Sep 6, 2010

Washington Post News

Obama to call for $50B in infrastructure spending President asks Congress to approve investments in roads, railways and runways in a pre-election effort to show he's trying to boost the economy.
Associated Press | 12:21 p.m. ET
A squeeze for small businesses Why many owners say Obama's plan for help is as much a hindrance to hiring as the slow economy.
V. Dion Haynes
Officials: Kabul bank 'normalized' Despite crowds demanding money back, financial officials insist bank does not require a bailout.
David Nakamura | 9:53 a.m. ET
GOP fears the echoes of AlaskaTHE FIX | After Murkowski's loss, establishment GOPers are nervous about a repeat in Delaware.
Chris Cillizza
In tough times, chasing a dream Many struggling economically have found time and incentive to explore long-lost aspirations.
Steve Hendrix
Newspaper's fate hangs on deal A fraternal rivalry has come perilously close to claiming as its victim the Washington Times.
Ian Shapira
Parents turn to 'digital' grounding spacer
Not so long ago, teenagers in trouble lost their evenings out, maybe the keys to the family car. Punishment has taken a new turn.
Donna St. George

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