Oct 26, 2010

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink Hungary is a Failed State. Over. Extinct

Hungary’s been abused for centuries and survived. Never before have the abusers gone after the most defenseless – the unborn and babies with hammer and tongs. Hungary is a failed state, pushed to extinction; the men’s sperm killed off and the women’s germ cells fried as the next generation, as yet unborn, is killed in the womb. They never even had a chance.


“Israeli terrorist “clones” are responsible for most hard line rhetoric, threats and, if we investigated closely, have actually recruited terrorists and directly inspired, if not planned and executed, attacks on Americans…Gadahn is part of it, so is Wikileaks”


"One night Emad was walking in the neighborhood of Shejayia in Gaza City. While he was speaking on his cell phone a missile was fired at him. His brothers explained me that inside such kind of missile there are some sort of turning knives which cut everything."

Permalink US mortgage crisis: The case for public ownership

In the face of mounting evidence of systematic fraud by leading US banks in the foreclosure and eviction of millions of families from their homes, the Obama administration continues to oppose a moratorium on foreclosures. It is instead running political interference for the Wall Street firms implicated in the scandal.

Permalink French Senate votes pension cuts over mass opposition

The French Senate voted 177-153 yesterday to approve President Nicolas Sarkozy's pension cuts in the face of overwhelming popular opposition and continuing strikes. The government at the same time stepped up the use of the police to smash strikes in the oil sector, which have caused severe fuel shortages, carrying out a massive police raid on an occupied refinery at Grandpuits, near Paris.

Permalink Torture, killing, children shot – and how the US tried to keep it all quiet

So now we begin to know the full extent of what Tony Blair called the blood price. A detainee tortured with live electrical wires here, children shot by US troops at a checkpoint there...As many as 30 children died at the hands of US forces at military checkpoints, the Iraq war logs have revealed. Violent "escalation of force" (EOF) incidents as vehicles were slowed down and searched "often" resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians, according to the classified documents. One entry described how a six-year-old Iraqi was hit as troops fired several rounds with light machine guns. It read: "While crossing the street, patrol had an EOF where patrol fired 3 rounds of M249. One round ricocheted off the concrete hitting a 6yr old LN [local national] 250m down the road. Medical Facility reported that the 6yr old LN died of wounds upon arrival."...

Permalink American Corporate-Owned Monopoly Media: YOUR ENEMY!

But - it is obvious that the problem remains. Scoundrels and tools run the information apparatus that feeds the mushrooms (formerly citizens) known as "Americans." This has-been population of fools, true-believers, and self-absorbed suck-ups are busy paying bills, stabbing their "friends"/neighbors in the back (for the crumbs that fall off the corporate-owned table issuing their paycheck) or otherwise feathering their own nest - taking a moment or two to glance at a telescreen to get the pre-chewed information they need to push a computer button in the next phony election so as to lend some semblance of legitimacy to the charade we call our government. You know - the one "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Hogwash.

Permalink Wikileaks Release Puts Spotlight Back on Continuing War Crime in Iraq

Many, many years ago, I noted in the Moscow Times that shortly after the 2003 invasion, the United States had begun hiring some of Saddam's old torturers as the invaders sought to quell the then-nascent "insurgency" -- i.e., the opposition to foreign occupation that when carried out by white men, such as the French during World War II, goes by the more ringing name of "resistance." Here's part of that report, from August 29, 2003:

Permalink Echoes of El Salvador in Tales of US-Approved Death Squads

The Iraqi documents released by Wikileaks produce significantly more detail on US actions in the war in Iraq , but do they produce anything that we did not know already? The Pentagon will huff and puff with rage as it did over the Wikileaks release of US military documents about Afghanistan, when it took the contradictory position that there was little new in what has been leaked, but important sources of intelligence had somehow still been compromised.

Permalink 'Even if the Israelis confess, I don't expect any justice from them'

Survivor of the air strike has little faith in outcome of the inquiry. Maysa Samouni, whose husband Tawfiq, 21, was killed and baby daughter Jumana, now two, was injured in the building struck by missiles on 5 January, 2009, was unmoved yesterday by the progress of the investigation into the attack.

Permalink 2010 Is Just Deck Chair Politics on the USS Titanic

"Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods." ~ H.L. Mencken. The political consensus is following the 2010 election, the Tea Partiers and the GOP establishment will breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate their victory and our two-party monopoly system of government will continue as before. A GOP House majority will checkmate Obama and the Democrats in the Senate and political stalemate will result. Many conservatives and a few Washington pseudo-libertarians will claim stalemate is better than a Democrat landslide but they will be wrong.

Permalink Iraq files reveal checkpoint deaths - Video

Almost 700 civilians, including pregnant women and the mentally ill, killed for coming too close to checkpoints. In September 2007, an Iraqi in a car ventured too close to a US patrol in Baghdad. The soldiers honked their horns; when that didn't cause the car to turn away, one of the gunners fired a warning shot. The bullet - intended to harmlessly hit the pavement - instead hits one local national (9 year old girl).

Permalink Iraq War Logs: Military Privatization Run Amok

Shortly after 10am on 14 May 2004, a convoy of private security guards from Blackwater riding down "Route Irish" - the Baghdad airport road - shot up a civilian Iraqi vehicle. While they were at it, the Blackwater men fired shots over the heads of a group of soldiers from the 69th Regiment of the US Army before they sped away heading west in their white armored truck. When the dust cleared, the Iraqi driver was dead and his wife and daughter were injured.

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