Jul 25, 2011

BUSINESS News, Jul 25 2011

Canon posts Q2 earnings fall, lifts forecast
Sun,24 Jul 2011 11:38 PM PDT
Reuters - TOKYO (Reuters) - Canon Inc posted a 30.9 percent decline in quarterly operating profit on Monday, hurt by production halts due to parts shortages after the March 11 earthquake, but it raised its full-year forecast due to a faster recovery than expected. Full Story

Canon posts 30.9 percent drop in Q2 profit, raises forecast
Sun,24 Jul 2011 11:15 PM PDT
Reuters - TOKYO (Reuters) - Canon Inc posted a 30.9 percent decline in quarterly operating profit on Monday, hurt by production halts due to parts shortages after the March 11 earthquake, but it raised its full-year forecast due to a faster recovery than expected. Full Story

Analysis: Trichet loses face but leaves ECB a winner
Sun,24 Jul 2011 10:54 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoFRANKFURT (Reuters) - On the face of it he buckled.

Asia watches and hopes U.S. will avoid debt "suicide"
Sun,24 Jul 2011 10:52 PM PDT
Reuters - SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Bewildered Asian officials could only watch and hope for the best on Monday after U.S. lawmakers failed to break a debt impasse that threatens to trigger a default and up-end global financial markets. Full Story

photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States took a step closer to losing its coveted triple-A credit rating over the weekend as a political impasse in Washington reduced hopes of an agreement to meaningfully cut the nation's budget deficit.

GM clashed with Kremlin over Opel unit: report
Sun,24 Jul 2011 06:34 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - General Motors canceled the sale of its Opel and Vauxhall brands two years ago because the proposed buyers were demanding the right to sell its factories to a Russian state-owned car maker, the Times said on Monday. Full Story

Reid: Republican debt-limit plan a nonstarter
Sun,24 Jul 2011 05:50 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner's plan to raise the debt limit to cover a few months of borrowing activity is a "nonstarter," Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said on Sunday. Full Story

Companies churn out profits but not jobs
Sun,24 Jul 2011 05:06 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - The sluggish pace of hiring may be hobbling the U.S. economy, but it's not been holding back big U.S. companies' profits thanks to growth overseas and cost controls at home. And that's bad news for the more than 14 million Americans without jobs.

Senate Democrats craft new debt limit bill: aide
Sun,24 Jul 2011 03:02 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the Senate have developed a plan that would achieve around $2.5 trillion in savings over 10 years and provide the same increase to the Treasury Department's borrowing authority to take it through 2012, a senior Senate Democratic aide told Reuters. Full Story

Analysts view: A Sunday debt deal looks less likely
Sun,24 Jul 2011 03:01 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Sunday told his fellow Republicans that "there is a path" to cut U.S. spending and raise the debt ceiling, but it will require his party to accept sacrifices, according to two sources who heard his message. Full Story

Analysis: In debt row, hints of emerging-economy crises
Sun,24 Jul 2011 02:59 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Debt default. A ratings downgrade. Political deadlock. Such terms, once associated primarily with the developing world, now abound in the mighty United States. Full Story

Analysis: Companies churn out profits but jobs don't follow
Sun,24 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - The sluggish pace of hiring may be hobbling the economy, but it's not been holding back big U.S. companies' profits thanks to growth overseas and cost controls at home. And that's bad news for the more than 14 million Americans without jobs.

Timeline: How the debt talks spiraled into crisis
Sun,24 Jul 2011 01:51 PM PDT
Reuters -
photo(Reuters) - With financial markets on edge, White House officials and Republican leaders scrambled to reassure them that the United States will avert default and lift its $14.3 trillion borrowing limit beforeAugust 2.

Wall St Week Ahead: Markets edgy on debt talk stalemate
Sun,24 Jul 2011 01:03 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Much of the United States may be frying in near-record temperatures but Wall Street has been feeling the heat for months. Wrangling over the debt ceiling has kept markets on edge, and investors are still waiting for a breakthrough that leads to a deal to avoid a devastating default.

Elusive rebound better come soon
Sun,24 Jul 2011 12:30 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American consumers, faced with grim job prospects and the looming threat of a national debt default, are in no position to support the global economy with a new wave of spending. Full Story

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