.

Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth: Dining with Deacon

Uniting for the weekend, Reese Witherspoon and her boyfriend Jim Toth took Deacon Phillippe out for lunch at Lula Cocina Mexicana in Santa Monica, CA on Saturday afternoon (October 9).
Continuing to help out as her young son deals with his first serious injury, the "Legally Blonde" beauty kindly aided Deacon with his crutches as he got into the car following the midday meal.

Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth: Dining with Deacon

Uniting for the weekend, Reese Witherspoon and her boyfriend Jim Toth took Deacon Phillippe out for lunch at Lula Cocina Mexicana in Santa Monica, CA on Saturday afternoon (October 9).
Continuing to help out as her young son deals with his first serious injury, the "Legally Blonde" beauty kindly aided Deacon with his crutches as he got into the car following the midday meal.

Lea Michele: Ready for the Ultimate Commitment?

Keeping herself busy over a gorgeous west coast weekend, Lea Michele was spotted out in Beverly Hills, CA on Saturday (October 9).
Having been dating stage actor Theo Stockman for over a year now, the "Glee" actress was wearing a band on her 'ring' finger as she stopped by the Kate Somerville Salon before heading to the L'Ermitage hotel.

Kim Kardashian: High Rollers Hottie

Leaving her temporary digs in NYC, Kim Kardashian earned a little extra cash as she turned up at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut on Saturday night (October 9).
Showing off her roller girl abilities, the E! beauty grabbed up a yellow bowling ball as she hosted the grand opening of High Rollers Luxury Lanes and Lounge.

Brody Jenner and Avril Lavigne: Taverna Twosome

Spending the day alongside one another, Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner have recently shut down all rumors claiming troubled waters when it comes to their relationship.
The former "Hills" star and his "Sk8er Boi" singing girlfriend kicked off their weekend by doing a little shopping at the Kitson store in the Malibu Country Mart on Saturday (October 9).

Cheryl Cole: Fountain Studios Fabulous

Tending to her television duties, Cheryl Cole was out at the Fountain Studios in North London on Saturday night (October 9).
Giving a smile and wave to photogs, the British beauty was fresh off a appearing on a live show for the opening round of "The X-Factor"