Sep 13, 2010

Middle East News

Afghan elite enjoys high life in Dubai
Dubai has become a magnet for Afghanistan’s smattering of nouveau riche: many invested heavily in the emirate’s seemingly never-ending real estate fairytale

Obama sets clock ticking
President Obama raises the stakes by setting a one-year time limit to broker a Middle East peace deal, says the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus.

Middle Eastern saga opens new chapter
The Americans got the Mid-East leaders in a room together and, in the words of one official, no chairs were thrown. Now the hard work begins, writes Jeremy Bowen.

Iranian prosecutor ready to release American woman
Iranian authorities are prepared to release on $500,000 bail one of three U.S. hikers held since last year, Tehran’s chief prosecutor said Sunday.

Back to business in Gaza?
Will easing the blockade help Gaza’s businessmen

Q&A: Raid on flotilla
The key questions answered about the Israeli military raid.

Dubai World agrees terms with creditors
The troubled conglomerate says it has reached agreement with almost all of its remaining creditors on restructuring $25bn of liabilities

Kosher swine?
Israeli pig-farming kibbutz draws religious ire

Iranian stoning yet to be commuted
The Iranian woman who was sentenced to be stoned to death, causing an international outcry against the Islamic regime, may suffer her penalty at “any moment”, her lawyer has warned

Iran to speed up border oil exploration
Iran plans to accelerate oil exploration activities by setting up four new drilling platforms in its border areas, a senior Iranian oil official says.

Museum loan to soothe tension with Iran
The British Museum has sent the Cyrus Cylinder one of its most culturally significant possessions to Tehran where it will remain on loan and be displayed for the next four months

Iranian women’s rights activist released on bail
A vocal Iranian women’s rights activist and journalist, charged with “warring against God”, has been released after posting bail of around 500,000 dollars, an opposition website reported.

World’s press guarded as talks begin
The opening day of US-brokered peace talks between Israel and Palestinian negotiators has been met with a mixed response from the world’s media.

Oman feels weight of cement influx
The country’s producers cannot compete with neighbouring UAE rivals whose home market has hit the buffers since the global economic downturn

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