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Oct 4, 2010

The Peoples Voice

Permalink Killing each Taliban soldier costs $50 Million

"Killing 20 Taliban costs $1 Billion / Killing all the Taliban would cost $1.7 Trillion" The Pentagon will not tell the public what it costs to locate, target and kill a single Taliban soldier because the price-tag is so scandalously high that it makes the Taliban appear to be Super-Soldiers. As set out in this article, the estimated cost to kill each Taliban is as high as $100 million, with a conservative estimate being $50 million. A public discussion should be taking place in the United States regarding whether the Taliban have become too expensive an enemy to defeat.

Permalink We've Got to Stamp Out Modern Slavery

Workers are powerless against the contractors used by multinationals who relocate to wherever production is cheapest. The re-emergence of slavery on ships off West Africa is profoundly shocking but it is not a surprise. Last week slavery its modern form came to light in cases of forced labour uncovered on trawlers fishing for the European market. In a haunting echo of the 18th century triangular trade, west African workers were found off the coast of Sierra Leone on board boats where they lived and worked in ships' holds with less than a metre of head height, sometimes for 18 hours a day for no pay, packed like sardines to sleep in spaces too small to stand up, with their documents taken from them and no means of escape.

Permalink $5,000,000,000,000: The Cost Each Year of Vanishing Rainforest

British scientific experts have made a major breakthrough in the fight to save the natural world from destruction, leading to an international effort to safeguard a global system worth at least $5 trillion a year to mankind. 80 per cent of the world's remaining terrestrial biodiversity live in forests. Groundbreaking new research by a former banker, Pavan Sukhdev, to place a price tag on the worldwide network of environmental assets has triggered an international race to halt the destruction of rainforests, wetlands and coral reefs.

Permalink Court overturns US tycoon's will that left fortune to Panama's poor

It was going to be the largest single charitable donation in Panama's history: more than $50m (£32m) for poor children. Wilson Lucom, a US tycoon, left most of his estate to a foundation to help the neediest people in the country where he lived until his death in 2006, aged 88. Now, four years later, after a bitter legal battle, the fortune is going to one of Panama's most powerful dynasties – including the ambassador to Britain – and the children have been left without a cent.

Permalink Deficit Fraud Rand Paul On Extending Bush's Tax Cuts: "I'm Not Seeing It As A Cost"

Last month, a spokesman for Kentucky Republican Senate nominee Rand Paul said that, if elected, Paul "will vote against and filibuster any unbalanced budget proposal in the Senate." Not only can the budget not be filibustered, but Paul is going to make balancing the budget exceedingly difficult, as he is willing to extend all of the Bush tax cuts - including those for the richest two percent of Americans - without offsetting them with spending cuts or tax increases elsewhere, for a total cost of nearly $4 trillion.

Permalink 15-year-old raped in court: Rapist gets probation, teen gets 12 months

In 2005, 15-year-old Ashley was facing trial in Manhattan Family Court for lying to police after she told officers she didn't know who had assaulted her on the way to school. As she waited in the court's holding area for her court appearance, juvenile counselor Tony "Tyson" Simmons came up to the handcuffed girl, took her in an elevator to the building's basement, and raped her. Moments later, Ashley -- who's withholding her last name for fear of reprisal -- was in the courtroom being sentenced to 12 months in prison...

Permalink Exodus of Jewish Advisors from Obama White House Likely Not an Omen of Good Things to Come

While many–understandably sick to death of watching as powerful Jewish interests voraciously chew their way into the highest centers of power both in America and throughout the world–are no doubt cheering at the announced departure of Rahm Israel Emmanuel as White House Chief of Staff, there is more reason to look at this latest development with a certain amount of apprehension than relief.

Permalink Iran ready to help nab 9/11 perpetrators

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has once again renewed a call for a probe into the 9/11 US terror attacks, insisting that facts about the event must be clearly established. The US and its allies used the September 11 incident as a pretext to come to the Middle East region and carried out whatever they wanted, President Ahmadinejad said on Sunday.

Permalink Coming Soon to You - Massive DNA Destruction

Dr. Popp, founder of the International Institute of Biophysics, at Neuss, Germany, and Dr. Lipton, of the University of Wisconsin, both confirm that modern science now realizes and recognizes that our DNA structures directly reflect our consciousness. This makes it possible for us to willfully activate what science formerly called "junk" DNA, by increasing our individual consciousnesses. By activating dormant DNA, one would likely be able to perceive life beyond the five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell; and one's world of spiritual intuition, discernment, judgment, and wisdom begin to develop.

Permalink Who Pays to Deny Climate Change

European organisations dedicated to challenging scientific warnings about the gravity of climate change have refused to reveal who finances their work.

Permalink China offers to buy Greek debt - Video

Prime minister Wen Jiabao says his country will support Greece and rest of euro zone to overcome financial crisis. China has offered to buy Greek government bonds, in a show of support for the country whose debt burden pushed the euro zone into a crisis. Wen Jiabao, the Chinese prime minister, made the offer on Saturday at the start of a two-day visit to Greece, his first stop in a European tour.

Permalink Palestinians 'will not resume talks without new freeze on settlements'

The Palestinian leadership confirmed yesterday that it would not return to direct peace negotiations with the Israelis without an extension to the now-expired freeze on settlement construction, amid determined but increasingly frustrated efforts by the Americans to keep the talks alive.

Explosion at plaza injures 15 in northern Mexico - Yahoo! News

MONTERREY, Mexico – An explosion at a plaza in northeastern Mexico injured 15 people, an attack authorities blamed Sunday on drug cartels targeting the civilian population to cause chaos.

Emanuel to get reacquainted with Chicago - Yahoo! News

CHICAGO – Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said he plans to hit Chicago's grocery stores, train stops, "bowling alleys and hot dog stands" as he prepares to run for mayor of the nation's third-largest city.

NJ school holds vigil for student who killed self - Yahoo! News

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Rutgers University held a silent vigil Sunday night to remember a student who committed suicide after his sexual encounter with a man in his dormitory room was secretly streamed online.

Brazil goes to runoff after Rousseff falls short - Yahoo! News

SAO PAULO – Ruling-party candidate Dilma Rousseff, who is trying to become Brazil's first female leader, fell short of getting a majority of votes in presidential elections and now faces a runoff in four weeks against an experienced, centrist rival.

In a TV comedy, Egyptian women gain a voice - Yahoo! News

CAIRO – It's rare in Egypt's pop culture to get a direct and frank look inside the minds of Egyptian women and what they really think of marriage and love. So a TV comedy became a startling voice in this conservative society's debate over the changing role of women.

Taliban attacks NATO supply trucks in Pakistan - Yahoo! News

ISLAMABAD – The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Monday for a pre-dawn attack on tankers carrying fuel to Afghanistan for U.S. and other NATO forces, vowing to continue raiding supply lines in Pakistan until they are shut down completely.

Oct 3, 2010

Yahoo News

Catherine Zeta-Jones: Michael Douglas's Cancer Treatment Nearly Done

Catherine Zeta-Jones says husband Michael Douglas is "doing very well" in his fight against cancer.

Spectacular view of CWG stadium-Other Sports-Sports-Videos

Greek premier Papandreou to receive Germany's Quadriga Prize

Berlin - Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, who lifted the lid on his country's perilous public finances, is to be honoured with Germany's Quadriga Prize for "Power of Veracity" on Sunday.The prize, awarded by the non-profit Werkstatt Deutschland (Workshop Germany) organisation is given for "role models who are committed to enlightenment, commitment and welfare."

President Patil, Prince Charles declare CWG open-News-Videos

Top bet for Nobel Peace Prize is in Chinese prison

Liu Xiaobo
BEIJING: When the police came for Liu Xiaobo on a December night nearly two years ago, they didn't tell the dissident author why he was being taken away again. The line in the detention order for his " suspected crime" was left blank.

US may tell US citizens to be vigilant in Europe: Officials

US considering travel alert for Europe
WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is considering telling US citizens to be vigilant as they travel in Europe, updated guidance prompted by fresh al-Qaida threats, American and European officials have told The Associated Press.

Comeback man Musharraf calls Nawaz Sharif 'brainless'

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, who in 1999 overthrew the government of Nawaz Sharif, believes the two-time premier lacks intellect and is "totally brainless".

Cheers, jeers for Kalmadi at CWG opening ceremony

NEW DELHI: It was both cheers and jeers for Suresh Kalmadi, the chairman of the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games, when he made his speech while it was cheers all the way for Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.

Biggest ever Commonwealth Games begins in Delhi

NEW DELHI: India today put behind a nightmarish build-up of scandals, filth and dirt and missed deadlines to come up with a dazzling and vibrant opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games -- the country's biggest sporting spectacle -- watched live by a global audience of around three billion.

U.S. warns of "potential" terror attacks in Europe

WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- U.S. State Department on Sunday issued a travel alert to Americans over potential terrorist attacks in Europe.

Mubarak, U.S. Mideast peace envoy discuss peace efforts

CAIRO, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and U.S. Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell discussed on Sunday efforts to save the Middle East peace process after the Palestinians decided to suspend the direct talks with Israel, Egypt's official MENA news agency reported.

Iran calls on foreign powers to leave Middle East region

TEHRAN, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on foreign powers to leave Middle East region before being expelled by the regional states, the official IRNA news agency reported on Sunday.

Chinese premier pledges to support euro, boost cooperation with EU, Oct 03, 2010

ATHENS, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday pledged to support a stable euro and strengthen cooperation with the European Union (EU).

Iranian president renews call for probe into "9.11" terrorist attacks

TEHRAN, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Sunday renewed a call for a probe into the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, the local satellite Press TV reported.

Dilma Rousseff votes in Brazil's general elections

Brazil's ruling Workers' Party presidential candidate Dilma Rousseff poses for a photo after casting her vote at a polling station in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, Oct. 3, 2010. Voting stations opened throughout Brazil Sunday for elections that will pick a successor to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva whose second term will end early next year.

Israel, Palestinians start to blame each other as talks look shaky

JERUSALEM, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- The latest round of the U.S.- sponsored direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians were stumbling as the two sides differed on the issue of whether or not Israel should extend its 10-month freeze on settlement construction in the West Bank after it ended last week.

Premier Wen urges EU recogniztion of China's market economy status

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivers a speech at the Greek parliament in Athens on Oct. 3, 2010. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)
ATHENS, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday urged the European Union to recognize China's full market economy status.

Chinese Premier makes five-point proposal on China

BEIJING, Oct. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- As Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao continues his three-day official visit to Greece, the two nations have clinched 13 deals and agreed to further deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership.

81-year-old man arrested for allegedly killing his 94-year-old roommate at an OC nursing home

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say an 81-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder for allegedly beating to death his 94-year-old roommate at an Orange County nursing home.

Brazil in Grip of Historic Vote

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, right, smiles as Workers Party presidential candidate Dilma Rousseff
Photo: AP
Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, right, smiles as Workers Party presidential candidate Dilma Rousseff gestures to supporters during a campaign rally in Sao Bernardo do Campo, outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010. Brazil will hold general elections on Oct. 3

Britain Raises Terror Warning; US Cautions Travelers

Britain on Sunday warned of the "high" threat of terrorism for its nationals in France and Germany, hours after the United States issued an alert cautioning Americans of the potential for terror attacks in Europe.

Germany Marks 20th Anniversary of Reunification | Europe | English

German chancellor Angela Merkel arrives for celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Germany's reunification in Bremen, northern Germany, Sunday Oct. 3, 2010
Photo: AP
German chancellor Angela Merkel arrives for celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Germany's reunification in Bremen, northern Germany, Sunday Oct. 3, 2010

Yahoo News

Drug Trial News

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1. October 2010 10:50
Argos Therapeutics announced that its Arcelis immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), AGS-003, demonstrated favorable progression-free survival (PFS) and safety in combination with sunitinib, based upon updated results from an ongoing Phase 2 trial. [More]
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LSUHSC-S receives $3.9M NIDA grant for development of Embera's EMB-001 for cocaine dependence

1. October 2010 09:53
Embera NeuroTherapeutics, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company developing novel treatments for addiction and obesity, announced today that the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC-S) has received a $3.9 million dollar grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The grant will support the next stages of development for Embera's drug candidate EMB-001 to treat cocaine dependence, as well as advance EMB-001 into clinical testing. [More]
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AcelRx completes ARX-02 End-of-Phase 2 meeting with FDA for cancer breakthrough pain management system

1. October 2010 09:47
AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced that it has completed an End-of-Phase 2 meeting with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ARX-02, a proprietary Sufentanil NanoTab™ Breakthrough Pain Management System for the treatment of cancer breakthrough pain in opioid-tolerant patients. FDA reviewed a package based on the previously announced positive Phase 2 clinical study results to date for ARX-02 and provided AcelRx with guidance on the Phase 3 program design and NDA requirements. [More]
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Benicar better than Cozaar in reducing blood pressure: Study

1. October 2010 09:36
New study results show that patients treated with Benicar® (olmesartan medoxomil) 40 mg once daily had significantly greater reductions in blood pressure and higher rates of goal attainment than patients receiving Cozaar® (losartan potassium) 100 mg once daily at week 8, according to findings of a new head-to-head study presented today at the late breaker session at the 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) in Vancouver, Canada. [More]
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Intra-Cellular Therapies demonstrates ability of ITI-002 to improve motor and non-motor behaviors in PD

1. October 2010 08:56
Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. today announced results from studies demonstrating the anti-Parkinson and other beneficial effects of ITI-002 (IC200214), the Company's novel and selective phosphodiesterase type I (PDE1) inhibitor. [More]
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FDA grants Emergent Fast Track Designation for AVP-21D9 anthrax monoclonal antibody development program

1. October 2010 08:44
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. announced today that its anthrax monoclonal antibody development program investigating AVP-21D9 for the treatment of inhalational anthrax has been granted Fast Track Designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Emergent recently commenced a Phase I clinical trial for AVP-21D9, which is a fully human monoclonal antibody product candidate being developed as a parenteral post-exposure therapeutic to treat symptoms of inhalational anthrax disease. [More]
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Global phase IV study confirms efficacy of erlotinib in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer

1. October 2010 06:26
Featured in the October edition of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (JTO), data from The Tarceva Lung Cancer Survival Treatment (TRUST) confirms the safety and efficacy profile of erlotinib, a highly potent oral active, reversible inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine-kinase (TK) activity in a large heterogeneous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) population. [More]
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Herpevac Trial for Women finds experimental vaccine ineffective in prevention of genital herpes disease

1. October 2010 06:05
An experimental vaccine intended to prevent genital herpes disease in women, although generally safe and well-tolerated, proved ineffective when tested in the recently concluded clinical study known as the Herpevac Trial for Women. [More]
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Achillion initiates ACH-1625 Phase II dosing for HCV infection

1. October 2010 05:09
Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a leader in the discovery and development of small molecule drugs to combat the most challenging infectious diseases, today announced that the Company has initiated patient dosing in a Phase II clinical trial of ACH-1625 for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. ACH-1625 is a potent small molecule inhibitor of HCV protease, an enzyme necessary for viral replication. The drug candidate was discovered and is being advanced by Achillion. [More]
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NIH awards Polymedix $986,000 to develop defensin mimetic antimicrobial compounds for oral candidiasis

30. September 2010 09:33
PolyMedix, Inc., an emerging biotechnology company focused on developing new therapeutic drugs to treat acute cardiovascular disorders and infectious diseases, has received a Phase 2 grant in the amount of $986,000 from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to support the development of defensin mimetic antimicrobial compounds for the treatment of oral candidiasis. This grant will fund this research project through August 31, 2012. This award represents the 14th grant or research contract received to date by PolyMedix. [More]

NASA - Multimedia - Video Gallery

Space Photos This Week: Moon Mash-up, Saturn Aurora, More

 Picture of ''coreshine'' -- one of the best space pictures of the week
Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/L. Pagani (Observatoire de Paris/CNRS)
Starlight bounces off a normally dark, interstellar core cloud (center) inside a larger cloud called L183 in a short-infrared-wavelength Spitzer Space Telescopeimage released on September 24.

Space Photos This Week: Moon Mash-up, Saturn Aurora, More

 Picture of an aurora on Saturn -- one of the best space pictures of the week 
Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Leicester/University of ArizonaHundreds of miles tall, curtains of aurorae undulate above Saturn's south polar clouds in a composite of near-infrared images released Friday by NASA's Cassini orbiter. (See pictures of earthly auroras generated by a September solar storm.) - Police: Traffic stop leads to Phoenix drop house

SALT LAKE CITY — Mormon church president Thomas S. Monson on Saturday announced plans to build five new temples in the United States and abroad.

The plans call for the temples to be built in Hartford, Connecticut; Indianapolis; Tijuana, Mexico; Urdaneta, Philippines; and Lisbon, Portugal.

The Canadian Press: At Utah conference, Mormon church president announces plans to build 5 new temples worldwide

SALT LAKE CITY — Mormon church president Thomas S. Monson on Saturday announced plans to build five new temples in the United States and abroad.

The plans call for the temples to be built in Hartford, Connecticut; Indianapolis; Tijuana, Mexico; Urdaneta, Philippines; and Lisbon, Portugal.

Oct 2, 2010

Miss Polynesia flies to China for Miss World

Mihilani Teixeira, who was crowned Miss Polynesia last week, left Tahiti Friday. read more...

Norfolk Island Government Broadcasting Services

Welcome to the Norfolk Island Government Radio Web Page. Radio Norfolk broadcasts on 89.9 FM and 1566 AM from 7 am through until 5 pm Monday to Friday and 7 am till 2 pm and on Sunday 7am till 1 pm.

Norfolk Island becomes first nation to hoist flag at Village

New Delhi: Norfolk Island, a small nation in the Pacific Ocean, on Monday became the first Commonwealth country to hoist its flag at the Games Village.
Making its presence felt, the 33-member delegation, which is a part of Commonwealth of Australia, clapped and swayed to the tunes of bhangra and fusion music played by the students of a city school in their honour.

Students celebrate Gandhi Day

A nation under one umbrella, one of the major themes shown by students of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School during the Mahatma Fiji Day celebrations held at the school in Nabua yesterday. Picture: JONE LUVENITOGAA nation under one umbrella, one of the major themes shown by students of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School during the Mahatma Fiji Day celebrations held at the school in Nabua yesterday. Picture: JONE LUVENITOGA

Obama delays CNMI wage hike for 2011

President Barack Obama has signed into law a measure that delays the scheduled 50-cent minimum wage increase in the CNMI in 2011, a proposal that two of the largest business organizations in the Commonwealth have been asking for.

Legislature almost back to square one on budget bill, CNMI

On the second day of the CNMI government's partial shutdown, the 17th Legislature is almost back to square one on the $132 million budget bill for Fiscal Year 2011.
The House of Representatives passed Saturday night a new budget bill that the Senate amended once again about an hour later because of the same contentious issue of work hour cuts and unpaid holidays, among other things.
Lawmakers who requested anonymity said there was already a “compromise” reached among senators and House members to pass an eight-hour cut as of Friday afternoon.

Shutdown closes Oleai Sports Complex, Saipan

Two student-athletes read the closure notice at the south entrance of the Oleai Sports Complex, which was locked beginning yesterday due to government shutdown. Inset, the parking lot of the facility is empty because of the closure notice. (Roselyn B. Monroyo)


A U.S. organization supporting nonreligious student groups reports a
growing number of such groups on campuses at the start of the fall 2010

According to the Secular Student Alliance, a record 219 groups offered
atheist and agnostic students an alternative to religious ministries on
campus. There were 159 such groups in 2009 and 100 in 2008.

The trend toward increased secularism on campus reflects a broader
trend in U.S. society, according to the Alliance. The 2008 American
Religious Identification Survey showed that the secular demographic was
the only group to have grown in every state since 1990.

SOURCE: Secular Students Alliance


The Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps are melting, but at only half
the rate previously predicted, according to a team of U.S. and Dutch

Past estimates of the rate of ice-cap melting in Greenland and western
Antarctica may not have properly accounted for movements in the Earth's
crust that alter mass distribution and influence the gravitational

Using data from satellites and GPS measurements of land and sea-floor
pressure, the researchers concluded that the ice caps are melting at
approximately half the speed originally predicted and, as a
consequence, that the average rise in sea levels will also be less.
However, they cautioned that "there are too few data available to
verify this independently."

Pakistani breaks world record of tree plantation in 24 hours

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- A soldier of the Pakistani Army set up a Guinness world record on Wednesday by planting maximum plants in a time period of 24 hours by an individual, local media reported.

Venezuela holds parliamentary election

Venezuela has held an election to form a new legislature. A total of 165 seats in the National Assembly were up for grabs in Sunday's poll.

About 17 million voters were registered to cast ballots at some 12,500 polling stations across the country.

India marks Mahatma Gandhi birth anniversary

NEW DELHI, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- India Saturday marked the 141st birth anniversary of its Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, with political leaders from across the spectrum paying homage to the man who led the country to independence.

At least 14 killed in Nigeria's twin car bombing

Security personnel check the car bomb blast site in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, Oct. 1, 2010. At least 14 people were killed as Nigeria's main militant group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), claimed responsibility for the twin car bomb blasts which occurred near the National Day parade in Abuja on Friday. (Xinhua/Joshua)

World largest airline "United Airlines" born

Passengers check in at the Continental Airlines counter in O'Hare International airport in Chicago, the United States on Oct. 1, 2010. UAL Corp and Continental Airlines Inc. closed their merger on Friday to form the world's largest carrier, called United Airlines. (Xinhua/Jiang Xintong)

Nigeria celebrates 50th independence anniversary despite deadly bomb attack

ABUJA, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- Nigeria celebrated on Friday the 50th anniversary of independence as the pageant was overshadowed by a deadly twin bomb blasts near the National Day parade.

Pakistani PM warns against NATO intrusions

ISLAMABAD, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani told the parliament on Friday that Pakistan will consider other options if NATO continued intrusion into its sovereignty in future.

Obama apologizes for infecting Guatemalans with sexual diseases

WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday extended his apology for purposely infecting Guatemalans with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in a research study in the 1940s.

Obama says White House chief of staff quits

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) applauds outgoing White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (L), while Obama's new interim chief of staff Pete Rouse looks on, in the East Room of the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Oct. 1, 2010. (Xinhua/Zhang Jun)

Calm returns to Ecuador on Friday after police unrest

An Ecuadorian military soldier stands guard outside the Palacio de Carondelet in Quito, capital of Ecuador, Oct. 1, 2010. Order had apparently returned to Ecuador Friday morning after President Rafael Correa returned safely late Thursday to the presidential palace from a police hospital where he was stranded. Security forces on Thursday staged a protest in Quito against a law passed earlier by the National Assembly that cut benefits

Oct 1, 2010

Ecuador troops rescue president from rebel cops

Ecuador Protest

Ecuadorean troops firing automatic weapons and concussion grenades rescued President Correa from a hospital where he was trapped most of the day by rebellious police.

Senate confirms Munter as next US Ambassador to Pakistan

Munter next US Ambassador to Pak

The US Senate has confirmed the appointment of Cameron Munter as next US Ambassador to Pakistan.

Sep 30, 2010

First Earth-like Planet to Be Announced Next May 2011

Discovering Earth-sized exoplanets will become possible by next year If the current rate of progress in the field of hunting exoplanets is any indication, then the world will be presented the first Earth-like extrasolar planet by no later than May 2011, a new analysis shows

First Earth-like exoplanet to be discovered by May 2011 | The Cavalier Daily

Scientists have discovered 450 extrasolar planets to date and recently identified potentially 750 new ones. Samuel Arbesman, a computational biologist at Harvard Medical School, and Gregory Laughlin, astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz, have plotted data from previously discovered

Star clusters are destroying gigantic exoplanets with their fierce gravity

Star clusters are destroying gigantic exoplanets with their fierce gravity
The logic is simple. Extrasolar planets orbit faraway stars. Star clusters are home to lots and lots of stars. So where better to look for new exoplanets? Unfortunately, astronomers think the extreme gravity of these clusters is ripping exoplanets apart.

How Excited Should We Be About the New “Goldilocks” Exoplanet? | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Astronomers have announced the discovery of a planet with about three times the Earth’s mass orbiting the nearby red dwarf star Gliese 581. That in itself is cool news; a planet like that is very hard to detect.But the amazing thing is that the planet’s distance from the star puts it in the Goldilocks Zone: the region where liquid water could exist on its surface!Gliese 581 is about 20 light years away, and astronomers think the planet in the habitable zone is one of at least six in that star system. The new exoplanet orbits much closer ...

REUTERS - Ireland faces horrendous bank bill, Sep 30, 2010

DUBLIN | Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:35pm BST

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland disclosed a "horrendous" worst case price tag of over 50 billion euros (43 billion pounds) on Thursday for bailing out its distressed banks and said it would have to make more drastic budget savings.  

Yahoo News

Tony Curtis: Great moments on screen

What better way to remember Tony Curtis (who died last night at the age of 85) than by looking back on some of his best moments on screen? His career spanned six decades and yielded some classic American films — none the least of which is the great Billy Wilder comedy Some Like It Hot. Curtis played a musician who runs from the mob by disguising himself as woman in a traveling all-female band. In the clip below, Curtis and costar Jack Lemmon wobble on high heels and drool over Marilyn Monroe.

Irish bank bailout cost may top 50 billion euros | Reuters

Pedestrians walk past the Anglo Irish Bank head offices, in Belfast March 25, 2010. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton
By Padraic Halpin and Andras Gergely
DUBLIN | Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:52pm BST
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland, warning its recession-weary people to prepare for more austerity, revealed on Thursday a mammoth worst-case price tag of over 50 billion euros (43 billion pounds) to clean up its banks.

Contador suspended as doping charges rock cycling | Reuters

Main Image
Tour de France champion Alberto Contador speaks during a press conference at his hometown of Pinto, near Madrid September 30, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Sergio Perez
By Ian Ransom
GEELONG, Australia | Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:07pm BST
GEELONG, Australia (Reuters) - Tour de France winner Alberto Contador and the Tour of Spain runner-up were suspended for suspected doping on Thursday in a devastating new double blow to cycling's battered image.

India court splits mosque site between religions | Reuters

Main Image
A Hindu priest shouts slogans as he celebrates after hearing the first reports of a court ruling in the northern Indian town of Ayodhya September 30, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Mukesh Gupta
By Alka Pande
LUCKNOW, India | Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:47pm BST
LUCKNOW, India (Reuters) - An Indian court ruled on Thursday that the site of a demolished mosque would be split between Hindus and Muslims, dousing ...

NY TIMES - Tony Curtis, Hollywood Icon, Dies at 85 - Obituary (Obit), Sep 30, 2010,%20Tony.jpg 
Tony Curtis, a classically handsome movie star who earned an Oscar nomination as an escaped convict in Stanley Kramer’s 1958 movie “The Defiant Ones,” but whose public preferred him in comic roles in films like “Some Like It Hot” (1959) and “The Great Race” (1965), died Wednesday of a cardiac arrest in his Las Vegas area home. He was 85.

Tony Curtis dies aged 85 - Telegraph

The actor, who died following a heart attack at his Nevada home on Wednesday, had made more than 140 films over 60 years.
However, he was almost as well known for his colourful private life - during which he married six times and battled an addiction to cocaine and alcohol. 

BBC News - Film star Tony Curtis dies at 85

Key moments from Tony Curtis' film career
Hollywood star Tony Curtis has died of a cardiac arrest at his US home in Nevada aged 85.

Mosque verdict keeps India on security tenterhooks | Reuters

Main Image
By Bappa Majumdar
AYODHYA, India | Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:00am BST
AYODHYA, India (Reuters) - More than 200,000 police fanned out across India and temporary jails were set up as the government prepared for possible Hindu-Muslim riots over one of the most divisive court cases in the nation's history.

Cook Islands beat Tahiti at OFC Women’s Nations Cup

The Cook Islands beat Tahiti 1-0 at North Harbour Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand.
Young striker Regina Mustonen was the hero for the Cook Islands in the game against Tahiti, an OFC (Oceania football confederation) press release states.
Her spectacular 15th free kick helped coach Jimmy Katoa’s side to win the game.
For the Cook Islands, it was also their first ever win over Tahiti at a senior OFC women’s tournament.

Tahitian public services need to evolve, Tong Sang says

Tahitian public services will face some important changes in the years to come, French Polynesia President Gaston Tong Sang announced.
During a meeting held Tuesday afternoon in Papeete, Tong Sang said some public establishments may soon have to be closed.
This will be the consequences of reforms required by the French government.
French Polynesia faces budget woes and ....

MV 'Otuanga'ofa sails for Tonga

MV 'Otuanga'ofa sails from Tokyo. Photo courtesy ISB Co. Ltd.
TONGA'S new inter island ferry the MV 'Otuanga'ofa left Japan on September 27 on its way to Tonga where it is expected to arrive in Nuku'alofa on October 15.

Tongans give over $839,000 for Christchurch earthquake appeal

TONGA'S Christchurch Earthquake Appeal fund has collected $839,957 pa'anga to date with more cash donations expected to be raised in a second national radiothon appeal to be held on Thursday, September 29 in Nuku'alofa.

Nobles to close last Parliament session today, Tonga

Peoples Voice, Sep 30, 2010

Permalink US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan

The US military claimed responsibility for killing scores of insurgents over the weekend as it unleashed its long-awaited offensive against Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-largest city. The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO umbrella organization for the US-led occupation, reported the largest body counts in two eastern regions of the country.

Senior Chinese leaders attend reception to mark National Day

Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, addresses a reception in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 29, 2010, to mark the 61st anniversary of the founding of New China, which falls on Oct. 1. Jia Qinglin, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, joined 3,500 guests, including representatives of overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, at the reception. (Xinhua/Zhang Duo)

Fairies dazzle Fatima Lopes show at Paris Fashion Week

A model presents a creation by Portuguese designer Fatima Lopes as part of her Spring/Summer 2011 women's ready-to-wear fashion collection during Paris Fashion Week September 28, 2010. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

S Korea, DPRK agree to hold military talks Thursday

SEOUL, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's defense ministry said Wednesday the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed to hold working-level military talks on Thursday, which will mark the first such talks in nearly two years, local media reported.

China to launch second lunar probe

XICHANG, Sichuan, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- China will launch its second lunar probe, Chang'e II, at an appropriate time between Oct. 1 and 3, the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in southwest China's Sichuan Province announced Wednesday.

S Korea, DPRK wrap up military talks without progress

SEOUL, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) ended Thursday their first working-level military talks in two years without progress, officials in Seoul said.

U.S. House of Representatives passes bill on foreign currency

U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Sander M. Levin (front) speaks to the media after passing the bill in Washington, the United States, Sept. 29, 2010. The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed the proposed Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, to allow the United States to seek trade sanctions against its trade partners for allegedly manipulating their currency, a new move of the nation's rising trade protectionism. (Xinhua/Zhang Jun)

Two Koreas hold military talks, Seoul seeks apology

A replica of a North Korean Scud-B missile (R) together with a South Korean missile are displayed at the Korea War Memorial Museum in Seoul. The two Koreas began their first military talks for two years Thursday to try to ease tensions heightened by a naval disaster near their disputed sea border, Seoul's defence ministry said.