Jan 24, 2011

BBC News - Moscow blast: Russia's Domodedovo airport rocked

Scene at Domodedovo airport. 24 Jan 2011

Reports say the blast happened in the baggage reclaim area
Moscow's Domodedovo airport, the busiest in Russia's capital, has been rocked by an explosion that has killed at least 31 people, officials say.More than 100 people were injured in the blast, which reports suggest was the work of a suicide bomber.
Russia's chief investigator said the explosion was the work of terrorists, and President Dmitry Medvedev said the attackers would be tracked down.
The airport is 40km (25 miles) south-east of the city centre.
In the aftermath of the blasts, Mr Medvedev ordered increased security across Russia's capital and at other airports, and called an emergency meeting with top officials.

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