Jul 28, 2011

Norway agrees to security review after killings - Yahoo! News

A Norwegian flag is placed in a sea of flowers and candles which are placed in memory of those killed in last Friday's bomb and shooting attack, in front of Oslo Cathedral July 27, 2011. The Norwegian anti-Islamic zealot who killed 76 people claims he worked with others, but finding far-right groups in their mainly online haunts will be tough for police who for years gave Islamist militants top priority. Police and experts point to the Internet's role in spreading the racist material that shaped killer Anders Behring Breivik's extreme views, but also highlight the difficulty in policing dynamic online forums without undermining civil liberties. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch (NORWAY - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW IMAGES OF THE DAY)
OSLO (Reuters) - Norway agreed Wednesday to review security and the police response to the killings of 76 people in bombing and shooting attacks by a right-wing zealot that have traumatized the nation.
Jittery Norwegians tried to restore some normality five days after the bloodshed, despite a security alert forcing the evacuation of Oslo station, keeping nerves on edge.
'It's important to clarify all aspects of the attacks to learn lessons from what has occurred,' Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said after parliamentary leaders agreed to appoint an independent commission to review the attack."

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