Jul 11, 2011

NZHERALD News, Jul 12, 2011

Asylum seekers not welcome - Key
The Prime Minister says a boatload of 85 Sri Lankan asylum seekers bound for New Zealand are not welcome here. The group are on a ship which has been intercepted by Indonesian authorities, and are currently in port at…
Texting cop cleared of teen's death
A police officer had "no chance" of avoiding a collision with a 16-year-old youth as he walked along…
Wild weather out there? Your comments
MetService has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Auckland and Northland tonight.
Drama's gay ad complaint dismissed
A complaint about an advertisement for popular period drama Downton Abbey that suggests homosexuality…

NZ Herald Opinion

Surely National Radio giving Maori only 0.1 per cent of the programming time requires…

TVNZ stands by autistic looter story
TVNZ stands by autistic looter story
TVNZ is "surprised" at a police decision to investigate its Sunday programme over its story about an autistic man accused…
Elderly shopper shaken by trolley heist
Elderly shopper shaken by trolley heist
An elderly Whangarei woman shopping at Woolworths had $150 of groceries wheeled away by an opportunist thief as she turned…
'Tearful' start to Pike River inquiry
'Tearful' start to Pike River inquiry
The start of the Royal Commission into the Pike River mine disaster today was a "tearful" moment for the families of the…
Joel Tobeck's act of faith
Joel Tobeck's act of faith
With a new role on hit US show 'Sons of Anarchy', Kiwi actor Joel Tobeck is riding high. He tells Alan Perrott why his aim…

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