Jul 30, 2011

WORLD News, Jul 30, 2011

Libyan TV still on air despite NATO bombing
Fri,29 Jul 2011 11:06 PM PDT
Reuters - TRIPOLI/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO said on Saturday it had bombed three satellite dishes in Tripoli to stop "terror broadcasts" by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, but state television remained on the air. Full Story

Gunmen kill 11 in Pakistan suspected sectarian attack
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:45 PM PDT
Reuters - QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Gunmen opened fire on a vehicle in Pakistan's southwestern Baluchistan province on Saturday, killing 11 Shi'ite Muslims and wounding three in a suspected sectarian attack, police said. Full Story

Debt crisis moves to Senate, deadlock persists
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:03 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats sought to forge a last-ditch compromise with Republicans on Friday by offering a concession to avoid a crippling default, but a bitter divide remained before Tuesday's deadline to raise the country's debt ceiling.

China denies destroying evidence after fatal rail crash
Fri,29 Jul 2011 08:48 PM PDT
Reuters - BEIJING (Reuters) - China's state news agency Xinhua has denied widespread rumors that railway authorities tried to conceal evidence by burying carriages damaged during a high-speed rail crash that killed at least 40 people last weekend. Full Story

Islamists suspected over Libyan rebel death
Fri,29 Jul 2011 08:36 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoBENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan rebels say the gunmen who shot dead their military chief were members of an Islamist-linked militia that is allied to their struggle to overthrow veteran leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Probe of Air France crash finds pilots ignored warnings
Fri,29 Jul 2011 07:48 PM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - Pilots of a doomed Air France jet which crashed into the Atlantic two years ago killing all 228 people onboard ignored stall warnings and appeared to defy the manual, a new crash investigation report showed on Friday. Full Story

How pilots wrestled in vain to save Air France jet
Fri,29 Jul 2011 07:42 PM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - "What do you think? What do you think? What should we do?"Full Story

Snapshot: What is happening in the U.S. debt crisis
Fri,29 Jul 2011 07:00 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here is what is happening on Friday as lawmakers scramble to close in on a deal for Congress to raise the U.S. government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit by Tuesday's deadline and avoid a debt default: Full Story

Rights group says 20 protesters killed across Syria
Fri,29 Jul 2011 05:15 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoAMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian forces shot dead at least 20 civilians in attacks on pro-democracy demonstrations across the country Friday, the Syrian human rights organization Sawasiah said.

Republican bill passes, opening path to debt deal
Fri,29 Jul 2011 04:27 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives approved a Republican deficit plan on Friday that has no chance of becoming law but could pave the way for a last-ditch bid for bipartisan compromise to avert a crippling national default.

Syrian forces kill 20 across country: rights group
Fri,29 Jul 2011 04:26 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoAMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian forces shot dead at least 20 civilians in attacks on pro-democracy demonstrations across the country on Friday, the Syrian human rights organization Sawasiah said.

Turkey's military chiefs quit ahead of key meeting
Fri,29 Jul 2011 03:55 PM PDT
Reuters - ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's top military brass resigned on Friday, in the latest and possibly decisive round of a long battle between the traditional secularist establishment embodied by the army and the Islam-rooted government of Tayyip Erdogan that has dominated Turkey for nearly a decade. Full Story

Snapshot: What is happening in the debt crisis
Fri,29 Jul 2011 03:34 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Here is what is happening on Friday as lawmakers scramble to close in on a deal for Congress to raise the U.S. government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit by an August 2 deadline and avoid a debt default: Full Story

U.N. council mulls unfreezing Libyan assets for aid
Fri,29 Jul 2011 03:03 PM PDT
Reuters - UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A U.N. Security Council panel that has been deadlocked for months is prepared to release Libyan assets frozen under U.N. sanctions to purchase humanitarian aid, Portugal's U.N. envoy said on Friday. Full Story

U.N. adds Pakistani Taliban to sanctions list
Fri,29 Jul 2011 02:55 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoUNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations on Friday slapped sanctions on the Pakistani Taliban -- thought to be behind last year's failed bombing attempt on New York's Times Square -- for having links with al Qaeda.

Libyan rebels say commander killed by allied militia
Fri,29 Jul 2011 02:46 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoBENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan rebels said on Friday the gunmen who shot dead the rebel military chief were fighters of an allied militia, in apparent confirmation of deep rifts among the forces struggling to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi.

Cuba approves flights from 9 more American cities
Fri,29 Jul 2011 02:24 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoHAVANA (Reuters) - Air travel between the United States and Cuba will become easier with the opening of charter flights to the forbidden island from an additional nine U.S. cities announced by Cuba authorities on Friday.

Libyan who returned from Britain finds the rebel's life tough
Fri,29 Jul 2011 01:26 PM PDT
Reuters - NALUT, Libya (Reuters) - Encouraged by promises of economic and political reform, Libyan Bashir Firgani put some money together and returned home after 18 years in Britain to set up a tourism business on the coast. Full Story

Divided by war, Libyans split over slain rebel
Fri,29 Jul 2011 01:11 PM PDT
Reuters - BENGHAZI/TRIPOLI, July 29 (Reuters) - As mourners carried the body the slain Libyan rebel military chief to his funeral, fighters fresh from the front unleashed volleys of gunfire into the air and vowed Abdul Fattah Younes had not died in vain. Full Story

Air France pilots could have saved Rio-Paris plane: BEA
Fri,29 Jul 2011 01:05 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoPARIS (Reuters) - The pilots at the helm of Air France flight AF447, which crashed into the Atlantic in 2009, could still have saved the situation after the jet lost its speed data, the head of France's BEA authority said on Friday.

U.S. military chief aims to reassure Afghans after attacks
Fri,29 Jul 2011 01:01 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoKANDAHAR (Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan on Friday, aiming to reassure a country rattled by a wave of high-profile attacks and assassinations.

Rebels killed Libya's Younes: rebel minister
Fri,29 Jul 2011 12:57 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoBENGHAZI (Reuters) - Rebel fighters who were sent to bring Libyan rebel military chief Abdel Fattah Younes to Benghazi for questioning killed him and dumped his body outside the city, rebel minister Ali Tarhouni said on Friday.

Spain PM calls early election, conservatives ahead
Fri,29 Jul 2011 12:02 PM PDT
Reuters -
photoMADRID (Reuters) - Spain's prime minister called early elections on Friday, gambling that a summer jobs boom may allow his Socialists to snatch an upset victory despite economic stagnation that has contributed to the euro zone's debt crisis.

U.S. says Libyan opposition must focus on unity
Fri,29 Jul 2011 11:54 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The shooting death of Libya's rebel military commander is a challenge for the country's opposition, which must now focus on promoting unity within its ranks, the U.S. State Department said on Friday. Full Story

Turkey's military chiefs quit ahead of key meeting
Fri,29 Jul 2011 11:22 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday its top four military chiefs were all seeking retirement, in moves that appeared to reflect a deep rift between the secularist military and a government with roots in political Islam.

Factbox: Pre-crash moments of flight AF447
Fri,29 Jul 2011 11:17 AM PDT
Reuters - PARIS (Reuters) - Below is a list of the final maneuvers of Air France flight AF447 and the last words of the cockpit crew, as detailed in an updated report published on Friday by French air accident investigator BEA. Full Story

Tobacco firms lose major Canada liability ruling
Fri,29 Jul 2011 11:07 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoOTTAWA (Reuters) - Tobacco companies suffered a major defeat in Canada on Friday when the Supreme Court ruled the federal government is not liable for damages from health-related lawsuits, possibly amounting to many billions of dollars.

Norway security police see no increase in threats
Fri,29 Jul 2011 10:48 AM PDT
Reuters - OSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik probably acted alone in massacring 77 people last week and the killings have not raised risks of new attacks in Norway, the Norwegian Police Security Service said on Friday. Full Story

Around 100 feared dead in DR Congo boat collision
Fri,29 Jul 2011 10:21 AM PDT
Reuters - KINSHASA (Reuters) - Around 100 people were feared dead in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday after the latest in a string of boat accidents in the central African country, officials said. Full Story

Ethnic Serbs blockade NATO troops in Kosovo
Fri,29 Jul 2011 10:06 AM PDT
Reuters - MITROVICA/BELGRADE (Reuters) - Ethnic Serbs from Kosovo's north on Friday blocked NATO troops reaching their peacekeepers deployed at border posts with Serbia this week to halt violence provoked by a customs dispute with Belgrade. Full Story

Groups quit Egypt rally saying hijacked by Islamists
Fri,29 Jul 2011 10:04 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoCAIRO (Reuters) - More than 30 political parties and movements withdrew from a rally on Friday that was organized to send a united message to the ruling army about reform, saying the event was hijacked by Islamist groups.

Norway mourns, buries dead, a week after massacre
Fri,29 Jul 2011 10:03 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoOSLO (Reuters) - Norwegians united in mourning on Friday as the first funerals were held a week after anti-Islam extremist Anders Behring Breivik massacred at least 77 people in attacks that traumatized the nation.

Polish defense minister quits over damning crash report
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:51 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWARSAW (Reuters) - Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich resigned on Friday after a government report chronicled a litany of errors and neglect by the crew of the military plane that crashed in Russia last year killing Poland's President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others.

Lebanon tribunal names 4 suspects in Hariri killing
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:39 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoAMSTERDAM/BEIRUT (Reuters) - The U.N.-backed Lebanon tribunal on Friday released the names, photographs and details of four men wanted for killing statesman Rafik al-Hariri, saying it had acted in a bid to speed up their arrest.

Libyan who returned from Britain finds the rebel's life tough
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:17 AM PDT
Reuters - NALUT, Libya (Reuters) - Encouraged by promises of economic and political reform, Libyan Bashir Firgani put some money together and returned home after 18 years in Britain to set up a tourism business on the coast. Full Story

Norway police raise attack death toll to 77 from 76
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:14 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoOSLO (Reuters) - Norwegian police said on Friday that the death toll in a bombing and shooting massacre by anti-Islam attacker Anders Behring Breivik a week ago had risen to 77 from 76.

House Republicans retool debt limit increase bill
Fri,29 Jul 2011 09:07 AM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led House of Representatives will try on Friday to pass a revised bill to raise the nation's debt limit for the short term, a senior Republican told reporters. Full Story

Analysis: Politics twists oil's route from well to gas tank
Fri,29 Jul 2011 08:40 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoSINGAPORE (Reuters) - Politics have long skewed oil supply lines, but this year's confluence of events have bent the route from the well to the gas tank so far out of shape that West African oil is going to a refiner in Taiwan to make diesel for Brazilian truckers.

Analysis: Libya rebel killing takes shine off opposition gains
Fri,29 Jul 2011 08:06 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - The still-unexplained killing of Libya's rebel military commander will further undermine outside confidence in an already fragmented opposition, with some suspecting an internal feud is to blame. Full Story

Assad faces armed challenge in oil-producing east
Fri,29 Jul 2011 07:38 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoAMMAN (Reuters) - Fighting flared between Syrian military intelligence agents and residents in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor on Friday after the killing of five protesters, witnesses said, in what appeared to be a serious armed challenge to President Bashar al-Assad.

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