Mar 30, 2011

LATEST World News, Mar 30, 2011

Arab World Protests: Meet The Leaders Feeling The Most Pressure
Από το συντάκτη The Huffington Post News Editors
Despite near-Herculean efforts, Libyan rebels have not yet been able to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi's long-standing dictatorship, even with international intervention. Yet inBahrain, Syria and Yemen, anti-government challenges are ... (Reuters) - Oil prices fell on Friday after a massive earthquake shook Japan , shutting refineries and other industrial facilities in the world's third- largest oil... Middle East Protests: Arab Demonstration Surge Expected In Gulf On Friday ...
The Full Feed from -
Middle East, North Africa concerns send crude prices higher again
Από το συντάκτη Elaine Frei
Daily Oil Market News. Daily Oil Prices & Futures News on the Blackstuff. Wednesday 30th of March 2011. 29/3/2011 ... Crude oil prices were higher Tuesday as investors shifted their worries back to political conditions in North Africa and the Middle East as fighting continued in Libya and there were more anti- government demonstrations in places like Bahrain, Yemen and Syria. ...
Oil Prices and Oil News @ Oil Marketer -
Round-up: Analyzing today's news – Global Public Square - ...
Από το συντάκτη amarcnn
Here are some strong analyses and reports of the major news of the day. Syria The Washington Post's editorial board is skeptical that Assad can offer anything of value in his speech this morning: We don't believe that Mr. Assad could ... in which he made clear that he stands with the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people—but, for the most part, the revolt in Egypt, the war in Libya, and the devastating earthquake inJapan have pushed Iran off the front pages. ...
Global Public Square -
Japan Nuclear Crisis: Trench Water Under Investigation « Eurasia ...
Από το συντάκτη World Nuclear News
The discovery by Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) is the latest puzzle at the Fukushima Daiichi site, at which four nuclear power units are written off after being inundated by the 14-metre tsunami of 11 March. ... World Nuclear News is an online service dedicated to covering developments related to nuclear power. Established in 2007, WNN has grown rapidly to welcome over 40000 individual readers to the website each month, while its free daily and weekly emails both ...
Eurasia Review -
Turkey-Syria: Why Erdogan Can't Let Assad Down — Global Issues
Από το συντάκτη Global Issues
After a victorious arm-twisting on Saturday with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to divert the leadership of the aerial war against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi from France to NATO, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ... With ongoing domestic unrest next door, but also in Bahrain, Jordan, Yemen, and, to a lesser degree, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Morocco, Ankara's Middle Eastern and Northern African ambitious plans are poised to return to the drawing board. ...
Global Issues News Headlines -
London parley divided on Libya. More shocks in Bahrain, Egypt ...
Από το συντάκτη admin
The London conference ended Tuesday, March 29 divided between the US and Britain in favor of arming the Libyan rebels and France and Italy against. Control... ... London parley divided on Libya. More shocks in Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Syria. March 30, 2011, 12:52 pm ... -
Fuel Fix » Oil prices rise despite consumer worries
Από το συντάκτη Associated Press
Until recently, Libya produced nearly 2 percent of the world's oil. Experts say those exports will likely be halted at least for another several months. Unrest in Bahrain,Yemen and Syria has raised further worries about world oil .... Anchored by business reporters at the Houston Chronicle and other Hearst newspapers, FuelFix incorporates blogs by energy experts, market updates, useful data and a real-time summary of the top ideas, hottest stories and latest news. ...
Fuel Fix -
'Carnage Beyond Imagination' In Misrata As Gaddafi Pounds Rebels
Από το συντάκτη The Huffington Post News Editors
She said at a news conference in Paris after an international meeting on Libya that the U.S. will support "all necessary measures" to put the U.N. Security Council resolution into place. She made clear that the U.S. has no intention of sending ..... That way the despots in Bahrain , Syria , Yemen , and Saudi Arabia can continue their brutal crackdowns while nobody is watching. We're cherry picking ... Eric_Sarnoski: Okay everyone , keep your eyes glued to Lybia. That ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -
Oil prices rise despite consumer worries | The Associated Press ...
Από το συντάκτη The Associated Press
Until recently, Libya produced nearly 2 percent of the world's oil. Experts say those exports will likely be halted at least for another several months. Unrest in Bahrain,Yemen and Syria has raised further worries about world oil ...
Examiner Nation RSS -
Help Libya, but respect Congress - The Observation Deck ...
Από το συντάκτη Jay Jochnowitz, Editorial page editor
Mr. Obama also clarified one of the more perplexing issues: Why Libya? Why not all those other nations — Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, even Saudi Arabia and Iran — where people are at odds with despots and autocratic regimes? ... The U.N. Security Council's “future credibility to uphold global peace and security” is diminished. However plausible that scenario might be, it is not the kind of direct attack on our nation that would justify unilateral presidential action. ...
The Observation Deck -
Prediction: 20 Years of War in Libya | MyFDL
Από το συντάκτη David Swanson
Similarly, Galtung gives the governments of Yemen, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia negative fives but suggests that Syria and Iran score better on the basis of past resistance to empire. ... Crisis in Japan Breaking news and updates on the ongoing crisis in Japan. On Wisconsin and Beyond The war on the working class rages in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and more. Middle East Popular Uprisings Coverage of protests in Libya, Iraq,Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt and more ...
David Swanson's myFDL diary -
media circus retrospective « Niqnaq
Από το συντάκτη niqnaq
The image highlights particular news hotspots: Japan after the appalling tsunami ,Libyan opposition forces under attack. Crucially, it does not feature the crimes of Western allies in a comparable way. .... And yet, as discussed in Part 1, Obama clearly can stand by while allied dictators kill numerous pro-freedom protestors with US weapons in Bahrain and Yemen. Again, there is precious little evidence that the US is interested in real 'democratisation', as opposed to ...
Niqnaq -
UNHCR | Refworld | Libya: detainees, disappeared and missing
... to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field offices, Governments, international, regional and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and judicial bodies. ... Cite as, Amnesty International, Libya: detainees, disappeared and missing, 29 March 2011, MDE 19/011/2011, available at: [accessed 30 March 2011] ...
UNHCR | Refworld | Latest Updates -
HuffPost's Howard Fineman Discusses President Obama's Libya ...
Από το συντάκτη HuffPost TV
further I believe the libyan assault has taken all talk off the mainstream media about the situation in Japan.......and with Potus earmarking 35 billion dollars for nuclear projects this seems suspicious say the least. ..... I'm guessing you were against the Iraq War right? Inconsistent nonsense. How about when we left Vietnam and over 2 million were killed by Pol Pot, shoud we have stayed longer? How about Syria? Iran? North Korea? Darfur? Yemen? ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Syrian Cabinet To Resign! Assad Attempts To Appease Protesters | MyFDL
Από το συντάκτη Bill Egnor
This, of course, risks going the route of Libya and to some extent Yemen, with the possibility of Generals and other members of the government defecting and perhaps an all out civil war. .... Breaking news and updates on the ongoing crisis in Japan. On Wisconsin and Beyond The war on the working class rages in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and more. Middle East Popular Uprisings Coverage of protests in Libya, Iraq, Bahrain,Yemen, Egypt and more. Private Bradley Manning ...
Firedoglake -
On "Progressive" Support for the War on Libya: A Response | Mostly ...
Από το συντάκτη blackandred
Subscribe to Mostly Water. Receive Mostly Water news via daily email updates. You can also subscribe to one of Mostly Water's news feeds. We also carry syndicated content from many other sites. .... attacks which have left scores or hundreds dead in Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria. And there's the difference that in Libya people asked for foreign assistance. That certainly seems true – though many said they wanted only a no-fly zone, no other foreign intervention. ...
Mostly Water -


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