Mar 29, 2011

LIBYA Today, Mar 29, 2011

Obama: We have stopped Gaddafi's deadly advance — RT
The US president said he had ordered US warships into the Mediterranean because ofLibyan leader Gaddafi's "brutal repression" of his people and "a looming humanitarian crisis." ... During that war, McCain was on CNN and made a statement, Today I talked to Misha and told him, "Today, we are all Georgians". PR101 March 29, 2011, 13:13. Obama is doing the killing and maiming in Libya to extent his own power but of course also to secure greater oil deals for U.S companies. ...
News RSS : Today -
French plans to topple Gaddafi on track since - NEA από όλο τον ...
By arpakola
While in Benghazi, contact is made with Libyan air defence colonel Abdallah Gehani, who was designated by Nouri Mesmari as an army officer who is ready to collaborate in toppling Muammar Gaddafi. Gehani had good contacts in Tunisia too . ...
NEA από όλο τον Κόσμο... -
US stopped 'Gaddafi's deadly advance': Obama (Lead)
US stopped 'Gaddafi's deadly advance': O..."For more than four decades, the Libyanpeopl...He said the US could not stand aside and watch pro..."We struck regime forces approaching Benghazi...Obama added that the US would continue to ...
Daily News Headlines | Today's... -
Obama: Military action 'stopped Gaddafi's deadly advance' - KCBD ...
More than a week after U.S.-led bombing began in Libya, President Barack Obama laid out his case for action to the nation Monday night...
KCBD - Today's -
By Gordon Duff
The 1986 attack is never mentioned without a reference to the dead child. In fact, seldom is President Reagan mentioned without recalling the Libyan bombing that killed “Gaddafi's daughter.” The story hit the BBC today, one the media ...
Veterans Today -
Gaddafi's Son Was On Obama State Department Approved Tour Of The ...
By Niccolo Machiavelli
I suspect there is even more to this story. "One of Colonel Gaddafi's sons was on a U.S. State Department approved tour of America as the uprising in Libya began, it was revealed today. Khamis Gaddafi, 27, had been on a four-week U.. ...
Big Peace -
Libya: William Hague says London conference will plan for life ...
Από το συντάκτη World News - International news and world...
William Hague has said that a special conference on Libya in London today will focus on launching the country's post-Gaddafi "political process".
KIWI 24x7 -
World Leaders Seek Common Ground For Post-Gaddafi Libya « Eurasia ...
By EurActiv
More than 40 governments and international organisations meet today (29 March) in London to try to lay the groundwork for a Libya without leader Muammar Gaddafi. As coalition forces pound Gaddafi's tanks and artillery, ...
Eurasia Review -
news: » Rebels pushed back by Gaddafi forces -
By admin
Mar 29 – Libyan rebels encounter stiff resistance from government forces as they try to advance towards Gaddafi's hometown Sirte. Travis Brecher reports. Reuters Video: Top News ...
news -
William Hague reiterates the need for Gaddafi to commit to a ...
By Tim Montgomerie
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference William Hague reiterates the need forGaddafi to commit to a ceasefire in Libya ahead of today's London Conference : Comments. William Hague reiterates the need for Gaddafi to commit to a ... - Conservative Party -
Libya Woman Who Claimed She Was Raped Being Held Hostage At ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
But shouldn't we adjust the notions and perceptions about these societies ? nb693: ALibyan man from Tobruk today publicly proposed to Eman. http://www. html ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -
We need a coalition of the willing to defeat Gaddafi – Telegraph Blogs
By Con Coughlin
I have a worrying statistic for anyone who holds out any hope that today's London conference has any chance of ironing out the worrying splits that have appeared since Western warplanes began imposing the no-fly zone against Libya ...
News -
What If Gaddafi Had Gone Nuclear? | Israel: Daily Alert
By dailyalert
America and its allies are interceding militarily in Libya. But would that action have been delayed or even precluded if Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi had access to nuclear weapons? Gaddafi unilaterally forfeited his nuclear weapons ... It continues to make steady progress today. Sanctions alone are unlikely to prove effective unless backed by measures capable of convincing the Iranian regime that the military option is real. The critical question then becomes: Does ...
Israel: Daily Alert -
Libyan fighters close in on Gaddafi's home town
By BayBak, Azerbaijan
Libya's opposition fighters closed in on Muammar Gaddafi's home town of Sirte on Monday under air cover of coalition forces, and the international community has began looking to what happens in a post-Gaddafi world. ... “We want to go to Sirte today. I don't know if it will happen,” said 25-year-old opposition fighter Marjai Agouri as he waited with 100 others outside Bin Jawad with three multiple rocket launchers, six anti-aircraft guns and around a dozen pick-up trucks ...
BayBak, Voice of a Nation -
Libya rebels pushing hard towards Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte ...
By admin
Ras Lanuf, Libya, March 28, 2011 - A steady stream of rebels in pick-up trucks mounted with machineguns drove towards Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi'shometown of Sirte on Monday, seeking to extend their advance west. ... some police and military, but no signs of any fighting. As Gaddafi's birthplace, Sirte has great symbolic importance. If it fell, the rebels would gain a great psychological boost and the road towards Tripoli would lie open. “We want to go to Sirte today . ... -
Gaddafi must face a war...
By anselm
March 2011, 10:38. Gaddafi must face a war crime trial not exile, insists Cameron. David Cameron will tell world leaders they must put Colonel Gaddafi on trial and backLibyan rebels at a crisis conference in London today. ...
SHITHAPPENS - The revolution... -
Rebel advance on Gaddafi's hometown checked by pro-government ...
By Susan Ryan
The BBC reports that rebels said today that pro-Gaddafi forces had used heavy weaponry to stop their advance on Sirte. Today, foreign leaders are gathering in London to discuss a possible exit for Gaddafi and the future for Libya if he ...
TheJournal -
news: » Gaddafi: NATO SStrikes on Libya barbaric -
Gaddafi: NATO SStrikes on Libya barbaric. Filed under: russia today ... Gaddafiforces gain on rebels as no-fly zone calls fail to take off ...
Νυκτερινός Επισκέπτης: Gaddafi: NATO SStrikes on Libya barbaric
Gaddafi: NATO SStrikes on Libya barbaric · Ξεπέρασαν τον Ευατό τους οι Ξεφτύλες! Πρωτοφανής δ... Ivory Coast rebels advance against Gbagbo ,Εμφύλιο.. ...


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