Jul 7, 2010

Shelter the World, Jul 07, 2010

The problem is major, yet solvable. 1.4 billion people in the world are without a basic human need – adequate shelter. In third world countries, millions of people are completely exposed to the elements due to natural and economic disasters.

Our mission is to provide long term, low cost and immediate housing to those in need. No more tents or houses made of twigs, tarps, mud or plastic sheets. Using pretty awesome technology, IADDIC Shelters has created Housing Renewal Kits that allow 2 people to build a complete shelter in less than 3 hours each. Our goal is to get these kits into the hands that need them most.

Through your generosity. Simply purchase a SHELTER or any of the SHELTER THE WORLD products from this site and the profit will go directly to IADDIC Shelters. Whether it is a t-shirt or an umbrella, every dollar counts towards gifting shelters to families in need and hope for years to come.Alexander Language Schools, FranchiseAlexander Language Schoolsinfo@als-alexander.org or interalex1@yahoo.com

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