Jan 31, 2011

EUROZONE Crisis News, Jan 31, 2011

No debt extension to 30 yrs on table -Greek finmin
On Friday, euro zone sources said European Union officials are considering extending euro zone bailout loans to Greece and Ireland to 30 years in a bid to ...
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Merkel Pushes For Closer European Economic Coordination;Press
Automated Trader
Fiscally ailing Eurozone member states will likely not be able to repay their debt if their competitiveness isn't increased, the Chancellor argues, ...
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EU considering overhaul of 440 billion euro rescue fund - report
No decisions are likely at a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on Friday, the newspaper said. Euro zone sources told Reuters on Friday that the EU was also ...
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EURO GOVT-Bund futures hold steady, Egyptian unrest eyed
Higher-yielding euro zone bonds held steady in the face of weaker riskier assets, supported by a news report that European Union officials were considering ...
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European Shares Set to Fall on Egypt Worries
On Friday, European Union leaders meet in Brussels and are likely to discuss the continuing effects of the European sovereign debt crisis.
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Europe may hold early euro summit in March
At the height of the Greek debt crisis, the EU set up in May 2010 a European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). The facility allows countries to borrow ...
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Markets Braced for Payrolls and PMIs
Action Forex
So it may be that this week's Summit winds up with no concrete agreement on a permanent EU crisis resolution mechanism, which is unlikely to arrest the ...
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A month in global macro – emerging markets underperform
Financial Times (blog)
It is not clear yet that this will lead to a comprehensive solution to the crisis; in fact, it probably will not. But Germany and France seem to be ...
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European Financials Defy Sovereign Debt Crisis in January Rally
Even so, most global investors predict at least one nation will leave the euro area within five years and that Greece and Ireland will default. ...
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Daily Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Forecast – the Pound rallied against the ...
TorFX Foreign Currency Exchange (blog)
The Euro continues to gain support from speculation that EU officials will do whatever is necessary to contain the sovereign debt crisis. ...
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EU considering overhaul of 440 billion euro rescue fund: report ...
By marketmaker
Reuters - Euro zone finance ministers and EU officials met on Monday to discuss the euro zone rescue fund, to try to draw a line under the sovereign debt crisis before more countries need help. Euro zone finance ministers to discuss ...
Bullfax.com - Market News & Analysis - http://www.bullfax.com/
EU considering overhaul of 440 billion euro rescue fund: report ...
By admin
Euro zone sources told Reuters on Friday that the EU was also considering extending bailout loans to Greece and Ireland to 30 years in a bid to draw a line under the bloc's debt crisis. John Lipsky, the IMF's first deputy managing ...
Prensa EspartacoPrensa Espartaco - http://www.prensaespartaco.org/
Europe on the Strand » Blog Archive » The Crisis, the Euro, and ...
By europeonthestrand
The financial crisis and subsequent economic downturn have put the single currency under pressure as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and possibly Spain or Italy struggle to keep markets happy, confidence up and debt off their backs. ... of the recession has been slow and uneven across the Eurozone, whilst unemployment has remained stubbornly high. According to the economist Nouriel Roubini structural reform is needed or the aforementioned countries may have to leave the Euro. ...
Europe on the Strand - http://europeonthestrand.ideasoneurope.eu/
When Goldman Speaks, They Sach The Competition
By Scotty B
Last Friday, Goldman reported closing it's long EU position, but said it is retaining it's bearish outlook on the US Dollar and offered further bullish price projections for EUR/USD, namely 1.4 in three months, 1.45 in 6 months, and 1.5 in 1 year. Goldman reported it's long ... On a fundamental level, Goldman cites a steady stream of good news coming out of Europe and increasing investor confidence in the Eurozone to handle it's own debt crisis, and I tend to agree. ...
Scotty B Trader Talk - http://scottybforex.blogspot.com/
Merkel says Germany will never abandon euro | CosmEPIC
By cosmepic
Merkel defends euro, warns on evils of debt. Chancellor Angela Merkel tells Davos that Germany backs the euro, while also warning the European Union that indebtedness stands as a major threat to prosperity. find out in here for more Read more on ... Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany is ready to show “ solidarity” to fellow euro-area countries buckling under the sovereign debt crisis in return for a commitment to lock in rules limiting deficits across Europe. ...
CosmEPIC - http://www.cosmepic.com/
EU Working on "Brady Plan" for Greece - Report
Greece became the first euro zone country to receive an EU/IMF bailout in May, receiving 110 billion euros (94 billion pounds) in loans after it was forced out of capital markets due to its massive government debt and budget deficit. Under the three-stage plan, ... The Greek leadership needs to not waste the opportunity afforded by this crisis to solve the long-standing problems. Even if it means political damage, they need to stay the course and press on with reforms. ...
The National Herald top stories - http://www.thenationalherald.com/
Europe 2010 – The Future Evolution of the Eurozone | Government ...
By admin
www.weforum.org 10.05.2010 Public debt has skyrocketed across Europe as a result of the financial crisis, and plunging tax revenues combined with expensive. ... When we need Energy Independence to stop sending out of the EU hundreds of billions of Euros a year for imported Oil and Gas , even a kid can see that the new jobs must be in clean energy : in solar, wind, wave, geothermal, ...
Government Debt Consolidation - http://governmentdebtconsolidation.moneymotley.com/
Talks on Greek debt as IMF flies in (Guardian)
By admin
Plans to buy back Greek debt at a discount 'seriously considered' The European Union is engaged in frantic behind the scenes talks to reduce Greece's debt as international monitors fly... ... There is growing concern that the eurozone's weakest state will be unable to end its worst crisis in decades, without a sovereign default.Plans to buy back Greek debt at a discount ? a scenario that economists call restructuring by stealth ? are being given "urgent consideration ," ...
NewsBucket - http://www.newsbucket.co.uk/
Financial engineers in Davos made new plan for Greece | London ...
By admin
Growing doubts that the weakest country in the euro area – Greece will not be able to emerge from financial crisis not to go through the procedure of bankruptcy. They are amplified by approaching international monitoring of the country. ... Thus can neutralize about two-thirds of total debt, which amounts to ? 330 billion. Until now, Greece received $ 110 billion from the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank. There is an idea they extend ...
London Stock Market - http://london-stock-market.com/
Daily Forex Info » Debt crisis, the EU said the EU can not agree ...
By admin
U.S. President George Soros of Soros Fund Management (George Soros) delivered a speech at the Davos Forum is a warning that the debt crisis will eventually lead to the collapse of the euro area. Soros noted that, while fiscal policy ...
Daily Forex Info - http://dailyforexinfo.com/
Markets Braced for Payrolls and PMIs | forex info
By Fundamental
Proposals to allow the EFSF to buy the sovereign debt of peripheral euro area countries also face resistance from Germany (though they are being backed by the ECB). After last year's bail-out of Greece, the political sensitivities in Germany are clear and in many ways, understandable. So it may be that this week's Summit winds up with no concrete agreement on a permanent EU crisis resolution mechanism, which is unlikely to arrest the recent back-up in spreads. ...
forex info - http://forexguwe.com/
Great bankers demand more aggressive states in the Eurozone to ...
By Financial Advisor
Common view of some of the bankers is that European governments should more aggressively address the problem of sovereign debt crisis. “The question is how to prevent the turmoil in the euro area to become chronic,” said one CEOs ...
Financial Magazine - Financial... - http://financial-magazine.net/
XE.com - Euribor rates rise as ECB inflation focus intensifies
last week at just over 7.5 billion euros, although it rebounded. to just under 25 billion on Monday. While the ECB abandoned plans to scale back its crisis. support in December after the euro zone debt crisis intensified,. it is now back to the range of funding ... the European Union (FBE) shortly after 1000 GMT. * For a table of the latest Euribor fixings for terms of one. week to one year, double click on. * For a table of the previous day's fixings of EONIA swap ...
XE Forex News - http://www.xe.com/news/
The Future Of The World Economy | youvan's productions
By youvan
Or, at least. European Union as a whole course, there are large differences between European countries. This is especially the countries three major euro zone, Germany, France and Italy, which had grown bleak. British and Spanish had a stronger growth, .... Its medium term, however, is overshadowed by the crisis in the U.S. and its impact on China and the world. And fall of demographic and labor resources and capital reduction, which means increased load on the economy . ...
youvan's productions - http://youvan.net/
France Urge Britain to Help save Euro Currency | General Interest News
By admin
It has also been said that Lisbon has been affected by the rumor that its Eurozone partners who want it to accept a bailout to avert a wider crisis. It is also feared that any economic disaster in Portugal could drag down others, ... after Greece and Ireland were both given with big EU/IMF loans last year. The successful bond sale in debt-laden Portugal and news on economic growth record for Germany gave the 17-nation Eurozone a much-needed boost on Wednesday. ...
General Interest News - http://www.rcns.net/
PITHOCRATES » Blog Archive » Greece/EU/the Euro are not out of the ...
... in frantic behind the scenes talks to reduce Greece's debt as international monitors fly into Athens this week. There is growing concern that the eurozone's weakest state will be unable to end its worst crisis in decades, without a sovereign default. ... Tags: austerity, cut spending, debt, default, deficit spending, East Germany, EU, Euro, European Union, Eurozone, Germany, Greece, heavy debts, Ireland, Portugal, raise taxes, sovereign default, Spain, unemployment ...
PITHOCRATES - http://pithocrates.com/
Forex Insight: 31st of January 2011 - Fundamental Forex Market ...
By Forex-Insight copyright 2010
German Finance Minister Schaeuble gave a relatively upbeat assessment of the current phase of the Eurozone's sovereign debt crisis. He said he did not expect any further "major shocks", and predicted the euro would be "stable". ... Greek Prime Minister Papandreou said that Eurozone governments are considering a proposal to allow EU institutions to recapitalize banks. Austrian Chancellor Faymann indicated he would prefer a speedy conclusion to discussions surrounding a ...
Forex Insight - http://forex-insight.blogspot.com/
U.S., Japan warned by IMF, rating agencies on debt | Make Money Online
By admin
One Republican warned that the United States faced the risk of a currency crisis if it did not get its debt under control. “We're getting closer to that all the time,” said Texas Representative Ron Paul, who has long advocated a return to ... In Europe, market pressures have forced many governments to adopt austerity budgets to bring down soaring borrowing costs, and the European Union is now locked in debate over whether a 440 billion euro bailout fund for its members is ...
Make Money Online - http://make-money-online.michael-nunn.com/
Soc Gen Does not See a Suez Crisis - Mark's Market Analysis
By Mark
The Suez Canal is priority number one for many investors watching the crisis in Egypt develop. As one of the global oil choke points, its security is perceived as vital to world oil prices. But thus far, it has remained open for ...
Mark's market analysis - http://www.marksmarketanalysis.com/
North and South in Euro land RedRock FX
By Vincent
It is possible that the worst part of the crisis in the Euro zone is behind us, but let's not forget that those major debts (Greece, Ireland,… for now) are still there. Nevertheless, it is a secundary problem. The main problem consists of ... The difference with the North on these topics is huge and it is cultural… . so is corruption (Greece, Italy),… Back to the debts. So, will the EU-members of the south be able to pay their debts back? If not, the money is lost, right? ...
RedRock FX - http://redrockfx.com/
Article in the New York Times about 'What's Broken in Greece ...
By _________________
The problem kick-started the financial crisis that is still shaking the euro zone. Seeking to restore competitiveness, Greece, because it is in the euro, cannot devalue its currency and, like other nation's on the zone's periphery, .... conservative and socialist — seem to understand that the old culture that allowed a dominance of such size and scope is no longer acceptable if Greece is to generate the type of growth it needs to eventually pay down its mountain of debt. ...
ΤΟ ΟΡΑΜΑ - http://orama-magazine.blogspot.com/
Geopolitics & Daily News: English edition (week: 05/2011) « www ...
By olympiada
Greece became the first euro zone country to receive an EU/IMF bailout in May, receiving 110 billion euros ($150.8 billion) in loans after it was forced out of capital markets due to its massive government debt and budget deficit. .... The crisis in Egypt follows the toppling of Tunisian president Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who fled the country after widespread protests forced him from office. The disclosures, contained in previously secret US diplomatic dispatches released ...
www.olympia.gr - http://olympia.gr/
Spain jobless rate surges to 20.33 percent (AFP) | Blog 24 online
By radmin
It was more bad news for an economy fighting to regain the trust of financial markets and avoid being trapped in a debt quagmire that has engulfed Greece and Ireland and now menaces Portugal. ... BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Euro zone finance ministers meeting on Monday will face pressure to increase the size of a 750 billion euro ($1006 billion) safety net for crisis-hit members in order to halt contagion in the single currency bloc. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the ...
Blog 24 online - http://blog.business24web.com/
Forex » Blog Archive » Daily Outlook – EGYPT UPRISING BRINGS FEAR ...
By Tony Darvall
News over the weekend showed the crisis continuing and could weigh on markets Monday. Q4 GDP at 3.2% vs. 3.5% forecast. In US stocks, DJIA -166 points closing at 11823, S&P -23 points closing at 1276 and NASDAQ -68 points closing at 2686. ... The Euro (EUR) fell sharply on the Egyptian chaos which fueled heavy USD and CHF buying. Also weighing on the Euro Friday, more reports that German Officials are still reluctant to increase the EFSF. EUR/USD traded with a low of ...
Forex - http://www.aeroninfo.com/forex/
Talks on Greek debt as IMF flies in : Daily News actueel world's ...
By eagleshot
Plans to buy back Greek debt at a discount 'seriously considered' The European Union is engaged in frantic behind the scenes talks to reduce Greece's debt as international monitors fly into Athens this week. There is growing concern that the eurozone's weakest state will be unable to end its worst crisis in decades, without a sovereign default. Twitter · Facebook · Google Bookmarks · Live · del. icio.us · Digg · RSS · Yahoo! Buzz · MySpace · LinkedIn · StumbleUpon ...
Daily News actueel world's first... - http://www.easybranches.com/
EU crisis is focus at Davos | Athens News
HIGHLIGHTING the eurozone's debt crisis as a crucial factor in the pursuit of a ... capital flight as well as an EU-wide banking crisis. Euro safe ...
FT.com / Brussels / Economy - Experts predict eurozone debt reforms
Experts predict eurozone debt reforms. By Chris Giles in Davos ... Then, he said , “the euro will become more appealing as a reserve currency”. ... Few practical suggestions for resolving Europe's debt crisis were aired in the public ...
China's euro crisis - www.the-african-times.eu
Until recently, the debt crisis in the eurozone didn't seem to have much to do with ... “We are quite concerned about whether the Euro debt crisis can be ...
Europe will never turn back on euro, pledges Sarkozy : French ...
Merkel, Sarkozy meet in Germany ahead of EU summit ... Sarkozy met for talks on Friday expected to be dominated by the eurozone crisis. ... The 16-nation euro currency will survive the debt crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed. ...

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