Jun 10, 2011

REUTERS World News Headlines, Jun 10, 2011

Kansai Elec asks users to save power with reactors
China accuses Vietnam in escalating sea tensions
Factbox: Venezuela's indigenous groups and their struggles
Barefoot college helps Venezuela Indians fight back
Venezuela assembly OK's doubling of government debt
Libyan rebels get aid, blast heard in capital
European push for U.N. Syria rebuke hits resistance
Syrians flee as troops mass, West concern grows
Peru's Humala burnishes moderate image in Brazil
Start of Afghan transition on track for July: NATO
Over 10,000 flee clashes in Sudan border state: U.N.
21 bodies found in Mexican president's home town
Guatemala arrests ex-police chief in war crime probe
Factbox: U.S., EU, and U.N. sanctions against Iran
Six powers push defiant Iran to address nuclear fears
Yemen awaits possible Saleh return after surgery
Opposition: 400 Bahrainis on trial after protests
Madoff's French victims' fate tied to Luxembourg case
Somalia rival leaders agree to defer elections
Israel rocket victims fail in bid to sue Al Jazeera
UK PM says segregation in Northern Ireland must end
Up to 15,000 killed in Libya war: U.N. rights expert
U.S. sanctions Iranian police for rights abuses
U.S. says transition talks under way with Gaddafi aides
Gaddafi will ultimately yield to international pressure: CIA
Selling Libya's rebels to the European Union
France says to give Libya rebels 290 million euros
Croatia charges former official with war crimes
U.N. rights boss calls on Syria to halt "assault"
Germans find E.coli uncertainty adds to suffering
Analysis: Risks too great for full Japan nuclear shutdown
Special Report: After Japan, where's the next nuclear weak link?
Special Report: Qatar's big Libya adventure
Over 100 militants attack Pakistan's northwest
Insurgents shoot dead nine wedding guests in Afghan
Factbox: Five facts about possible Japan PM candidate Noda
China says Libyan rebels welcome to visit soon
Sectarian divide widens after Bahrain unrest
More vaccines for poor could save 6.4 million lives
Bahrain's unseen protests fall on deaf ears

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