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Jul 11, 2011

BUENOS AIRES HERALD News, Jul 11, 2011

Incumbent City Mayor, Mauricio Macri, told reporters to be "really surprised" with yesterday’s first round large margin victory as it "broke any previous expectations I had”. Likewise, the business tycoon  
• Macri takes 20-point lead on Filmus, both headed to runoff• Mayor Macri thanks BA residents for 'trusting him once more'
Senator Daniel Filmus, the vIctory Front candidate backed by the national government, came up to stage after trailing by 20 points incumbent City Mayor Mauricio Macri on yesterday’s mayoral elections, and told reporters that “We [Kirchnerism] are confident that if we approach voters in the right way, we can change this story.”   
• 'We will make it to the second round to defend our principles', Filmus
By Carolina Barros
So where do we go from here — what comes next in the mayoral campaign apparently to be defined in a July 31 run-off? How will the national ruling Victory Front party react?
Cabinet Chief Aníbal Fernández said this morning he wasn’t surprised Buenos Aires City identifies itself with Mauricio Macri. According to him, “porteños could not care less who runs the city.”


No vote

By Sorrel Moseley-WilliamsIt’s been almost two years since I obtained that Holy Grail of Argentine paperwork, possessing my very own bordeaux-coloured booklet with a criminal photo, inky fingerprints and my full name (hyphen omitted) handwritten with black biro which has already reached the illegible stage.
By Michael SoltysThe margin of City Mayor Mauricio Macri’s election victory last night was blunted in the 60-seat Legislature by the fact that his centre-right PRO was defending well over half its seats (14 of the 24), thus making an absolute legislative majority even more of a mission impossible than avoiding a runoff.
The remains of singer Facundo Cabral who was shot dead in Guatemala City last Saturday will be transferred to Argentina tomorrow, diplomatic sources informed.
Mayoral candidate Jorge Telerman said that “it’s too soon to say who will be support” in e upcoming second round between Mayor Mauricio Macri and Senator Daniel Filmus.
• Estenssoro assures CC 'is ready to govern BA City'• Giudici warns of a 'fake polarization' in the elections• López Murphy worried about candidates unwillingness to debate• Telerman 'hopes to be the election's surprise'
The personal website of conservative PRO party lawmaker Cynthia Hotton, who gained extensive notoriety last year after becoming one of the most outspoken opponents to the same-sex marriage law pushed by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was hacked by gay rights activists today.
The world's leading economies are headed for a slowdown, the OECD said in its latest monthly economic overview, highlighting signs the US economy is reaching a turning point in its growth cycle.
Pakistani called on the United States to share information about new al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri after Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said he believed that Osama bin Laden's successor was in Pakistan.
• US Panetta: al Qaeda's defeat ‘within reach’
Egyptian activists vowed on Sunday to stay camped in Cairo's Tahrir Square, accusing the army rulers of failing to sweep out corruption, end the use of military courts and swiftly try those who killed protesters.
Chancellor Angela Merkel signaled for the first time her intention to seek a third term in 2013, although a poll showed Peer Steinbrueck of the main opposition party gaining more support from voters.
President Barack Obama said that congressional leaders will meet every day until the debt ceiling issue is resolved, adding that there is "a lot of work to do" to tackle the problem.
The News of the World newspaper bought contact details about the royal family from a policeman, the BBC reported today, deepening the scandal engulfing the News Corp media empire.

Wall Street stocks sank as fears about Europe's debt crisis and the global economy sent a shudder through markets and overshadowed the start of the US earnings season.
Merval benchmark stock index lost 1.71 percent, to 3,411.36points. Meanwhile, Argentina's country-risk rose 3.16 percent to 588 basis points in the JP Morgan EMBI index.
French embassy guards in Damascus fired live ammunition to disperse loyalists to President Bashar al-Assad who tried to break into the compound and are still surrounding it, diplomats in the Syrian capital said. A similar crowd broke into the US embassy but later left, they added.
French police today interviewed a French writer who accuses former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempted rape in 2003, her lawyer and judicial sources said.
Domestic and international flights departing from Ezeiza International Airport and Metropolitan Aeroparque Airport are once again affected by the volcanic ash cloud spewed by the Puyehue volcano in Chile. The ash cloud found its way to the city’s skies affecting airline safety thus causing the shutting of the Capital’s airports.
Russia said there was little hope of finding any more people alive today after an overloaded tourist boat sank in the Volga River, killing as many as 128 people in Russia's worst river accident in three decades.
The euro zone must find a rapid solution to the Greek debt problem to slow the spread of falling confidence through the euro zone, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said.
Spain's Fernando Alonso won the British Grand Prix for Ferrari's first victory of the season on the 60th anniversary of their first success in Formula One.

THE FIJI TIMES News, Jul 11, 2011

A Tale of Two Airlifts: Gaza and Berlin, Jul 11, 2011

Activists from the U.S. stand on their boat named "The Audacity of Hope" moored in Perama, near Athens, Greece, Thursday, June 30, 2011.
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling
Before discussing the recent Free Gaza Flytilla and a Gaza Airlift, most people are familiar with the 1948 Berlin Airlift. Three years earlier near the end of World War Two and at the Potsdam Conference, Germany and Berlin were divided into four separate zones. Each zone was to be administered by Great Britain, France, the United States, and Russia (Soviet Union). As the Cold War unfolded, though, tensions increased.
The West began to view a revived Germany as a buffer against the Soviet-controlled East and gradually united their zones. The creation of West Germany convinced the Soviets that they would never get the war reparations they wanted. Therefore, in 1948 the Soviets implemented a blockade against West Berlin, which was entirely in the Soviet's zone. The flow of supplies and people were impeded. Soviet troops cut-off all road and rail traffic.
The blockade provoked a major crisis for the United States. The Soviets believed by obstructing provisions to two-million West Berliners, that the U.S. would have to abandon any plans to create an independent West Germany. President Harry S. Truman decided to send long-range bombers with atomic weapons to bases in Britain, a warning for a possible preemptive war.

TONGA News, Jul 11, 2011

South Pacific News : New Zealand 
Jonah Lomu flying in with McCully's NZ delegation
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Jonah Lomu, the Rugby Legend, arrives in Tonga tomorrow for two days Tuesday and Wednesday June 13-14, as part of a delegation traveling with the New Zealand Minister for Foreign Affairs, Murray McCully on his 2011 Pacific Mission annual tour of the Pacific, this year to Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands and Niue.
11 Jul 2011, 16:22

Tongans Overseas 
Sofia wins praise for remarkable academic achievement in China 
Anhui , China: 
A Tongan teacher studying in central China has completed a course at a top university in record time, "a marvellous achievement to praise," her Dean said, in noting that Sophia Loren Moala's remarkable academic achievement would go down in the history of the school and that her attitude to education "reflects the beauty of Tonga's culture."

10 Jul 2011, 18:49

Tonga News : Parliament 
House adjourns for 2011 Parliament Tour 
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: The Tongan Parliament is currently adjourned for two weeks for the Annual Parliamentary tour that allows parliamentarians to return to their elected constituencies, throughout Tongatapu and the outer islands.
08 Jul 2011, 22:13

Tonga News : From the Courts 
Six charged after drugs bust
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: A Tongan police officer and five other persons, who were arrested and charged in a drug bust that seized 6.5 kilos of controlled chemicals used for production of methamphetamine, were granted bail upon conditions today, July 8.
08 Jul 2011, 22:09

Tonga News : Youth 
Five finalists awarded seed capital in Youth in Business Challenge 2011 
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: 
The Youth in Business Challenge 2011 has begun in Nuku'alofa and five finalists out of eight secondary schools who competed were awarded seed capital to start their businesses, at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre on July 6.

07 Jul 2011, 22:29

Tonga News : Police and Crime 
Escapees remain at large for 31 days
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: A manhunt continues for two men who escaped from prison on June 6, and police believe are being harboured by persons on Tongatapu, while the prisons officers and police are appealing to the public to step forward with any information regarding the two men.
07 Jul 2011, 22:22

Tonga News : Natural events 
Tonga not ready for major tsunami
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Tonga remains unprepared for a local tsunami and Nuku'alofa is particularly at risk, Tonga's Director of Meteorology 'Ofa Fa'anunu warned today after this morning's tsunami alert, saying that better community alert systems need to be urgently put in place.
07 Jul 2011, 18:41

Tonga News : Natural events 
Nuku'alofa takes the day off
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Following this morning's tsunami warning, Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa had a sleepy day, with government schools and the central market remaining closed and few people returning to work after two warnings were issued and later cancelled for Tonga.
07 Jul 2011, 16:29

Tonga News : Natural events 
Tsunami Warning cancelled for Tonga NOAA Bulletin no 3
07 Jul 2011, 08:59

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Letters & Comments
Letters & Comments : Government 
A professional beggar
London, UK: Financial Aid programmes are designed by rich countries to assist poor countries like Tonga. The reality, of course, is sadly but truly that, as described by Katalin in her letter – "someone from THC have to attend and participate in these meetings to defend and advance Tonga's interests and hopefully maximize our share of the cake". Yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, we have become a professional beggar. – Senolita Swan.
10 Jul 2011, 16:49

Letters & Comments : Parliament 
"No More Loans" is irresponsible financial planning
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: "No More Loans" is irresponsible financial planning. Loans are not the problem; they are essential to financing operations and services. High overhead costs and a top-heavy labor force are the culprits. Reduce the size of government, cutting waste and corrupted practices will provide better services for the people, thus growing the business sector to create more jobs for more people to pay more taxes. – Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
09 Jul 2011, 06:20

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Press Releases
Press Releases 
Foreign aid can improves people's lives
New South Wales, Australia: "If targeted effectively, foreign aid can make a positive contribution to improving people's lives, reducing inequality and promoting justice – and the government's response represents a step in the right direction," said Gary Lee, Co-Director, AID/WATCH.
08 Jul 2011, 22:09

Press Releases 
ADB President: Asia must take radical steps towards clean energy
Manila, Philippines: With an energy crisis looming, Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda today called on Asian nations to "take radical steps" to increase energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy. – ADB.
23 Jun 2011, 16:08

Press Releases 
Samoa signs $4m solar PV project agreement
Apia, Samoa: Samoa is the first Forum Island Country to access its indicative country allocation of US$4million under the Pacific Environment Community Fund that has been made available by the Government of Japan. I congratulate the Government of Samoa for being the first and the quickest off the mark . . . – Tuiloma Neroni Slade, Secretary General Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.
20 Jun 2011, 08:54

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Sports : Rugby 
'Ikale Tahi team to meet Japan on June 9
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: The 'Ikale Tahi team for its second game in the Pacific Nations Cup 2011 against Japan in Suva, Fiji on Saturday, June 9, was announced by the 'Ikale Tahi head coach, 'Isitolo Maka this afternoon, July 7.
07 Jul 2011, 22:24

Sports : Rugby 
Wearing red for 'Ikale Tahi 
Nuku'alofa, Tonga: 
Wearing red every Friday 100 staff members of the Pacific Finance and Investments Ltd. are showing their support for Tonga's national rugby team, the 'Ikale Tahi in the lead-up to the Rugby World Cup 2011 in September.

25 Jun 2011, 18:35

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