Jul 25, 2011

TECHNOLOGY News, Jul 09, 2011

Chinese city orders closures of two fake Apple shops
Sun,24 Jul 2011 11:06 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoKUNMING, China (Reuters) - Chinese officials in Kunming ordered two fake Apple shops to close, a local newspaper reported on Monday, an apparent reaction to a storm of media attention about an unauthorized and elaborate hoax store in the southwestern city.

Analysis: Apple juggernaut to see more China gains
Sun,24 Jul 2011 09:18 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoHONG KONG (Reuters) - Apple is set to exponentially grow its China business as the country's No.1 and No.3 telecom operators jostle to stitch up deals to sell iPhones in the world's largest mobile phone market, home to more than 900 million subscribers.

photoLONDON (Reuters) - News Corp executive James Murdoch was under pressure on Monday over his handling of a phone-hacking scandal that has hit the Murdoch family's media empire and could jeopardize his own position at the company.

Who is paying News Corp's legal bills?
Sun,24 Jul 2011 07:46 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - With executives from News Corp and some of its subsidiaries heading for the exits, legal bills from the phone-hacking scandal rocking the company are no doubt stacking up. Full Story

Quick guide to the News Corp hacking scandal
Sun,24 Jul 2011 07:46 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - A phone-hacking scandal has rocked Rupert Murdoch's business empire, British politicians and police, and forced News Corp to abandon a bid to buy the whole of broadcaster BSkyB. Full Story

Cameron faces fresh fire over News Corp meetings
Sun,24 Jul 2011 07:46 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron came under renewed pressure to detail his relations with scandal-hit News Corp on Thursday and the spotlight fell on other newspaper groups when an official said police were reviewing their reporting methods. Full Story

Dow Jones panel says found no U.S. wrongdoing
Sun,24 Jul 2011 07:46 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Dow Jones Special Committee, responding to a letter from two U.S. senators, said it had found at News Corp's Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires no sign of journalistic wrongdoing like the phone-hacking scandal at its British newspapers. Full Story

photoSHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese industrial and commercial authorities in Kunming have started to inspect all of the southwestern city's electronics shops after an American blogger wrote about fake Apple stores, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.

Judge rejects Oracle damages estimate versus Google
Fri,22 Jul 2011 04:37 PM PDT
Reuters - SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. judge rejected Oracle Corp's claim for billions of dollars in damages from Google Inc for infringing on Java patents, a day after warning both sides they had taken unreasonable positions in a patent battle over the Android mobile system. Full Story

Facebook wins dismissal of second Winklevoss case
Fri,22 Jul 2011 12:06 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Facebook Inc won a dismissal of a second lawsuit by the Olympic rowing twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss seeking to boost their $65 million settlement with the company and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg.

Analysis: Aging PC giants see writing on the wall
Fri,22 Jul 2011 11:30 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Silicon Valley's old guard is waking up to the fact that the era of consumer PC may be in its twilight, accelerating the need to invest and adapt to rapidly changing tastes.

"Seismic wallpaper" may help houses through quakes
Fri,22 Jul 2011 09:20 AM PDT
Reuters - KARLSRUHE, Germany (Reuters) - Researchers in Germany are working on a material that can keep walls from collapsing during earthquakes -- and even detect them before they happen. Full Story

RIM buys Swedish video editor for PlayBook
Fri,22 Jul 2011 09:07 AM PDT
Reuters - TORONTO (Reuters) - BlackBerry maker Research In Motion said on Friday it has bought Swedish video editing company JayCut and hinted the operation will work on features for its PlayBook tablet computer. Full Story

Amazon's next billion-dollar business eyed
Fri,22 Jul 2011 08:02 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc's cloud computing unit may be its next billion-dollar business and analysts will be watching for clues on how fast this secretive unit is growing when the Internet retailer reports results next week.

Customers angry, staff defiant at China's fake Apple Store
Fri,22 Jul 2011 07:25 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoKUNMING, China (Reuters) - Customers at an apparent Apple Store in the Chinese city of Kunming berated staff and demanded refunds on Friday after the shop was revealed to be an elaborate fake, sparking a media and Internet frenzy.

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