Jun 22, 2011

THE PEOPLES VOICE News, Jun 22 2011

Permalink What You Can't See and Don't Read About: The Harmful Effects of Cell Towers and Cell Phones

by Harrison Barritt
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom —Isaac Asimov
On May 31, 2011, the World Health Organization publicly acknowledged something many of us have sensed for years: the use of cell phones can cause cancer. This overdue revelation was made by a team of 31 scientists from 14 countries including the U.S., who looked at many of the same peer-reviewed studies I’ve been looking at.
I am more sensitive to the radiation coming from wireless technology than most people, which means I can't use a cordless phone, a cell phone, or be too close to a Wi-fi router. It gives me head pain within minutes. I was an average cell phone user before my sensitivity manifested about seven years ago. The nebulous task of tracing one’s health condition is often compounded when several doctors can offer no assistance, other than to say, “I have heard of this.”



Permalink Physical Silver Contracts Coming To Hong Kong…

“Stay tuned –I can’t exactly say when we will be offering our silver contract,but rest assured it will be sooner rather than later.”This is according to my source at the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange,yesterday. While the Anglo American Empire is limiting it’s cattle from investing in precious metals like Domestic Terrorist von Nothaus,FOREX restrictions,and “conflict gold”, China is encouraging it’s citizens to buy metals. You can walk into any bank in China and buy gold and silver.

Permalink The Rise of the Anti Hegemon

Iran is creating an alliance with non Anglo-American powers, Venezuela, Russia and China. When I put together the Sons of Liberty Academy 3 years ago,one of the signs I told people to look for was the rise of the anti-Hegemon. The combined power of states that that have historically been divided and conquered by the Anglo American Empire,will unite around the single cause of chopping down the Hyper Power. I even brought this up again in my article, The 3 Coming False Flags. These nations can topple the Anglo-American empire without firing a single shot. They don’t want to confront America’s military,but they will confront us every other way.


Permalink Dog sentenced to death by stoning

A Jerusalem rabbinical court recently sentenced a wandering dog to death by stoning. The cruel sentence stemmed from the suspicion that the spirit of a famous secular lawyer, who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago, had been transferred into the dog's body.


Permalink Unions Says “No” to Republicans’ Scheme to Gut Medicare - 16 photos on an Album at Facebook

Plus, slideshow of 16 photos on Flickr at:http://www.flickr.com/photos/billyclub/sets/72157626830472883/show/ On Monday, June 13, 2011, the AFL-CIO organized a rally in front of the “Newseum,” in Washington, D.C. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was inside via CBS holding a “town hall” meeting. Outside, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) spoke to the union activists ripping the Republican’s slash and burn budget measures and urging them to fight back before they destroy Medicare and give another tax break to their corporate cronies.

Permalink Osama bin Laden: Closing the Case on an Innocent Man

They Made The Whole Thing Up The real Osama bin Laden was someone few Americans knew anything about. He knew nothing of Al Qaeda, never planned 9/11, never advocated terrorism, not once, but he did make enemies. Bin Laden, in 2001, believed Israel would push the US into a war across the Middle East, a war that would go on for years.

Permalink Arab League should expel Assad regime

It is unconscionable that Arab regimes remain silent and impotent as Bashar Al-Assad slaughters his own people. Hair-raising reports that keep coming out from Syria speak of the Syrian army, whose raison d’etre is to protect the country from external aggression, ganging up on Syrian population centers one after the other, using T-72 tanks, helicopter gunships and other lethal weaponry that would be used in real war between armies.


Permalink Fukushima already ten times worse than Chernobyl in ocean waters, suggests data

Recent readings taken roughly 19 miles out to sea from the Fukushima nuclear power facility in Japan have revealed radioisotope levels ten times higher than those measured in the Baltic and Black Seas after the massive Chernobyl disaster. Because Fukushima is much closer to water than the Chernobyl plant is, the ongoing fallout there is shaping up to be far worse than Chernobyl, at least as far as the world's oceans are concerned, and time will tell just how devastating this massive disaster will be on the entire world as radiation continues to circulate around the globe.

Permalink Where a story can cost you your life - Video

The recent murder of a journalist in Pakistan has sent chills through journalistic circles. On Listening Post this week: Another journalist is murdered in Pakistan and the primary suspect is not an extremist group - it is the security forces. And sexism on Italian TV. Pakistan is currently considered the most dangerous place on earth to report from. In just over a year, 16 journalists have been murdered. But the most recent case has sent a chill through journalistic circles there. Syed Saleem Shahzad was an investigative journalist and the Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online. When his body was discovered - bearing signs of torture - the chief suspect was not an extremist group but, according to other reporters, Pakistan's intelligence agency.

Permalink Making the US Economy "Scream"

Modern Republicans have a simple approach to politics when they are not in the White House: Make America as ungovernable as possible by using almost any means available, from challenging the legitimacy of opponents to spreading lies and disinformation to sabotaging the economy.


Permalink Japan Admits 3 Nuclear Meltdowns, More Radiation Leaked into Sea; U.S. Nuclear Waste Poses Deadly Risks

Almost three months after the earthquake and tsunami that triggered a nuclear disaster in Japan, new radiation "hot spots" may require the evacuation of more areas further from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility. Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency recently admitted for the first time that full nuclear meltdowns occurred at three of the plant’s reactors, and more than doubled its estimate for the amount of radiation that leaked from the plant in the first week of the disaster in March. “What they failed to mention is that they discharged an equally large amount into the ocean,”

Permalink A 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown, Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?

U.S. babies are dying at an increased rate. While the United States spends billions on medical care, as of 2006, the US ranked 28th in the world in infant mortality, more than twice that of the lowest ranked countries. (DHHS, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. Health United States 2010, Table 20, p. 131, February 2011.)

Permalink American Banks 'High' On Drug Money: How a Whistleblower Blew the Lid Off Wachovia-Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme

A fraud investigator helped expose the shocking world of multi-billion dollar drug laundering by American banks and the surprising lack of oversight by the Feds. Martin Woods, an Englishman in his mid-40s, is blessed with a Sherlock Holmes instinct and demeanor. Woods is an expert at sniffing out "dirty" money passing through International Banking Systems. A police officer for 18 years and later a detective with London Metro Police Agency, Woods capitalized on his unique expertise as a fraud expert by joining Wachovia's London-based Bank in March 2005 as an anti-money laundering officer.

Permalink Elite at Bilderberg Confab: War is Solution for Over-population

Jim Tucker’s anonymous steering level Bilderberg inside source told him war in the Middle East is at the top of the elite’s agenda. Speaking with Alex Jones today, the long time Bilderberg sleuth said the elite believe the world is over-populated and war represents a partial solution. “They are unified on their war project,” said Tucker, citing his Trilateralist-Bilderberg source, “their rationalization the world is too crowded anyway, they have to limit the population growth, the one way to do it is with our wars. They have been emphasizing that all day.”


Permalink US debate rages over Afghan withdrawl

A growing chorus of Democrats and Republicans are pushing to have 15,000 soliders withdrawn soon, rather than 3,000. Nearly 100,000 American troops are in Afghanistan and with only three weeks left before US military forces are scheduled to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan, the debate over the size and pace of that withdrawal has become increasingly intense. On one hand, the Pentagon, backed by prominent neo-conservatives and other hawks, insists that the 18-month-old "surge" of 30,000 US troops has turned the strategic tide against the Taliban.


Permalink US Is Nearing Even Worse Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers

The U.S. is approaching a financial crisis worse than 2008, Jim Rogers, chief executive, Rogers Holdings, warned CNBC Wednesday. "The debts that are in this country are skyrocketing," he said. "In the last three years the government has spent staggering amounts of money and the Federal Reserve is taking on staggering amounts of debt.

Permalink Interview with Swiss banker reveals Bilderberg 2011 plans for internet censorship are coming

In an interview with a prominent Swiss banker by WeAreChange on the 30th of May 2011, the deeply interconnected relations between high level management of Swiss banks and the Bilderberg club are exposed. It becomes clear that Bilderberg uses Swiss banks for money laundering activities, funding of government overthrows, killings and bankrupting countries.


Permalink Across Mexico: Chasing an impossible dream - Video

Latin American migrants risk life and limb to reach the US border in search of the American dream. Men and women from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua make a beeline to cross the river that forms the border between Guatemala and Mexico. They want to enter Mexico, illegally. But they have another destination in mind. The United States of America. Each year more than one million illegals flee the poverty of their own countries, and try their luck on this road; a road to what some call "the impossible dream". On the Mexican side, the military turns a blind eye for a few dollars. The greenback is the illegals' only passport.

Permalink 10 Things Never to Say to a Man You Love

1. I can't wait to see what you're doing for my birthday. 6. You had so much hair back then! 7. I don't care how big and drunk he is, he shouldn't be talking through the movie. I'm going to say something. 8.Actually, it doesn't happen to every guy.

Permalink Roundup Birth Defects: Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds

Industry regulators have known for years that Roundup, the world's best-selling herbicide produced by U.S. company Monsanto, causes birth defects, according to a new report released Tuesday.


Permalink Bahrain and an Interview with Finian Cunningham - Video

By Timothy V. Gatto
The pro-democracy movement in Bahrain that was met with beatings and outright murder by the Bahraini monarchy has been declared “over, with a return to normalcy” by the government. Continuing with its autocratic ways, they continue to “disappear” people that led to the pro-democracy movement. Even though the western press covers this as ‘sectarian strife”, the movement has both Shia and Sunni Bahraini’s involved. The “Iranian involvement” hinted at by Barack Obama hasn’t been seen from reports of journalists on the ground in that tiny country that houses the U.S. 5th Fleet. The promises of a dialogue with the protestors are a “hollow empty restricted dialogue” according to Finian Cunningham, a journalist who is currently in Bahrain. He says that “The opposition will not be welcomed into the dialogue”. Since over 200,000 Bahrainis’ took to the streets to protest strict autocratic rule, out of a nation of only 800,000, that is a third of the country! The west is trying to cast the democracy movement in Bahrain as a sectarian issue between the minority Sunni’s which rule the nation, and the majority Shia. While the movement does have a Shia majority, that is only because 65% of the population are Shia. Americans should be asking their government what their policies towards democracies and fledgling democratic movements in the Middle East really are. We are practically involved in a full-fledged war in Libya, supporting a movement that we know nothing of. Meanwhile we are carrying out military missions that are quite beyond the scope of what the UN approved (meanwhile Congress wasn’t even consulted, and that is an impeachable offense). The World body gave the U.S. and the other NATO powers no authorization to target Gadhafi family homes or to escalate the violence by launching military missions against the Libyan government troops. We seem to be a nation gone mad with military power. It seems as if Obama was cut from the same cloth as George W. Bush. When the American people voted for “change”, that wasn’t a plea to change the venue of the latest war. With an economy in shambles and a nation that is on the balls of its ass, should we be spending money trying to remake the world into our image? Only time will tell.


Permalink Deaths reported as Israeli troops open fire

Deaths reported as Israeli troops open fire. At least 20 reportedly killed along Syrian frontier during pro-Palestinian rally marking "Day of Defeat" in 1967 war. Syrian state TV says at least 20 people have died and 220 more wounded after Israeli forces opened fire along the frontier to disperse pro-Palestinian demonstrators attempting to breach the border. The reported deaths, including that of a 12-year-old boy, occurred as the protesters marching from the Golan Heights approached the border on Sunday, a day observed as "Naksa Day" or "Day of Defeat", marking the 44th anniversary of the 1967 war, when Israel occupied the area.

Permalink Iran and Libya: Musical Chairs, Enemy to Ally

When New Yorker Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Seymour Hersch, leaked our new NIE (National Intelligence Assessment) proving that Iran has no nuclear weapons program, no underground weapons development centers and no aggressive intentions of any kind, few were surprised. Few saw it. News suppression is a way of life in the United States.

Permalink Chile volcano chain: Puyehue erupts, forcing evacuation - Video

A chain of volcanoes has erupted in southern Chile, forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents. Large columns of smoke have been rising from the Puyehue-Cordon-Caulle volcano range, about 800km (500 miles) south of the capital, Santiago. Witnesses also reported a strong smell of ash and sulphur. A dozen small earthquakes were recorded before the eruption began. The officials have issued a red alert - the maximum warning level for the area. Evacuation orders were issued for some 3,500 people, the local authorities said.


Permalink Jewish Voice for Peace? Really??

IIt appears that, yet again, Anti-zionist Jewish organizations are trying to silence Palestine’s supporters, to frame the debate, to secure the future of their brethren in occupied Palestine and to steer the course of Liberation of our Homeland.


Permalink Where Will You Be When Reality Hits?

The thing I find most interesting is the recent inventory drop. This current silver bull got started in September when JP Morgue closed their commodities prop desk and silver went from $17.76 to $50. Despite the tripling of price and a violent smack down in May, the only thing consistent, is that the REAL inventories are going straight down. Logic would dictate that if prices triple either more inventory should find its way into the market or at the very least, make it too expensive for people to buy. Or the aggressive volatility up AND down would scare people away from this investment. Despite the massive upswing in price and the very apparent market manipulation from the masters of the universe, REAL physical silver keeps leaving those paper traitors in to the hands of the Aware.


Permalink Urban Danger: Tempting Fate

We are coming up on the 3 year anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis. The economy has not improved. The unemployment payments, for most, have run out. People’s safety nets are destroyed. Housing is collapsing again. Inflation is ravaging what is left of our money. Now we are seeing a rash of violence all over the country, Miami, Myrtle Beach, Rochester, Long Beach, Charlotte, Nashville, Chicago, and Boston. All of this while things are still working. What is going to happen when the dollar collapses?


Permalink Obama's Capitulation - Who's Afraid of the Israel Lobby?

Seldom has any country been as dependent on another as Israel is on the United States, and never in American history has the United States been as servile towards another country as it is towards this beneficiary of its diplomatic, economic and military largesse. Are geopolitical considerations the decisive factor joining the United States and Israel or is American domestic politics to blame?

Permalink The Sky Really Is Falling

The rapid and terrifying acceleration of global warming, which is disfiguring the ecosystem at a swifter pace than even the gloomiest scientific studies predicted a few years ago, has been confronted by the power elite with equal parts of self-delusion. There are those, many of whom hold elected office, who dismiss the science and empirical evidence as false.

Permalink Who Cares in the Middle East What Obama Says?

This month, in the Middle East, has seen the unmaking of the President of the United States. More than that, it has witnessed the lowest prestige of America in the region since Roosevelt met King Abdul Aziz on the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake in 1945. While Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu played out their farce in Washington – Obama grovelling as usual – the Arabs got on with the serious business of changing their world, demonstrating and fighting and dying for freedoms they have never possessed.

Permalink Worst Ever Carbon Emissions Leave Climate on the Brink

Exclusive: Record rise, despite recession, means 2C target almost out of reach. Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach, according to unpublished estimates from the International Energy Agency.

Permalink Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq as Deadline Nears

Remember when Obama promised to bring the troops home? Well, it is all an illusion, as we noted after he was coronated. Now the Army Times is announcing Obama plans to send a few thousand more troops as the supposed deadline looms:

Permalink Syrians running out of refuge in Lebanon

Around 5,000 refugees have fled across the border in desperate need of humanitarian aid, overwhelming Lebanese villages. Syrians from the border town of Tal Khalakh have, in recent weeks, been fleeing a wave of violence to cross into neighbouring Lebanon. But those seeking refuge now face an uncertain fate.

Permalink Yemen soldiers killed in restive city - Video

At least six soldiers ambushed in Zinjibar hours after security forces opened fire on protesters in Taiz, killing 20. At least six Yemeni soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in an apparent ambush as they travelled to Zinjibar, a southern city reportedly under the control of al-Qaeda fighters, a security official has said. According to residents, Yemeni warplanes later targeted positions held by the fighters. Earlier on Sunday, residents spoke of up to 300 fighters entering Zinjibar and taking over "everything". The fighters were alleged to be al-Qaeda members.


Permalink Exposing Mainstream media censorship in the pro-US, pro-Zionist Western Murdochracies & Lobbyocracies

Educated and perceptive people are generally aware of horrendous Mainstream media (MSM) censorship in the pro-US, pro-Zionist, democratic fascist Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies. But how can we expose the extent and nature of this censorship? Murdochracy describes democracy perverted by Big Money media empires such as that of media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Lobbyocracy describes democracy perverted by Big Money corporate or other Lobbies (most notoriously, in relation to man-made climate change, by the fossil fuel corporations).


Permalink Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

(San Francisco) – The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192-ton, three-month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions.

Permalink Attorney General's Minn. Visit Marred by Protests

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder visited Minneapolis Friday to praise the city for its program to reduce youth violence, but was interrupted several times by outbursts from protesters who claim the government has been unfairly targeting anti-war activists in a federal investigation.


Permalink America's Top Hypocrites

Was there ever a nation so marinated in hypocrisy as America? At home and abroad President Barack Obama trumpets Uncle Sam’s virtues and dispenses patronizing homilies to other nations on how to behave themselves and honor freedom and democracy. This last week it’s been Europe’s turn to hear these self-righteous preachments.

Permalink The Woman Who Overthrew King Louis-Philippe (1830 – 1848)

All This and Heaven Too (1940), directed by Anatole Litvak, staring Charles Boyer and Bette Davis, aired this month on Turner Classic Movies. The movie, and Rachel Field’s novel by the same name, is based on the true story of Field’s great-aunt, Henriette Deluzy Desportes, a governess employed by Theobald, Duc de Choiseul-Praslin to care for his children.


Permalink Not Enjoying TSA Grope-Down is a Suspicious Activity

The TSA wants you know that should you express any kind of dissatisfaction at having to be prodded, groped or forced through a radiation firing naked body scanner, you will be treated as suspicious. Even if you merely frown or display any other negative facial expression at the prospect of having your private areas frisked by a uniformed government employee, you will be considered irregular. The agency has now deployed dozens of “behavioral indicator officers” at 161 airports across the nation, trained to “SPOT” (Screening Passengers by Observation Technique) dissenters.


Permalink US and UK vow 'no let-up' on Gaddafi

Allies say Libyan leader will ultimately be made to step down by sustained NATO operations. Britain and the US have promised no "let-up" in an international military campaign aimed at pressuring Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, to step down. Speaking at a joint press conference in London on Wednesday, Barack Obama, the US president, and David Cameron, the British prime minister, reiterated calls for Gaddafi to go.

Past News


Permalink Why does the U.S. government torture people?

“The total number of inmates who have been sexually assaulted in the past 20 years likely exceeds 1,000,000.” 42 U.S.C. § 15601(2) That’s an average of over 130 sexual assaults of Americans every day. “Juveniles are 5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted in adult rather than juvenile facilities–often within the first 48 hours of incarceration.” 42 U.S.C. § 15601(4) Of course, no one has been convicted of any crime within 48 hours of being taken into custody. Yes, as a standard practice, young Americans are tortured, raped, and beaten by “law” enforcement every day in America, but the ACLU does nothing, the media censors this information from the public, and most importantly, just as with those who tortured prisoners overseas, the U.S. Government and the state governments do nothing to stop this widespread torture. Why? Because throughout history, the main use of torture has been to control the populace.


Permalink Global systemic crisis - Confirmation of a Major Alert for the second half of 2011 – Explosive fusion of world geopolitical dislocation and the global economic and financial crisis

Almost a year ago LEAP/E2020 identified the second half of 2011 as a new critical point in time in the development of the global systemic crisis. Just like our February 2008 anticipation highlighted a major shock affecting the US economy in September 2008, our team confirms in this GEAB issue that all the conditions have now been met for the second half of 2011 to be the stage for the explosive fusion of two fundamental trends underlying the global systemic crisis, namely world geopolitical dislocation on the one hand and the global economic and financial crisis on the other. In fact, for several months the world has experienced an almost unbroken succession of geopolitical, economic and financial shocks which, according to LEAP/E2020, constitute the warning signs of a major traumatic event that we analyze in this issue.


Permalink The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky

The Obama administration, in an unusual public rebuke, condemned a Moscow court for finding oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his former partner guilty of embezzling, saying it appears to be “an abusive use of the legal system for improper ends.” Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state. When the facts are known the justice served on him is mild by comparison to US or UK standard treatment of those convicted of treason against the state. Obama’s torture prison at Guantánamo is merely one example of Washington’s double standard.



Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it. So racists are ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall. The world's most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.


Permalink The Silver Bullet And The Silver Shield

The Ultimate FREE Silver Investors Guide. Two of the most common questions I get inside of the Sons of Liberty Academy focus on two things: how to turn back the tide of this increasingly corrupt system and how to financially prepare for a post-dollar world. This does not surprise me, since fear and greed are the two most powerful motivators known to man. What will surprise you is that for once, the answer to both questions is the same answer. Buying physical silver is by far the greatest act of wisdom and rebellion any American can and should be doing right now. It is both a Silver Bullet to rebel against the Elite’s corrupt system and a Silver Shield to protect your family and wealth in a post- dollar world. Buying physical silver is non-violent, non-compliant resistance. Most importantly it works outside of the system and it cannot be stopped.


Permalink Arms Trafficking, Stolen Missiles, Soviet Submarines, Nuclear Detonations and 9/11

Dimitri Khalezov is a former Soviet commissioned officer of the “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the Soviet Union. [2] He has agreed to this exclusive interview and it is our pleasure to be able to offer readers ofwww.danielestulin.com another quality first. Dimitri is a crucial piece of the puzzle in the case of Victor Bout. It is safe to say that had it not been for Dimitri´s dedication to helping Mr. Bout, his incorruptibility and brilliance, Victor, might very well have found himself today behind bars in some high-profile American prison. Dimitri is the first man to see Mr. Bout after his world famous arrest in Bangkok and he is the man who has given more headaches to the United States government than anyone else in the world. Furthermore, Dimitri Khalezov is the first person in the world to have uncovered the true reasons for the United States government’s dogged pursuit of Victor Bout. Mr. Bout´s arrest is directly linked to 9/11, and Mr. Khalezov, because of his unique vantage point as a former member of the Soviet “atomic” and later “nuclear” intelligence says that he knew about the in-built so-called “emergency nuclear demolitions scheme” of the Twin Towers as long back as early 1980´s, while serving in the Soviet Special Control Service. How did you get involved in the case?


Permalink The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21st, 1933. From times immemorial, the top down authority imposition has been the rule. This system of control is the reason why excrement discharge flows downhill. The feudal model works well for the lords who sit atop the pyramid. Essentially the New World Order is the supreme evolution of the subjugation of the serf class. In spite of this fact, what keeps this inequitable delineation between the dominant and the spineless? Pure power and malicious behavior achieves the perfection of perdition, in this hierarchal slave gulag. Because it can be done and no force can stop the captivity is the cause of the suffering.


Permalink GRAINS-US soybeans, wheat at fresh 2-1/2 yr highs on supply worries

U.S. soybean and wheat futures hit fresh 2-1/2 year highs in early Asian trade on Wednesday on worries that crops in Argentina, a big exporter of both commodities, are continuing to suffer from insufficient rain. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOY) soybeans for March delivery rose 0.46 percent to $14.19-3/4 per bushel as the focus remained on prospects for drought affected crops in Argentina and a possible deal being announced on U.S soybean exports to China during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States.



Permalink Police Officer Arrest Woman in Her Front Yard for Filming the Cops

Police Officers and your rights:http://policecrimes.com/police.html Know your rights, never talk to police officers!
You might beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride.
May 12 2011 - A Rochester woman was arrested for taping a traffic stop in front of her 19th Ward Home. She was standing in front of her house with a hand held recording device when the arrest happened. Officer Mario Masic, Rochester Police Department, executed the illegal arrest.
If you feel you have been abused by the police, you may learn how to file a police complaint here:http://policecrimes.com/police_complaint.html
Police Crimes Forum http://policecrimes.com/forum
One True LoveBorn This Way (Special Edition)21

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