Mar 16, 2011

The Crisis In The Middle East, Mar 16, 2011

The Crisis In The Middle East Is Wreaking Havoc On Oil, Pushing Prices To Over $100 A Barrel! 2 Months From Now, American Oil May Be Our Only Option. Buy LBYE Now And Lock In
Your Explosive Profits Today!

Fellow Investor,

As we speak, the current conflicts in Egypt, Libya and Bahrain are spreading like wildfire, reshaping the world as we know it...
Riots and protests are ramping up throughout the middle east, rumors are swirling that Iran and Saudi Arabia could be next and it's wreaking havoc across the global markets...
Pushing oil to over $100 a barrel for the first time since 2008.
Even more alarming, is the fact that this price spike could be just the beginning, because when this civil unrest hits Iran and Saudi Arabia, oil shipments could come to a screeching halt as the Straight of Hormuz and the Suez Canal are locked down, leaving the rest of the world stranded and dry.
This turn of events could make $100 a barrel oil look like chump change as prices soar through roof on the way to $400 by the time all is said and done...
And leaving American oil companies one of the last and only choices the crude dependent countries of the world can turn to.
A shocking statement, I know...
But luckily for us, we have advanced knowledge of the direction that this commodity juggernaut looks to be taking.
However, this may be our last chance to bank enormous gains as oil shoots to $150, $200 or even $400 a barrel.
If you're not already holding oil stocks, there has never been a better time than now to do so...
But even if you are - you could always use more - especially if that company has massive upside potential that we all look for as investors.
And that potential lies with Liberty Energy (LBYE).
Because not only does LBYE have the right pieces in play to profit in the future, but they're also ready to help you profit now as they bring more and more of their active wells online.
I'll get into this company's amazing story in my hot off the press special report, but first, I want you to realize that...
The shares you buy Today for less than a buck could be
worth $45,000 - just in time for summer!
But LBYE's outlook gets even better when keeping this in mind...
Right now, Liberty Energy isn't even operating at full throttle.
Imagine what happens as Liberty brings all of its 280 wells online, company sales could explode to an astounding $421.9 million at today's price per barrel, sending shares soaring...
But, if oil heads towards the $125 a barrel it looks to be aiming towards, that profit potential could double - or even triple to what is predicted!
If that happens, I suggest selling half at $4.00 - turning $5,000 into a whopping $45,000!
The other half?... Let it ride!!
But that's just part of the story...
Don't wait any longer, see why I believe shares in LBYE could make you rich, almost overnight, or come so close, it won't matter.
Don't wait on this! Get in on LBYE now before the profit door slams shut!
To get all the details in my Special Report you can do so by selecting here, or click on the button below - I'm sure you'll see why I believe that Liberty Energy could be the best oil play of 2011!
To Your Future Wealth,

Shawn Ambrosino
Analyst, M3 Profit Accelerator

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