Jun 9, 2011

REUTERS World News, Jun 09, 2011

China warns "independents" challenging Party-run legislatures
Wed,8 Jun 2011 11:49 PM PDT
Reuters - BEIJING (Reuters) - China told citizens on Thursday not to run for local legislatures as independents, tightening reins on activists who have sought to challenge the ruling Communist Party's grip on grassroots government. Full Story1
China says no expiry date on Communist Party rule
Wed,8 Jun 2011 11:49 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoBEIJING (Reuters) - China's Communist Party sees no reason why it cannot stay in power indefinitely, having made the nation into the envy of the world with its economic success, one of the Party's top official historians said on Thursday.

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Fire extinguished at Tripoli journalist hotel
Wed,8 Jun 2011 09:45 PM PDT
Reuters - TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A fire broke out early on Thursday morning at the hotel housing foreign journalists in the Libyan capital Tripoli, a Reuters witness said. Full Story1
Western, Arab talks to focus on Libya "end-game"
Wed,8 Jun 2011 09:28 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoMISRATA (Reuters) - Western and Arab nations meet in Abu Dhabi on Thursday to focus on what one U.S. official called the "end-game" for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi as NATO once again stepped up the intensity of its air raids on Tripoli.

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Militant attack in Pakistan's northwest kills at least
Wed,8 Jun 2011 08:36 PM PDT
Reuters - MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) - Around 150 militants armed with rockets attacked a security checkpost in Pakistan's Waziristan on Thursday, killing eight soldiers, intelligence officials said, as tensions rise in the border region. Full Story1
Japan finance minister "possible PM frontrunner"
Wed,8 Jun 2011 07:52 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoTOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, an advocate of a higher sales tax to fix state finances, emerged on Thursday as a possible frontrunner to replace Naoto Kan as premier after a newspaper said ruling party executives would back his candidacy.

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Germany defends E.coli response as death toll rises
Wed,8 Jun 2011 05:41 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoBERLIN/HAMBURG (Reuters) - German ministers on Wednesday defended their response to the E.coli outbreak that has killed 27 people and signaled possible changes in the way the country handles health crises in the future.

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Prosecutor says Gaddafi linked to rape policy
Wed,8 Jun 2011 04:38 PM PDT
Reuters - UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - International Criminal Court investigators have evidence linking Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to a policy of raping opponents and may bring separate charges on the issue, the ICC prosecutor said on Wednesday. Full Story1
Bomb, not rocket may have hit Yemen's Saleh
Wed,8 Jun 2011 04:35 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh appears to have been injured last week by a bombing at a mosque inside his palace, not a rocket attack as first thought, U.S. and Arab officials told Reuters. Full Story1
Analysis: West tries modest steps to add pressure on Syria
Wed,8 Jun 2011 04:15 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - While the United States and its allies want to raise pressure on Syria to end its violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, there are few signs the West, let alone the Arab world, is ready for robust action that might make a difference. Full Story1
Turkey offers Syrians refuge, West pushes U.N. vote
Wed,8 Jun 2011 03:28 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoBEIRUT (Reuters) - Turkey threw open its borders to anxious Syrian refugees on Wednesday and urged their government to curb violence against civilians after thousands abandoned a town near the Turkish frontier in fear of a military assault.

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Western, Arab talks to focus on Libya "end-game"
Wed,8 Jun 2011 03:20 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoMISRATA (Reuters) - Western and Arab nations meet in Abu Dhabi on Thursday to focus on what one U.S. official called the "end-game" for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi as NATO once again stepped up the intensity of its air raids on Tripoli.

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Death toll in Haiti's floods, mudslides rises to 23
Wed,8 Jun 2011 12:19 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoPORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - The death toll from days of heavy rains that triggered flooding and mudslides in earthquake-ravaged Haiti has climbed to 23, an official said on Wednesday.

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Brazil's Rousseff tries to move on after aide quits
Wed,8 Jun 2011 11:57 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoBRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff struggled on Wednesday to overcome the loss of her most powerful minister, as new questions emerged over who will lead the fight against rising inflation and rebuild her government's strained relationship with Congress.

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Defiant Iran plans big rise in nuclear enrichment
Wed,8 Jun 2011 11:52 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoTEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will shift its production of higher-grade uranium to an underground bunker and triple production capacity, it said on Wednesday in a defiant response to charges of trying to make atomic bombs.

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Unlikely bin Laden in Abbottabad for 5 years: ex-ISI head
Wed,8 Jun 2011 11:16 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoLONDON (Reuters) - It is unlikely Osama bin Laden lived for years in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad where he was found and killed by U.S. forces, a former head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency said Wednesday.

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ICC inquiry may not bar Gaddafi leaving: UK minister
Wed,8 Jun 2011 10:47 AM PDT
Reuters - * Minister says people talking to Gaddafi about leaving Full Story1
Fighting turns southern Yemen town into "hell"
Wed,8 Jun 2011 10:42 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoADEN/JEDDAH (Reuters) - Bodies lay in the streets of a southern Yemeni town Wednesday as government forces battled Islamist militants, a local official said, underscoring the gravity of Yemen's multiple conflicts.

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Canada confirms it will reject new Kyoto Protocol
Wed,8 Jun 2011 10:41 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoBONN, Germany (Reuters) - Canada confirmed on Wednesday that it would not support an extended Kyoto Protocol after 2012, joining Japan and Russia in rejecting a new round of the climate emissions pact.

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Yemenis going hungry as conflict pushes prices: WFP
Wed,8 Jun 2011 09:56 AM PDT
Reuters - DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemenis are going hungry after fighting in their country disrupted food supplies and pushed up the price of gas, water, fuel and other basic commodities, the U.N.'s World Food Program (WFP) said Wednesday. Full Story1
Bin Laden will "haunt" America: al Qaeda deputy
Wed,8 Jun 2011 09:46 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoCAIRO (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden's longtime lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahri, said the United States faces rebellion throughout the Muslim world after killing the al Qaeda leader, according to a YouTube recording posted on Wednesday.

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EU accuses Iran of deepening nuclear "defiance"
Wed,8 Jun 2011 08:39 AM PDT
Reuters - VIENNA (Reuters) - The European Union voiced deep concern on Wednesday over Iran's announcement it would increase its capacity to produce higher-grade enriched uranium, saying Tehran was increasing its defiance of the U.N. Security Council. Full Story1
Greece warns dissenters against rejecting austerity
Wed,8 Jun 2011 08:19 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoATHENS (Reuters) - The Greek government warned dissenters in the ruling party on Wednesday against rejecting an austerity plan agreed under a new international bailout deal, after data showed the depth of the nation's economic crisis.

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Factbox: What is uranium enrichment?
Wed,8 Jun 2011 07:42 AM PDT
Reuters - (Reuters) - Iran aims to triple its production capacity for higher grade uranium, state broadcaster IRIB said on Wednesday, an announcement likely to add to Western concerns about Tehran's atomic ambitions. Full Story1
Anticipation in Tripoli as net tightens on Gaddafi
Wed,8 Jun 2011 07:32 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoTRIPOLI (Reuters) - "We are all happy when NATO bombs like that," the taxi driver said on Wednesday, the morning after the heaviest Western air strikes on the Libyan capital.

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Pakistan militant group vows to escalate fight in Afghanistan
Wed,8 Jun 2011 07:28 AM PDT
Reuters - DERA ISMAIL KHAN/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - One of Pakistan's most powerful militant groups plans to step up its fight against American troops in neighboring Afghanistan in response to intensified U.S. drone missile strikes on its territory, two of its commanders said on Wednesday. Full Story1
UK and France to put forward U.N. resolution on Syria
Wed,8 Jun 2011 06:44 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and France will put forward a U.N. Security Council resolution on Wednesday condemning Syria's crackdown on protesters, British Prime Minister David Cameron said. Full Story1
China floods kill 52, force 100,000 to evacuate
Wed,8 Jun 2011 05:31 AM PDT
Reuters - BEIJING (Reuters) - Heavy rain drenched a drought-ravaged swathe of southern and eastern China, killing 52 people and forcing more than 100,000 to evacuate, state media reported on Wednesday. Full Story1
Suspected U.S. missile strike kills 22 militants in Pakistan
Wed,8 Jun 2011 05:22 AM PDT
Reuters - MIRANSHAH, Pakistan, Jun (Reuters) - Missile attacks by suspected U.S. drone aircraft killed at least 22 militants in Pakistan's Waziristan region on Wednesday, intelligence officials said, as the U.S. military steps up pressure on remnants of al Qaeda and the Taliban sheltered there. Full Story1
Tunisia election delayed until October 23
Wed,8 Jun 2011 04:55 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoTUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisia's election will be delayed until October 23, a week later than the date suggested by electoral officials, to ensure it can be "free and transparent," Prime Minister Beji Caid Sebsi said on Wednesday.

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Analysis: Syria's crisis begins to go international
Wed,8 Jun 2011 04:15 AM PDT
Reuters - DUBAI (Reuters) - The increasingly bloody crisis engulfing Syria has started to go international. Full Story1
Turkey says open to Syrian refugees as 120 arrive
Wed,8 Jun 2011 03:38 AM PDT
Reuters - ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey will not "close its doors" to refugees fleeing unrest in Syria, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday after reports of more than 120 Syrians crossing the border overnight. Full Story1
N.Korea test fired short-range missile last week: Yonhap
Wed,8 Jun 2011 03:38 AM PDT
Reuters - SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea fired a short-range missile into waters off its west coast last week in what was likely a test of modifications to its arsenal, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted an intelligence source as saying on Wednesday. Full Story1
Factbox: Protests in Middle East, North Africa
Wed,8 Jun 2011 02:56 AM PDT
Reuters - (Reuters) - Here are details of some of the protests against governments in the Middle East and North Africa. Full Story1
France 24 says may have been tricked on Syrian envoy
Wed,8 Jun 2011 02:56 AM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - French TV news channel France 24 may have been hoodwinked when it aired an audio interview in which a person it believed to be Syria's ambassador to France said she was resigning, a senior France 24 journalist said on Wednesday. Full Story1
Strauss-Kahn maid's lawyer appeals for other victims
Wed,8 Jun 2011 01:56 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoPARIS (Reuters) - The lawyer for the New York hotel maid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of trying to rape her has appealed on French television for other women with claims against the former IMF chief to come forward.

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Power outages at Japan's Fukushima plant, cooling continues
Wed,8 Jun 2011 01:14 AM PDT
Reuters -

photoTOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of a crippled Japanese nuclear plant said on Wednesday it had experienced power outages at two of its reactors but it was able to continue the cooling process to bring them under control.

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Countries seek nuclear stress tests after Japan crisis
Wed,8 Jun 2011 01:14 AM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - Government ministers and officials from nearly 30 nuclear energy producing countries called on Tuesday for safety tests on all reactors, after the disaster at Japan's Fukushima plant sparked concern over standards. Full Story1
China floods kill 24, force 100,000 to evacuate
Tue,7 Jun 2011 11:45 PM PDT
Reuters - BEIJING (Reuters) - Heavy rain drenched a swathe of what had been drought-gripped southern and eastern China, killing 24 people and forcing more than 100,000 to evacuate, state media reported on Wednesday. Full Story1
Resignation of Brazil's Palocci leaves a void
Tue,7 Jun 2011 10:29 PM PDT
Reuters -

photoBRASILIA (Reuters) - The resignation of President Dilma Rousseff's top aide is unlikely to cause major upheaval in Brazilian financial markets on Wednesday, but it could lead to more government spending and a generally less market-friendly approach in months to come.

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