Jul 29, 2011

The Debt-Ceiling Debacle: Another Way Politicians Could Ruin America - Money Morning

BY KERRI SHANNON, Associate Editor, Money Morning
John Powell is worried - perhaps even scared.

Powell has watched the whole debt-ceiling debacle unfold down in Washington. He knows that our elected officials literally hold this country's future in their hands. He also knows that our leaders love nothing more than to squander opportunities and currently are poised to foul up our economy even more than it already is.

'Darn right I'm worried,' Powell, a Money Morning reader, told us in an e-mail. 'It's unbelievable. In 64 years I have never seen Washington so dysfunctional.'

In response to some bleak USA Today/Gallup Poll results last week, we asked you, our loyal readers, to tell us how you think Washington has done with the debt-ceiling debacle. Most of you came to the same frightening conclusion: Our politicians' selfish antics have jeopardized our future."

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