Jul 11, 2011

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News, Jul 11, 2011

EU's Van Rompuy calls emergency debt crisis talks
The meeting will aim to forge a clearer consensus among policymakers before euro zone finance ministers meet later on Monday to discuss Greece and the results of stress tests on European banks, which are scheduled for release on July 15.
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Eurozone split as it takes fresh stab at Greece
BRUSSELS — Eurozone leaders head into fresh talks Monday to craft a new rescue package for Greece hoping to bridge widening splits over private sector involvement asEurope's debt crisis threatens to spiral. After a tumultuous week that saw debt ...
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Back to square one on euro zone debt crisis
Straits Times
FRANKFURT - AFTER a glimmer of hope in the Greek debt crisis, is it back to the drawing board foreuro zone leaders as they struggle to protect the single currency and its 17-nation economy? 'That's for sure ... that's why the ECB has probably always ...
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Sweden's Fin Min: Eurozone Debt Crisis Weighing On Krona
AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France (MNI) - The Swedish economy is emerging from a "soft patch" linked to the spillover effects of Japan's disasters, but the Eurozone debt crisis has heightened downside risks in recent months, Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg ...
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Trichet says debt is global, not European problem
Despite the approval of fresh austerity measures by crisis-stricken Greece this month, fresh fears of contagion in the euro zone swept financial markets this week, hiking the yield spreads on Spanish and Italian bonds. The risk premium on Italian debt ...
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EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy. ...
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Currency markets volatile due to Euro debt crisis, faltering US recovery - report
Kuwait News Agency
Part of the problem that Eurozone ministers have been trying to solve is how to share the burden of the Greek crisis with the private sector. The idea that had gained most traction was the French proposal, which allows Greece to roll over its debt held ...
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Forex Technical and Fundamental Analysis for July 11, 2011
Business Insider
The EUR/USD starts a new week on Monday with fears dominating the market over the deepeningdebt crisis and worsening growth outlook. With no major fundamentals queued for release from the United States and the euro zone more focus will be dedicated to ...
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Hurdles abound in global recovery
Baltimore Sun
One of those risks is Europe's escalating debt crisis. Euro zone finance ministers are set to meet on Monday to discuss a second bailout package for Greece. But given the absence of a decision on how private bondholders might participate in any Greek ...
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Liam Halligan: The West is in for a rude awakening after years of abusing...
On Friday, the eurozone's debt crisis intensified, amidst the first serious signs that "fiscal contagion" is spreading to Italy. Domestic political tensions – with Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's ludicrous prime minister, attacking the finance minister, ...
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Italy Consob may assess moves on short-selling-source
Markets are worried the euro zone debt crisis could reach Italy. A very high public debt and anaemic growth rates, coupled with domestic political tensions, make the country vulnerable to speculative trades. "The commission will meet to sum up the ...
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Restricting the ratings agencies is just a another case of shooting the messengers
Irish Independent
The ratings agencies were also far too late in calling the eurozone sovereign debt crisis. The fact that it has taken until now for Moody's to cut Portugal's credit rating to "junk" status, a statement of the blindingly obvious and something which it ...
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ECB Noyer: G-20 Working On US, Emerging Nations' Inflation Role
Wall Street Journal
... that emerging markets want to see a solution to the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis, which has seen Portugal, Greece and Ireland receive assistance from the 'troika' of the European Central Bank, the European Union and International Monetary Fund. ...
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Turkey, EU to remain unscathed if Greece defaults, experts say
Today's Zaman
“As you know the IMF has confirmed that the Mediterranean country has assets totaling 290 billion euros, and if Greece does not insist on keeping its state assets, thecrisis will be solved, like in 2001 when Turkey privatized some of its assets after ...
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Today's Zaman
[Viwepoint] A tale of two defaults
JoongAng Daily
While Argentina had been hit by the fallout from the emerging-market debt crisis of the late 1990's, Greece is now being hit by the increase in risk aversion since the financial crisis of 2008. As with Argentina a decade ago, Greece no longer looks ...
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China Offers Lifeline to Hard-Hit Europe
American Chronicle
Despite enthusiastic responses from European leaders and evidence of the positive opportunities China's involvement in European finances offers countries, it is very difficult to say how much Chinaactually supports Europe in its debt crisis. ...
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Trading Week Outlook: Jul. 11 - Jul. 15
With the European Central Bank's anticipated July rate hike already in the rearview mirror, uncertainty, pessimism and fears that the EU debt crisis will spread, will continue to be the major risk factors for the euro. 7. USD- US Retail Sales, ...
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Poland takes up EU presidency
Today's Zaman
Warsaw faces challenging days ahead because Poland takes up the presidency at a very complicated time in the EU's history. First there is the ongoing eurozone crisis, which is far from being resolved. Moreover, euro-skepticism, xenophobia and ...
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China's June Trade Surplus Reaches $22.27 Billion, Customs Bureau Says
The European Central Bank raised its benchmark interest rate on July 7 even as euro zonecountries grapple with a worsening sovereign debt crisis. China's competitive advantage is also being tested by higher labor costs and yuan appreciation, ...
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ECB rate rises can help stall Government taxes
Irish Independent
But it is a once-off cost and it is being used as a distraction from the real cause of our debt crisis: the €18bn borrowed each year to fund public spending. The real argument in favour of rate hikes is that if the financial crisis has proven one thing ...
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IMF approves €3.2 billion loan for Greece
CPI Financial
The IMF has warned the crisis in Greece could hit countries like the United States through money market funds, especially if the contagion spreads to European banks heavily exposed to Greek debt. The global lender scheduled its meeting to consider the ...
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CPI Financial
Italy scrambles to soothe market jitters
IBTimes Hong Kong
Euro zone governments have made heavy enough weather of agreeing bailouts for small countries like Greece and Ireland and the consequences of the crisis affecting Italy, the euro zone's third largest economy, are incalculable. ...
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Exclusive:EU calls emergency meeting as debt crisis stalks Italy ...
By Reuters
aaj-latest-news. Normalcy returns to Karachi space ... European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reelecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet will attend the meeting along with Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the region's finance ministers, European Commission ...
AAJ News
NewsDaily: EU's Van Rompuy calls emergency debt crisis talks
NewsDaily: Your best source for breaking news ... in a second bailout package for Greece, and mounting concerns about Italy after a heavy sell-off in Italian assets on Friday. The meeting will aim to forge a clearer consensus among policymakers before euro zone finance ministers meet later on Monday to discuss Greece and the results of stress tests on European banks, which are scheduled for release on July 15. Copyright Reuters 2008. See Restrictions for more details. ...
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
Exclusive: EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy ...
By Yahoo! News: Business - European Economy
Exclusive: EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy (Reuters). Share Reuters - European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy. Short URL: http://www.wallst.net/?p=166789. Posted by Yahoo!News: Business - European Economy . You can follow any responses to this entry ...
Wall Street Financial News
EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy - Interaksyon.com
By Reuters Exclusive
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third ...
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: EU Calls Emergency Meeting ...
By noreply@blogger.com (Michael Shedlock)
Please consider EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, ...
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis
Key dates of the Greek debt crisis — EUbusiness - legal, business ...
Here are key dates of the Greek debt crisis: ... Parliament, EU Law, Agriculture , Airlines, Chemicals, Company News, Competition ... filed under: eurozone, finance, economy, Greece, timeline, CHRONO ... May 2: The EU and IMF approve a 110-billion-euro ($160 billion) bailout over three years on condition that Athens ...
Exclusive-EU Calls Emergency Meeting As Debt Crisis Stalks Italy ...
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, ...

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