Jul 17, 2011

L.A. TIMES World News, Jul 17, 2011

British tabloids' tactics may spur soul-searching

British tabloids' tactics may spur soul-searching

The dodgy, sometimes illegal, ploys used to ferret out salacious information on celebrities and politicians fed a readership of 7 million. Some argue that introspection is in order for a society that lapped up such gossip with little thought to how it was acquired.

Gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants

Probe reveals that the U.S. agency running the 'Fast and Furious' anti-gun-trafficking operation didn't know about the alleged FBI informants. Congressional investigators are looking into the matter.
In Beijing, redevelopment threatens last bathhouse

In Beijing, redevelopment threatens last bathhouse

The traditional bathhouses, from a time when Chinese homes lacked plumbing and all bathing was communal, have fallen victim to wrecking balls. In their place are spas in upscale hotels.

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