

ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Sep 11, 2010

Obama: Muslims soldiers 'are out there putting their lives on the line for us'

President Barack Obama defends the mosque plans during a White House dinner celebrating Ramadan.

Barack Obama: 'If you could build a church on a site ... then you should be able to build a mosque on a site." Photograph: Scott Applewhite/AP

Tony Blair, when he was prime minister, used to give monthly press conferences that would run as long as journalists had questions to ask. By the end of them Blair was still comfortable, asking "Any more questions? Anyone?" while it was the journalists who wilted. Maybe Barack Obama should try the same thing.

Osama bin Laden challenged by former comrade

Osama bin Laden
Al-Jazeera footage of Osama bin Laden in 2001. Photograph: Maher Attar/Corbis
Is Osama bin Laden willing to listen to constructive criticism from an old friend? If so, a former al-Qaida comrade-in-arms has some advice for him to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, coinciding this year with the row over Qur'an-burning by an obscure American church that could, .....

Qur'an burning: Protester 'shot dead' as Nato troops open fire on demonstrators,The Guardian

Reaction from the Islamic world to an extremist American preacher's threat to burn the holy book Link to this video

A protester against a US pastor's plans to burn copies of the Qur'an is reported to have been shot dead in northern Afghanistan after crowds attacked a Nato base.

Fireball tragedy in California suburb brings gas industry under scrutiny

San Bruno fire
Chimneys and burned-out cars are left in the wake of an explosion and fire in San Bruno, south of South Francisco. Photograph: Max Whittaker/Getty Images
The natural gas industry is coming under intense scrutiny today, after a massive fireball ripped through a ruptured pipeline in a suburban town near San Francisco, killing at least four people, injuring dozens more, and burning more than 50 homes to the ground.

Barack Obama appeal halts pastor's plan to burn Qur'ans – for now

Small Florida Church Pastor Rethinks Burning Of Koran On 9/11 Anniversary
A protester stands outside the Dove World Outreach Centre church in Gainseville, Florida. Pastor Terry Jones gave a two-hour deadline to the New York Muslim leader. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
The Florida pastor who sparked an international crisis with his plan to burn hundreds of Qur'ans has given an undertaking that he will not carry out the ...

Muslims in America increasingly alienated as hatred grows in Bible belt

Protest against proposed Muslim cultural center and Mosque. 

An opponent of the proposed Muslim centre and mosque near the former World Trade Centre in New York. Photograph: Peter Foley/EPA
Safaa Fathy was as surprised to discover that she is at the heart of a plot against America as she was to hear that her small Tennessee town is a focus of hate in the Muslim world.

Medal of Honor to be awarded to living service member for first time since Vietnam

Salvatore Giunta
Salvatore Giunta is to be presented with the Medal of Honor, the highest US military award for valour
The award will be received by Sgt Salvatore Giunta, a rifle team leader in Afghanistan who braved heavy Taliban fire at close quarters to tend to three injured fellow soldiers.
Sgt Giunta, 25, from Hiawatha, Iowa, has said that “I didn’t run through fire to do anything heroic or brave......

Iran settles dispute with British Museum over Cyrus Cylinder

Cyrus Cylinder

The 2,500-year-old Cyrus Cylinder
Iran cut ties with the British Museum in February over its failure to lend the Cyrus Cylinder, linked to the Persian ruler’s 6th century BC conquest of Babylon.

France 'carrying out racial holocaust' claims Castro

France 'carrying out racial holocaust' claims Castro

He said that strong protests in France were “essential” to counter the expulsions, “especially when at the same time millionaires are limiting the rights to retirement and reducing employment opportunities”, referring to recent plans to raise the retirement age in France from 60 to 62.

Iran cancels plans to release American hiker Sarah Shourd

Iran cancels plans to release American hiker Sarah Shourd

American hikers Shane Bauer, left, Sarah Shourd, center, and Josh Fattal, sit at the Esteghlal Hotel in Tehran
The Iranian Culture Ministry had earlier said one of the three hikers would be released to mark the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, but had not confirmed the identity.

Toddler whose heart stopped for an hour makes 'miracle' recovery

Gore Otteson

Gore Otteson was without a heartbeat for between 50 to 55 minutes after he wandered away from the family holiday cabin and ended up face down in an irrigation ditch
Gore Otteson was without a heartbeat for between 50 to 55 minutes after he wandered away from the family holiday cabin and ended up face down in an irrigation ditch. His parents were ....

Chanel boutique opening in Soho, New York

As New York Fashion Week opened, Karl Lagerfeld played host to the city's fashionable finest for the launch of the new Chanel store.
Chanel's creative director Karl Lagerfeld shares a moment with German actress Diane Kruger

England ease to victory against Pakistan as Steven Davies stars with bat

Good times: England's Stuart Broad celebrates dismissing Pakistan's Umar Akmal
They even managed to fell a giant, though even that proved too easy with Mohammad Irfan, Pakistan’s 7ft pace bowler, injuring himself while trying to bowl during England’s innings.

Defence spending: thousands of troops to be cut

Defence spending: thousands of troops to be cut 

The cuts will lead to a substantial reduction in the size of the Army
The cuts, which are part of the strategic defence review, will lead to a substantial reduction in the size of the Army, which will also have to give up many of its tanks and armoured vehicles. Soldiers could also be ordered to serve longer on the front line in Afghanistan, and be given less time to recuperate between tours.

Sep 10, 2010

China's UN diplomat in drunken rant against Americans

China's UN diplomat in drunken rant against Americans

UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Sha Zukang
The outburst by Sha Zukang at a retreat for top UN officials in the Austrian ski resort of Alpbach left senior UN officials cringing in embarrassment as others tried to convince him to put down the microphone, according to Washington-based

Winston Churchill blamed for 1m deaths in India famine

Winston Churchill was absolutely miserable at school.
Winston Churchill said Britain could not spare the ships to transport emergency supplies
According to a new book on the famine, Sir Winston ignored pleas for emergency food aid for millions in Bengal left to starve as their rice paddies were turned over to jute for sandbag production and supplies of rice from Burma stopped after Japanese occupation.

New Zealand military scientist caught lying on CV

Stephen Wilce 
New Zealand's current affairs programme, 60 Minutes, reported that at one previous workplace Mr Wilce was known as 'Walter Mitty'
British born Stephen Wilce also said that he had combat experience with Britain's Royal Marines and designed guidance systems for Britain's Polaris missile.
As chief military scientist for the past five years, leading a team of 80 in the secretive

Koran burning protests claim first victim in Afghanistan

Imam Muhammad Musri and Terry Jones

Dove World Outreach Center Pastor Terry Jones (R) speaks at a press conference with Imam Muhammad Musri
Pakistani lawyers carry a burning US flag during a protest in Multan to denounce the plans to burn the Koran by a US priest Photo: AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Rev. Terry Jones, the Florida pastor has been asked to reconsider his plans to burn Korans on Saturday

Sep 9, 2010

Costa Rica Retirement Ranked in Top 5 Best

A recent study on the world's top retirement locations by CBS MoneyWatch, Costa Rica retirement had a strong showing and ranked #5 on their list.

The Biggest, Big Whorehouse in Central America

Woman Goes Missing in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica

Kim Paris
Kim Paris, Aged 33 Missing on Nicoya Peninsula
Kim Paris is a 33 year French National from Montreal who has gone missing from the Nicoya beach community of Santa Teresa in Costa Rica. She was last seen on August 25, while leaving the Latitude 10 Resort on a bicycle some time after 12pm. Kim has been living in Santa Teresa de Cóbano de Puntarenas since January of this year, and people in the area have been passing out flyers in the search for her.

Private-public sector team from Guyana to visit Kuwait

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (GINA) -- The government of Guyana, the private sector and the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce are currently working on putting together a team to travel to Kuwait, to pursue investments and build relations.

New York mayor to host West Indians at Gracie Mansion

by Bevan Springer
New York Amsterdam News

NEW YORK, USA -- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is getting set to once again welcome hundreds of influencers in New York's Caribbean-American community to his official residence next Thursday, August 12 to kick-off celebrations for the 43rd West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) Labor Day Parade.

Castro autobiography describes rebel shaped by childhood

HAVANA, Cuba (AFP) -- Cuba's iconic former leader Fidel Castro says his childhood struggle against unjust authority turned him into a rebel and revolutionary, in extracts of his upcoming autobiography published online on Thursday by
"I wasn't born a politician, although as a young child I observed events that were seared in my mind and helped me understand the world's realities," said Castro in "The Strategic Victory," one week before his 84th birthday.

Services and Products International

UK Prime Minister's Father Died in France after Stroke

David CameronDavid Cameron's father died today after a suffering a stroke on holiday, shortly after the prime minister arrived at his bedside at a hospital in the south of France where he was being treated.

Downing Street confirmed that Ian Cameron, who was 77, passed away after being admitted to hospital suffering a stroke and heart problems.

Russia and India colonize Moon

41593.jpegThe main tasks of the new Indo-Russian project Luna-Resource in the coming years include study of the Moon's poles by landers and delivery from the lunar surface to Earth samples of water and other substances. Research will shed light on the mystery of the origin of our planet, solar system and universe. Start of the project is scheduled for 2013.

The aftermath of Iraqi massacre

41578.jpegThe war in Iraq began on March 20, 2003. Former US President George Bush sent troops there under the pretext that the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. But the UN inspectors did not find them there.

The Half-Truths of Evolution

The Half-Truths of Evolution

The Half-Truths of Evolution
by Babu G. Ranganathan
Thanks to Charles Darwin, many have confused natural selection with evolution itself. Yes, Charles Darwin did show that natural selection occurs in nature, but what many don't understand is that natural selection itself does not produce biological traits or variations. Natural selection can only "select" from biological variations that are produced. Natural selection only operates once there is life and reproduction and not before. Therefore, natural selection could not have had any influence in life's origin.

Arctic: Canada's Sabre-Rattling and Russia’s Strategic Interests

The recently completed Operation Nanook (August 6 to 26), an operation which Canada began after Russia made claims to Arctic territories in 2007, involved an unprecedented degree of collaboration among military forces from Canada, the USA and Denmark: NATO member states. Yet is there not a commercial interest behind the sabre-rattling?

Extraterrestrial Spaceships Land and Crash on Earth Regularly

Extraterrestrial Spaceships Land and Crash on Earth Regularly

Extraterrestrial Spaceships Land and Crash on Earth Regularly
Some researchers believe that there are specific areas on Earth where UFOs land on a regular basis. Often these alien “cosmodromes” sit on top of or inside mountai
Publish Post
ns. One of those mysterious place

Cannibalism in Germany: Restaurant Advertises for Body Parts

A sick internet joke or a serious business proposition? A restaurant in Germany has been conducting an advertising campaign for people to donate body parts which will be transformed into delicious dishes at a new restaurant called Flime.

Who pays for the loss of life in Iran?

41572.jpegSince the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979 which toppled the U.S.-backed regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran has been facing with devastating and agonizing financial sanctions of the United States and its European allies who didn't favor the post-revolutionary Iran's doctrine of confrontation with the superpowers and its denial of Western liberal democratic values.

Europe's Last Dictator Seeks Forgiveness

Europe's Last Dictator Seeks Forgiveness

Europe's Last Dictator Seeks Forgiveness
Belarus is trying to regain the trust of the West, lost in the mid 1990's. Against the backdrop of cooling relations with Russia, there is a “thaw” in the opposite direction (Minsk-Brussels). One notable indicator in this respect was the visit to Minsk of Sinikka Hurskainen, spokesperson on Belarus in the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) on August 23.

Britney Spears will Answer in Court for Sexual Harassment

41587.jpegA former bodyguard for pop star Britney Spears has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against her.
Fernando Flores has accused the singer of repeatedly parading around in the nude and having sex in front of him.
Mr Flores also claims Ms Spears caused him emotional distress by having violent quarrels with her boyfriend in front of her two children, BBC News says.

Lennon's Killer will Remain Imprisoned for at Least Two More Years

John LennonThe man who killed John Lennon has been denied parole and will remain imprisoned for at least two more years, New York state officials have said.
Mark David Chapman, 55, was denied release for the sixth time following a video interview with a parole panel, BBC News reports.

Lithuanian TV incidentally knocks nationalists out

The situation around the Russian language and the position of Russian-speaking population in the Baltic States has long been the focus of attention of the politicians and the media. Until now, significant issues in this area had been observed in Latvia and Estonia. However, recently the problem has become acute in Lithuania

Smokers and drinkers to be taxed for their bad habits in Russia

Frequently drinking and smoking Russians should pay more to the state than those who do not abuse these habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. This is the opinion of the Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, who offered to force smokers and alcohol consumers to pay more money to the government through an increase of excise taxes on these products.

American scientists learned to read thoughts

A mind-reading machine is a step closer to reality after scientists discovered a way of translating people's thoughts into words. Researchers translated brain signals into speech using sensors attached to the surface of the brain. The breakthrough, which is up to 90 per cent accurate, offers a way to communicate for paralyzed patients who cannot speak.
"We were beside ourselves with ....

Sep 8, 2010

Language Learning, Alexander Language Schools Franchise International, Sep 08, 2010

Alexander Language Schools, FranchiseAlexander Language or

Kiwis and Aussies most generous in the world

NEW YORK - Australia and New Zealand shared first place in a first-of-its kind survey ranking 153 nations on the willingness of their citizens to donate time and money to charity.

Girl, 15, double killer

Britain's youngest female double murderer has been given a life sentence for killing her father and a woman in separate incidents when she was just 15.

Obama plans to crank up business tax breaks

President Barack Obama. Photo / AP
WASHINGTON - United States President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to pass new tax breaks that would allow businesses to write off 100 per cent of their new capital investments through next year.

Haiti's earthquake similar but deadlier

Haiti was not prepared for a big earthquake. Photo / AP
Researchers have explained why Canterbury escaped with no loss of life and little damage compared with the devastation in Haiti.
Nearly a week on, comparisons are being made because both quakes had a magnitude of 7.1, occurred at a relatively shallow depth and were centred near population centres - one 40km west of Christchurch, the other 25km west of Port-au-Prince.

At last, science offers the right moves, Sept 08, 2010

We have all witnessed it - a packed dancefloor of bodies gyrating perfectly to the beat suddenly being emptied by the unwelcome appearance of a man flailing his arms about wildly.
But for the millions of wannabe lotharios who find it impossible to dance without looking like a malfunctioning windmill, a solution may be at hand: psychologists

Financier Soros gifts $139m to human rights watchdog

George Soros. Photo / AP
Continuing a lifelong habit of putting money where his mouth is, George Soros has announced a gift of US$100 million ($139 million) to Human Rights Watch, the organisation which seeks to monitor abuses of power and to lobby transgressing governments and companies.

Gillard ready to get down to real business

Julia Gillard. Photo / Getty Images
Australia gets back to the real business of politics today as both major parties meet in Canberra to map out the next three years under leaders who have each increased their stature in the nation's tightest election for decades.

Angelina Jolie Speaks Out At Planned Quran And Alerts Mental People To It

It must be awful being a wealthy celebrity who takes on the gig of UN ambassador. You have to go to all these poverty stricken places and you’re fully expected to blank out that room you have in one of your houses that is filled with jewels and 68.4 surround sound and the like. Awful. Simply awful.And that’s the plight faced by poor ol’ Angelina Jolie. When she’s not being really rich in the face of flood victims, she highlighting other bad things.

How Canada will become a superpower, making the Northern Rim the envy of the world

How Canada will become a superpower, making the Northern Rim the envy of the world

Although climate change could still have devastating effects for much of the world, some regions stand to benefit immensely. Canada, Scandinavia, and even Greenland could all become economic powerhouses, making "The New North" a very attractive destination.

No oil found off Greenland ... yet

Greenland.A2002188.1450.1km.jpgTensions in the Arctic are rising again after a Scottish company confirmed indications of oil off the coast of Greenland.
Cairn Energy has not struck oil, but it says its “first well in Greenland provides early indication of working hydrocarbon system”.

Greenland Minerals resumes trading on ASX

PERTH ( – Uranium explorer Greenland Minerals and Energy has resumed trading on the ASX following a lengthy suspension on speculation that a zero-tolerance policy towards uranium mining in Greenland would impact on its project in that country.

Greenpeace boards ship to prevent offshore oil drilling - Mail & Guardian Online: The smart news source

Greenland's prime minister has accused Greenpeace of threatening the safety of oil workers and the environment by forcing the rig to shut down.

The campaigners said the four protesters evaded a flotilla of armed Danish navy and police boats, which have been guarding the rigs in Baffin Bay off Greenland since the Greenpeace protest ship Esperanza arrived last week.

Science : Mammoth, reindeer lived on Iberian Peninsula 150,000 years ago

Bronze sculptures of mammoths in Moscow, Russia. File photo
AP Bronze sculptures of mammoths in Moscow, Russia. File photo
Scientists at the University of Oviedo (UO) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) have revealed that although in small numbers, the woolly mammoth, the woolly rhinoceros and the reindeer already lived in the Iberian Peninsula 150,000 years ago.

Activists taken from arctic oil rig

NUUK, Greenland, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- Activists who scaled a drilling platform off the coast of Greenland were arrested after severe weather forced them off the rig, police said.

Scientists Look Under Greenland's 'Hood'

The Natural Environment Research Council is funding the new investigations into Greenland's waters 
A team of investigators from the United Kingdom says that its current research effort, of peering at the geophysical
and hydrological conditions below the surface of the Greenland ice sheets, are critically important for the future.

Greenland man accused of beating roommate held on $20g cash bail


Ross Hammond

PORTSMOUTH — A Greenland man who allegedly beat and threatened his roommate before smashing into his roommate's car and driving while intoxicated is being held on $20,000 cash bail.

Dengue : du mieux en Martinique et Guadeloupe

Dengue : du mieux en Martinique et Guadeloupe

Chaque semaine, l’Institut de Veille sanitaire (InVS) publie un état des lieux de l’activité de la dengue et du chikungunya dans les territoires français ultramarins. Pour la semaine 34 (du 23 au 29 août) les épidémies restent très actives, mais à la Martinique et en Guadeloupe la tendance est à la stabilisation, voire à la baisse.
A la Martinique : stabilisation de l’épidémie de dengue. Le nombre de cas de dengue reste à « des niveaux très élevés », même s’il a légèrement diminué par rapport aux semaines passées. Au total, 432 cas confirmés ont nécessité une hospitalisation depuis le 22 février 2010, dont 130 pour le seul mois d’août. Depuis le mois de mai, 13 décès ont été enregistrés ;

Pacific Games to cost $1.8K per athlete

Pacific Games Council secretary general David Boyd, sitting right, protocol director Helen Court Wabete, sitting second right, and NC2011 president Pascale Bastien-Thiry, sitting third right, pose with NMASA members after holding a special briefing at the conference room of the Gilbert ....

WALLIS, FUTUNA: A highly (electrically) charged atmosphere, Sep 08, 2010

Wallace atoll is located 220 km northwest from the islands of Alofi and Futuna and 357 km westwards from the Samoan island of Savai'i. (Pacific Scoop File image.)
Report – By Virginie Ribadeau Dumas.
In Wallis and Futuna, the atmosphere that reigned this past month was highly charged in electricity.
Yves Morault, Pacific associate CEO ....

Puissant séisme au Nord-est de Fidji, forte réplique en Nouvelle-Zélande

SUVA, mercredi 8 septembre 2010 (Flash d'Océanie) – L’activité sismique demeure intense dans le Pacifique Sud-ouest avec, mercredi, aux aurores, un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,3 sur l’échelle de Richter qui a frappé au Nord-est de Fidji, près de l’île de Vanua Levu, non loin des Wallis-et-Futuna, rapporte l’institut géophysique américain USGS. velle-Zélande

Puissant séisme au Nord-est de Fidji

SUVA, mercredi 8 septembre 2010 (Flash d'Océanie) – L’activité sismique demeure intense dans le Pacifique Sud-ouest avec, mercredi, aux aurores, un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,3 sur l’échelle de Richter qui a frappé au Nord-est de Fidji, près de l’île de Vanua Levu, non loin des Wallis-et-Futuna, rapporte l’institut géophysique américain USGS.

Karate side off to Tahiti

NINE athletes will jet out this Sunday bound for Tahiti to compete in the 14th Oceania Karate Championship.

The nine are team captain Marika Rodu, Jasmine Rafiq, Sandip Pala, Beato Lenoa, Pita Lenoa, James Lenoa, Shaun Yuen, Victor Qiolevu and David Qiolevu along with national coach Lemeki Lenoa and team manager Laverne Qiolevu.

Brunei Eye Quarterfinals Berth

Photo: James Kon Bandar Seri Begawan - The Brunei Darussalam U-18 football team is eyeing a quarterfinals berth in the Asian U-18 Schools Football ...

Seven Thousand Dollars from the Chamber Commerce of India in Brunei Darussalam

Today, the Fund received a total of Seven Thousand Dollars from twelve donors from the Chamber Commerce of India in Brunei Darussalam. ...

Will German central bank uproar sway ECB presidency?

6 Sep 10 - THE uproar sparked by a German central banker's remarks about Jews and Muslims could muddy the waters for Bundesbank chief Axel Weber's bid to become head of the European Central Bank, commentators say.Analysts believe the controversy is a fleeting...

BP ups asset sale target after massive oil spill

6 Sep 10 - OIL giant BP has increased to US$40 billion the amount it wants to raise from an asset sale programme in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the Sunday Times newspaper reported.The US$40 billion figure is an increase from the previous goal of...

Russia and India sign satellite navigation deal

6 Sep 10 - INDIAN and Russian companies signed a deal that will see Indian buses guided by a Russian satellite navigation system, the news agency Interfax reported Saturday.India's HBL Power Systems and Russia's Navigation Information Systems (NIS) agreed on...

BA-Iberia eye 12 airlines for expansion

BRITISH Airways and Iberia have a list of 12 potential airlines to buy or merge with when their tie-up is complete, BA Chief Executive Willie Walsh said in Mumbai on Sunday.

Slow growth for IT jobs in UK

PUBLIC sector job opportunities in IT in Britain have fallen markedly since the start of the year, a survey showed yesterday, in a sign that the government's austerity drive is already affecting the labour market.

Obama to launch political offensive on economy

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama will travel to the Midwestern US state of Wisconsin Monday as part of a broad effort to stem ebbing political support over the slowing economic recovery.

BA still keen on Qantas merger

BRITISH Airways would be keen on reopening merger talks with Qantas Airways if Australia's top carrier was interested in reviving a deal that collapsed in 2008, according to BA's chief executive.

Slovakia faces EU problems after rebuff of Greek aid

SLOVAKIA faces growing criticism and isolation in the European Union over its decision not to contribute to an aid package for debt-ridden Greece, EU diplomats said yesterday.

Euro slides, Europe banking issues in focus

THE euro fell broadly yesterday after rekindled concerns about the European banking sector and prompted investors to sell higher-risk currencies.

Oil falls to US$74, dollar gains

8 Sep 10 - OIL fell below US$74 a barrel yesterday as the dollar strengthened and Tropical Storm Hermine came ashore near the Mexico-Texas border with no signs of disruption to crude or refining output.The dollar was up 0.6 per cent against a basket of...

Debenhams is cutting prices by up to 25 per cent

LONDON: British department stores group Debenhams is cutting prices by up to 25 per cent, in a sign retailers are increasingly nervous about the outlook for consumer spending.

UK behind in graduate race

BRITAIN is falling behind other industrialised nations in the race to produce the highly skilled graduates needed to remain competitive in the world economy, an international survey of education found yesterday.

Agreement for feasibility study of bridge to Temburong inked

Illustration: BT/Ayi Hermala

The proposed bridge linking Brunei-Muara and Temburong is likely to become one of the Sultanate's must-see landmarks, with an Islamic motif dominant in its design.

Cockroaches could help fight infection

NEWSCORE - Cockroaches could be more of a health benefit than a health hazard, as their brains contain powerful antibiotic properties which could lead to new treatments against superbugs, British scientists said Monday.

4 killed by police in Kashmir

AFP - Four people were killed on Monday when Indian security forces opened fire on alleged stone-throwing protesters during fresh demonstrations against Indian rule in Kashmir, police said.

Teen faces castration after brutal police beating

AFP - A Russian teen is facing castration after being severely beaten by police in the Volga river town of Kstovo, a local non-governmental group against torture said Monday.

US drone strike kills militants

NEWSCORE - A US drone fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying militants in Pakistan's northwestern tribal area, near the Afghan border, killing five rebels, officials said.

World's shortest man is 27 inches tall

NEWSCORE - A Colombian measuring just over two feet tall has been officially recognized as the world's shortest living man by the Guinness World Records, Sky News reported Monday.

Iran blocks UN nuclear inspectors

AFP - Iran is hampering a long-running investigation into its controversial nuclear drive by refusing to allow experienced U.N. inspectors into the country, the UN atomic watchdog said Monday.

Gillard is PM, Australia

NEWSCORE - Labor leader Julia Gillard secured government in Australia with a AU$10billion ($F17.6billion) package for regional areas.

The much-anticipated announcement by independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott gave Gillard 76 seats ù enough to form Australia's first minority federal government since 1940, The Australian reported. Earlier, fellow independent Bob Katter said he was backing the Liberal-National Coalition, giving its leader Tony Abbott 74 seats. The two sides had been in deadlock since the August 21 election left neither side in a position to govern.

Songbirds slaughtered for a Frenchman's feast

FORMER French President Francois Mitterrand chose to die in a remote rural spot, hundreds of miles from the Elysee Palace in Paris where he had once dominated French politics.

Here in Landes, in south-west France near Bordeaux, there are only maize fields and pine trees as far as the eye can see; a calm, isolated place to contemplate your life ù as Mitterrand did in his final days, dying of prostate cancer at the age of 79 in January 1996. It's also ideal stopping-off territory for one of France's most charming little birds. The ortolan bunting is a greenish-grey bird about the size of a sparrow ù the males with a handsome pale yellow throat.