Mar 2, 2011

FINANCIAL News, Money, Banks, Stock, Economic and Financial Crisis

Party Time? All TSP Funds Head Up in February
Did we not learn anything from the financial crisis? Actually, the banks probably did learn something from the financial crisis and it may be a reasonable conclusion: Banks can lend money with abandon and the taxpayer will bail them out. ...
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Here's How to Do It
Wall Street Journal
The bottom line, Mr. Olsen says, is that any foreign-exchange investment carries substantial risk, and that prudent investors must understand the risk and implement strategies to mitigate it. Ms. Henshall is a reporter for Financial News and The Wall ...
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FACTBOX-US Treasury's tools to delay hitting debt limit
Created during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the fund was last used as a backstop to guarantee money market mutual funds during the worst part of the financial crisis from September 2008 to September 2009. The GAO study estimated that this could ...
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401(k)s Are Still O(k)
Financial Advisor Magazine
Its foundation is a quantitative investment process that puts less stock in standard financial models and more emphasis on a “weight of evidence” approach that takes a range of economic and market indicators and puts them in a blender to divine which ...
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The imaginary public sector pension fund crisis
Not one executive of those banks, investment banks, credit rating organizations has been prosecuted for patent financial crimes. They are the ones who owe the Black Knight their thanks, not us! Even worse, though the markets have been stabilized, ...
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Clearly Not Laissez Faire
First published on, it remains just as relevant today. Free markets did NOT cause this crisis. Governments did. Inflation targeting has failed. Money has failed. What should we do? First, free markets did not cause this problem. ...
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Bill Gross - Who Will Buy Treasuries When The Fed Doesn't ?
Speaking of investment tips, no clue or outright signal could have been any clearer than the one given in December 2008, labeled “Quantitative Easing.” While the term was new, the intent was obvious: (1) pump public money into the financial system to ...
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Sociologias: An Orgy of Speculation
By (José Marques...
None of this is news to Bernanke who knows exactly what's going on. He knows that zero rates and swapping bonds won't trigger a wave of investment, just as he knows that higher stock prices won't necessarily lead to more jobs. ... The fundamental problem after a financial crisis is that businesses and households stop spending money, and they remain skittish for years afterward. Consider that new-vehicle sales, which peaked at 17 million in 2005, recovered to only 12 ...
Sociologias -
2008 Crash Caused by Financial Terrorism?
The central bank economic system that has been put in place by the Anglo- American elite is far from a free-market system. It begins by printing money- from-nothing and as this fiat-currency circulates, it begins to inflate various markets, ... The report states that federal authorities must further investigate two significant events in the months leading up to the financial crisis. The first phase of the economic attack, the report said, was the escalation of oil prices by ...
The Daily Bell - -
ETF DAILY NEWS » Housing Bust – Trading The Crisis (XHB, ITB, KBE ...
By David Bettencourt
A declining stock market and declining economic news tend to push the TBT lower. If the real estate market continues to soften, this is an ETF that could see it's price fall. TBT has risen by almost 30% over the last 4 months as QE2 fueled ... Finance and other financial websites. The show is all about “YOU” and your money! How to trade stocks and options, invest and grow your money, keep your money and everything money related. There are also special reports and ...
Economist's View: Eichengreen: Europe's Banks Are in Far Greater ...
By Mark Thoma
Europe needs to help out its ailing banks. ... SPIEGEL: How much money do the banks need to crisis-proof their balance sheets? Eichengreen: As a rough estimate, I'd put the costs for recapitalizing the German and French banks at 3 percent of Franco-German gross ... Why are bond traders scrutinizing Europe but not the US? Eichengreen: ...I worry that they will begin to distrust the US soon too. History has shown us that financial crises always happen close to elections . ...
Economist's View -
The Loss of Trust and the Great Unraveling To Come | What Am I ...
By WhatAmIMissingHere
Anyone who believes the foreclosure crisis can be contained is deluded, because the real issue in play is the citizens' trust in their government's ability to govern the nation's Financial Elites according to the rule of law. ... Zero interest is nothing but a transfer of wealth from the citizens to the Financial Power Elites in the money-center and investment banks. Please note the bankers divided up $144 billion in bonuses last year, despite their insolvency. ...
What Am I Missing Here? -
Muni Bond Scare: Noureil Roubini predicts $100 billion in defaults ...
By Stephen Gandel
And that apparently was the good news. The issue is that Dr. Doom's prediction on muni bonds, while bad, is not the gloomiest out there. Noted bank analyst Meredith Whitney warned of hundreds of billions in defaults in municipal debt. ... So even if the municipal bond you own or is owned by the fund you have money in doesn't default, the price could fall as investors rush out of muni bonds in general, much in the same way they did after the financial crisis, or the stock ...
The Curious Capitalist -
2008 Crash Caused by Financial Terrorism? | eWallstreeter
By mitchell
While Britain's central banker Mervyn King blames the private sector, US financial analyst Kevin Freeman, at the Pentagon's request, has penned a report (excerpt above) that blames foreign enemies for the 2008 financial crisis. ... The central bank economic system that has been put in place by the Anglo- American elite is far from a free-market system. It begins by printing money- from-nothing and as this fiat-currency circulates, it begins to inflate various markets, ...
eWallstreeter -
Michael Pento: Taps for the Dollar - Breaking News and Opinion on ...
By Michael Pento
The proof of Ben's success can be seen in comparing how the foreign exchange markets reacted to the recent crisis in the Middle East with how they reacted to the financial crisis of 2008. ... To maintain this peg, the People's Bank of China had to print trillions of yuan and perpetually hold more than $1 trillion U.S. dollars in reserve. But recently, having led to rampant money supply growth and inflation in China, the peg has become more trouble than it's worth, ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Links 3/2/11 « naked capitalism
By Yves Smith
Commentary on current economic and financial news. ... The eventual monster company had real assets of some $682 million, but against this had been sold $303 of bonds, $510 million of preferred stock, and $508 million of common stock . .... Certainly, the global financial crisis and the decidedly post-neoliberal response to it by leading states…mark the beginning of neoliberalism's end as an economic regime. The election of Barak Obama may signal the decisive repudiation , ...
naked capitalism -
SWARM The BANKS: All Money is not Created Equally, and that may be ...
By Alessandro Machi
A Law Born of Crisis Looks Helpless to Prevent Another One - Even if the Dodd- Frank financial reform law is implemented flawlessly, two men in a position to know say it won't be enough to stop another financial crisis. ..... It's as if all that pension investment money floating around that is looking for a solid but safe investment is in competition with the fed itself. The Pension money is beholden to the pensioners who fund it, the fed is beholden to the homeowner's ...
Using the Oscars to rewrite the history of the subprime crisis ...
By New Class Traitor
There's been a lot of finger-pointing on all sides about this financial crisis, but much of it misses the point. The off-topic details about CEO salaries and bond markets and mergers and bailouts and who voted for what all chase the ... The banks lost money, the customers lost money, and it all went down the toilet. Which, of course, many people had predicted. So the question is: Why? Why did banks start making countless risky untenable loans to unqualified customers? ...
Spin, strangeness, and charm -
Poland leaves rates on hold | Money Supply | News, data and ...
By Emma Saunders
A large minority of analysts had expected a raise, following above-target inflation data, plus last month's decision to increase rates 25bp, the first such move since the financial crisis. Signals from the Bank itself had been ... Emma Saunders is the editor of Money Supply. Before joining the FT, Emma worked for five years in energy trading and investment banking. Since then she has set up a business, researched for the IPPR and NGOs. She has a PPE degree from Oxford. ...
Money Supply -
Total US Debt Hits $14.195 Trillion, $99 Billion Away From Debt ...
By Tyler Durden
In addition, the Treasury owns $155.7 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities bought from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the financial crisis. But dumping a huge chunk of mortgage bonds onto the market could cause mortgage rates to spike higher ... Outlays in the same period were up $53 billion, or 5 percent. Stronger economic growth, increased employment and a rising stock market would produce more income, reducing the need to fund government operations with debt. ...
zero hedge - on a long enough... -
Poland: rate rise postponed | beyondbrics | News and views on ...
By Stefan Wagstyl
That rate of economic growth is the highest since the third quarter of 2008 – just before the start of the global economic crisis. The finance ministry expects the economy to expand by about 4.2 per cent this year – up from 3.8 per cent in 2010. ... The central bank said in a statement (in English) that rates had been left unchanged because wage growth pressures and a rebound in investments both remain weak and the unemployment rate high. Inflation could stand at 2.8-3.7 ...
beyondbrics -
Harvey Organ's - The Daily Gold & Silver Report: Gold at record ...
By Harvey Organ
"There is a fair amount of concern over the macro economy, and rising prices have also attracted some buyers," said Michael Widmer, an analyst at Bank of America-Merrill Lynch. ... Both gold and silver prices have rallied sharply since the financial crisis unfolded, rallying to record highs and 31-year highs respectively in recent months. "Concerns over the fiscal cycle and monetary policy in the United States provided an incentive for people to buy," Widmer said. ...
Harvey Organ's - The Daily Gold... -
By Gary
The Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission proposed the rules to comply with a provision included in the sweeping Dodd-Frank financial overhaul Congress passed last summer. ... The “blind pursuit” of high-speed rail is “highly likely to develop into a debt crisis,” wrote Zhao Jian, a professor of economics at Beijing Jiaotong University, in an April 2010 commentary in the China Daily newspaper. .... Bloomberg News Clips. Intrade. BETWEEN THE HEDGES Global HitMap ...
Harvard Cubs With $43 Billion Dwarf Their Former Endowment Home ...
By admin
Adage Capital Management LP, Charlesbank Capital Partners LLC, Convexity Capital Management LP, Highfields Capital Management LP and Regiment Capital Advisors LLC are all Boston- based investment firms run by former endowment managers at .... Lehman Crisis. Jane Mendillo was hired as Harvard Management's CEO in July 2008. Her first year was marked by the collapse of financial markets in the wake of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s bankruptcy in September of that year. ...
Richest Persons -
European Sovereign Debt Crisis Deepening - Risk of Contagion and ...
Feb 28, 2011 | Last Update: 05:48 GMT. BREAKING NEWS; Kenyan central bank ... European Sovereign Debt Crisis Deepening - Risk of Contagion and Bond Market Crash .... The US Treasury market occupies the centre of the global financial system. ... The European Central Bank is being forced to print money to bolster ...
UPDATE 2-Philippine signals rate hike likely soon - CNBC
CNBC takes a closer look at the municipal bond crisis and shares ideas on how ... Before Wednesday, Tetangco had simply said authorities were ready to take monetary action ... by Robert Birsel) Keywords: PHILIPPINES ECONOMY/CENBANK ( Robert. .... Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and ...
UPDATE 1-Bernanke-Don't blame easy money for capital swings | Reuters
Central bankers and finance ministers of economies that make up 85 percent of the ... to ensure steadier economic growth and prevent shocks like the recent crisis. ... Gradually smoothing global imbalances of trade and investment is a top .... headline news, small business news, news alerts, personal finance, stock ... - FACTBOX-U.S. Treasury's tools to delay hitting debt limit
Search for a news provider, date, or keywords. ... investment of municipal bond- issue proceeds. Slugs, which count ... worst part of the financial crisis from September 2008 to ... The Federal Financing Bank can issue up to $15 billion in ... Stronger economic growth, increased. employment and a rising stock market ...
GLOBAL MARKETS WEEKAHEAD-Forgotten the euro zone debt crisis ...
Investment & Financial Market: Forex, Stock, Business, Finance ... 2018 and 2021 bonds on Monday. Spain, one of the potential ... that substantial changes in oil prices are big news for the global ... GLOBAL MARKETS WEEKAHEAD-Greek crisis goes viral; By Jeremy Gaunt, European Investment Correspondent LONDON, ...
Inmagic DB/Text WebPublisher PRO: 256 records
Because illiquid bonds may be relatively poorly priced, the ability to infer investor .... We find that investment responds significantly -- in both economic and statistical ..... Bank stock-return volatility increases with unused commitments, ..... During the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, financial markets ...
Huge potential for sukuk in Saudi and Gulf market: Al-Jasser|News
The challenge for SAMA is how to expand the role of Islamic financial institutions in the interbank money markets and to design ... We would like to see the local credit market diversified from bank finance to corporate bonds and sukuk,” ... the global financial crisis of 2008-09 for the Saudi financial system and ...

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