Jul 28, 2011

BLOOMBERG News, Jun 28, 2011

Snapshot: What to expect Thursday in debt crisis
Wed,27 Jul 2011 10:04 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here is what to expect on Thursday as lawmakers try to close in on a deal for Congress to raise the government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit by an August 2 deadline and avoid a debt default: Full Story

Scenarios: Obama's options if no deal on debt ceiling hike
Wed,27 Jul 2011 07:11 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If the impasse over the U.S. debt limit is not broken soon, President Barack Obama will be forced to decide how he will manage the crisis. Full Story

Lawmaker vows look at China trade "abuses"
Wed,27 Jul 2011 05:54 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Republican lawmaker Wednesday said he planned to turn up the pressure on China over a long list of trade "abuses" after Congress returns from its upcoming August recess. Full Story

Romney vows tough stance on China trade
Wed,27 Jul 2011 05:53 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said on Wednesday Chinese businesses were the "worst offenders" of global trade rules as his campaign vowed he would "get tough" with China if he wins in 2012. Full Story

Lawmakers weigh value of development aid
Wed,27 Jul 2011 04:59 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trimming U.S. funding to the World Bank and other global lenders would reduce American influence in developing countries and give China a competitive edge, lawmakers were told on Wednesday. Full Story

Russia says will respond to U.S. steps on Sergei Magnitsky
Wed,27 Jul 2011 04:48 PM PDT
Reuters - MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. visa restrictions on Russian officials linked to the death of hedge fund lawyer Sergei Magnitsky could become a "serious irritant" in bilateral relations and provoke a response from Moscow, Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. Full Story

Obama healthcare battle appealed to Supreme Court
Wed,27 Jul 2011 03:56 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Michigan-based legal group on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court to review and overturn a decision that found President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law constitutional.

Analysis: Debt crisis a big test for Speaker Boehner
Wed,27 Jul 2011 03:29 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner looked over his restive Republican troops on Wednesday and told them: "Get your ass in line." Full Story

Boehner says revised debt plan yields greater cuts
Wed,27 Jul 2011 03:24 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's office said on Wednesday that its revised plan to raise the U.S. debt ceiling would deliver about $65 billion more in cuts over a 10-year period than an earlier version. Full Story

Farm cuts may be smaller than expected: Lawmaker
Wed,27 Jul 2011 01:28 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. agricultural programs face cuts of $10-$11 billion over the next decade as Congress slashes federal spending to reduce the budget deficit, said a senior farm-state Democrat on Wednesday. Full Story

U.S. Treasury reiterates August 2 debt limit warning
Wed,27 Jul 2011 12:44 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Treasury on Wednesday reiterated its warning that it cannot guarantee payment of all the government's bills after August 2 without an increase in the federal borrowing limit. Full Story

U.S. lawmaker vows look at China trade "abuses"
Wed,27 Jul 2011 12:39 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Republican lawmaker Wednesday said he planned to turn up the pressure on China over a long list of trade "abuses" after Congress returns from its upcoming August recess. Full Story

CEOs say yes to Congress on removing tax breaks
Wed,27 Jul 2011 12:25 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and other major U.S. employers told Congress on Wednesday they would be willing to give up tax breaks that benefit their companies in return for a steep drop in the country's 35 percent corporate tax rate. Full Story

White House: Time running out for debt compromise
Wed,27 Jul 2011 11:40 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House warned on Wednesday that time was running out to reach a compromise on the U.S. debt limit and said that Republicans and Democrats must come together now on an agreement. Full Story

Lawmaker presses Obama to back trade deals plan
Wed,27 Jul 2011 11:09 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top Republican lawmaker on Wednesday outlined a plan for winning approval of three long-delayed trade agreements and a worker retraining program the White House has insisted Congress pass along with them. Full Story

Is default deadline truly August 2? Analysts say no
Wed,27 Jul 2011 08:33 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Will the sky fall on August 2 if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling?

Senate confirms Gary Locke as U.S. envoy to China
Wed,27 Jul 2011 07:54 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Wednesday confirmed former Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as ambassador to China, sending to Beijing an envoy who has said he would press for greater access to Chinese markets.

Senate Democrats debt plan saves $2.2 trillion: CBO
Wed,27 Jul 2011 07:16 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democrats' legislation to reduce the U.S. deficit and increase borrowing authority would cut $2.2 trillion from deficits, about $500 billion less than Democrats claimed, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. Full Story

General Dempsey warns against deep defense cuts
Tue,26 Jul 2011 09:09 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nominee to become the top U.S. military officer warned on Tuesday it would be "extraordinarily difficult and very high risk" to cut $800 billion from defense spending as part of efforts to reduce the nation's $14.3 trillion debt.

Two senators tell airlines not to "pocket" tax
Tue,26 Jul 2011 05:32 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Airlines should not "pocket" revenue from a passenger tax that has lapsed during a partial aviation shutdown, two U.S. Senate transportation leaders said in a letter sent to the industry association on Tuesday. Full Story

Kirk hopes for September approval of trade deals
Tue,26 Jul 2011 05:07 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trade Representative Ron Kirk said on Tuesday he was optimistic a deal could be struck with Republicans clearing the way for Congress to pass free trade pacts with South Korea, Colombia and Panama after lawmakers return in September from a month-long recess.

Kirk hopes for September approval of U.S. trade deals
Tue,26 Jul 2011 04:26 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said on Tuesday he was optimistic a deal could be struck with Republicans clearing the way for Congress to pass free trade pacts with South Korea, Colombia and Panama after lawmakers return in September from a month-long recess.

North Carolina lower house overrides abortion bill veto
Tue,26 Jul 2011 04:25 PM PDT
Reuters - RALEIGH, North Carolina (Reuters) - The North Carolina House of Representatives narrowly overrode a veto on Tuesday of a bill requiring women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion and be presented with a ultrasound of the fetus. Full Story

Illinois Congressman arrested in front of White House
Tue,26 Jul 2011 04:23 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez was arrested in front of the White House on Tuesday afternoon while protesting deportation of illegal immigrants, a spokesman said. Full Story

House passes bill to speed up oil sands pipe review
Tue,26 Jul 2011 04:12 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved legislation that would set a firm deadline for the Obama administration to decide the fate of a proposed $7 billion pipeline that would transport Canadian oil sands crude to the U.S. Gulf Coast. Full Story

Boehner reworks plan after cuts fall short
Tue,26 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker John Boehner is reworking his budget plan after an analysis found that its spending cuts fall short of what he promised, a spokesman said on Tuesday. Full Story

Gov. Brown nominates controversial judge for California court
Tue,26 Jul 2011 03:39 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goodwin Liu, a University of California law professor whose confirmation to a federal appeals court was blocked in the U.S. Senate, has been nominated to serve as a justice on the top court in California. Full Story

Americans answer Obama's call, contact lawmakers
Tue,26 Jul 2011 02:32 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans wasted little time on Tuesday answering President Barack Obama's request to make their voice heard on the looming debt crisis, crashing websites with e-mails and flooding the telephone lines of lawmakers in Washington with thousands of calls. Full Story

White House rules out Constitution debt option
Tue,26 Jul 2011 12:55 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will not use a clause in the Constitution to bypass Congress and raise the federal government's debt limit on his own, the White House said Tuesday.

Alabama's Jefferson County hires bankruptcy lawyers
Tue,26 Jul 2011 10:49 AM PDT
Reuters - BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (Reuters) - Alabama's Jefferson County on Tuesday hired outside bankruptcy lawyers ahead of a critical decision on its debt that could result in what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Full Story

photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who was on Senator John McCain's short list for vice presidential running mate in 2008, is fighting low poll numbers and his vanilla image to remain in the 2012 Republican U.S. presidential field.

Top general warns against deep defense cuts
Tue,26 Jul 2011 10:05 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nominee to become the top U.S. military officer warned on Tuesday it would be "extraordinarily difficult and very high risk" to cut $800 billion from defense spending as part of efforts to reduce the nation's $14.3 trillion debt.

Debt ceiling wiggle room runs out August 2: White House
Tue,26 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has no wiggle room on the debt after next week's default deadline, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Tuesday, adding he expected a deal to be reached through compromise before then. Full Story

Analysis: Debt negotiators eye 2012
Tue,26 Jul 2011 09:48 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers bogged down in talks on the debt limit need to reach a deal by an August 2 deadline but the politicians also have one eye another big date: Election Day on November 6, 2012. Full Story

photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker John Boehner will not have enough Republican votes to pass his budget plan through the House of Representatives without Democratic support, a leader of the chamber's conservatives said on Tuesday.

A few Democrats may back Boehner debt plan: Hoyer
Tue,26 Jul 2011 08:21 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chief Democratic vote counter in the House of Representatives said on Tuesday that a few members of his party may back a budget plan developed by House Speaker John Boehner.

Boehner says his debt plan can pass House and Senate
Tue,26 Jul 2011 07:31 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, said Tuesday his two-stage deficit reduction plan could pass through the House and the Senate.

Text: Obama address on debt ceiling impasse
Mon,25 Jul 2011 06:30 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Following is the full text of President Barack Obama's Monday evening address on the debt ceiling impasse in Washington, as prepared for delivery: Full Story

Analysis: The politics behind Boehner's two-step debt hike
Mon,25 Jul 2011 04:58 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - So many Americans are so sick of political acrimony over raising the U.S. debt limit that it might seem unfathomable to have to do it all over again early next year. But that is exactly what the top U.S. Republican, John Boehner, is proposing for some practical political reasons.

Amid dueling debt plans, Obama to address nation
Mon,25 Jul 2011 03:54 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top U.S. lawmakers dueled with diverging debt plans on Monday that offered little compromise and raised the threat of a ratings downgrade and national default as President Barack Obama prepared to address Americans on the impasse.

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