Jun 9, 2011

Heat gripping half of US expected to last for days - Yahoo! News

A woman rests during hot weather at Montrose beach in Chicago, Wednesday, June 8, 2011. Temperatures peak within a few degrees of the 97-degree 1933 rAP – A woman rests during hot weather at Montrose beach in Chicago, Wednesday, June 8, 2011. Temperatures …
WASHINGTON – Public schools in Philadelphia and parts of New Jersey and Maryland cut their days short, worried about students sweltering in temperatures in the 90s.
Cooling centers opened in Chicago, Memphis, Tenn., and Newark, N.J., as a refuge for those without air conditioning. Officials in Norfolk, Va., teamed up with nonprofit groups to deliver cold water and sunscreen to the homeless.
Others did what they could to stay cool Wednesday as half the country was broiling in a record-breaking blast of August-like heat.
"I'm staying in my house. I'm going to watch TV and have a cold beer," said 84-year-old Harvey Milliman of Manchester, N.J. "You got a better idea than that, I'd love to hear it."

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