May 2, 2011

Sunil Abraham interview: Congress a ‘milestone’ in consumer movement across developing countries

A social entrepreneur and free software advocate, Sunil Abraham is also Director of Policy at the Centre for Internet and Society based in Bangalore, India. He will be speaking about “Consumer rights in the digital world: privacy, access, and activism” at CI World Congress.
In an interview with Consumers International, he said: “My presentation will focus on privacy, access and activism in the digital world. For privacy, I will aim to demonstrate how the patent and copyright law and their practices such as Open Standards, Free/Open Source Software and Peer To Peer empower consumers to configure their privacy settings based upon how they feel they should inhabit the global attention economy. Proprietary software, closed standards and centralised architectures undermine privacy by design. The latest example of that being Apple spying on the iPhone users.

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