Jul 30, 2011

BARACK OBAMA News, Jul 30, 2011

New fuel standards aim to save consumers money and cut back on heat-trapping gases from autos
Brandon Sun Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:14 PM PDT
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama and automakers ushered in what could be the largest cut in fuel consumption since the 1970s on Friday with a deal that would save drivers money at the pump and dramatically cut heat-trapping gases coming from tailpipes.
Obama oddly detached as debt crisis grows
The Day Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:12 PM PDT
As Congress continued to struggle Friday to find a political compromise that would lead to a vote raising the debt ceiling (or perhaps more accurately, struggled to avoid a compromise), President
The censor-half
The Sun Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:11 PM PDT
RIO Ferdinand sparks panic with online posts of souvenir pics ofObama's security men
Obama hails deal on increasing auto fuel-economy standards
Los Angeles Times Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:11 PM PDT
The agreement â following weeks of negotiations involving automakers, environmentalists, unions, White House officials and the state of California â calls for cars and light trucks to achieve a fleetwide average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Set against the stalemate of the debt-ceiling debate, President Obama on Friday hailed agreement on an ambitious increase in auto fuel-economy standards ...
Nevadans frustrated without representation in House
Lake Tahoe News Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:10 PM PDT
By Frank X. Mullen Jr., Reno Gazette-Journal When Democratic President Barack Obama this week urged Americans to contact their congressional representatives about the deadlock over raising the nationâs debt ceiling, Nevadans who live outside Clark County had no one to call in the U.S. House. With the U.S. House of Representativesâ District 2 seat vacant since the [...]
Obama Proposal Could Relieve Price At The Pump
CBS Miami Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:05 PM PDT
resident Barack Obama and automakers ushered in what could be the largest cut in fuel consumption since the 1970s on Friday with a deal that would save drivers money at the pump and dramatically cut heat-trapping gases coming from tailpipes.
New mileage standards aim for less fuel, pollution
Deseret News Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:05 PM PDT
President Barack Obama and automakers ushered in what could be the largest cut in fuel consumption since the 1970s on Friday...
Illinois mayors send stern letter on debt-limit debate
KMOV St. Louis Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:03 PM PDT
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) -- More than three dozen Illinois mayors have a stern warning for President Barack Obama and Congress: Resolve the debt-ceiling crisis or risk another recession. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and 40 other city executives signed the letter Friday toObama and the Illinois congressional delegation. They say not agreeing on a debt-limit deal by a Tuesday deadline jeopardizes ...
U.S. voters chose âdysfunctionâ
Guelph Mercury Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:02 PM PDT
WASHINGTON â âThe American people may have voted for divided government,â uttered a frustrated President Obama, âbut they didnât vote for a dysfunctional government.â
Nat'l Debt Debate to Continue All Weekend
KTVN Reno Fri, 29 Jul 2011 21:02 PM PDT
Despite a warning from Obama time is nearly out, the fight in Congress over raising the debt limit will drag well into weekend.

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