Jul 25, 2011

EUROZONE Debt Crisis News, Jul 25, 2011

LIVEBLOG: Eurozone debt crisis - Silobreaker
The news, views and reaction to the eurozone leaders' debt crisis deal that ... PARIS - Euro zoneofficials and bankers plan to conduct a voluntary swap of ...
Hopes of Eurozone Debt Crisis Abating - Forex Analysis, Currency ...
Hopes of Eurozone Debt Crisis Abating Given the current fiscal policy ... After the market quake inItaly, Eurogroup leaders hastened to find a solution for ...
The euro debt crisis looming over Europe: Voice of Russia
Is the euro-zone crisis somehow connected to the current debt crisis in the United ... The Italian issue was brought up last week on the news that Prime ...
Sentiment analysis - Euro rallies after rescue deal
The euro rallied sharply this week as European leaders struck a second bail-out deal for debt-strick.... Your opinion - Is it good news?: ... for Greece agreed at an EU summit on Thursday could contain the eurozone's debt crisis. MoreOn this storyLex Eurozone crisisMarkets Insight EU creditors must recognise their ...
Assuming a US Default, Where Should You Put Your Money?
International Business Times
Further, gold could actually fall, post US default, if investors conclude that the default will hurt the US and global economies substantially. US Real Estate - You saw what happened to the US housing sector following the start of the financial crisis: ...
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International Business Times
World watches and hopes US will avoid debt "suicide"
Policymakers and economists expected lawmakers would strike a last-minute deal to avert a crisis. The political brinkmanship hit world stocks on Monday and pushed money into safe-haven gold and Swiss francs, ending a brief relief rally over Greece's ...
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10 Smart Investments to Hold in Case the US Defaults
The risk of gold is that its worth will fall precipitously if there solutions are found for the debt conflict, the eurozone crisis in the and the slow global economy. The US may solve its debt problems, but the other two economic issues putting upward ...
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How A Default Could Devastate The Country
Business Insider
The repo market is critical to maintaining liquidity for banks, securities firms, andmoney market mutual funds. Its disruption during the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009 contributed to the failures and near failures of Countrywide Securities, ...
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Business Insider
3 Top Crooks Still Roaming Free After the Economic Crash
Wall St. Cheat Sheet
So when the financial crisis hit in 2008 and investment banks requested the insurance money for their collapsing derivatives, AIG was unable to pay what was owed and ultimately had to be bailed out by the government, receiving about $170 billion in ...
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Debt Talks? Many US Investors Are More Interested in Earnings
Bonds, despite their extended popularity, look vulnerable. "Just like stocks that are in a huge, long bull market take a while to turn, that's what we're seeing in bond yields," said Rob Lutts, president and chief investment officer at Cabot Money ...
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Should You Consider High-Yielding Preferred Stock?
During the financial crisis, issuing new preferreds was an attractive way for an institution to increase its Tier 1 capital cheaply compared with other equity sources. The Dodd-Frank Act and Basil III rules require banks to raise their Tier 1 capital ...
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On a Wild Ride With Bulls, Bears
Wall Street Journal
"If Europe's credit crisis is broad and affects the rest of the world, or if emerging-market growth slows enough, that could hurt financial markets and even precipitate a bear market," he says. "We are a lot more wary than we were before."
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Peter Morici: US Debt Ceiling; Heading off a securities markets' panic
FinFacts Ireland
As the Fed did during QE2 (a cruise liner to some but in the period of the financial crisis, the second program of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve, where the central bank purchases long-term US Treasury bonds in the market, thereby pushing...
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FinFacts Ireland
Newspaper Briefing, including 'Obama hoping for a 'grand bargain' - The Times
Proactive Investors UK
The bank's strategists see water – both as a commodity and the infrastructure that goes with it – as an emerging investment theme. “Once the spot markets for water are integrated, futures markets and other derivative water-based financial instruments ...
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Increase in Debt Ceiling, Stabilization in Europe Will Help Support the Market ...
Seeking Alpha
Consumer expectations and stock prices were the largest drags, both at -0.14% in June, while themoney supply and interest rate spread contributed positively. This bodes well for financials and further backs up an article I wrote as to why banks should ...
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Hamish McRae: Greece gets its second bailout – but why should we trust this ...
The Independent
That is quite a lot of stuff, and, commenting on it, Howard Archer of Global Insight notes: "While this is by no means the resolution of the crisis ... there is a feeling that European policymakers may have finally got ahead of the curve and bought ...
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