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Aug 22, 2010

Yahoo News

US troops unlikely to resume combat duties in Iraq - Yahoo! News

Yahoo News

Netanyahu: Peace 'difficult but possible'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conducts his weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010. Mr. Netanyahu spelled out his opening position for the new round of Mideast peace talks set to begin next week, insisting on key security conditions and saying an agreement would be

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conducts his weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010. Mr. Netanyahuspelled out his opening position for the new round of Mideast peace talks set to begin next week, insisting on key security conditions and saying an agreement . . . . .." (AP Photo/Uriel Sinai, Pool)

Iran inaugurates nation's first unmanned bomber

This photo, released on Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, by the Iranian Defense Ministry, reportedly shows the launch at an undisclosed location of the Karrar drone aircraft, which Iran says is the country's first domestically built, long-range, unmanned bomber aircraft. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called it an. . . .(AP Photo/Iranian Defense Ministry, Vahid Reza Alaei)

Van Gough painting confiscated from Italian thieves

Two Italians have been arrested at Cairo airport after an investigation into a missing Van Gogh painting.
Two Italians have been arrested at Cairo airport after an investigation into a missing Van Gogh painting.

The painting, which was stolen from an Egyptian museum, has not been found.

Cairo police have said the pair were arrested at the airport after a painting, estimated to be worth $56 million, was . . . .

Al-Qaeda preparing to exploit an Israel-Iran war

Al-Qaeda is readying to exploit a possible war between Israel and Iran, according to the group’s second in command leader.
Al-Qaeda is readying to exploit a possible war between Israel and Iran, according to the group’s second in command leader.

Yemen-based Saeed al-Shehri has predicted in a message to the Middle Eastern press that a war by "the Jews against Iran" will lead to Iran blaming Saudi Arabia.

He said Iran would blame the Saudis because of an agreement to between. . ..

Hunger and more flooding is plight of Pakistanis

Pakistanis in badly hit areas of flood plain have been trying to reach higher ground.
In streams of humanity, Pakistanis have been leaving large areas of flood plain in any way that they can.

In an effort to reach higher ground, about 150,000 people have left southern Sindh province, with flood waters submerging more . . .

Mummified children may have link to famous author

Luxury hotel in Rio invaded by gunmen

Veteran Myanmar politician says gov't party to win

Russian police detain opposition leader

Maids from Timor Leste an option, says Dr Subra

North Korea News

Lee, Park discuss next presidency

President Lee Myung-bak, left, shakes hands with former Grand National Party Chairwoman Park Geun-hye during their luncheon meeting at Cheong Wa Dae, Saturday. / Courtesy of Cheong Wa Dae
One-on-one meeting held Saturday over luncheon
By Na Jeong-ju
President Lee Myung-bak and former ruling Grand National Party (GNP) Chairwoman Rep. Park Geun-hye met on Saturday at Cheong Wa Dae to discuss . . . .

Inter Milan win Italian Supercup, continue their trophy run

Inter Milan players celebrate at the end of the Italian Super Cup final match against AS Roma at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy on Saturday.

Australia votes on whether first woman PM survives

Australians chose between making a conservative male their fourth prime minister in three years or sticking with their first female leader in tight elections yesterday just two months after she took power.
In early counting, the Australian Electoral Commission said the governing center-left Labor Party was . . . .

Bomber kills 61 Iraqis in recruitment drive, Iraq

Iraqi army soldiers secure the scene of a roadside bomb attack. Photo / AP

BAGHDAD - Young men from some of Iraq's poorest areas waited all night outside an army recruitment centre, only to become easy prey for a suicide bomber who killed 61 in the crowd. Desperate for jobs, dazed survivors rushed to. . .

Jetliner grounded after hijack threat

American Airlines Flight 24, bound for New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, sits on a runway at San Francisco International Airport. Photo / AP
SAN FRANCISCO - An American Airlines flight bound for New York City was halted just before takeoff after someone called police and threatened to hijack the jetliner, authorities said.

Shakira in trouble for video antics

Shakira. Photo / AP
SPAIN: Officials in Barcelona are considering penalising Colombian singer Shakira for acts she committed while filming a video clip to promote her new record in the city.
Press and internet images have shown Shakira sitting on the back of a motorcycle with her hair flowing in the wind, while she should have worn a helmet, the sources said.

Venezuela: Two shot dead at military base

Malaysia evicts unmarried Muslim couples

Qantas grounds planes

Photo / Sarah Ivey
Some flights between Sydney and Canberra have been cancelled after Qantas grounded five Bombardier Q400 aircraft due to landing gear problems.
The aircraft, operated by the

China: 94,000 evacuated after fresh floods

Flooding has forced the evacuation of 94,000 people in the north China port city of Dandong after heavy rains caused the Yalu river to breach its banks.
More rain was expected to pound the region, which borders North Korea, and threatened to trigger more flooding Sunday, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

UN chief says effective rule of law remains a challenge in Liberia

China offers additional aid to flood-hit Pakistan

Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations Li Baodong speaks at the plenary General Assembly session on flood-devastated Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York, the United States, Aug. 20, 2010. China on Friday announced its decision to provide an additional 50 million RMB yuan (about 7.37 million U.S. dollars) worth of humanitarian supplies to the Pakistani government as "the latest developments suggest . . . . .

UN chief urges Palestinians, Israel to seize opportunity of direct talks

Nigeria to install more e-passport machines abroad

Four PKK rebels killed in clash with Turkish troops in southeast Turkey

Hostages freed in Brazilian hotel, one killed

RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- Dozens of hostages taken by armed gangsters at a hotel in Rio de Janeiro Saturday morning were freed, police said.The incident took place at the Intercontinental Hotel in the high-class Sao Conrado neighborhood of southern Rio de Janeiro, the website of local newspaper O Globo reported.

Three key Taliban commanders killed in S Afghanistan

Petraeus says capturing bin Laden still priority

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Capturing or killing al-Qaida mastermind Osama bin Laden is still a priority for the United States, David Petraeus, the general who commands all U.S. forces in Afghanistan, was quoted as saying Sunday.
Talking to NBC's "Meet the Press," Petraeus said bin Laden "remains an iconic figure and I think capturing or killing is still a very, very important task for. . . .

Earthquake hits off Mariana Islands

4 Taliban militants, 5 civilians killed in N Afghanistan

Venezuela, Colombia launch commissions to reboot ties

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro (1st, R) welcomes his Colombian counterpart Maria Angela Holguin in Caracas, capital of Venezuela, Aug. 20, 2010. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro and his Colombian counterpart Maria Angela Holguin (L, Front)inaugurated the commissions on debt payment and trade, economy, social investment work plan at the border zone, joint development of infrastructure and security on Friday. (Xinhua/Hernandez)

Clash leaves 25 security guards, 50 Taliban militants dead in S. Afghanistan

Iran starts loading fuel to power plant, vows nuclear programs with "high speed"

Tough times for Obama, but it could be worse

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks during the Iftar dinner in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington August 13, 2010. The Iftar dinner celebrates the evening breaking of fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Iran hopes Russia's next step be delivery of S-300 missiles system: MP

WikiLeaks founder wanted in Sweden for rape

14 year-old sailor on world solo trip

China-DPRK border flood still severe as new rainstorms loom

DANDONG, Liaoning, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- Danger of a flooding Yalu River on the border of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) still looms large as a new round of rainstorm is forecast to pelt Sunday the river basin.
The flood-control headquarters in northeast Dandong City Sunday said although the river's flow was at 8,000 cubic meters per second Sunday morning, down from a daily high of ......

Australian PM begins negotiations with independents to form gov't

U.S. researchers say major earthquake might happen soon in SE California

Woody Allen praises Carla Bruni's acting

LJ Moreno marries star cager Jimmy Alapag , Philippines

Venus Raj dedicates Miss Universe bid to late beauty titlist

MANILA, Philippines - Venus Raj, the country's representative to this year's Miss Universe pageant, said she is more determined to win the crown after hearing about the passing of her fellow beauty titlist, Melody Gersbach.
"I'm sure gugustuhin ni Melody (Gersbach) na ituloy ko ito...I'm dedicating this Miss Universe to her," a visibly saddened Raj said.

Russia kills Moscow metro attacks mastermind

Najib calls for probe into Penang prayers allegations, Malaysia

MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Najib Razak has called for an investigation by the Penang Islamic Religious Council and police on allegations that the name of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was cited instead of the Yang di-Pertuan Agongs during Friday prayers in several mosques in Penang.

Millions lack shelter after Pakistan floods

People displaced from floods queue to receive donated food at a tent camp in Sukkur, in Sindh province, Pakistan, yesterday.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
WITH entire towns and villages swallowed up by Pakistan's devastating floods, experts say it could take years to solve a shelter crisis now facing up to six million people camped out under open skies.

Crackdown on teenage smokers, Brunei

Sunday, August 22, 2010
15 students sent for mandatory treatment
A TOTAL of 15 students under the age of 18 had been caught smoking in public this year and ordered to undergo mandatory treatment at a smoking cessation clinic. This was disclosed during yesterday's briefing on the hazards of smoking for

$356,550 donated to orphans nationwide, Brunei

Pehin Dato Hj Hazair (L), Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, presenting the donation to the orphans yesterday at UBD's Chancellor Hall. Picture: BT/Zamri Zainal
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wyclef Jean rejected as Haiti presidential candidate

HAITI'S provisional electoral council ruled on Friday that hip-hop star Wyclef Jean did not meet a residency requirement to run as a presidential candidate in the nation's November 28 election.
Singer-songwriter Jean, 40, an international celebrity who is popular in his impoverished and earthquake-ravaged homeland, was rejected from the list of approved candidates read aloud by the council on Friday night.

Aug 21, 2010

Yahoo News

CBC News - Toronto - Cancer faker released by court

Ashley Kirilow will be supervised by the John Howard Society.

Le Figaro - International : Incertitude politique dans le «paradis» australien 

Le premier ministre sortant Julia Gillard, vendredi à Canberra. Elle est talonée par la coalition des libéraux-conservateurs. 
Les indicateurs économiques sont au beau fixe, mais les législatives de samedi s'annoncent très serrées.Vu d'Europe, on peut se demander comment les deux principaux candidats au poste de premier ministre d'Australie peuvent bien se différencier. Que proposer d'autre aux 14 millions d'électeurs, lors. . . .

French News: Au Pakistan, un demi-milliard de dollars d'aides ne suffit pas

L'ONU estime que les inondations ont fait au moins 6 millions de sans-abri.

French daily Le Figaro readies charge for premium online content - Brand Republic News

Weary of the Afghanistan War: Some in Merkel's Party Want to Talk with the Taliban

Escape to Norway: Iranian Anti-Stoning Lawyer Continues Fight from Exile

Human rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei, who represented Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, was forced to flee Iran after the authorities became determined to silence him. Speaking to SPIEGEL from his exile in Norway, he talked of his plans to continue the fight to save Ashtiani. By Dieter Bednarz in Oslo more...

The World from Berlin: 'The War in Afghanistan Reveals Obama's Impotence'

Russia Leans on Belarus: Europe's Last Dictator Under Pressure from Moscow

Alexander Lukashenko is regarded as Europe's last dictator, but after more than 16 years in power his days as Belarusian president may be numbered. As presidential elections approach, Russia seems to be determined to see the back of Lukashenko. By Benjamin Bidder in Moscow more...

On the Way Down: The Erosion of America's Middle Class

While America's super-rich congratulate themselves on donating billions to charity, the rest of the country is worse off than ever. Long-term unemployment is rising and millions of Americans are struggling to survive. The gap between rich and poor is wider than ever and the middle class is disappearing. By Thomas Schulz

The World from Berlin: 'The Invasion of Iraq Was Wrong, Unjust and Damaging'

Has American credibility been severely damaged by the Iraq War? One day after the last US combat unit left the country, some in the German press say that it has. Commentators are pessimistic about Iraq's ability to cope alone. more...

Günter Grass: 'The Nobel Prize Doesn't Inhibit Me in My Writing'

In a SPIEGEL interview, Nobel Prize-winning German author Günter Grass talks about why he doesn't fear death, the missed opportunities of German reunification and why he thinks the Brothers Grimm had "oral sex with vowels." more...

The Man Who Saved Europe: How Winston Churchill Stopped the Nazis

Some 70 years ago, Hitler's Wehrmacht was chalking up one victory after the next, but then Winston Churchill stood up to the dictator. Their duel decided World War II. The former British prime minister has been viewed as one of the . . . .

Hawaii-based soldier killed in Iraq

Hawaiian, Alaska Airlines drive tourism recovery

Candidate profile: Neil Abercrombie - Hawaii News

Neil Abercrombie Neil Abercrombie

Honolulu mayoral forum heats up over Oahu rail project

Panos Prevedouros Panos Prevedouros
Peter Carlisle Peter Carlisle
Kirk Caldwell Kirk Caldwell

Hawaii Medical Center emerges from bankruptcy

Property tax quadruples for needy families in Kalihi - Hawaii

Hawaii troops among those marking end to combat in Iraq

Mother and daughter are victims in apparent murder-suicide - Hawaii News

Washington Post News

(Photo: Tracy A. Woodward/Washington ost)

My soft spot for Dr. Laura

Parker: What she's done to help people should be balanced against her insensitivity.
Plus: Wired for racism?

Begin Democratic panic

Ponnuru | Bad employment news. Obama's view on the Ground Zero mosque. Whatever the reason, Democrats have started to panic.
Begin Democratic panic

Facing down intolerance

Video | Alyse Nelson of Vital Voices on how women all over the world are taking risks to become political and business leaders bettering their communities.
Alyse Nelson
Americans slow to buy, employers slow to hire With consumers destined to disappoint for many years, economy is unlikely to recapture prosperity of quarter-century that preceded financial crisis.
Neil Irwin
Iran fueling first nuclear plantEngineers begin weeklong process of loading uranium fuel into reactor in first startup step.
Associated Press | 7:01 a.m. ET
Blago's defense, funded by you? If TV shows can't cover the ex-Illinois governor's costs for retrial, federal taxpayers may have to.
Jerry Markon
Wikileaks founder is wanted man Swedish officials say chief of whistle-blower Web site is suspected in 2 cases of molestation, rape.
Associated Press | 8:11 a.m. ET
U.S. to host Mideast peace talks While citing obstacles, White House expresses hope that deal for Palestinian state may come soon.
Mary Beth Sheridan and Janine Zacharia
How the oil well was plugged BP and Uncle Sam overcome natural antagonism to create functioning team in gulf spill response.
Joel Achenbach
'Star Wars' speed dating event in Orlando offers attendees a three-minute shot at the chance to stop flying Solo. » Alexandra Petri