Jul 28, 2011

Cell Phones and Cancer: Is There a Connection?: Cell Phones and Cancer: Introduction

Medscape: Hello Dr. Volkow. What was your reaction to the WHO report concluding that electromagnetic fields from cell phones are 'possibly carcinogenic?' Do you believe that the available data support this conclusion?

Dr. Volkow: I think that the report was justified on the basis of results that are inconsistent but which cannot be ignored. It seems prudent in this situation -- in which there are some results [linking cell phone use with malignancy] -- to be cautionary. I think that is why they came up with this recommendation.

It wasn't strong evidence, which the authors of The Lancet paper discuss. However, they couldn't just dismiss and ignore the findings.

Medscape: I found it interesting that the INTERPHONE study showed that in all exposure groups except that with the highest cell phone exposure, there was actually a reduced or equal incidence of glioma compared with those who'd never used a cell phone. What do you make of this finding?"

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