Jul 29, 2011

BARACK OBAMA News, Jul 29, 2011

A Republican meltdown in the making
Business Spectator Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:12 PM PDT
US House Speaker John Boehner doesn't yet have enough votes to pass his debt ceiling bill. If he fails to find them, it will hand President Obamaone of his biggest career victories. 29 Jul 2011 2:00 PM
Number of surveillance targets can't be identified
Portland Press Herald Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:07 PM PDT
WASHINGTON - Like its predecessor, the Obama administration says it cannot count how many people in the U.S. have had their telephone calls and emails monitored by government agents in national security investigations under federal surveillance law.
Surveys find Obama, beer less popular
Everett Herald Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:03 PM PDT
New polling from Gallup tracks two notable and unrelated trends. At least I think they are unrelated.
Harry Belafonte Criticizes Obama
BET.com Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:01 PM PDT
The legendary performer wants to know, "What happened to moral truth?" The issue of the United Statesâ debt ceiling is getting more than just politicians hot under the collar. Legendary entertainer Harry Belafonte has had enough as well.
Economic recovery? Try butting out
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:00 PM PDT
While President Barack Obama fiddles with a grand deficit-reduction plan -- which amounts to no reduction -- another significant deficit simmers on the back burner. It's the nation's jobs deficit or, more precisely, the upshot of empty economic tinkering that has stymied recovery.
Greg Johnson: Corker says it's time to 'chill' over debate
Knoxville News Sentinel Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:00 PM PDT
In the Great Debt Debate this week, Sen. Bob Corker , R-Tenn., sounded the voice of reason. President Barack Obama played the petulant teenager denied his way in a prime-time speech. And some leftist pundits, like Rana Foroohar in Time magazine, came off as just downright nuts.
Fair and balanced: The morphing of Obama
The Tampa Tribune Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:00 PM PDT
Michael Gerson, who knows a thing or two about presidential speeches, says that President Barack Obama 's Monday night address to the nation about the debt ceiling really wasn't about anything at all. The president was merely getting a jump on the blame game rather than advancing a new argument or reframing the debate.
Kathleen Parker: The morphing of Barack Obama
Winston-Salem Journal Thu, 28 Jul 2011 21:00 PM PDT
Michael Gerson, who knows a thing or two about presidential speeches, says that President Barack Obama 's Monday night address to the nation about the debt ceiling really wasn't about anything at all. The president was merely getting a jump on the blame game rather than advancing a new argument or reframing the debate.
Obama adviser to head Neptune Canada
Victoria Times Colonist Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:58 PM PDT
The new director of the Neptune Canada ocean network will arrive in September from Washington, D.C., where she has been advising U.S. President Barrack Obama and his administration on the oceans, the Arctic and climate change.
My message to Obama: Yes, you can fix immigration rules
Bradenton Herald Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:55 PM PDT
When President Barack Obama spoke to a major U.S. Hispanic group earlier this week about his unsuccessful efforts to change this countryâs outdated immigration rules, many in the crowd broke out in a spontaneous chant: âYes you can!â

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