Jul 5, 2011

HEALTH News, Jul 05, 2011

India health minister calls homosexuality a disease
The San Francisco Examiner Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:47 PM PDT
The Associated Press The Associated Press NEW DELHI India's health minister has outraged activists by calling homosexuality a "disease" and "completely unnatural" during a conference on HIV/AIDS. Ghulam Nabi Azad told the conference Monday that it was unfortunate that homosexuality has come to India. He echoed a common refrain in this conservative country that homosexual sex is a Western import ...
Warning 'shots'
New York Post Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:43 PM PDT
State health officials are terrifying parents into getting their kids vaccinated. The blunt message, delivered by the state Health Department, is that children could die if they don't get the flu shot or other recommended vaccines. The edgy new campaign follows a similar script to hard-hitting anti-tobacco ads depicting...
Mercury poisoning gets under San Francisco womanâs skin
The San Francisco Examiner Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:42 PM PDT
When tests of a young Tenderloin mother revealed high mercury levels in her blood and that of her just-born babyâs umbilical cord, public health officials combed her apartment to find out why. The culprit was in the bathroom. âIt was the face cream,â said Chris Weden, an emergency responder for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. âMercuryâs good for removing spots in your skin, which new ...
Groups pushing to save poor from cuts
Douglas Dispatch Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:41 PM PDT
PHOENIX -- Three public interest law firms are making a last-ditch effort to keep the state from scaling back its health care program for the poor.
Indian health minister calls homosexuality 'disease' during HIV conference, angers activists
Brandon Sun Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:37 PM PDT
NEW DELHI - India's health minister has outraged activists by calling homosexuality a "disease" and "completely unnatural" during a conference on HIV/AIDS.
The Future of Hospital Apps
ReadWriteWeb Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:35 PM PDT
Just as popular consumer web apps eventually find their way into the enterprise ( Yammer anyone?), the health sector is increasingly taking its cue from the world of web apps. The Seattle product design firm Artefact , whose future camera concept caught the attention of our readers in April, recently designed a prototype patient care app for the Seattle Children's Patient Information System. I ...
CHELSEA: Healthy Communities Walking Program honored for efforts to promote wellness
The Chelsea Standard Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:34 PM PDT
The Healthy Communities Walking Program was honored today as one of the Ludwig Community Benefit Award winners from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association.
Low cost Vaccination Clinic
Douglas Dispatch Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:34 PM PDT
The Douglas Animal Shelter/Animal Health Care Center will offer two days of a rabies vaccination clinics on Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Douglas Animal Shelter, located at 2017 Rogers Avenue.
Fuzzy math in health law formula
Pasadena Star-News Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:28 PM PDT
WASHINGTON - Another unintended consequence of President Barack Obama's health care law has emerged: Older adults of the same age and income with similar medical histories could pay widely different amounts for private health insurance due to a quirk of the complex legislation.
New study reaffirms safety of seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccines
News-Medical-Net Mon, 04 Jul 2011 22:27 PM PDT
Back in spring 2009, the H1N1 influenza virus crossed the U.S. border and raised concerns that it might cause a full-scale epidemic in the fall. The Food and Drug Administration worked with other Health and Human Services agencies and vaccine manufacturers to quickly develop, license and distribute a vaccine to protect the public from this particularly virulent strain of the flu.

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