Jul 19, 2011

BARACK OBAMA News, Jul 19, 2011

David Weidner's Writing on the Wall: 1 reason Obama can lose in 2012
Market Watch Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:12 PM PDT
If Obama loses re-election, there will be plenty of people to blame, but the defeat will come down to one critical mistake, writes David Weidner.
Obama Has Office, if Little Else
Albuquerque Journal Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:06 PM PDT
In 1994, the Republicans took back the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. The ...
Jon Stewart Explains Why Republicans Won't Work with Obama[Video]
Gawker Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:06 PM PDT
# video On tonight's Daily Show , Jon Stewart spent all the time he didn't use interviewing Daniel Radcliffe talking about the never-ending debt ceiling negotiations between President Obama and Republican Congressional leaders. So what's the holdup? As Stewart explains in the above video, it's because Republicans hate Obamaâbut not because he's black. They hate him because he's a tax-hiking ...
Obama vows to veto GOP debt plan
Austin American-Statesman Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:01 PM PDT
Obama vows to veto GOP debt plan
First lady to participate in 'Extreme Makeover' episode featuring Campobello's Blue Ridge Log Cabin
Spartanburg Herald-Journal Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:01 PM PDT
First lady Michelle Obama will participate in an episode of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" that features a boarding house being built inNorth Carolina for homeless women veterans.
Kathleen Parker: Obama's not entirely true story
Abilene Reporter-News Mon, 18 Jul 2011 21:00 PM PDT
WASHINGTON â Most would agree that one would have to stoop pretty low to question the story of a man's mother's death.
Perry hears the call to run for president, but hasn't decided yet
Fort Worth Star-Telegram Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:57 PM PDT
AUSTIN -- Gov. Rick Perry on Monday highlighted themes that he would likely unleash in a campaign against President Barack Obama , but he offered no firm clues on when -- or if -- he plans to climb into a race for the White House.
Obama raises more Hoosier cash than all GOP rivals combined
Black Mountain News Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:57 PM PDT
Source: Federal Election Commission. Amounts are for contributions of $201 or more through June 30. Donors who gave less than that do not have to be identified.
World Series Champion Giants headed to White House
The Milpitas Post Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:48 PM PDT
WASHINGTON -- Next stop for the World Series Champion San Francisco Giants? The White House. President Barack Obama will open the White House to the team on Monday in honor of its 2010 defeat of the Texas Rangers in Game 5 of the World Series last fall.
Obama taps Richard Cordray to lead consumer agency
San Francisco Chronicle Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:47 PM PDT
President Obama said his nomination of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau puts financial lenders on notice that the government will be looking out for "regular...

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