Jun 19, 2011

EUROZONE Crisis News, Jan 19, 2011

Europe at risk as Greek debt crisis deepens
New Zealand Herald
Photo / AP Contagion from the Greek debt crisis could spread to at least five other European countries - including Belgium or even Italy - if it isn't controlled, the head of the eurozone group said at the weekend. Jean-Claude Juncker said that ...
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Greek debt crisis: eurozone ministers meet amid deepening gloom
The Guardian
Photograph: Markus Schreiber/AP Europe's single currency governments are expected to throw Greece a summer lifeline, agreeing to disburse €12bn by next month to keep the debt-stricken country from going broke and triggering an international crisis. ...
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SNB's Jordan: Worse euro crisis may hit Swiss: report
Switzerland is not a member of the European Union but has funded part of the IMF's loan to Greece. "But also Switzerland has a big interest in the debt crisis not escalating. Via the exchange rate and demand for our exports we're very much affected by ...
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Greek debt crisis: George Papandreou in emergency talks for more EUmoney
The Guardian
Does that mean the crisis is over? Not exactly: the French and German leaders met after finance ministers and officials were unable to reach a deal about how to resolve the crisis. They promised to work towards a new bailout package, ...
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Greek PM calls for unity on debt
BBC News
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has called on members of parliament to forge a "national accord" to deal with the country's debt crisis. Speaking at the start of three days of debate, Mr Papandreou said the country was "at a crucial point" and ...
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How does Greece's bailout affect Britain?
Channel 4 News
As Eurozone finance ministers meet to discuss the debt crisis in Greece, Channel 4 News Business Producer Ben King examines how the bailout affects Britain. There are two ways in which the Greek crisis affects Britain. Directly, the contribution to the ...
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Euro is 'stable and credible currency' says ECB boss
Europe's debt crisis, highlighted by fears of a Greek meltdown for a second time in just over a year, has heightened concerns about the future for the euro common currency, used by 17 countries. Eurozone finance ministers were to gather in Luxembourg ...
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EUR/USD Weekly Fundamental Analysis for June 20-24, 2011
Another highlight for the day will be the evening dinner start for the EU Leaders Summit in Brussels which is expected to high focus on the Greek crisis and the deepening debt agony in the euro area and Europe as a whole. ...
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The week ahead - June 20, 2011: economics, results, meetings and updates
The Greek debt crisis will dominate again this week with the deadline on Monday for countries sharing the euro to reach a deal on a second bail-out for Greece. Theeurozone debt crisis will be in focus this week as the issue of how to help Greece comes ...
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Why the World Isn't Getting Smaller
Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, one that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between ...
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What happens to us if Greece defaults?
Irish Independent
Another week another crisis now seems to be the eurozone's standard operating procedure. With the Papandreou government teetering on the brink of collapse, a Greek sovereign debt default now looks very much like a question of when rather than if. ...
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Greece crisis: Revolution in the offing?
BBC News
This is the real crisis in the eurozone. A young generation lost, without work. The figures are staggering. In Spain unemployment for 16 to 24 year olds is running at 43%. In Italy it is more than 25%. In Europe millions of highly educated young people ...
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<B>A V Rajwade:</B> Heading into a perfect storm
Business Standard
In the European Union (EU), a major crisis seems to be brewing in Greece. At the time of writing, several members of the ruling Socialist Party had resigned on the issue of the austerity plan aimed at cutting the budget deficit by ¤78 billion over the ...
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EU''s Van Rompuy says Greece will not be...
Kuwait News Agency
Speaking in parliament in Athens Sunday, Papandreou called for a "national accord" to deal with thedebt crisis and urged MPs to support his new cabinet. Meanwhile, finance ministers of the 17-member Eurogroup are meeting in Luxembourg Sunday evening ...
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Rhetorical bellicosity
BusinessWorld Online
In the aftermath of the 1973 world oil crisis, this was shaking news for the Asean region. In the then-looming world debt crisis of 1980 and the threatened accompanying food crisis, the location of the Spratlys was strategic, specially for ...
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Greece needs another €110bn bailout to avoid debt default, says Papandreou
The Guardian
Appealing for a vote of confidence in his newly reshuffled government, the Socialist party leader warned that without further aid from the EU and IMF, Athens's cash reserves would soon run out, inviting a financial crisis that European officials have ...
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Grains Week Ahead-Corn set for reload or shadow of 2008?
Reuters Africa
... sovereign debt crisis in Europe. At the heart of the crisis is the race to save Greece from defaulting on its debt before the heavily indebted euro zone nation runs out of cash this summer. [ID:nLDE75G0JV] "We have more downside potential in corn. ...
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Top News Advisory as of 9 pm ET, Saturday, June 19, 2011
Eurozone chief: Greek debt crisis could spread to Italy, Belgium Europe-Financial-Crisis BERLIN _ The Greek debt crisis could spread to at least five other European countries _ including Belgium or even Italy _ if it is not cautiously managed, ...
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Greece owes Korea $500 mil.
Korea Times
The US had 2.1 billion euros ($3 billion) and Japan 3.7 billion euros ($5.2 billion) in Greek bonds, lending six to 10 times more than Korea did. But, some financial experts say that Korea could suffer side effects from the Greek debt crisis, ...
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The euro would be unlikely to continue in its current form. However, this is all small-fry compared to a comparatively unreported crisis brewing across the pond. In May the US hit its debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion (£8.8 trillion), the amount it is ...
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Greek Debt Is a Liability, Not an Asset
Seeking Alpha
The US sure has a lot of systemic risk tied to the situation, but as the eurozone experiences crisisand China experiences unrest and other growth/inflation issues - which will mostly be hidden behind firewalls and epic quantities of propaganda - where ...
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Germany offers Greek debt compromise plan: report
Daily Mirror
Without ECB liquidity, Greek lenders would be cut off from critical funding, likely touching off a banking crisis. “Schaeuble would like to eliminate an argument by the ECB which has until now stood in the way of a write-off by private creditors,” ...
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Society-wide anger
Red Pepper
Its fortunes have undergone something of a roller-coaster ride since the start of thecrisis. In 2008, the party's support tripled, climbing as high as 17 per cent to the KKE's then 7 per cent. A bitter leadership fight left the coalition adrift, ...
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On the Aegean Sea, a parable about economic sovereignty
The National
The agreement on Friday among the governments of the 17-nation euro zone to keep lending to Greece has bought some time, but there are no good outcomes for this crisis. The immediate issue is whether it can be dragged out long enough for the creditor ...
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Treasuries prices slip
Pakistan Daily Times
The Greek debt crisis has been affecting moment-to-moment safe-haven flows as the Greek government tries to muster internal political support for austerity measures demanded by theEuropean Union and IMF in exchange for cash to avert a debt default. ...
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[OPINION] The economic governance the EU needs
Today's Zaman
BRUSSELS -- Two lessons have emerged from Europe's financial crisis. First, there is no substitute for timely and coordinated action when the single currency is under pressure. Second, all eurozonecountries are effectively in the same boat. ...
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Moody's considering downgrade of Italy
Business Spectator
It also underscores fears of contagion from Greece's debt troubles, with Moody's saying developments in the euro-zone debt crisis could be "important determinants" in its rating review. Moody's placed Italy's Aa2 rating on review for downgrade, ...
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Gold Weekly Fundamental Analysis for June June 20-24, 2011
The last highlight will be the EU Leaders Summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday which is expected to high focus on the Greek crisis and the deepening debt agony in the euro area andEurope as a whole. We also have growth data from the United States ...
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Bangkok Post : Greek PM urges consensus
Bangkok Post
In his place, switching from the defence portfolio, comes Evangelos Venizelos, a former party rival to Papandreou, who in press comments Sunday called for a political consensus over handling the country's debt crisis. The Greek government finds itself ...
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Kremlin - Meeting with representatives of Russian and Spanish businesses
ISRIA (registration)
Also in 2010, Spain began to recover from the crisis. This process is quite slow, and the circumstances and situation are quite complicated. In particular, it is caused by problems related to public debt faced by countries in the euro zone. ...
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Greek debt crisis calls for EU unity | Top Stories | BigPond News
Europe's debt crisis has been highlighted by fears of a Greek meltdown for a second time in 13 months. ... Greek debt crisis calls for EU unity. Monday, June 20, 2011 » 03:06am. LIVE News: Watch it now ... One idea put forward by European Central Bank (ECB) chief Jean-Claude Trichet is aeurozone finance ministry. 'I like this idea,' said Luxembourg premier Jean-Claude Juncker, who heads the euro nations, 'as it would contribute to tighter monitoring of budget policies. ...
Priority Top Stories
GEAB: Global Systemic Crisis–Last Warning Before Autumn, 2011 ...
By carolyn
On December 15, 2010, in the GEAB N°50, LEAP/E2020 anticipated the explosion of Western government debt (1) in the second half of 2011. We were then describing a process that would start with the European government debt crisis and then set ... Suffice it to say that eighteen months later the Euro is doing well while the dollar continues its downward spiral against major world currencies; and that all those who bet on the collapse of the Eurozone have lost a lot of money. ...
Speaking Truth to Power
Press digest - timesofmalta.com
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110619/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_greece_financial_crisis. Greek PM calls for referendum on constitution http://uk.news.yahoo.com/snbs-jordan-worse-euro-crisis-may-hit-swiss-120336302.html SNB's Jordan: Worse euro crisis may hit Swiss - report ...http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13830466. Greece crisis: Revolution in the offing? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13828340. Greece debt plan 'playing with fire' says eurozonehead ...
Merkel repeats call for bank aid in debt crisis - The Local
Chancellor Angela Merkel called for "substantial" aid from private creditors to resolve Greek debtwoes on Saturday, as the Eurogroup warned the crisis could spread like a firestorm through EUeconomies. Arrested Austrian was planning 9/11- style attack on Reichstag ... The Luxembourg prime minister, who heads the group of eurozone finance ministers, told the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, "we are playing with fire." AFP/bk. What do you think? Leave your comment below. ...
The Local - Germany's news in English
Euro debt crisis raises fresh calls for tighter union — EUbusiness ...
Europe's debt crisis, highlighted by fears of a Greek meltdown for a second time in just over a year, is raising fresh calls to strengthen EU political ...
Euro Zone Debt Crisis - Weird News
weird-news. News; Web ... Euro Zone Debt Crisis ... ZURICH (Emma Thomasson) - UBS looked to put the financial crisis behind it on Tuesday, ...
Greek debt crisis: Eurozone leader warns of contagion - Post-Tribune
BERLIN — Contagion from the Greek debt crisis could spread to at least five ... if it is not cautiously managed, the head of the eurozone group warned Saturday. ... which hold a large amount of their country's debt — some (euro) 80 billion ... bailout for Greece, Merkel said, according to the newsagency DAPD. ...
Worsening Euro Zone Debt Crisis : Budget 2011
Worsening Euro Zone Debt Crisis : Budget 2011- Latest News from India Union ... However, the European Commission, the executive arm of the 27-nation EU, ...
International Debt Crisis: IMF warns US and EU that they are ...
International Debt Crisis: IMF warns US and EU that they are 'playing with fire' ... citing the euro zone debt crisis and signs of overheating in emerging ...
Sentiment analysis - Euro crisis takes toll on debt flows
Euro crisis takes toll on debt flows ... Your opinion - Is it good news?: ... eurozone debt crisiseven as it escalated, with the euro's performance closely ...
Markets Jittery as Greek Debt Crisis Worsens - Stock Market News
Markets Jittery as Greek Debt Crisis Worsens ... billion euros ($ 16.9 billion) of additional aid from the European Union (EU) and International Monetary ... Olli Rehn said he was sure euro zoneministers will decide to release the aid. ...
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