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Feb 23, 2011

GADDAFI News, Feb 23, 2011

  1. 15 April 2007: Gaddafi during a ceremony in Tripoli to mark the 21st anniversary of the US attack on Libya

    Gaddafi loses grip on Libya's third city

    Financial Times - Heba Saleh - Roula Khalaf - 18 minutes ago

    Muammer Gaddafi's grip on Libya continued to weaken on Wednesday with the first big city in the west of ...
    Libyan city dubbed 'Free Benghazi' as anti-Gaddafi troops take control- The Guardian
    Lunching with Gaddafi-
    BBC News - TIME

    all 1988 news articles »

  2. Libya: Middle East airports turn away Gaddafi planes - Richard Spencer - 47 minutes ago

    Muammar Gaddafi's family. A Libyan Arab Airlines aircraft was refused permission to land in Malta. Al-Jazeera said it was carrying Gaddafi's daughter, ...
    Colonel Gaddafi's grip on Libya loosened dramatically today as the ...- Daily Mail
    Middle Eastern media see end of Gaddafi- BBC News
    The Guardian - Washington Post

    all 12614 news articles »

  3. The UN's duty to Libyans

    The Guardian - 18 minutes ago

    Gaddafi needs a tough resolution ringing in his ears Burning buildings at the ...Gaddafi regime began ... Photograph: Alaguri/AP Several days after the
    Protests singe Arab world, Gaddafi defiant as Libya burns- Hindustan Times
    Pressure mounts on isolated Gaddafi- BBC News
    Breaking Travel News - Xinhua

    all 389 news articles »

  4. What to do about the Gaddafi family? - James Forsyth - 30 minutes ago

    The Al-Jazeera live blog has a fascinating report that the Gaddafi's daughter Ayesha has unsuccessfully attempt to leave Libya for Malta, ...
    Malta 'turns back' Gaddafi kin jet-
    Plane with Gaddafi's daughter onboard denied landing in Malta- RIA Novosti
    Updated: Aisha Gaddafi was not on Libyan aircraft- DI-VE
    Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - NowPublic

    all 834 news articles »

  5. Gaddafi expects 'big father' role in new order, says son

    Financial Times - David Owen - 1 hour ago

    Colonel Muammer Gaddafi expects to take on an advisory role in any new regime in Libya according to his son, al-Saadi Gaddafi. ...
    They must be drug addicts…- Independent (blog)
    Gaddafi remains defiant- euronews
    Gaddafi Calls On Supporters To “Cleanse Libya”- Daily News To You

    all 22 news articles »

  6. Libya: Who is propping up Gaddafi?

    BBC News - Frank Gardner - 2 hours ago

    It is part of Col Muammar Gaddafi's long-term strategy to eliminate the risk of a military coup, which is how he himself came to power in 1969. ...
    Libya anti-Gaddafi protests – live updates- The Guardian (blog)
    Gaddafi loses swathes of east to uprising- Daily Nation
    Libyan Opposition Leader: Military Siding with People- Voice of America
    Asia Times Online - USA Today

    all 55 news articles »

  7. Ex-minister: Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bomb-report

    Reuters Africa - Tim Pearce - 1 hour ago

    STOCKHOLM Feb 23 (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi ordered the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, a former Libyan cabinet ...
    Ministers back Lockerbie verdict- The Press Association
    Libyan leader 'personally ordered' Lockerbie bombing, says former ...- Daily Mail
    Muammar Gaddafi ordered Lockerbie bombing, says Libyan minister- Herald Sun - Jewish Chronicle

    all 723 news articles »

  8. Arab League urged to condemn Gaddafi by angry protesters in Egypt

    The Guardian - 4 hours ago

    Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa, left, and Muammar Gaddafi with Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, right, before the opening session of the 23rd ...
    Five reasons why Libya's revolt will shake the world- Spiked
    Libya's representative to the Arab League resigns- Ahram Online
    Arab League suspends Libya over crackdown- Trade Arabia
    RIA Novosti - Trend News Agency

    all 290 news articles »

  9. Cribsheet 23.01.11

    The Guardian - 6 hours ago

    LSE graduate Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. His former academic advisor professor ... Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi studied at LSE and ...
    LSE suspends study program financed by Gaddafi's son- Jerusalem Post
    LSE reconsiders links with Libya- The Press Association
    LSE reconsiders links with Libya- BBC News
    Reuters Africa - Daily Mail

    all 43 news articles »

  10. The EU is weak and clueless on Libya (blog) - Nile Gardiner - 1 hour ago

    With several hundred Libyans already dead at the brutal hands of Colonel Gaddafi... and his murderous thugs, all the EU has been able to muster is a
    The EU should impose sanctions on Gaddafi's Libya-
    EU states agree to prepare sanctions on Libya- Ynetnews
    EU considers Libya sanctions, evacuates thousands- Reuters Africa - Monsters and

    all 485 news articles »

  11. Gaddafi speech was 'code to begin genocide against Libyans' - 6 hours ago

    Hours after a defiant Gaddafi vowed to crush a growing revolt against his 41-year rule, the UN Security Council urged the Libyan authorities to act with ...
    Libyan diplomats turn against Gaddafi- Reuters Africa
    Libyan minister quits, diplomat claims genocide- Sify
    Press TV -

    all 360 news articles »

  12. Power and madness in Caesar Gaddafi

    Press TV - Hassan Hanizadeh - 46 minutes ago

    Currently, the people of Libya are faced with a complicated figure like Colonel Muammar Gaddafi who has brutally bombed public places and killed hundreds of ...
    Gaddafi's hold on power is slipping and the Government should ...-
    Stop Gaddafi now- Ynetnews
    Sinn Fein in Gaddafi U-turn: Despot who backed IRA denounced by ...- Belfast Telegraph
    BBC News - Death and Taxes

    all 25 news articles »

  13. Egyptians flee Libya as Gaddafi vows to end revolt

    Reuters Africa - Tom Pfeiffer - 2 hours ago

    Some Egyptians fled for fear of more bloodshed after Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in power since 1969, vowed to crush a revolt that may have left as many ...
    On the border as workers flee 'dangerous' Libya- Channel 4 News (blog)
    Jackson Diehl: Is the Obama administration soft on Gaddafi?- Washington Post
    Spiked - The Observers

    all 618 news articles »

  14. Global community isolates Gaddafi - 3 hours ago

    And the Libyan embassy in Austria has joined several other missions distancing themselves away from Gaddafi's government, condemning the use of "excessive ...
    Security Council and African Union failing Libyan people- Bikya Masr
    Human Rights First Urges Obama Administration to Address Crimes ...- Human Rights First
    Libya Remains on UN Human Rights Panel as It Bombs Civilians- Arutz Sheva
    all 455 news articles »

  15. UK Sniper Rifles Sent To Libya 'Never Fired'

    Sky News - Sophy Ridge - 2 hours ago

    Britain approved the export of sniper rifles to Libya just months before Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's troops began killing protesters - but it is understood ...
    Britain sold sniper rifles to Gaddafi just before his troops began ...- This is London
    Sisulu explains her denial of arms sales to Libya- Times LIVE
    SA denies selling sniper rifles to Libya- Independent Online

    all 38 news articles »

  16. Libya: Islamists call on Air Force to bomb Gaddafi

    Asharq Alawsat - 4 hours ago

    The statement said that Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is intent upon pursuing a scorched earth policy with regards to the protests, destroying the ...
    Sunni cleric says Gaddafi should die- Independent Online
    Egyptian cleric: Kill Gaddafi- Press TV
    The Corner- National Review Online
    Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - Ahram Online

    all 103 news articles »
  17. Gaddafi son at heart of British society

    This is London - Joe Murphy - 6 hours ago

    A meeting between a dictator's son and a senior Cabinet minister at a classic English shooting party revealed how deeply the Gaddafi regime wormed its way ...
    Geoffrey Robertson: This evil despot must be brought to justice- Independent
    Interesting facts about Saif al-Islam Gaddafi- (blog)
    all 4 news articles »

  18. Monocolumn: Time running out for Gaddafi's regime

    PSFK - 3 hours ago

    On Monday, rumours circulated that the UK embassy was the latest to declare itself on the side of the people when the solid green flag of Gaddafi's ...
    Protesters tear down flag at Libya's embassy in Rome (Extra)- Monsters and
    Column: Investors should "Viva!" the revolutions- Reuters
    Libyan embassy in Malaysia slams Gaddafi for 'barbaric' crackdown+- Malaysia Sun
    all 210 news articles »

  19. Libya: Berlusconi calls Gaddafi to deny Italy armed anti-govt ...

    Adnkronos International English - 8 hours ago

    (AKI) Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi on Tuesday telephoned Libya's leader Muammer Gaddafi to deny a claim he made earlier in a televised speech ...
    Italy says Ghadafi has lost eastern Libya and it is possible 1000 ...- Herald Sun
    Gaddafi loses control over eastern province - Italian foreign minister- RIA Novosti
    Reuters Africa - Press TV

    all 1365 news articles »

  20. Sting Brands Gaddafi's Stand 'Appalling' - 12 minutes ago

    STING has slammed Libyan leader MUAMMAR GADDAFI for "desperately" clinging to power - branding the dictator's refusal to step down in the face of ...

  21. Rising oil prices are becoming a problem

    IBTimes - David Morrison - 4 hours ago

    The extraordinary level of violence that Gaddafi unleashed on his own people ... Gaddafi is threatening to “fight to the death” and there are rumours that ...
  22. Arabs in solidarity with Libyan uprising against brutal Gaddafi

    Ahram Online - 3 hours ago

    The brutality used against Libyan protesters has brought international condemnation of Gaddafi and his regime for crimes against humanity. ...
    Jordanian gov't urges Libya to stop bloodshed- Jerusalem Post
    all 155 news articles »

  23. Parliament president leads EU condemnation of Gaddafi - Martin Banks - 3 hours ago

    Parliament's president Jerzy Buzek said he is "appalled" at Libyan leader colonel Gaddafi's use of violence against ...
    European Parliament President Buzek on Libya: 'This is the point ...- Sofia Echo
    all 8 news articles »

  24. Cambridge shows support for struggles in Libya as pressure mounts ...

    Cambridge First - Hugh Morris - 4 hours ago

    The United Nations security council has called for an end to the violence but Gaddafi... has remained defiant telling Libya: “I will die as a martyr”.
    Video: Rally held in support of Libyan protests- Cambridge News
    all 3 news articles »

  25. Iran: Gaddafi must meet public demand

    Press TV - 8 hours ago

    Amid a fresh wave of violent crackdown on revolution in Libya, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has urged Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi to meet public ...
    Ahmadinejad asks Libyan leader to meet protesters' demands- RIA Novosti
    Ahmadinejad urges Gaddafi to agree with people's desires- Trend News Agency
    Iranian President Slams Libya Killings- Voice of America
    all 216 news articles »

  26. Mugabe dispatches Commandos to protect Gaddafi

    The Zimbabwe Mail - 4 hours ago

    Swathed in brown robes, Gaddafi seethed and banged a podium on Tuesday outside one of his residences that was damaged in a 1986 US air strike aiming to kill ...
  27. Gaddafi follows past dictators - Emad Mekay - 5 hours ago

    The brutal response by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi against pro- democracy protestors in the country indicates his determination not to leave office ...

  28. Turks in Libya: fleeing Gaddafi

    Financial Times (blog) - Delphine Strauss - 8 hours ago

    Thousands of Turkish expatriates spent days sheltering in a football stadium in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi, listening to echoing gunshots as they ...
    Recep Erdogan victim to Gaddafi Prize, expert says- Information-Analytic Agency
    EU fears for citizens in Libya, but divided over Gaddafi- Channel News Asia
    New Europe - Today's Zaman

    all 2226 news articles »

  29. US considering sanctions on Libya

    Globe and Mail - Arshad Mohammed - Andrew Quinn - 19 minutes ago

    Mr. Crowley said Washington was looking at the possibility of freezing Libyan assets, including those of its leader, Muammar Gaddafi, but no decision had ...
    US looking into sanctions against Libya after crackdown- Monsters and
    Gaddafi Appears on State TV- Daily Beast
    US presses Libya to halt crackdown, threatens action- Reuters
    Yahoo! News

    all 754 news articles »

  30. Gaddafi's vow: Will fight to 'last drop of blood'

    Indian Express - 13 hours ago

    War of OilBy: KRT | Wednesday , 23 Feb '11 12:27:30 PM Reply | Forward Iranian Naval Ship Move to support Gaddafi. LIBYAN CRISIS OF INTERNAL FEUD By: ...
    Libya meltdown: If you love me you must fight, says Gaddafi- Belfast Telegraph
    all 53 news articles »

  31. 'Risk Of Power Vacuum If Col Gaddafi Goes'

    Sky News - Tim Marshall - 1 day ago

    Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has vowed to carry on despite protests - but if his regime were to fall there is no obvious power structure to take its place. ...
    FACTBOX-Tribal ties key to Gaddafi rule- Reuters Africa
    Libyan Tribal Map: Network of loyalties that will determine ...- Asharq Alawsat
    Libya crisis: what role do tribal loyalties play?- BBC News
    Scotsman - The Australian

    all 33 news articles »

  32. Gaddafi regime handing weapons to supporters

    ABC Online - Mark Colvin - 7 hours ago

    As unrest continues following a defiant and angry speech from Moamar Gaddafi, a resident of Libya says guns are being handed to ...

  33. Gaddafi Threatens to Torch Libya's Oil

    Daily Reckoning - American Edition - Addison Wiggin - 7 minutes ago

    Gaddafi is looking to torch the pipelines leading from his country's oil fields to Mediterranean ports. “Gaddafi has ordered security services to start ...
  34. Libya: Col Gaddafi's last stand? - Richard Spencer - 20 hours ago

    Muammar Gaddafi's speech certainly had the length – an hour and a quarter – but there was no audience, and to his people he must have seemed more like a ...

  35. Libya crisis: too late for UN military intervention?

    The Guardian (blog) - 7 hours ago

    Libyan anti-Gaddafi protesters tear down a sign from a building during a ... The BBC's man on the spot in post-Gaddafi east Libya had just reported Libyans ...
    Britain no longer has the military equipment for a no-fly zone in ...- (blog)
    all 3 news articles »

  36. Peres: Gaddafi invests in clothes instead of in his people

    Jerusalem Post - 6 hours ago

    COM STAFF Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi invests more in his clothing than in his people, President Shimon Peres said during a speech to nearly 400 editors, ...
    Gaddafi "will not be forgiven", Israel's Peres says- Monsters and
    Peres: Instead of ME without Israel – a Libya witout Gaddafi- Ynetnews
    Jewish Chronicle

    all 66 news articles »

  37. Taylor Hill Libyan leads demo against Gaddafi regime

    Huddersfield Examiner - 10 hours ago

    Abdul Turki, 56, helped round up hundreds of protesters for two demonstrations against Colonel Gaddafi's regime, held outside the Alhambra Theatre, ...
    Gaddafi raved and cursed, but he faces forces he cannot control- Independent
    'Intl. community should stop Gaddafi'- Press TV
    The UN's Libya failures- Jerusalem Post
    GulfNews - The Public Record

    all 14 news articles »

  38. 'Gaddafi son paid Mariah Carey $1 mn to sing 4 songs'

    Indian Express - 9 hours ago

    One of Gaddafi's sons paid singer Mariah Carey a whopping USD 1 million to sing just four songs at a bash on a Caribbean island. Offering a vivid account of ...
    Did Beyonce Knowles and Mariah Carey earn 'Blood Money' from Gaddafi?- Right Celebrity
    Gaddafi son paid Mariah Carey $1 mn for bash: WikiLeaks- India Today
    all 14 news articles »

  39. Protesters defy Gaddafi

    Irish Examiner - 7 hours ago

    Libya's opposition showed their defiance to Muammar Gaddafi's threat to kill them all by raising defensive barricades in a Tripoli square today. ...
  40. The Government must not stand by and let Gaddafi continue to kill ... - 12 hours ago

    SIR – There are few regimes in the Middle East as savage as that in control in Libya. The first duty of any government is the protection and provision of ...
    Middle East and North Africa erupt against dictators- Ahram Online
    all 169 news articles »

  41. Ferguson/Gandhi or Perez/Gaddafi?

    The Guardian - Mahatma Ferguson - 2 hours ago

    "Lyon's goal cannot distract us from an image that will compete with Gaddafi in the news in the world," it trumpeted with the free-form wildness of a Miles ...
  42. Libya and Gaddafi: David Cameron steals a march in the Middle East - 22 hours ago

    Now it is Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, rather than Saddam, who is the main focus of the rhetoric, but the language is much the same: "Violence is not the answer ...
    Cameron's ill-timed Gulf trade mission- The Periscope Post
    David Cameron: 'It's not wrong to sell arms' to the Middle East- Daily Mail
    Reuters Africa -

    all 476 news articles »

  43. Gaddafi should be tried for crimes against humanity - Former Libyan PM

    Asharq Alawsat - Mohammed Al Shafey - 3 hours ago

    He called for international lawsuits to be raised against Colonel Gaddafi and his sons, and confirmed that the innocent and defenseless people of Libya are ...
  44. Dozens of Gaddafi supporters stage Tripoli rally

    Ahram Online - 5 hours ago

    Tripoli's streets were mainly deserted and most shops closed Wednesday but dozens of Moamer Gaddafi supporters gathered for a rally after the veteran leader ...
  45. Gaddafi's Dutch millions

    Radio Netherlands - 2 hours ago

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi keeps part of his billion dollar empire in the Netherlands. Tamoil, the Libyan state oil company, which has around 160 petrol ...
    Much of Gaddafi's fortune is safe in Ridderkerk-
    all 5 news articles »
  46. Gaddafi's confidant is Abdullah Senussi, a brutal right-hand man

    The Guardian - 21 hours ago

    If Muammar Gaddafi is listening to advice as he fights to save his regime, it is likely to be coming from his brother-in-law and chief enforcer, ...

  47. Gaddafi defiant as mideast tensions simmer

    Sydney Morning Herald - 16 hours ago

    Libya's Muammar Gaddafi has ordered supporters to crush an uprising against his rule, vowing a fight to the death amid growing international outrage at a ...
    Gaddafi crackdown prompts outrage, exodus fears- Channel News Asia
    Gaddafi vows bloody backlash against insurrection- Ahram Online
    Gaddafi vows to 'die a martyr'- Daily Nation
    The Australian

    all 416 news articles »

  48. Oil worker stranded in Libya appeals for UK help

    Reuters Africa - 4 hours ago

    A revolt in Libya is threatening Muammar Gaddafi's 41-year rule and much of eastern Libya is now in the hands of anti-Gaddafi protesters, according to local ...
  49. Castro Claims US and NATO May Invade Libya

    Merchant News - Joeseph Connor - 11 hours ago

    Castro also said that Gaddafi may be a controversial leader, but the world ...Gaddafi has described demonstrators as a few drugged people that attacked the ...
    US about to order Libya invasion - Castro- Herald Sun
    Nicaragua prez call Gaddafi to expresses support- Washington Post
    US about to order Libya invasion: Castro- Straits Times
    World War 4 Report - Reuters Africa

    all 649 news articles »

  50. Gaddafi's wild words show he hasn't learned anything

    The Guardian - 21 hours ago

    Muammar Gaddafi addresses the Libyan people on state television. He spoke for an hour and a quarter. Photograph: Ho/Reuters For a moment there it seemed ...

  51. Intervene in Libya? The post-Iraq moral dilemma

    First Post - Robert Fox - 1 hour ago

    Before Col Gaddafi's 70-minute TV rant was even over - during which he swore bloody retribution against anyone opposing him - gunfire was ...
    Humanitarian Intervention: A Reprise?- Kings of War
    all 3 news articles »

  52. Gaddafi family jet denied Lebanon landing

    Press TV - 1 hour ago

    Lebanon has refused to grant landing permission to a private plane belonging to one of the sons of embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. ...
    Report: Gaddafi's daughter-in-law denied entry into Lebanon- Monsters and
    Qaddafi's family denied entering Lebanon- Information-Analytic Agency
    all 154 news articles »

  53. Escape from Tripoli: Surviving Libya's 'Tsunami'

    TIME - Stephan Faris - 1 hour ago

    (See photos of the rise of Gaddafi.) The credit card system was down, he said, ... (See a dispatch from "Free Libya" and the right to laugh at Gaddafi. ...
  54. Gaddafi's Blood-Soaked Hands

    TIME (blog) - Massimo Calabresi - 15 hours ago

    What followed as the increasingly erratic Gaddafi pursued his megalomaniacal dream was one of the most obscene and violent episodes in recent African ...
    What goes around comes around, as the devil comes to roost in Libya- Sierra Express Media
    all 7 news articles »
  55. Amateur footage shows mass burial site in Tripoli - 9 hours ago

    The amateur footage gives insight into number of deaths in the capital and comes as Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi vowed to suppress a mounting revolt ...
  56. Brent tops $105 as Gaddafi vows to die a martyr

    Business Day - Tarek Amara - Tom Perry - 8 hours ago

    Brent crude oil prices have continued to rise in the wake of more civil unrest in Libya as Mummar Gaddafi refuses to step down. Brent crude futures moved up ...
    Libya sends shivers through oil market- Jerusalem Post
    Oil climbs as Libyan unrest continues- Proactive Investors UK
    Investment U -

    all 5436 news articles »

  57. Quotes: Gaddafi Threatens Tiananmen-Style Crackdown

    TIME - Emily Rauhala - 13 hours ago

    New Zealand rescuers pulled out a woman alive who had been trapped in rubble for over 24 hours after a massive 6.3 Christchurch earthquake left at least 75 ...
  58. David Cameron: The Prime Minister's Questionable Middle East tour

    Daily Mail - 7 hours ago

    In a defiant televised rant, Colonel Gaddafi insisted that he would stay in power, as mercenaries and his military massacred countless Libyans. ...

  59. Thousands flee violence in Libya - in pictures

    The Guardian - 5 hours ago

    Tunisians and Egyptians are fleeing Libya, many across its western land border, as the embattled regime of Muammar Gaddafi cracks down on protests. ...
  60. Gaza demonstrations: Gaddafi not fit to rule Libyans - 9 hours ago

    GAZA (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Senior Islamic Jihad Movement official Mohammed al-Hindi said what the Gaddafi regime is doing to his people is ”no less of ...
    Gazans slam violent crackdown in Libya- Press TV
    all 742 news articles »

  61. Britons: 'We saw a tank at Gaddafi's palace'

    BBC News - 1 day ago

    "People are talking openly against Gaddafi, which they certainly weren't 10 days ago. "We had been down in the desert and when we came back into Tripoli, ...
  62. Civil society groups protest Gaddafi in Ä°stanbul

    Today's Zaman - 19 hours ago

    Turkish civil society groups gathered in front of the Libyan Consulate in Ä°stanbul on Monday to protest against Gaddafi. Civil society organizations ...
    Gaddafi protested in Turkey-
    Staff of Libyan consulate in Egypt lower flag- Reuters
    Staff lower Libyan flag at Alexandria consulate- Reuters Africa
    Monthly Review - GulfNews

    all 17 news articles »

  63. Mixed record

    BBC News - 5 hours ago

    Gaddafi's main contribution to Africa since 1999, when he turned away from the Arab League and the Middle East to try to form a United States of Africa, ...
  64. Will Gaddafi Fall?

    The Indypendent - Eric Stoner - 1 hour ago

    Several witnesses said that “mercenaries” were firing on civilians in the city, while pro-Gaddafi forces warned people not to leave their homes via ...
  65. • Libya: Gaddafi's national address marks his end -

    Afrik-news - 7 hours ago

    Well Gaddafi has already taken the extreme steps. What will h do if the unrest continues and the people defy his commands to go home. ...
  66. Obama Offers Gaddafi Refuge on Staten Island

    The Spoof (satire) - 1 hour ago

    Barack Obama has offered Colonel Gaddafi land on Straten Island in the Arthur Kills section where he can pitch his tents to house his retinue of slaves, ...
  67. The Libyan revolution & how it is affecting Italian football ... - Rami Ayari - 6 hours ago

    They may be thinking that they can buy back the Gaddafi controlled shares but one gets the feeling that this is not the highest priority for Libya's first ...
  68. House Democrat: Stop Gaddafi Now

    Talk Radio News Service - Kaeun Yu - 39 minutes ago

    the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called for immediate international action Wednesday to confront Libyan Despot Muammar Gaddafi. ...
  69. Leader: Gaddafi's vow of violence against peaceful uprising

    Scotsman - 19 hours ago

    Even by his standards, the speech by Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi last night was a worrying mixture of the bizarre, the deranged and the ...
  70. Libyan protestors: "We've lived in fear for far too long"

    Bournemouth Echo - Harriet Marsh - 11 hours ago

    He said: “Gaddafi has cut all chords of communication because he doesn't want the international ...Gaddafi is not a leader, and he does nothing for Libya. ...
    Protesters under fire from land, sea and air in Libya- Open Democracy
    all 4 news articles »
  71. Some Libyan military units support protesters

    Sify - 4 hours ago

    Protesters are demanding an end to Gaddafi's 41-year rule. The UN has expressed concern over Gaddafi's call to his supporters to take to the streets.
    Fear stalks Tripoli, celebrations in Libya's east-
    all 10 news articles »

  72. Gadhafi, Gaddafi, Qaddafi: How the heck do you spell this guy's name?

    Slate Magazine - Chris Suellentrop - 2 hours ago

    Other news outlets covering the story have referred to the not-yet-toppled dictator as Moammar Gadhafi, or Muammar Qaddafi, or Muammar Gaddafi. ...
  73. Gaddafi? Kadafi? Qaddafi? What's the correct spelling?

    Christian Science Monitor - 20 hours ago

    Blame it on the name of the country's head of state, Colonel Gaddafi. Wait, no, that's Kaddafi. Or maybe it's Qadhafi. Tell you what, we'll just call him by ...
    Gadafy, Gaddafi or Kadafi? A matter of style- Irish Times
    all 5 news articles »

  74. Dear Moammar Gaddafi . . .

    Washington Post - Jim Hoagland - 12 hours ago

    Earlier this month, I wrote an open letter urging the Egyptian president to yield power and go quietly. But Brother Colonel - as you styled ...

  75. Colonel Gaddafi To Take Over From Liam Gallagher As Oasis Lead Singer

    The Spoof (satire) - 1 hour ago

    A slightly unsteady Buffty opined that although Gaddafi is knocking on a bit, and probably can't sing for shit, and certainly not in English, ...
  76. Gaddafi digs in, Indians to fly out

    Hindustan Times - 1 day ago

    As a defiant Muammar Gaddafi late on Tuesday vowed to stay on as Libya's leader, raising fears of more bloodshed, India has decided to evacuate its citizens ...
    India ready to evacuate its citizens from Libya- Radio Australia
    Will ensure quick despatch of people: Rao- indiablooms
    all 239 news articles »

  77. FTSE slips below 6000 as defiant Gaddafi vows to 'die a martyr' - Max Julius - 1 day ago

    In his first major speech since the unrest began in oil-rich Libya, a defiant Gaddafi... reaffirmed his wish to remain in the country and 'die a martyr'.
    Gaddafi has 'lost all legitimacy'- News24
    Libya's impact on oil- Financial Times
    Oil to feed civil war- Asia Times Online
    Channel News Asia - (press release)

    all 985 news articles » LON:IPR - LON:BNZL

  78. WikiLeaks: Gaddafi family a web of greed, nepotism

    Ynetnews - 5 hours ago

    The assessments by US diplomats were published by the secret-spilling web site WikiLeaks as Gaddafi vowed to fight to the "last drop of blood" to put down ...
  79. Freeze Gaddafi's assets and stop French armaments – AD

    Gozo News - 10 hours ago

    AD chairperson, Michael Briguglio, added, “Gaddafi is now being accused of genocide by his own Deputy Ambassador at the United Nations. ...
    AD - Maltese government should stand up to Gaddafi- DI-VE
    all 7 news articles »

  80. Gaddafi protest in Bradford over 'killing of civilians'

    Bradford Telegraph and Argus - 1 day ago

    The demonstrators gave speeches over a loud hailer condemning the violent crackdown of Gaddafi's... regime, which has reportedly left more than 200 dead.
  81. Peru Severs Ties With Libya

    RTT News - 5 hours ago

    The Gaddafi regime is increasingly being isolated by the international ... Gaddafi, who has been in power in Libya since 1969, has seen his grip over the ...
    Peru cuts diplomatic ties with Libya- Press TV
    all 150 news articles »

  82. Clampdown in Libyan capital as protests close in

    Indian Express - 4 hours ago

    Tobruk, Libya: Militiamen loyal to Muammar Gaddafi clamped down in Tripoli, with the sound of gunfire ringing in the air, while protesters who control much ...
  83. Questions for ANC on goon Gaddafi

    Business Day - 13 hours ago

    And you just had to know, didn't you, that Muammar Gaddafi is a murderous thug? Of course, you would have been forgiven for thinking, when he visited this ...
  84. Gaddafi ego catching up with him

    The Observer (blog) - 16 minutes ago

    One person who has known how to epitomize the state is Col Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. He came to power in a military coup against the Libyan monarchy 41 ...
  85. Edinburgh today: Portobello school, The Gathering and Gaddafi protest

    The Guardian (blog) - 12 hours ago

    A protest against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi gathered at the foot of the Mound on Tuesday evening. See a video here and a picture here. ...

  86. Good riddance to brutal, tragic, comical despot Gaddafi

    Belfast Telegraph - Robert Fisk - 11 hours ago

    Only a few days ago, as Colonel Muammar Gaddafi faced the wrath of his own people, he met with an old Arab acquaintance and spent 20 minutes out of four ...
  87. Libya in turmoil as Muammar Gaddafi's power slips away - video

    The Guardian - 8 hours ago

    Some Libyan cities celebrate victory over the Muammar Gaddafi regime as night-time battles continue in Tripoli. European countries attempt to evacuate their ...

  88. Gaddafi speech very frightening, says Merkel

    Reuters Africa - Stephen Brown - Andreas Rinke - 23 hours ago

    BERLIN Feb 22 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel described Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's speech on Tuesday, in which he vowed to cling to power, ...
    Merkel mulls sanctions on 'scary' Gaddafi- The
    all 126 news articles »

  89. World slams Gaddafi regime violence

    Press TV - 8 hours ago

    As many as 1400 Libyans have been killed so far by the Libyan forces under Muammar Gaddafi's rule. Several European countries -- including Germany -- have ...

  90. AU to send investigation team to Libya

    Africa Review - Argaw Ashine - 1 hour ago

    The decision follows reports of mass killings on the orders of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi of those who have risen up against his 41-year rule. ...
    A revolution can't be stopped- Mmegi Online
    African Governments fiddle while Libya burns: CIVICUS- ReliefWeb (press release)
    all 11 news articles »

  91. ANC refuses to condemn Gaddafi in parliament - DA

    Politicsweb - 3 hours ago

    The Democratic Alliance (DA) is disappointed by the ANC's outright refusal to condemn the murderous actions of the Libyan dictator, Muammar Gadaffi. ...
    Gaddafi Blasts Citizens, Says He Won't Leave Libya- Associated Content
    all 4 news articles »
  92. Gaddafi's Unwanted China Praise

    The Diplomat - Jason Miks - 15 hours ago

    Muammar Gaddafi for his fulsome praise last night of China's approach to the Tiananmen Square crackdown. With pressure mounting for him to step down, ...
    China concerned about Libya, slow to rebuke Gaddafi- Reuters Africa
    Quote(s) of the Day: Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi invokes Tiananmen-Shanghaiist
    all 145 news articles »

  93. West accused of 'propping up' Gaddafi

    BBC News - 1 day ago

    Middle East analyst Professor Fawaz Gerges says the West courted Colonel Gaddafi, but now needs to provide moral support and send a clear message to the ...
  94. Govt considering Libya evacuations Tanzanians from Libya

    The Citizen Daily - Lucas Liganga - 40 minutes ago

    More than 1000 people have reportedly been killed by pro-Gaddafi gunmen by yesterday as countries with strong business ties with Africa's third largest oil ...
  95. Colonel Gaddafi denies anything is happening in Libya

    The Spoof (satire) - 1 day ago

    Conolel Muammar Gaddafi, esrtwhile Libyan leader and lunatic in residence in the country has flatly denied anything is happening in Libya at the moment. ...
    Malaysian socialists: `Stop brutal massacre in Libya NOW! Power to ...- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
    Libya: '1000 killed' by security forces during unrest says Italy ...- Adnkronos International English
    all 338 news articles »

  96. World First Morning Update 23rd February 2011: Euro Shakes Off ...

    World First Foreign Currency Exchange (blog) - 10 hours ago

    Gaddafi failed to resign and instead made assurances that he would “die as a martyr” and that “the protesters were agents of Osama Bin Laden”. ...
  97. Has Gaddafi Committed the Hirabah Crime? (Share) - 2 hours ago

    In your view as a Muslim, watching this horrible scenes, how would you describe the way Gaddafi is handling this crisis? Do you agree with the view that he ...

  98. "The Pope made me do it!" sobs Gaddafi as ex-Justice Minister ...

    The Spoof (satire) - 1 hour ago

    "Another Gaddafi family own goal, guys! Don'tcha just lurve the barefaced f***ing cheek of it?" Gaddafi remains in hiding tonight amid reports that a Mossad ...
  99. Sen. Robert Menendez unveils resolution condemning Gaddafi

    Washington Post (blog) - Felicia Sonmez - 21 hours ago

    Robert Menendez unveiled a Senate resolution Tuesday condemning Moammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader who has rejected demands that he leave power amid a ...
  100. Iranian MPs urge bid to find Sadr

    Press TV - 2 hours ago

    In 2008, the Beirut government issued an arrest warrant for Gaddafi over Sadr's ...Gaddafi, who came to power 42 years ago in a bloodless military coup, ...
    Hezbollah slams 'crimes committed by Gaddafi regime'- Jerusalem Post
    Hezbollah Statement on the "Crimes Committed by the Gaddafi Regime ...- Monthly Review
    all 14 news articles »

LIBYA Latest News, Feb 23, 2011

Hosni Mubarak Toppled by CIA over War on Iran
This time the goal is to overthrow the entrenched authoritarian rulers of the Arab world, among them Ben Ali of Tunisia, who had been in power for some 23 years; Mubarak of Egypt (31 years), followed then by Gaddafi of Libya (41 years) .... A detailed summary of these fables appeared as an article by Joby Warrick which appeared in the Washington Post of February 12. Here the author repeats at least twice that Washington bigwigs were out of the loop as far as the events in ...
Timbuktu Chronicles: Table grapes for Zambia
By Emeka Okafor
Nowcasts: Predicting the Present - Nowcasting is a term used by the folks at Google to represent an analysis of large volumes of data that can be used to " forecast" current events for which ... 3 hours ago .... A world roundup - Some other stories I'm trying to follow, in addition to the news from Bahrain: There's very little news from Libya, as protesters take to the streets, espe. ...
Timbuktu Chronicles -
Gaddafi's forces massacre protesters - ABC News (Australian ...
There are reports of a massacre in Libya's second city Benghazi amid a bloody ... In other developments, a Libyan official told AFP security forces had .... The pair of them, Mubarak and Gaddafi, were a Bulwark against US hegemony in the East and in Africa. ..... At this moment things are starting to flare up here. ...
As Libyan protesters gain ground, Gadhafi's son vows to fight
Latest local news and last 7 days of headlines ... Some Libyan websites reported that Benghazi hospitals were putting out emergency calls for medicine and ...
Libya: Gadhafi vows to die a martyr, fight protests - 2/22/2011 10 ...
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi vows to fight protesters demanding his ... Wisconsin · North Africa unrest · Libya · Moammar Gadhafi · Libya ... THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. .... Egyptian troops, meanwhile, have beefed up their presence on the border with Libya and set up a ...
Muammar Gaddafi's son makes 'desperate' speech to Libyans ...
The son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi promised a program of reforms ... Today's Headlines. Sign up for a roundup of the day's top stories. ... Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers from Catholic Online. ... What now for Libya? Correspondent analyzes developments in Arab world ...
Muammar Gaddafi's son makes 'desperate' speech to Libyans ...
The son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi promised a program of reforms following ... Today's Headlines. Sign up for a roundup of the day's top stories. ... UPDATE: Death by Judicial Fiat: Baby Joseph Will NOT Die Today! ... Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers from Catholic Online. ...
French president urges EU sanctions against Libya - Wire ...
... columnists and bloggers from one page Headlines: Latest from the wires ... Dabbashi called Monday for Moammar Gadhafi to step down as Libya's ruler. ... the violence in Libya were "credible," although he stressed that information about ... Get business updates. Keep up with the latest business stories with our ...
Oil at two-year high as Libya on edge of civil war | Business ...
By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark crude for April delivery was up 74 cents at ... Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Tuesday called on supporters to attack ... "These recent developments in Libya and Bahrain increase the risks of major ... The market, meanwhile, is also awaiting fresh information on U.S. oil ...
The Libyan Central Government Building Is On Fire, And Oil And ...
The West aiding Libyan Government with missionaries working under Qaddafi son and they are killing many civilian even in there home (like females) to create ...
Libya's Internet hit with severe disruptions | Privacy Inc. - CNET ...
Libya's network traffic has fallen by up to 80 percent, with YouTube ... Moammar Gadhafi today vowing to die a "martyr" rather than relinquish his grip on power. ... Washington bureau chief for Wired and wrote the Taking Liberties section ... The next go round internet and phone service will be more completely cut. ...
Today: PERU Laterst News
RIGZONE News - leading source for the latest news and information for ... With all the developments in flat . .... Peru is visited for tourist of the entire world due t. ... Libya on the brink as Gaddafi promises showdown - live updates . ... A weekly roundup of the latest research reports available on just-style. ...
Libyan uprising a 'foreign plot' - Times Colonist
Read world headline news. Watch local news stories in multimedia.,Libyan leader ... Business Wire ... The first-round B.C. Hockey League playoff matchups are set, ..... Libyan state television said Gaddafi would give a speech shortly. .... Latest updates. Still image from a video footage shows Libya's leader ...
Gaddafi flees Libyan capitol as protestors apparently seize ...
Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has fled his nation's capitol of Tripoli after ... Today's Headlines. Sign up for a roundup of the day's top stories. ... UPDATE: Death by Judicial Fiat: Baby Joseph Will NOT Die Today! ... Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers from Catholic Online. ...
Oil prices surge 6 percent as Libya protests mount » Ventura ...
Libya holds the most oil reserves in Africa and is the world's 15th-largest crude ... according to the Energy Information Administration. As the Libyan ... As units of Gadhafi's army defected, protesters said they were watching several ... In the U.S., a run-up in fuel costs could force businesses and consumers to ...
Arkansas Online
By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark crude for April delivery was up 74 cents at ... Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Tuesday called on supporters to attack ... "These recent developments in Libya and Bahrain increase the risks of major ... The market, meanwhile, is also awaiting fresh information on U.S. oil ...
Libyan turmoil hits stocks as oil surges - DailyFinance
LONDON (AP) — Mounting concerns over Libya's violent crisis weighed on stocks Tuesday ... With deep rifts opening up in Moammar Gadhafi's regime, air force pilots ... "The impact of developments in the Africa and Middle East on the yen have ... The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, ...
Carol Howard Merritt: How Your Church Can Support Local Food ...
Len Bias died 25 years ago this spring, but 25 years ago today, .... The son, Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, said the army continued to support his ... Earlier Dish round-up here. An Iranian protester talks to Tehran Bureau: ... Libya in flames: Qaddafi wages war on protesters, son vows to fight “until the last bullet” ...
Libyan clashes hit stocks as oil prices surge -
LONDON — Fears that Libya is heading toward civil war weighed on stocks Monday ... Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, the son of Libya's longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi. .... On an unadjusted year-ago basis, the headline number was up 2.0 percent in .... (ABN Newswire) - Asian stocks are expected to extend gains on Thursday as ...
There is a new and unique development in human history that is taking place ... Deciphering the events on the ground in Libya is admittedly difficult. ... " Muammar el-Qaddafi's regime in Libya, we can hope, will be the next government to ..... increasingly fell out beneath him, 41-year Libyan... Liberty News Wire ...
Watching Over Zion | Saltshakers
However, this following information might make you sit up and think... it's ... According to Environment News Service ( 2011-01-03-01.html) ... As pressure builds on isolated Libyan ruler Col Muammar Gaddafi after a ... You can get the latest updates, reports and analysis at ...
Updates on Day 18 of Egypt Protests -
For a summary of new developments, read today's main news article from our colleagues in Cairo. ... He was rounded up on Monday as he was as he was leaving Tahrir Square ..... 2:00 P.M. |No More Fridays in Libya? Sultan Al Qassemi, a columnist for ... Friday” in Egypt, Gaddafi has decided to abolish all Fridays.” ...
2011 February 19 : Infowars Ireland
The exact same logo would turn up 11 years later across the .... Herman Achille Van Rompuy and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi ... The developments come shortly after the army withdrew from the area. .... drug manufacture is like to trying to push a square peg into a round hole.” .... Russia Today 18 February, 2011 ...
UN chief urges Libya's Gaddafi to stop violence against ... Report: Turkish companies looted in Libya (Roundup)Monsters and .... in its development effort and acknowledging the GPL and Lesser GPL. .... The wire services regularly send images to their member papers that feature the phrase " daily life. ...
Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Investigates Buyout of Zoran - TD ...
In addition, CSR announced that it intends to return up to $240 million ... Noah R. Wortman, Case Development Director, of Rigrodsky & Long, P.A., ... AAdvantage 'Mystery Miles' Promotion3 minutes ago by PR Newswire ... UPDATE 1-ANALYSIS- Libya's tribal politics key to Gaddafi's fate3 minutes ago by Thomson Reuters ...
2011 February 17 « Make up your own Mind
But more recent events suggest that whatever caused the high infant mortality ..... Here's your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources We ... [] Libya's tragedy, Gaddafi's farce February 23, 2011 ... February 22, 2011 - The recent approval of Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa is ...
Hemispheric Brief: Seven More Prisoners Released in Cuba
Meanwhile, on the US side of the Cuba debate, news last week that an attempt ... an update on their “Todos Somos Juarez” social development strategy over the weekend. .... all indicate that after 42 years in power, Colonel Gaddafi's time is up. ... Brazil's business in Libya - At the glistening corporate high-rise ...
Tarpley: Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for ...
So it was therefore the golden youth of Cairo who kept up some kind of a presence ...... As AOL News reported, "In what many see as a calibrated rapprochement between two of ... The criticism came in response to a number of recent developments, ... 22 Mubarak was also interested in cooperation with Qaddafi's Libya. ...
Democracy Protests Rock the Middle East and North Africa - #Crasstalk
I'm opening my own wire service, I'm calling it No Pants News. .... If you've got a source with different info, that would be a good update. ... Libya – Muammar Gaddafi is eccentric and the ruling classes may be tiring of him. ..... every word of that excellent round-up + comments so far but if my fairly focussed ...
Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with ...
A detailed summary of these fables appeared as an article by Joby Warrick which appeared ..... During 2010, the US was bending every effort to impose a new round of economic ... The criticism came in response to a number of recent developments, ... 22 Mubarak was also interested in cooperation with Qaddafi's Libya. ...