Jul 7, 2011

LIBYA, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen news, Jul 07, 2011

The Arab Spring Has Given Way to a Long, Hot Summer
Council on Foreign Relations
Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya have had their turn; now Syria occupies centre stage. More than 1000 people have been killed in recent fighting, while hundreds of thousands still risk their lives challenging the regime. ...
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Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
“The government of Syria claims that it's interested in dialogue at the same time that it is attacking and massing forces in Hama, where demonstrations have been nothing but peaceful.” Rebel fighters seized a village south of the Libyan capital and ...
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The Arab summer: Taking stock
Ahram Online
In Libya, Yemen and Syria, the winds of change are blowing hard. Colonel Gaddafi might hold on for a few months longer, but the new Libya will eventually be formed without him. It will be based on the agreement of its people who, despite regional and ...
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Gulf Turmoil Sparks Boom for Private Bankers as Richest Protect Their Cash
The regional unrest that has toppled presidents in Egypt and Tunisia and has spread toSyria, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, is prompting wealthy people from the most troubled countries to turn to more stable markets such as the United Arab Emirates. ...
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Why Bradley Manning is an American Hero
The chain reaction of democratic protests and uprisings that has swept Egypt, Libya,Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, and even in a modest way Iraq, all began in Tunisia, where leaked US State Department cables about the staggering corruption of the ruling Ben ...
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Giving Arab Spring Activism An International Profile
Journal of Turkish Weekly
The IWPR project has featured activists from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Bahrainand Syria, and covered countries where the impact of the Arab Spring have been less clear, such as Jordan and Morocco. “Our aim with the Arab Spring reporting project is ...
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INTERVIEW-Levi's seeks to tap Arab Spring to sell jeans
Reuters Africa
... and Egypt earlier this year. Libyan rebels are attempting to overthrow ruler Muammar Gaddafi, while protests and demonstrations have rocked governments in Bahrain,Yemen, Syria and swept across other parts of North Africa and the Middle East. ...
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Arab refining output up 633000 BPD in 4 years
Refining units were put at eight in Egypt, seven in Saudi Arabia, five each in the UAE, Algeria and Libya, three each in Kuwait and Sudan, two each in Oman, Yemen, Syriaand Morocco and one each in Bahrain, Tunisia, Jordan and Mauritania.
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Gulf region to buy record number of luxury cars this year
Times of India
The upbeat outlook for much of the Gulf region contrasts with other areas of the Arab world, where uprisings have overthrown governments in Egypt and Tunisia and have sparked a civil war in Libya and riots in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen. ...
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Catherine Ashton EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security...
And last week my team was in New York, coordinating our work on Libyawith the UN. Outside the courthouse in Freedom Square, I met some of the people who have been bringing democracy to life in Libya. They thanked me; they thanked you; they thanked the ...
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KSA cellular market most competitive in region
Zawya (subscription)
The rankings of countries like Algeria, Bahrain, and Mauritania improved from 2010; those of Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates remained unchanged; while the rankings of ...
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Wikileaks Role in Arab Spring
Toward Freedom
[Includes rush transcript] AMY GOODMAN: Julian Assange, I want to ask you about the Arab Spring and what you see as Wikileaks role as what started in Tunisia, and Egypt, what we're seeing in Bahrain and Yemen, Syria, Libya. What role did Wikileaks play...
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Tomgram: Chase Madar, A Medal for Bradley Manning? « Rethink ...
By alexthurston
It was the same week that unnamed “American officials” leaked the latest covert opsnews to the New York Times — that “the clandestine American military campaign to combat al-Qaeda's franchise in Yemen is expanding to fight the Islamist militancy ... The chain reaction of democratic protests and uprisings that has swept EgyptLibya,BahrainSyriaYemen, and even in a modest way Iraq, all began in Tunisia, where leaked U.S. State Department cables about the staggering ...
Rethink Afghanistan War Blog
Tomgram: Chase Madar, A Medal for Bradley Manning? | TomDispatch
By Chase Madar
It was the same week that unnamed “American officials” leaked the latest covert opsnews to the New York Times -- that “the clandestine American military campaign to combat al-Qaeda's franchise in Yemen is expanding to fight the Islamist militancy ... The chain reaction of democratic protests and uprisings that has swept EgyptLibya,BahrainSyriaYemen, and even in a modest way Iraq, all began in Tunisia, where leaked U.S. State Department cables about the staggering ...
TomDispatch - Blog
Middle East Update: July - Islam News Room
Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, Yemen middle_east1. Now What? ... Obama administration is open to dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt because "it is...
Arab Dominoes (in process, and to follow:) Tunisia, Egypt, Libya ...
So far Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria are all dealing with the ...More on the future and causes behind the new Islamic revolution, ...
Libya, Syria and Middle East unrest - Tuesday 28 June 2011 | World ...
Libya dismisses arrest warrants against Gaddafi and a new Gaza flotilla is ... for not mentioning Syria / Libya / Bahrain / Yemen / Egypt and all the other ...
The Arab Spring: Opening A Pandorra's Box?
The downtrodden have risen to forge a new identity, to look for better opportunities ...Reactions followed in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Syria where ...
Motion for a resolution on Syria, Yemen and Bahrain the context of ...
B. whereas also in Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, ... in particular regarding the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has been slow and at ... urgent needs and to respond to the new challenges and transformations underway in ...
Women Making Change in the Middle East and North Africa / Friday ...
News & Analysis · Women's Rights in the News ... and Egypt, and the now ongoing uprisings in Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen reveal the tales of the people. ...
Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya have had their turn; now Syria ... while thenew voice for Arab publics emerging from the upheavals makes it more ...
Bahrain in the Context of the Arab Spring | thepearlroundabout.org
Bouazizi's death was the spark that has since rippled across the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Algeria, ...
Al Jazeera wilts in Arab Spring #BAHRAIN #YEMEN #SYRIA #EGYPT ...
Pepi Escobar says name of the game is not #Libya; it's Long War, aimed at ' taking ...wilts in Arab Spring http://t.co/8YN5nxt #BAHRAIN #YEMEN #SYRIA # EGYPT #LIBYA#TUNISIA ... The Arab American News - Al Jazeera wilts in Arab Spring ...
Twit ,,, Twit ,,, Twitter - الصفحة 10 - :: منتديات بحرين نيشن ::
‎#Bahrain video: The Son of the Martyr Majeed Ahmed http://bit.ly/j8hmb9 #USA # UK #UN #HRW #News #Syria #Egypt #libya #Feb14 #Yemen #Syria ...
The Arab Spring Has Given Way to a Long, Hot Summer
News Releases Articles Editorials Reports Books Maps Forums Letters Search ...Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya have had their turn; now Syria ...
June 2011 - California Law Review
Tunisia. Egypt. Jordan. Bahrain. Yemen. Algeria. Syria. Libya. Iran. ... New media plays an important role in the revolutions occurring across the region as ...
YouTube - Bahrain TV نصيحة سعيد الحمد إلى خليفة بن سلمان
Bahrain syria Libya protests news Saudi 14Feb Revolution aljazeera Egypt shia jews palestine Yemen police cars crash shooting thugs israel Army البحرين ...
Arab Spring Sprung? | Standpoint
The only six countries affected by the "Spring" are Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya,Yemen and Syria, in chronological order. Let's review them. ...

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