Sep 5, 2010

International Events, Der Spiegel

An Unsettled Issue

Israeli Settlement Construction Booms Despite Ban

In Washington, the Israelis and Palestinians are discussing peace, but in the Jewish settlements in the West Bank, construction is proceeding at full speed. A legal ban is being ignored and the government is looking away. The thousands of new homes could hinder reconciliation. By Juliane von Mittelstaedt in Jerusalem more...
Readers Respond to Criticism of Obama

'Remaking the US into Europe Would Be a Disaster'

Has US policy become too European in its approach to fighting the crisis? A German economist's criticism of President Obama's European-style stimulus package has prompted a flood of letters from SPIEGEL ONLINE readers. Here's a selection of the best comments. more...

The Czar's Lost Gold

Russian Submarine Hunts Clues to Century-Old Mystery

Legend has it that almost a century ago a series of railway wagons stuffed with gold sank into the depths of a lake in Siberia. This week, researchers, exploring the depths by submarine, may have found the Russian royals' lost gold. By Benjamin Bidder in Moscow more...

A Safety Net for Global Capitalism

Inside Munich Re, the World's Risk Center

When natural disasters, like floods in Pakistan or earthquakes in Haiti, strike, Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurance company, ends up paying part of the bill. Munich Re offers capitalism a safety net, and no other company is more familiar with life's risks. By Uwe Buse more... [ Forum ]

Obama's Misguided Approach

America Has Become Too European

The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government. A Commentary by Thomas Straubhaar more...

The World from Berlin

'Obama Takes a Big, Necessary Risk' on Middle East

As the first direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians in two years get underway in Washington, President Barack Obama says he is "cautiously hopeful" about finding a solution for the Middle East. German editorialists on Thursday, however, are more circumspect about his chances. more...

The Low-Expectations Summit

Do Peace Talks in Washington Stand a Chance of Success?

A new round of Middle East peace talks begin Thursday in Washington. Expectations have never been so low, but that also presents an opportunity for progress between the Israelis and Palestinians. SPIEGEL ONLINE analyzes the main issues at the talks. By Juliane von Mittelstaedt in Washington more... [ Forum ]

Life in Baghdad's Slums

Fighting to Survive in Sadr City

Iraq's poorest people live on trash heaps, sleep amongst the rats and drink polluted water. In the country with the world's third largest oil reserves, a million people live in misery, despite the fact that the US has spent $53 billion on the country's reconstruction efforts. By Ulrike Putz in Baghdad more...

Internet Freedom

Will Russia's Bloggers Survive Censorship Push?

With so many of their media sources controlled by the state or government-friendly oligarchs, Russians have turned to their bloggers to keep informed and give voice to their grievances and concerns. But many of those in power are now seeking to impose rigid limits on online freedom. By Benjamin Bidder and Matthias Schepp more... [ Forum ]

Interview with CIA Veteran Michael Scheuer

'Only the Taliban Are Not Corrupt'

The CIA is alleged to have been paying an aide to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for information. Former CIA officer Michael Scheuer spoke to SPIEGEL about why fighting corruption in Afghanistan is all but impossible. more...

Hell on Earth

The UN Documents Congo's Bloodbath

Women and girls were raped. Men slaughtered. Refugees killed with machetes and sticks. A new UN report describes an orgy of violence in Congo between 1993 and 2003, meticulously documenting how law and humanity were abandoned. It also accuses Rwanda of atrocities in Congo -- something that has not gone down well in Kigali. By Horand Knaup in Nairobi more...

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