Jun 25, 2011

WORLD News, Jun 25, 2011

Vietnam to switch to lethal injection for death penalty
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:49 PM PDT
Reuters - HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam will carry out the death penalty using lethal injection from July instead of a firing squad, police said, to reduce suffering. Full Story1
Egyptians injured in clashes over Mubarak's fate
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:53 PM PDT
Reuters - CAIRO, June 25 (Reuters) - Dozens of people were injured in clashes between two groups of protesters, for and against putting former president Hosni Mubarak on trial, Egypt's official news agency MENA reported Saturday. Full Story1
Ex-media mogul Conrad Black sent back to prison
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:34 PM PDT
Reuters - photoCHICAGO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Friday ordered former media baron Conrad Black back to prison for 13 more months, cutting his original 6 1/2-year sentence nearly in half for remaining fraud and obstruction of justice convictions.

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Venezuela's Chavez reappears on Twitter from Cuba
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:12 PM PDT
Reuters - photoCARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, not seen in public for two weeks, ended his unusual silence with several Twitter messages on Friday, but said nothing about his health after an operation in Cuba.

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Yemenis pray for end to deadlock as blast rocks Aden
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:07 PM PDT
Reuters - photoSANAA/ADEN, June 24 (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Yemenis protested in Sanaa on a "Friday of the Revolutionary Will" to press for the overthrow of their wounded president.

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Sarkozy defends Libya mission as House keeps funding
Fri,24 Jun 2011 03:42 PM PDT
Reuters - photoBRUSSELS/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - France rejected on Friday U.S. criticism of Europe's performance in the NATO operation against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi while the U.S. administration survived Congressional anger in a funding vote.

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Syrian forces kill 15 protesters, activists say
Fri,24 Jun 2011 03:20 PM PDT
Reuters - photoAMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian security forces shot dead at least 15 people on Friday after tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets demanding the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad, witnesses and activists said.

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Yemen blacklists 43 opponents for pipeline blasts
Fri,24 Jun 2011 03:18 PM PDT
Reuters - SANAA, June 24 (Reuters) - Yemen's Interior Ministry published the names of 43 members of the opposition it accuses of blowing up oil pipelines and attacks on power pylons, its news agency said on Friday. Full Story1
Tunisia joins international war crimes court
Fri,24 Jun 2011 03:08 PM PDT
Reuters - UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Tunisia, whose demonstrations inspired the so-called 'Arab Spring' uprisings across the region, on Friday became the first North African state to join the International Criminal Court (ICC). Full Story1
Factbox - Latest pro-democracy protests in Syria
Fri,24 Jun 2011 02:54 PM PDT
Reuters - (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Syrians took to the streets on Friday to protest against President Bashar al-Assad's rule in defiance of a military crackdown, witnesses and activists said. Full Story1
Hezbollah says finds three spies within group
Fri,24 Jun 2011 01:28 PM PDT
Reuters - photoBEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Friday the group had captured three spies among its members, two of whom were recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency.

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Peru protests turn deadly as govt halts mine project
Fri,24 Jun 2011 12:58 PM PDT
Reuters - LIMA (Reuters) - Protests against mining and energy projects in southeastern Peru turned deadly on Friday, killing at least two people, hours after the government said a Canadian firm's mining license would be revoked in a bid to calm unrest. Full Story1
Argentine heirs hope DNA test ends identity fight
Fri,24 Jun 2011 12:21 PM PDT
Reuters - photoBUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The adopted children of one of Argentina's wealthiest women came forward to give blood samples on Friday, hoping to quell suspicions they were stolen as babies from murdered political prisoners during military rule.

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Hezbollah says finds three spies within group
Fri,24 Jun 2011 11:21 AM PDT
Reuters - BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Friday the group had captured three spies among its members, two of whom were recruited by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency . Full Story1
Egypt's Brotherhood to fire members joining other parties
Fri,24 Jun 2011 10:00 AM PDT
Reuters - CAIRO (Reuters) - A Muslim Brotherhood leader vowed on Friday that members who join other political parties would be expelled from the group, in the latest sign of internal rifts. Full Story1
EU leaders give conditional go-ahead to Croatia entry
Fri,24 Jun 2011 09:51 AM PDT
Reuters - photoBRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders gave the go-ahead on Friday for Croatia to join the EU, after six years of preparations marred by slow democratic reforms in Zagreb and the EU's reluctance to expand.

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Argentine leader to announce running mate Saturday
Fri,24 Jun 2011 09:46 AM PDT
Reuters - photoBUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine President Cristina Fernandez will announce her running mate for an October 23 election on Saturday after a close ally tipped as a leading contender said he was not in the running.

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WikiLeaks' Assange builds new, less-confrontational legal team
Fri,24 Jun 2011 09:43 AM PDT
Reuters - photoLONDON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is hiring a new legal team to take a less confrontational approach in his next British court appeal against a Swedish request he be extradited for questioning in a sexual misconduct case.

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Pakistan army rejects report on bin Laden's cellphone
Fri,24 Jun 2011 09:42 AM PDT
Reuters - photoISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Pakistan army condemned Friday a report in the New York Times that a cellphone found in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden contained contacts to a militant group with ties to Pakistan's intelligence agency.

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Analysis: Mexican ex-presidents lead debate on legalizing drugs
Fri,24 Jun 2011 09:27 AM PDT
Reuters - photoMEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Once praised lavishly by the United States for waging a war on drugs, Mexico's last two presidents now say legalizing them may be the best way to end the rising violence the U.S.-backed campaign has unleashed.

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Ex-Ukraine PM accuses Yanukovich of "mock" trial
Fri,24 Jun 2011 08:53 AM PDT
Reuters - photoKIEV (Reuters) - Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko used a pre-trial hearing Friday to allege President Viktor Yanukovich was behind a crooked court action that was certain to convict her of abuse of power.

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Tripoli opposition waits for its moment
Fri,24 Jun 2011 08:10 AM PDT
Reuters - TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's fearsome security apparatus appears to be weakening in Tripoli, but it is still too powerful to risk an uprising -- that is the view of Libyans who say they are part of a burgeoning underground opposition network in the capital. Full Story1
After tasting freedom, many Libyans can't keep quiet
Fri,24 Jun 2011 08:09 AM PDT
Reuters - TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Standing opposite the wreckage of what used to be the Hotel Wenzrik in central Tripoli, the Libyan man spoke his mind to reporters for a good few minutes, even as their government minders began to zero in on him. Full Story1
Tripoli activists plot revolt without Facebook
Fri,24 Jun 2011 08:08 AM PDT
Reuters - TRIPOLI (Reuters) - In the brief, heady period at the start of the uprising in the Libyan capital against Muammar Gaddafi, activists relied on Facebook and text messages to network, organize and express themselves. Full Story1
Libyan swap of detainees may signal broader talks
Fri,24 Jun 2011 08:01 AM PDT
Reuters - BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has released dozens of rebel supporters and allowed them to sail back to Benghazi on Friday in a move that could mark the beginning of broader talks between the adversaries. Full Story1
Israel PM's son accused of anti-Islamic comments
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:24 AM PDT
Reuters - JERUSALEM (Reuters) - An Israeli newspaper reported on Friday that one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's sons had posted anti-Islamic remarks on his Facebook page. Full Story1
Afghanistan says 4 children killed in Pakistani border shelling
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:20 AM PDT
Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan on Friday complained to Pakistan for a second time in a week about its shelling of Afghan villages in which four children were killed, fighting that threatens to raise regional tensions as the United States begins a gradual troop withdrawal. Full Story1
Palestinians use bulldozer to ram Israeli fence
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:16 AM PDT
Reuters - photoBILIN, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian protesters rammed a bulldozer Friday into a contested barrier near the village of Bilin, days after the Israeli army said it would finally comply with a court order and reposition the fence.

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U.N. says sending human rights team to Yemen
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:13 AM PDT
Reuters - GENEVA (Reuters) - A team of United Nations human rights investigators will travel to Yemen next week to assess the situation after months of unrest, a U.N. spokeswoman said on Friday. Full Story1
After decades of war, Sudan's Abyei defies quick fixes
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:07 AM PDT
Reuters - photoKHARTOUM/JUBA (Reuters) - When Abdeljalil Abdelrahim talks about Abyei, a war-scarred region in central Sudan prized by northern nomads for its grazing land, he has no doubt it belongs to the north.

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Pakistan, India to explore new nuclear confidence building
Fri,24 Jun 2011 07:02 AM PDT
Reuters - ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan and India agreed on Friday to work on new nuclear confidence-building measures and expanded trade and travel across the ceasefire line dividing disputed Kashmir. Full Story1
Sarkozy says Europeans "doing the work" in Libya
Fri,24 Jun 2011 06:55 AM PDT
Reuters - BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy rejected on Friday criticism of Europe's role in the Libyan war effort by outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and insisted Washington's allies were "doing the work." Full Story1
Candidacy of Senegal's Wade now critics' target
Fri,24 Jun 2011 06:52 AM PDT
Reuters - photoThe capital Dakar was calm on Friday after violent street protests on Thursday had forced Wade to abandon proposed changes to the election law that appeared designed to smooth his path to re-election in February 2012.

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Special report: Japan's "throwaway" nuclear workers
Fri,24 Jun 2011 06:19 AM PDT
Reuters - photoFUKUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - A decade and a half before it blew apart in a hydrogen blast that punctuated the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, the No. 3 reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant was the scene of an earlier safety crisis.

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Explosions rock Myanmar's capital, two other towns
Fri,24 Jun 2011 06:09 AM PDT
Reuters - photoYANGON (Reuters) - Four explosions rocked Myanmar's capital, Naypyitaw, and two other towns on Friday, residents said, adding several people were wounded but no one had been killed.

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Thai PM's speech boosts ruling party's election chances
Fri,24 Jun 2011 06:07 AM PDT
Reuters - photoBANGKOK (Reuters) - A tirade by Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva against ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra could garner more support for his ruling Democrat Party in a July 3 election, but a win looks unlikely as the main opposition races ahead in opinion polls.

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Some 170 women raped in attack on Congo villages: U.N.
Fri,24 Jun 2011 05:32 AM PDT
Reuters - KINSHASA (Reuters) - The number of reported victims of a recent mass rape by gunmen in Democratic Republic of Congo has risen by about 70 to as many as 170, the United Nations refugee agency said on Friday. Full Story1
Rebels say Gaddafi could stay in Libya: report
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:56 AM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - Libyan rebels rule out any role for Muammar Gaddafi in a future government but could let him remain "in a remote part of Libya" as part of a settlement, France's Le Figaro reported on Friday. Full Story1
Rights investigations needed in Sudan border areas: U.N.
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:45 AM PDT
Reuters - photoKHARTOUM (Reuters) - Huts were still burning and looters roamed the main town of Sudan's disputed Abyei region this week, a senior U.N. official said, more than a month after Khartoum seized it and shut down a joint north-south administration.

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EU leaders give conditional go-ahead to Croatia entry
Fri,24 Jun 2011 04:20 AM PDT
Reuters - BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders gave the go-ahead on Friday for Croatia to join the EU, after six years of preparations marred by slow democratic reforms in Zagreb and the EU's reluctance to expand. Full Story1

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