Aug 3, 2011

HEALTH News, Aug 03, 2011 (2)

Dropping weight won't add years in elderly: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 03:01 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Dieting to lose weight may not help older overweight adults live any longer, suggests a new study. Full Story

Uganda could be next hit by malnutrition, UN warns
Tue,2 Aug 2011 02:59 PM PDT
Reuters - GENEVA (Reuters) - Uganda could be the next country hit by alarming malnutrition rates due to drought which has already sparked famine in southern Somalia and hunger in Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti, the United Nations warned on Tuesday. Full Story

Common vein problem raises clot risk on the Pill
Tue,2 Aug 2011 02:55 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women who use the standard form of birth control pill may have a much higher than average risk of dangerous blood clots if they also have a vein malformation seen in a quarter of the population, California researchers say. Full Story

HIV epidemics emerging in Middle East, North Africa: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 02:09 PM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - Epidemics of HIV are emerging among gay and bisexual men in the Middle East and North Africa and high levels of risky sexual behavior threaten to spread the AIDS virus further in the region, researchers said Tuesday. Full Story

Depressed mothers' children at risk in poor states
Tue,2 Aug 2011 12:52 PM PDT
Reuters - GENEVA (Reuters) - Children of depressed mothers in developing countries are 40 percent more likely to be underweight or stunted than those with mothers in good mental health, a study said on Tuesday. Full Story

Health insurance exchanges chief to step down
Tue,2 Aug 2011 11:41 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The man charged with overseeing the creation of U.S. state-based health insurance exchanges is stepping down, according to a senior U.S. health official.

Report questions "offshoring" in U.S. heart studies
Tue,2 Aug 2011 11:38 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Major U.S.-sponsored clinical trials on heart disease often turn to other countries to recruit patients and a new report questions whether that undermines the evidence they generate and the health of the American clinical trial system.

U.S. hospitals poor at breast-feeding support: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 11:19 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoATLANTA (Reuters) - U.S. hospitals are not doing enough to encourage mothers to breast-feed their newborns, raising the risk of childhood obesity, diabetes and other conditions, according to a federal study released on Tuesday.

Healthy foods a growth industry as boomers age
Tue,2 Aug 2011 11:07 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoSTOWE, Vt (Reuters) - Food and beverage companies will need to gear up and churn out healthier food and products for aging baby boomers in the United States, a group which tracks eating habits said in a report on Tuesday.

Stool test good for catching colon cancer: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 10:40 AM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The inexpensive tests that look for hidden blood in a person's stool are effective for colon cancer screening, a study out Tuesday confirms. Full Story

Comfort eating helps stave off the blues: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 10:25 AM PDT
Reuters - LONDON (Reuters) - A sweet tooth might not be the only reason why we reach for ice cream and cake in times of stress. Full Story

Depressed mothers' children at risk in poor states: study
Tue,2 Aug 2011 10:17 AM PDT
Reuters - GENEVA (Reuters) - Children of depressed mothers in developing countries are 40 percent more likely to be underweight or stunted than those with mothers in good mental health, a study said Tuesday. Full Story

Study on magnetic fields, asthma is flawed: critics
Tue,2 Aug 2011 09:30 AM PDT
Reuters - CHICAGO (Reuters) - Critics say a controversial new study that linked high exposure to electromagnetic fields during pregnancy to asthma in children is flawed and ignores many prior studies that suggest such exposures are harmless. Full Story

photoTOKYO (Reuters) - Pockets of lethal levels of radiation have been detected at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in a fresh reminder of the risks faced by workers battling to contain the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

TV product placements termed junk food ad loophole
Tue,2 Aug 2011 08:56 AM PDT
Reuters -
photoBOSTON (Reuters) - Companies that have pledged not to market unhealthy food and drinks directly to children may be turning to product placement on television shows instead of traditional ads to target youngsters, a new study showed.

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