Apr 27, 2011

LIBYA Today, Apr 27, 2011

 Libya's unlikely global crossroads | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-04-27
Philadelphia Inquirer
The civil war in Libya today eerily echoes that historical division. During
World War II, there were some odd and some anachronistic proposals for the
future of Libya. One offered Tripolitania and Cyrenaica to Turkey as an
inducement to join the Allies ...
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Libyans Brave Heavy Shelling for Food, Fuel
PBS NewsHour
The sooner that Colonel Gadhafi recognizes that the game is up, either
today or shortly, the better. MARGARET WARNER: Fox's visit comes in the
sixth week of an allied bombing campaign under a UN mandate to protect
Libyan civilians. ...
< http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/world/jan-june11/libya1_04-26.html>
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Libyan Delegation Sent by Qaddafi in Venezuela, Chavez Says
... delegation sent by the North African country's leader Muammar Qaddafi
has arrived in the South American country seeking international support for
a truce in the Libyan conflict, Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said
today on state television. ...
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-26/libyan-delegation-sent-by-qaddafi-in-venezuela-chavez-says-1-.html>
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DZIQ: 30 Filipino workers from Libya to return to PH today
MANILA, Philippines – 30 Filipino workers are expected to return today,
Tuesday, as government efforts to repatriate Filipinos from Libya continue,
a Radyo Inquirer report said. The Filipinos, on board Philippine Airline
Flight PR731, are expected to ...
< http://globalnation.inquirer.net/news/breakingnews/view/20110426-333096/DZIQ-30-Filipino-workers-from-Libya-to-return-to-PH-today>
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Putin Says NATO Strikes Destroying Libya, Violate Mandate
Putin told reporters in Copenhagen today during a joint briefing with his
Danish counterpart Lars Loekke Rasmussen. After more than two months of
fighting between Qaddafi's forces and rebels seeking to end his 42-year
rule, Libya has ground to a ...
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-26/putin-says-nato-strikes-destroying-libya-violate-mandate-1-.html>
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Warning on Libya boosts case for Scots RAF bases
Herald Scotland
Opposition politicians called for clarity on UK Government policy after
Defence Secretary Liam Fox – who will be questioned by MPs on Libya today
– appeared to give a contradictory view, suggesting the game was up for
Colonel Gaddafi “either very soon ...
< http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/politics/warning-on-libya-boosts-case-for-scots-raf-bases-libya-boost-for-raf-bases-1.1098181>
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A look at Libya
Rocky Mountain Collegian
Malik, whose last name is withheld in the interest of safety, spoke further
on what it was like to be a Libyan in today's political climate to about 45
individuals attending a “teach-in,” or symposium, titled “Turmoil in
North Africa and the Middle ...
< http://www.collegian.com/index.php/article/2011/04/a_look_at_libya>
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Bigger issue for you if election were today: gas prices or Middle East?
CNN (blog)
Fighting continues in Libya. In Syria, a human rights group reports that
more than 400 people have been killed over the past few weeks. We're still
engaged in Iraq, still fighting in Afghanistan. Now everybody is wondering
what to do about Syria. ...
< http://caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/2011/04/26/bigger-issue-for-you-if-election-were-today-gas-prices-or-middle-east/>
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Italy to join NATO airstrikes against Libyan military
USA Today
... missions," by way of "targeted action against specific military
objectives in Libya," with a view to "protect Libya's civilian population."
The announcement follows a NATO strike on Moammar Gadhafi's compound that
injured four people early today. ...
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American journalist detained in Libya allowed to call home
USA Today
By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY An American journalist detained by Libyan
government forces April 5 called his mother in New Hampshire in his first
contact with the outside world since he was captured, GlobalPost reports.
James Foley, a correspondent ...
< http://content.usatoday.com/communities/ondeadline/post/2011/04/american-journalist-detained-in-libya-allowed-to-call-home-for-first-time/1>
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Obama faces pressure to do more in Libya
USA Today
By David Jackson, USA TODAY President Obama faces rising pressure to
increase the US military presence in Libya, though not with ground troops.
"This is a pretty bloody situation, and it has the earmarks of being a
stalemate," said Sen. ...
< http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/04/obama-faces-pressure-to-do-more-in-libya/1>
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Rebels Claim To Hold Misrata After Two Month-Siege
There are reports of heavy shelling by forces loyal to Libyan President
Moammar Gadhafi in the town of Misrata today, even though rebels say they
have pushed back Gadhafi's forces. Marie Colvin is foreign affairs
correspondent for the London Sunday ...
< http://www.npr.org/2011/04/25/135711169/rebels-claim-to-hold-misrata-after-two-month-siege>
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Farsighted diplomacy needed to avoid protracted Libyan war
Atlanta Journal Constitution
By Silvio Laccetti Today, Libya stands at a crossroads of international
politics, as it did when it was created as a nation after World War II.
Astute diplomacy, which reflects emerging world trends — not military
escalation — is crucial to create a ...
< http://www.ajc.com/opinion/farsighted-diplomacy-needed-to-924334.html>
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Current US Humanitarian Assistance Efforts in Libya
US Department of State (press release)
They're going to talk to you today about the current ongoing humanitarian
assistance efforts pertaining to Libya. I'm going to turn it over to each
of our speakers to make a brief statement, and then we'll take some
questions. So just to clarify, ...
< http://www.state.gov/g/prm/rls/rmks/2011/161762.htm>
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Ten things you need to know today
First Post
Chief of Staff General Sir David Richards flew to Washington last night to
draw up plans to finish-off the Libyan regime of Col Gaddafi. Fox warned
that leaders who "wage war" on ...
< http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/78133,news-comment,news-politics,news-catch-up-british-photographer-killed-in-libya-cameron-uneasy-over-gagging-orders-smog-alert-for-easter>
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Libya accuses NATO of trying to assassinate defiant Khadafy
Boston Globe
Khadafy's son, Saif al-Islam Khadafy, said the Libyan government would not
be cowed. “The bombing which targeted Moammar Khadafy's office today . .
. will only scare children. It's impossible that it will make us afraid or
give up or raise the white ...
< http://www.boston.com/news/world/africa/articles/2011/04/26/libya_accuses_nato_of_trying_to_assassinate_defiant_khadafy/>
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