Sep 16, 2010

North America News

Drug Label, Maimed Patient and Test for Court
At issue is whether plaintiffs have the right to sue when the products that hurt them had met federal standards.

Emanuel puts his feelers out for Chicago mayor’s race
The White House chief of staff plans to meet with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., both considered potential successors to Richard M. Daley. He also has commissioned a poll to test his viability.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel planned to meet privately with Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. of Illinois on Wednesday night to discuss the Chicago mayor’s race, according to two people familiar with the plan.

Husband of Alaska Governor Refuses to Testify in Legislature s Trooper Inquiry
Todd Palin was one of 13 people subpoenaed in the inquiry into whether Gov. Sarah Palin or members of her administration abused their power in the dismissal of a top state administrator.

Jim DeMint: Tea Party Candidates Can Win Midterm Election Races
WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim DeMint on Thursday dismissed worries by some of his fellow Republicans that tea party-backed politicians like Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell…

The New McCain: More Aggressive and Scripted on the Campaign Trail
Senator John McCain s once easygoing if irreverent campaign presence endearing to crowds, though often resulting in gaffes has been put out to pasture.

Bread Stays on Menu for Carp at Pennsylvania Lake
Every year, an estimated 500,000 people trek to a lake to see a veritable carpet of carp, and the state has temporarily called off a plan to force people to stop feeding bread to the fish.

Republican Party ditches GOP nominee for Colorado governor
Dan Maes won the primary, but the party is withdrawing its support, saying the ‘tea party’ candidate is not running a professional campaign.

The Republican Party is walking away from Dan Maes, a small-time businessman and political novice with “tea party” backing who captured Colorado’s GOP gubernatorial nomination, scrambling the race less than seven weeks before election day.

Bush Emerges After Days of Financial Crisis
The president spoke briefly on Thursday after remaining largely out of sight as Wall Street has become engulfed by a financial crisis.

Power Still Not Restored to Many in the Midwest
Remnants of Hurricane Ike swept through the region on Sunday, bringing torrential downpours and strong winds.

Leo Hindery, Jr.: My Friend’s Letter to the President re China Trade
A friend – and expert on China and China trade – whose current position prevents the author from going on the record asked me to…

The Ad Campaign: Obama Attacks McCain in a Bid to Attract Hispanic Voters
A Spanish-language Obama ad misrepresents John McCain s record on the immigration issue and his relationship with Rush Limbaugh.

Simpson Defense Alleges Police Glee in His Arrest
O. J. Simpson s legal team began Thursday to mount a defense that will sound familiar to anyone who followed his 1995 murder trial.

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