Jun 30, 2011

HEALTH News, Jun 30, 2011 (2)

Abortions may cease in Kansas on Friday due to new rules
Wed,29 Jun 2011 04:11 PM PDT
Reuters - KANSAS CITY, Kan (Reuters) - Kansas could become the only U.S. state without a clinic offering abortions on Friday if rules imposing stricter operating regulations on clinics go into effect. Full Story1
Study finds Americans are eating more - and more often
Wed,29 Jun 2011 04:06 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoRALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) - Americans may be cutting back on super-sized meals, but waistlines continue to expand from more frequent eating, according to a study released on Wednesday.

Analysis: Life saving lung cancer test to set off cost debate
Wed,29 Jun 2011 03:07 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - A landmark study showing that routine lung screening of heavy smokers and former smokers using low dose CT scans could save thousands of lives is sure to set off a fierce debate about the cost of such testing on an overburdened healthcare system. Full Story1

FDA panel rejects Avastin for breast cancer use
Wed,29 Jun 2011 02:44 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoSILVER SPRING, Maryland (Reuters) - U.S. health advisers unanimously rejected use of the drug Avastin for breast cancer, dealing a blow to its manufacturer and patients who insisted that the medicine saved their lives.

Swine flu vaccine safe in pregnancy: study
Wed,29 Jun 2011 02:39 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The swine flu shot appears to be safe for pregnant women, according to a new government report that tallies health problems occurring after the vaccinations. Full Story1

Pollutants linked to diabetes in new study
Wed,29 Jun 2011 02:38 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People with higher levels of pesticides and other pollutants in their blood may be more likely to get type 2 diabetes, suggests a new study of elderly Swedes. Full Story1

"Mindfulness" may ease irritable bowel symptoms
Wed,29 Jun 2011 02:38 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A therapy that combines mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga may help soothe symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a small clinical trial suggests. Full Story1

Doctors encourage mammograms in dying patients
Wed,29 Jun 2011 12:33 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many doctors would recommend mammograms to terminally ill women, even though there is almost no chance they would benefit, according to a U.S. poll. Full Story1

Surgery-free weight loss striking, but short-lived
Wed,29 Jun 2011 12:32 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A one-year weight loss program based on lifestyle changes can help obese people shed almost as many pounds as surgery, German researchers say. Full Story1

Lundbeck won't pull drug used in U.S. executions
Wed,29 Jun 2011 09:41 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Danish drugmaker Lundbeck will continue to sell a drug used in U.S. executions since pulling it off the market would be bad for some patients with severe epilepsy, its CEO said on Wednesday. Full Story1

Drugmakers angle for advantage in treating diabetes
Wed,29 Jun 2011 08:50 AM PDT
Reuters - SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Obesity and longevity have helped make diabetes an epidemic in much of the world, and drugmakers are jockeying to make sure their medicines are used early and often. Full Story1

Chronic pain costs U.S. up to $635 billion a year
Wed,29 Jun 2011 08:06 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Addressing chronic pain, a hard-to-treat yet highly common condition, costs the United States as much as $635 billion a year and requires a much more comprehensive strategy for curbing lost productivity and healthcare expenses, according to a new government report. Full Story1

Ohio House approves abortion ban after heartbeat
Tue,28 Jun 2011 04:56 PM PDT
Reuters - COLUMBUS (Reuters) - The Ohio House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detectable, which can be as early as six weeks. Full Story1

Surgeons in Medtronic trials omitted results: report
Tue,28 Jun 2011 04:26 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - Surgeons conducting clinical trials to test a Medtronic Incbone-growth protein used in spine surgery, some of whom got at least $62 million from the company, failed to report serious complications in their research papers, the Wall Street Journal reported. Full Story1

Aspirin might interfere with new heart drug
Tue,28 Jun 2011 02:22 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - A new study backs up a suggestion that high dosages of aspirin may interfere with AstraZeneca's heart drug Brilinta, offering a possible explanation for disappointing results from a study of patients in North America. Full Story1

Born This Way (Special Edition)21Dream With MeSurrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)

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