Feb 26, 2011

IRELAND, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece News

Portugal's debt woes spell more trouble for Europe - Yahoo! News
Another bailout for a eurozone member is sure to further undermine ... "Although Portugal has a lower debt level than Greece, its high fiscal ... Financial markets mistrust Portugal just as they did Greece and Ireland, but for different reasons. ... All those economies slowed last year, Portugal, Spain , and Italy. ...
The Greek Debt Crisis (Causes, Repercussions and Resolution Measures)
All about the Greek Debt Crisis. There are no graphs or tables. ... Exogenous causes Greece got admitted into the Eurozone prematurely. .... 1.4% of foreign claims in European banks, economies such as Portugal, Ireland, Italy and ... Budget Deficit o The Greek fiscal crisis is the outcome of a combination of high ...
Bundestag wants to reduce Merkel's room for manoeuvre
The Greek crisis and the future of the Eurozone. By: Paul De Grauwe .... Moody's on European insurer's exposure to sovereign debt ... peripheral sovereign debt to be small, but that the sectors would be hardly hit by a contagion to Spain and Italy. Net combined exposure to sovereigns of Greece, Ireland and Portugal ...
Balancing Act - Charles Schwab - February 12, 2011
Despite a debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 200% and a government deficit, Japan remains ... The euro-zone debt crisis remains a "two steps forward, one step back" ... Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, ... Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ...
France's Banque Postale Buys Irish Bonds on Region Recovery Bet
European Union leaders have given themselves until March 25 to craft what ... The market wants very real progress" on the euro-region debt solution, Medjaoui said. ... and Greece joined Italy in objecting to annual numerical debt- reduction ... Portuguese 10-year bond yields rose 63 basis points since reaching a ...
February – 2011 – Eirik W. Moe
UK – Whilst not part of the Eurozone has seen its 10-year yields continue to ... hence why the yields are lower than the likes of Spain and Italy, which acts as a ..... Six months ago, it was Greece that received a bailout. Now Ireland's debt crisis is worsening, even though they have not yet asked for a bailout. ...

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