Apr 6, 2011

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News, Apr 06, 2011

Saeima Speaker: Latvia's goal is to join the euro-zone
The Baltic Course
''Issues related to the future of the euro-zone are important for all EU members. They must be discussed by all members sitting at one table. We have a positive attitude towards the European Council's conclusions, offering various measures to liquidate ...
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The Baltic Course
Weaker utilities, banks drag European shares down
PA) dragging down utilities following a target price cut, while banks fell on worries about the euro zone's debt crisis. The FTSEurofirst 300 .FTEU3 index of top European shares was down 0.2 percent at 1142.07 points at 0946 GMT, after earlier touching ...
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The writing on the wall
Telegraph.co.uk (blog)
By Daniel Hannan Politics Last updated: April 5th, 2011 The EU is now proposing to issue its own bonds, as a step towards a single euro-zone bond market. And who will be backing these bonds? Why, the already indebted national governments, ...
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Telegraph.co.uk (blog)
Portugal pays high yield to sell short-term debt
Baltimore Sun
Lisbon's partners are anxious lest the financing problems reach a point of no return before a new government is in place, sapping confidence in the euro zone, but they cannot for Prime Minister Jose Socrates' hand. IMF Managing Director Dominique ...
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ECB FOCUS-This time, politicians content with rate rise
They caused movements that went much beyond 25 basis points, so we should not bedevil the ECB for moving 25 basis points," one euro zone official source said. Diplomats said no one even raised the issue when Trichet attended a European Union summit in ...
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OTE seals Greece's biggest post-crisis bond deal
Greece and its banks were shut out of financial markets last year after the country's government revealed that its budget deficit was much higher than initially estimated, causing a debt crisis that spread throughout the euro zone. ...
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Inflation to continue rising; gold to benefit
Then, despite the fact that the Eurozone has some major problems, the euro has gained on the back of a probable rate hike expected this week. And, after US employment recorded a second straight month of solid gains in March, the US dollar failed to ...
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EU's Unraveling Preps Global Currency?
Right Side News
Imagine, dear reader if it somehow comes together all at once: The impotent heads of the EU meet together for the umpteenth time to declare that the euro crisis is resolved when everyone can see for themselves it is not. Merkel throws up her hands at a ...
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Cut in bailout debt rate fair and vital for sustainability, says Barroso
Irish Times
Ms Harkin insisted Ms Day, who is Irish, was “also wrong” when she said recently the economic crisis was “not a crisis of the euro” but rather a crisis of individual countries in the euro zone.
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Irish Times
India gold settles higher on Moody's downgrade Portugal
Commodity Online
German factory order is also likely to dampen while the Euro zone FY10 Q4 GDP will probably be maintaining the same growth rate as prior. Anticipation over ECB's rate increment may also influence the choice to go for the metal. ...
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Silver soars to new high on global surge, gold eases
Economic Times
In global trade, gold prices declined after China's central bank raised its base lending and deposit rates for a second time this year, though the euro zone debt crisis and concerns of ongoing unrest in the Middle East sidelined the issues, ...
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Coface - UK & Ireland announces speakers to address Conference at The Emirates ...
... issues affecting UK businesses. This year, there is a great deal of uncertainty: worldwide, the consequences of the disaster in Japan and of the Arab Revolutions; in Europe, the stability of the Euro zone; in the UK, the effects of the budget cuts. ...
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Europe EconoMonitor
Roubini.com (subscription)
It says it is unlikely to withstand the shock of a severe financial crisis and may even spread the damage to high-debt countries, while leaving the Eurozone in the grip of paralysing vetoes. The war in Libya and the terrible disasters in Japan have ...
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German economic institutes to revise 2011 growth forecast to over 2.5%
Most Americans have no idea just how bad the financial problems over in Europe are right now. The truth... Chris: rate rises will slow the Spanish recovery – that's inevitable. Fear of a two-speed eurozone was a consistent theme in this paper's ...
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Forex - Asia Close Highlights
EU: Eurozone Q4 GDP (final) remained unchanged at 2% y/y. - EU: German research institutes will revise their 2011 growth forecast to over 2.5% from previous 2.00% - Reut ers. - EU: Germany's largest commercial banks- Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank - are ...
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Speech by Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council at the European ...
ISRIA (registration)
That is perfectly normal in issues of war and peace. But any difficulties that we have experienced over that aspect of the Libyan crisis should not mask for one moment the full track record of the European Union. From the beginning of the crisis, ...
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EDITORIAL: How much will Soini's party grow?
Helsingin Sanomat
The way that he turned it is that the elections are also a referendum on support for the euro countries. Soini's move was tactically brilliant, as he was able to set the agenda for the election. With the EU crisis dominating debate, few even remember ...
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Helsingin Sanomat
Fairfax Market Report including Baobab Resources, Sable Mining, Angel Mining ...
Proactive Investors UK
Europe – Central Bank policy meeting tomorrow. Expectations are that Jean Claude Trichet will announce plans for monetary tightening and a rate rise, the first in 3 years, designed to control escalating euro zone inflation. ...
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S&P: European Round-up
Spear's WMS
However, March services PMI data showed a strong month in Europe, with the eurozone reading being revised up to 57.2 compared to the flash reading of 56.9 two weeks ago. UK CIPS services PMI was much stronger than expected, coming in at 57.1 versus ...
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Spear's WMS
ETF Edge-Bargains and havens amid Europe's debt woes
London South East
Switzerland is somewhat shielded from Euro problems because it is not part of the single currency system, Alexandre said. The Swiss ETF fell 8 percent om March but recouped it quickly. Even those who see Europe as a place with problems say there are ...
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Euro recaptures investor interest
Global Pensions
“Having called the euro weakness in the early part of last year following the headwinds of fiscal austerity, we now believe the worst is behind the eurozone, both economically and politically. We expect to see a gradual shift in assets back to the ...
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Global Pensions
Josef Pröll: Finance minister sticks to guns on tax moves
Financial Times
In recent months, Austria has played an active role in negotiations over the contents of the eurozone's crisis-fighting armoury. As one of only six eurozone countries with a top AAA credit rating, it may yet have to shoulder more of the burden of ...
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The Strains and Pains of the EU and its Identity Crisis ...
By jolyonwagg1
The endless directives passed in Brussels really don't count for much for the average European citizen dealing with life's daily problems? Free movement of people and free movement of goods with Europe? That holy EU principle does not work in reality, its a hollow ... As for the euro crisis there is growing resentment within northern eurozone countries having to bailout southern Mediterranean countries that have run up large deficits by spending more that they can afford. ...
jolyonwagg1's notebook - http://marlinspikenestor8435.wordpress.com/
CGD: Privatization or Resolution?
By Ricardo Cabral
What we face now in the European Union is not a normal negotiation. It is a negotiation between creditor and debtor countries with an economic value without precedent in the history of the Eurozone and probably in the history of the European Union. ... further financing without compromising the conditions of its sovereign debt. Finally, I agree with Pedro Pita Barros that it would be an error to leave the Euro and I believe the problems in the Eurozone can still be addressed.
The Portuguese Economy - http://theportugueseeconomy.blogspot.com/
Portugal rating cut again, deepening debt crisis - KansasCity.com
</p><p>Most analysts expect Portugal, part of the 17-nation eurozone, will soon accept a bailout like Greece and Ireland. It is expected to need up to euro80 billion.</p><p>"Portugal was able to issue debt once more, but the rates are prohibitive," Filipe Silva, debt manager at Banco ... "In our view, the more reasonable option at this stage seems to be for the EU to provide some form of bridge loan, possibly in the form of bilateral country loans from EU countries." ...
Kansas City Star: Business - http://www.kansascity.com/
EU in trouble | Presseurop (English)
These are sterile wars, most often to the detriment of European consumers, even if the trend towards mergers do pose undeniable social problems. But it is for Europe to propose and dispose. The second problem relates to European defence. ... Europe's sovereign debt crisis has dampened enthusiasm for the single currency in most of the countries of Central Europe. Today, only the Baltic States are still eager to join the Eurozone, writes "Rzeczpospolita". ...
Presseurop - http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/113511-nobel-prize-dissidence
Portugal rating cut again, deepening debt crisis | The Daily Blitz ...
By admin_blitz
Moody's reckons Portugal will become the third member of the bailout club and that whatever government emerges after June 5 elections will approach its euro partners "as a matter of urgency." Standard & Poor's and Fitch, ... Though the political limbo makes it hard to see who might request a bailout in the near term, Moody's said other eurozone countries might provide Portugal with financial support in the interim period. However, Germany, the bloc's paymaster, ...
The Daily Blitz: news, politics,... - http://www.thedaily-blitz.com/
The Greek Pension Reform Case - Social Europe Journal
By Thanassis Gouglas
According to the authors, the hope that the world financial crisis could lead to a rethink and that the hotly contested European Social Model could serve as the basis for an alternative approach to European integration seems fruitless. ... type of greedy capitalism suffered in 2008, neoliberal economic orthodoxy still dominates European politics and will shape the economic and social agenda of the coming decade through the Europe 2020 program as well as the Euro pact. ...
Social Europe Journal» Columns - http://www.social-europe.eu/
Looking Ahead To Tomorrow's Global Session – Wed. April 6th
By Nick Nasad
Commodities – Gold hit a new record high as tensions in the Middle East, concerns about a showdown in Washington DC over the US budget that could cause a government shutdown, and lingering issues about Europe's sovereign debt crisis pushed more investors to seek ... The 3rd release of Euro-zone 4th quarter GDP is not expected to contain any thrills and should closely match the 2nd reading. Don't expect too much market moving potential for this release. 6AM ET (10:00 GMT): ...
DailyMarkets.com - http://www.dailymarkets.com/
EU to Lobby U.S. on Tax Rules | www.bullfax.com
By marketmaker
An African Union delegation is on a three-day visit to Washington for first-of- their-kind talks with the United States on issues including fighting hunger and climate change and boosting peacekeeping operations. ... The European Central Bank is launching a wide-ranging overhaul of its rules on collateral, with a vital change of policy that should help Greece through its public debt crisis ...
Bullfax.com - Market News & Analysis - http://www.bullfax.com/
Icesave treaty forces Iceland to pay for British and Dutch actions ...
By sveinnv
Iceland is guaranteeing repayment to the UK and the Netherlands outlays up to the minimum amount of deposit insurance under EU rules of EUR 20000.-. The UK and the Netherlands further decided to reimburse many depositors over and above this amount ... The global crisis of 2008 was an inevitable consequence of global economic imbalances which had rapidly built up in the financial systems of the US, UK, the Eurozone and several other economic areas over the preceding years. ...
advice.is | Rökin gegn Icesave - http://www.advice.is/
Forex: Euro Remains Battered, U.S. Dollar May Regain Footing On ...
By ABMN Staff
... will ultimately share Ireland's face as the government faces record-high financing costs, and warned that the region faces another possible downgrade as the EU maintains a relaxed approach in addressing the sovereign debt crisis. .... Euro-zone PMI Composite (MAR). 57.5. 57.6. GBP. 08:30. PMI Services (MAR). 52.6. 57.1. Best since Feb '10. GBP. 08:30. Official Reserves (Changes) (MAR). – . 2253M. Climbs to record high. EUR. 09:00. Euro-zone Retail Sales (MoM) (FEB) ...
American Banking News - http://www.americanbankingnews.com/
#551 | Full communique for the explosion at the Citibank branch on ...
By admin
As far as Greece is concerned, history itself has provided the evidence for the absurd drivel of local political power regarding the supposed strengthening of greek economy that followed the entry in European Union and euro-zone and the opening to ... In our opinion, Greece is in a very difficult position and we do not share the view claiming that being a euro-zone member works as a hedge against crises. The structural problems of “national” economy combined with system's ...
From the Greek Streets - http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/
Sovereign debt: The five stages of debt grief | The Economist
The EU nations face three separate problems (or combinations of them). First, there is the aftermath of a banking and property bubble (Ireland). Second, there is the legacy of years of uncontrolled public spending (Greece). ... But euro- zone nations don't have an independent monetary policy and Ireland and Greece may shortly face an increase in interest rates from the ECB, which is inevitably influenced by the continent-wide inflation rate and the strong rebound in ...
Buttonwood's notebook - http://www.economist.com/blogsfeeds/buttonwood/atom.xml/buttonwood/index.xml
The writing on the wall – Telegraph Blogs
By Daniel Hannan
The EU is now proposing to issue its own bonds, as a step towards a single euro- zone bond market. And who will be backing these bonds? Why, the already indebted national governments, several of which are struggling to pay off their own ... The option of refusal, however, is not open to states which are in the euro zone . So, among the countries obliged to participate in the rescue package will be, er, Greece and Ireland. We will not solve the debt crisis by taking out new ...
News - http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/
XE.com - UPDATE 2-Portugal pays high yield to sell short-term debt
Banking executives delivered an unprecedented warning to the government on Monday that the country's public debt crisis, and the falling value of the sovereign bonds they hold, is weakening the position of the banks themselves. ... Lisbon's partners are anxious lest the financing problems reach a point of no return before a new government is in place, sapping confidence in the euro zone, but they cannot for Prime Minister Jose Socrates' hand. ...
XE Forex News - http://www.xe.com/news/
Forex – EUR/JPY close to 10-month high on divergent rate views ...
By bikerszone
Yen Falls to 10 Month Low Versus Euro on Central Bank Outlooks Jean Claude Trichet on Monday added to views that euro zone interest rates would Today s PPI release will come under close scrutiny as the markets try to discern this document .... The new record stemmed from soaring retail sentiment that could see German consumers also help European neighbours struggling with a dogged debt crisis. Germany has weathered the eurozone crisis well and looks set for more strong ...
Kid Make Money - http://www.kidmakemoney.com/
The eurozone's bargain: Political pain without economic gain ...
April/May 2011 - CER BULLETIN, ISSUE 77. The eurozone's bargain: Political pain without economic gain? by Philip Whyte. Ever since the eurozone crisis broke ...
EU's Van Rompuy: Not all problems in the euro zone are over
EU's Van Rompuy: Not all problems in the euro zone are over ... In terms of crisis management, we are at a turning point, much further on than a year ago ...
Portugal crisis deepens even as EU agrees new eurozone fund ...
Portugal crisis deepens even as EU agrees new eurozone fund ... to bolster the eurozone's defences against the debt crisis which now seems ..... It's the inability of some states to keep to the rules which has lead to the Euro problems. ...
Rhodes issues warning on eurozone crisis | Emerging Markets
Home :: Rhodes issues warning on eurozone crisis ... EU leaders agreed to give the eurozone's E440 billion bail-out fund more muscle, pledging to up its ...
THE NATURE OF THE CRISIS Each response by the Eurozone to the sovereign debt ..... Should there be a common European debt agency that issues all euro-area ...
Jittery financial markets poised to escalate eurozone debt crisis ...
We always look at the bigger picture like the Eurozone Crisis, ... markets poised to escalate eurozone debt crisis as problems in Portugal intensify ... stance on new measures to aid indebted euro zone countries ahead of the summit. ...
Why Aren't We More Worried About Europe?
But below the fold, so to speak, the Eurozone's problems have been worsening. .... is the government's strategy for dealing with the euro-zone debt crisis. ...
Investors Watch SLV as Silver Reaches New Highs | www.bullfax.com
By marketmaker
Gross domestic product data is also slated to come out of the eurozone and England on Wednesday, while Canadian unemployment is the last major event for the week on Friday. As investors wait for the central bank decision to hit the wire, ... Michael Young submits:The European Central Bank is widely expected to hold the benchmark interest rate at 1.00% on Thursday as the Greek debt crisis and subsequent downgrades in Spain and Portugal continues to weigh on the euro, ...
Bullfax.com - Market News & Analysis - http://www.bullfax.com/US OPENING NEWS INCLUDING: Oil could leap to USD 200-300 a barrel ...
This news allied with worse than expected services PMI data from peripheral Eurozone countries like Spain and Ireland, as well as Moody's downgrade of Portuguese bond rating resulted in weakness in EUR and widening of the Portuguese/German 10-year government bond yield spread. ... He further said that the US must address fiscal issues or risk slower growth and potentially even a crisis, adding that commodity price increases generated primarily by global supply and demand. ...
Proactiveinvestors United Kingdom... - http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/
email: info@als-alexander.org, or interalex2@gmail.com

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