Mar 15, 2011

FINANCIAL News, Money, Banks, Stock, Economic and Financial Crisis, Mar 15, 2011

Australian Gold Sector Dynamics
Gold Seek
In other words many bond funds and bond investors would not buy this debt at auction if the ECB were not providing a guaranteed exit for this high yield investment class. Euro nations created the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) on the 9 th ...
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BOJ Aims at Stability, Leaves Japan Economic Rebuilding for Kan
Photographer: Toshiyuki Aizawa/Bloomberg The Bank of Japan's move to inject record cash into money markets while limiting bond purchases, signaled the central bank is limiting its role to securing financial stability in the aftermath of the March 11 ...
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JAPAN MARKETS-TOPIX hit, seen falling further as quake costs climb
Analysts said the risk was for a further drop in shares as investors come to terms with the fast-rising economic toll from Japan's worst crisis since World War Two. "With investors on edge any stronger tremors can trigger panic selling, particularly if ...
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Disruptions of Power and Water Threaten Japan's Economy
New York Times
To try to stabilize the markets and prop up the economy, the central bank earlier Monday poured money into the financial system. Assembly plants for Japan's big three automakers — Toyota, Honda and Nissan — were closed on Sunday and planned to remain ...
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New York Times
Mortgaging Irish Independence
Monthly Review
These power brokers arrived to prevent “contagion” from the financial crisis in the small country of 4.5 million people. The stakes are high: political backlash from austerity measures is threatening the most recent plan to recapitalize insolvent banks ...
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Interactive Brokers Interest Rate Brief
Forex Hound
The central bank in an attempt to preempt filing business and household confidence from manifesting into an all-out rout in the financial markets said it would buy ¥500 billion in government bonds, ¥1 trillion in short-dated bonds and ¥1.5 trillion in ...
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Turkey: immune to unrest in the Middle East?
Southeast European Times
After a domestic banking crisis in 2000-2001, Turkey's banking sector was well prepared for the global financial meltdown. However, some experts are worried that the Turkish banks have been handing out loans too generously this year. ...
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China's Fiscal Legerdemain
Wall Street Journal
China may have evaded a painful banking crisis a decade ago. Can the world's second largest economy can pull off the same trick twice? Mr. Chancellor is the author of "Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation. ...
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Why Deficits Do Matter
Lew Rockwell
His or her bank would have merely booked the loan as an on-balance-sheet asset – rather than off-balance-sheet asset. The only noticeable difference on the entire financial planet would have been that a few banks wouldn't have been able to scalp ...
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Bank of Japan Injects Record Cash, Expands Asset Purchases
San Francisco Chronicle
"We are providing as much funds as needed to dispel anxiety in financial markets," Kazushige Kamiyama, an official in charge of the central bank's money market operations, said before the policy announcement. "We will continue to add ample funds to ...
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Reaping the QE-2 Whirlwind
"SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in the growth rate of money supply, even small ones," said the late Nobel-winning economist Milton Friedman – "impact the financial markets first," writes Gary Dorsch, editor of Global Money Trends. "Then, they impact changes in ...
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Bernanke and the Fed vs. Buffett, El-Erian, Gross and the Investor (subscription) (blog)
“There is much to be said for not following the herd, but as traders warn, the reward of being first to a new investment opportunity must be weighed against the risk of being eaten by an unforeseen foe,” he concluded. (FT, March 11, 2011, Bond king's ...
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Stocks slide as GE, utilities hit by nuclear doubts
See story on bank of Japan. But with sufficient data unavailable, worries about the ultimate financial impact of the earthquake and tsunami escalated over the weekend as Japan's resulting nuclear-power crisis deepened. ...
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Australian Gold Stocks Sector Dynamics :: The Market Oracle ...
Best Financial Markets Analysis Article Australian gold stocks do not generally move up or down as a group in sequence. This presents both opportunity and an additional challenge for investors in this sector. .... Many will jump to cash and lose money gradually as inflation eats away at real returns. Inflation will remain higher than interest rates offered by banks, perhaps throughout the whole crisis because they are rebuilding their balance sheets. ...
The Market Oracle -
Australian Gold Sector Dynamics | Neil Charnock |
By Neil Charnock
In other words many bond funds and bond investors would not buy this debt at auction if the ECB were not providing a guaranteed exit for this high yield investment class. Euro nations created the European Financial Stability ... Many will jump to cash and lose money gradually as inflation eats away at real returns. Inflation will remain higher than interest rates offered by banks, perhaps throughout the whole crisis because they are rebuilding their balance sheets. ...
Recent Commentaries | -
Bank of Japan provides £114 billion to stabilise financial ...
By marketmaker
Japan's central bank said Tuesday it had decided to inject 10 trillion yen (114 billion dollars) into financial markets by buying up bonds and other financial assets.The Bank of Japan "decided to further enhance easy monetary conditions by ... The global financial crisis pushed Japan into its worst economic downturn in decades but recent economic indicators have shown a budding recovery in exports and production. Japan central bank injects $184B as stocks plunge ... - Market News & Analysis -
Saving the world from imbalances | Money Supply | News, data and ...
By Chris Giles
Remember, global trade imbalances were an important contributor to the financial and economic crisis because huge amounts of money, which flowed to the US searching for yield, ultimately found its way to borrowers who were wholly .... Before joining the FT, Emma worked for five years in energy trading and investment banking. Since then she has set up a business, researched for the IPPR and NGOs. She has a PPE degree from Oxford. She is currently studying for the CFA. ...
Money Supply - - UPDATE 3-BOJ floods money market with cash, may ease policy
The Bank of Japan offered to pump a record $183 billion into the money market on Monday and may ease its ultra-loose policy further to calm markets after a massive earthquake hit the country's northeast, killing thousands and triggering a ... 'The BOJ is likely to take bold steps to stabilise the financial system and is likely to revert to quantitative easing or zero interest rate policy to respond to the unprecedented crisis,' said Naomi Hasegawa, senior fixed-income ...
XE Forex News -
How Japan's Disaster Could Impact Your Investments - CBS ...
By Carla Fried
From a purely financial vantage point, Japan will rebuild and recover. It will take time, but the factories and businesses that are closed today will eventually reopen; the world's third-largest economy will again produce what it has always produced, ... who is director of research at Buckingham Asset Management, noted in a recent post, there will always be shocks and surprises, whether natural disasters, geopolitical upendings, or straight-on financial crises. ...
The Daily Money Blog RSS | MoneyWatch -
Parry and Feint: Outlines of Europe's Next Chapter
By Marc Chandler
European officials have reached an agreement in principle that falls well shy of the “comprehensive plan” officials had promised and is unlikely to provide investors with a sense of closure to the debt crisis that began in late 2009. .... Marc Chandler joined Brown Brothers Harriman in October 2005 as the global head of currency strategy. Previously he was the chief currency strategist for HSBC Bank USA and Mellon Bank. Marc is a prolific writer and speaker. ...
Credit Writedowns -
Perfect Scene for Phase Three of Bear Market Rally in Stocks
By Michael Lombardi, MBA
There are markets that trade down sharply on bad news and markets that trade up sharply on good news. By monitoring the reaction of stocks to events in the economy and world marketplace, astute investors gauge the strength of a market's trend. Frankly, I'm surprised to see the resiliency of this stock .... The stock market needs a rest from its excellent performance over the last two years. Ever since the market low set during the financial crisis, just owning the index . ...
Penny Stocks, Stock Market Advice,... -
Speculating on the Depression | Gold News
By Doug Casey
Nonetheless, we're in a genuine economic and financial twilight zone, where nothing is cheap and everything is high risk. This is most unusual because there's usually something on the other end of the seesaw. .... And they see stocks as a better place for money than earning essentially zero interest from shaky banks. That said, I'm not interested. The earnings of many companies will collapse at some point as the public's patterns of consumption change radically in the ...
Gold News - Gold Market Analysis... -
BOJ floods money market with cash | The Financial Daily
By admin
Analysts said the massive fund injections on Monday showed the central bank's determination to keep borrowing costs low and stable as investors try to gauge the economic cost of the worst crisis to hit Japan since World War Two. ...
The Financial Daily -
The Japanese earthquake brought extra uncertainties | ForexNewsNow ...
Japanese may also have to repatriate money from over-seas investments, including US Treasuries, to pay for the reconstruction, hitting US Treasuries. Concluding, a lot of uncertainties for global bond markets makes it difficult to have ...
Forex News Now | Online Forex... -
Who Deserves Credit for Economic Recovery? - Chicago Daily Observer
By Brian Wesbury
In other words, easy money would have puffed up stock prices, just like easy money puffed up housing prices. Never before in history has a Fed Chairman tried to say that easy money lifted stocks for two years, but that the economy is ... And the over-investment in housing never would have created a financial crisis if mark-to-market accounting had not been instituted in November 2007. Who gets the blame and who gets the credit is the biggest economic battle of our times. ...
Chicago Daily Observer -
Greenspan: Government “activism” killing economic recovery « Hot Air
By Ed Morrissey
Mr. “I found a 'flaw in my ideology' in my 80s after I was asleep at the wheel while the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression was occurring after spending two decades as Chairman of the Federal Reserve” shouldn't be listened .... that the Fed's easy money policy after the tech crash is the primary reason for the over investment in the housing market. Count to 10 on March 14, 2011 at 3:04 PM. Greenspan just got himself (and his wife ANDREA MITCHELL, NBC NEWS! ...
Hot Air » Top Picks -
EASY MONEY: NYT special report on Goldman Sachs' role in the 1998 ...
By DailyBail
And in June, as Russia lurched toward a financial crisis that set off global shock waves, the House of Unions was rented for a glittering celebration of capitalism, with one of the country's most ardent bankers, Goldman, Sachs & Company, as its host. ... But the firm's troubled bond deal and the skillful protection of its own money are a window on the role that many investment banks played in the breathless rise and fall of the newly liberated Russian economy. ...
The Daily Bail -
Stocks plunge in Japan in first post-quake trading | Chicago ...
By Reuters
Japanese stocks suffered their biggest slide since the 2008 financial crisis Monday, with investors eyeing a further drop as the uncertainty over the country's. ... The yen slid against the dollar on hedge fund selling after the Bank of Japan announced a total of 15 trillion yen ($183 billion) in fund injections to keep money markets stable. But market players are keeping an eye out for ...
Chicago Breaking Business -
Can Japan find 'New Deal' after triple whammy? - Financial Post
Japanese stocks fell 7.6%, on track for the biggest daily loss since October 2008, and bond yields rose as investors expected the disaster to take a huge economic toll and require heavy government borrowing. ... "Kan's government avoided a crisis due to this huge disaster," said independent political analyst Minoru Morita. "As long as media are reporting only about the disaster, Kan's government will be stable," he said. "Once the news returns to normal, criticism will ...
Financial Post - Top Stories -
Japan may sell US Treasuries to invest in rebuilding | The Anglo ...
By Alex Stanczyk
The Bank of Japan probably will add money to the system to limit the liquidation of assets. But the big question remains of how much follow-through selling is yet to come. Dan Fuss, the vice chairman of $150 billion Loomis Sayles, ... Japan's crisis may also provide a new reason to press on with the long-awaited retreat in stocks. A lot will depend on the price of oil, which fell on Friday on concern that the Japanese earthquake would hit global economic sentiment. ...
The Anglo Far-East Company -
What Must Be the Case for the Economy to Be at Full Employment ...
By J. Bradford DeLong
Even if the money stock (and thus the LM curve) and the spread remain at their appropriate full-employment balanced-macroeconomic values, spending will fall and unemployment rise. ... In 2008 we had a fall in the supply and a rise in the demand for high-quality assets with the financial crisis. In 2001 we had a fall in the supply of savings vehicles with the collapse of the dot-com boom.
Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality... -
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog: Experimental Estimates of the ...
By Martin Ryan
Don't donate money to Japan - Individuals are doing it, banks are doing it -- faced with the horrific news and pictures from Japan, everybody wants to *do* something, and the obvious ... 1 hour ago .... No End in Sight: Early Lessons on Crisis Management - In times of crisis, choices must be made. In the most recent global economic crisis, policymakers moved quickly to stabilize the system, providing massive ... 4 days ago ...
Geary Behavioural Economics Blog -
The Fed's Credit Report
By Phil's Stock World
And then the dodgy loans are being chopped up, glued together, and sold to as bonds to "yield seeking" institutional investors around the world. That's the way the new financial system works, and that's why the system broke down when investors tried to ditch these crappy bonds in the autumn of '08. It triggered a run on the shadow banking system that led to worst financial crisis in 70 years. Now car dealers are back for a double-dip reviving subprime loans to inflate ...
Business Insider -
Update on European Financial Crisis and Bond Yields | Dawn Wires ...
The European financial crisis has been simmering in the background, but will probably become front page news again this month. ... Posted by Shaily in Investment News, US Files on March 3, 2011 9:47 pm / View Comments ... solvency of the banks involved in the exercise against hypothetical adverse economic events. ...
How Safe Are Your Savings? | Economic Crisis | The Investigative Fund
The investment Replogle bought from UBS Financial Services, a division of the ... financial instruments such as stocks, stock indexes, and unsecured bonds. ... same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks: " 'Cause that's where the money is. ...
Is Saudi Arabia the land of opportunity? - Money - Zawya
Portfolio Manager. Track your investments and select news alerts ... The fact of the matter is both Saudi banks and Saudi companies have issued and continue to issue bonds on the London Stock Exchange. ... One might say that in light of the global financial crises, the KSA is truly the land of opportunity. ...
Birinyi Buys as Biggest Bull Rally Since '55 Hits Third Year ...
Finbox | Financial News, brought to you by YOU! Birinyi Buys as Biggest Bull Rally Since ... The money managers who picked the global stock market bottom say now is no time to ... who foresaw the crisis, said the S&P 500 may fall to 600. ... U.S. investment-grade debt performed better than bonds from other nations, ...’55-hits-th...
Euro zone debt crisis intensifies on summit eve - Yahoo! Finance
Greek 10-year bond yields rose to a post-crisis high above 12.8 percent and two- year yields have risen sharply. ... The financial problems in Europe are getting worse. .... failing banks by giving the larger banks trillions in taxpayer money enabling ... CNBC; Stocks plunge on economic news, energy stocks - AP ... - UPDATE 6-Japan considers emergency quake budget, BOJ ...
News Providers: Thompson Financial, AP, XFN-Asia, Daily FX, Reuters ... The quake hit just before the Tokyo stock market closed, ... a lowly 0.1 percent following cuts during the global financial crisis. ... The government must act quickly to announce support packages and the central bank should pump more money ...
UPDATE: Basel Committee Agreed On Systemic Relevance Criteria
NASDAQ News: UPDATE: Basel Committee Agreed On Systemic Relevance ... The international body of financial regulators agreed on "five equally weighted ... cross-border banks from rocking financial markets when they get in ... The investment bank's collapse was instrumental in precipitating a global financial crisis. ...
A look at economic developments around the globe - Business News
Escalating concerns about the financial and economic fallout _ plus the risk of ... the debt crisis that has for over a year threatened the existence of the ... FRANKFURT, Germany _ The European Central Bank held off buying government bonds .... financial advice, and track your investments in your stock portfolio. ...
A Look At Economic Developments Around The Globe - Money News ...
A look at economic developments and activity in major stock markets around ... Escalating concerns about the financial and economic fallout - plus the risk ... the debt crisis that has for over a year threatened the existence of the ... FRANKFURT, Germany - The European Central Bank held off buying government bonds ...
Norway's Oil Fund: Is it Realizing its Full Potential? | Michael ...
Their basic question is simply one of which stocks and bonds will yield the ... sovereign wealth funds to upgrade their long-term economic productivity, ... The financial climate has changed radically from when Norway's Oil Fund was ... The aim of these banks is the same as that of Norway's Oil Fund: to make money. ...’s-oil-fund-is-it-realizing-its-fu...
Optimum Online - News - AP News - A look at economic developments ...
The benchmark Nikkei 225 stock average slid 6.2 percent in its first day of ... Escalating concerns about the financial and economic fallout - plus the ... the debt crisis that has for over a year threatened the existence of the ... FRANKFURT, Germany - The European Central Bank held off buying government bonds ...
Markets applaud European debt crisis package - Netscape Money ...
They also revealed that the bailout fund can buy bonds directly from ... Greece was the big winner in the markets on Monday, with its bond and stock prices surging. ... The euro rose 0.3 percent on the day at $1.3971 despite global jitters in the ... banks drove the Irish state to the brink of financial collapse. ...
Nikkei plunges on 1st trading day after quake -
LONDON — Japanese stocks led global markets lower on Monday as investors worried ... The Bank of Japan was quick off the mark Monday, injecting a record 15 trillion ... the 2008 financial crisis — the benchmark Nikkei 225 dived 633.94 points, ... They also revealed that the bailout fund can buy bonds directly from ...

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