Aug 23, 2011

SPACE, Astronomy News, Aug 23, 2011

Fewer Stars Born As Universe Runs Low On Gas
Irish Weather Online
Astronomers have known for at least 15 years that the rate of star formation peaked when the Universe was only a few billion years old and has declined steeply ever since. According to Dr Robert Braun (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science): “Our result ...
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Snow White Dwarf Planet Set To Undergo Name Change
Irish Weather Online
However, astronomers say the red-tinged dwarf planet may be covered in a thin layer of methane, the remnants of an atmosphere that's slowly being lost into space. Mike Brown, the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor and professor of planetary ...
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Irish Weather Online
Meteorites Possible From Irish Fireball
Irish Weather Online
By Mark Dunphy - Tue Aug 23, 1:28 pm Astronomy Ireland (AI) has confirmed that a fireball meteor entered the atmosphere above Ireland in the early hours of Tuesday morning (23 August 2011). The organisation added that meteor fragments are likely to...
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Irish Weather Online
Nasa expert delivers lecture on space missions, explorations
Gulf Today
The lecture dealt with the following five topics: Arab explorers, scientists and astronomers, and their major contributions to our knowledge of our planet and the universe around us; a review of the latest generation of explorers, scientists, ...
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Publisher News from Worldcon
Publishers Weekly (blog)
This sounds a lot like Launch Pad, but with less emphasis on astronomy and more on spaceexploration, and of course with the Tor/Forge branding. Also Kim Stanley Robinson told me all about the novel he's writing but I'm not allowed to tell anyone else. ...
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Reaching for the stars in Mentone
Leader News
It was the first time an amateur astronomer had been granted access. “Every amateurastronomer in the world would have given a lot for that opportunity,” he said. Next it's back to school for the IT consultant, who hopes to study astronomy online at ...
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Leader News
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
"You get to see this nice picture of what once was an active little world with water volcanoes and an atmosphere, and it's now just frozen, dead, with an atmosphere that's slowly slipping away," Mike Brown, Caltech professor of planetary astronomy, ...
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Conservative elites pine
Politico (blog)
“To put intelligent design on that level is like offering grade school children a choice betweenastronomy and astrology,” he said. Krauthammer said he had been hoping Ryan would run to win not just the White House but the national debate. ...
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5 Ray Bradbury Movies You Can Watch Right Now
Film School Rejects
The Pitch: In Universal's first 3D movie, writer and astronomy hobbyist John Putnam (Richard Carlson) heads to the crash site of a meteor outside a small town in Arizona, but instead of space rocks, he believes it's actually an alien spacecraft. ...
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Film School Rejects
New Book Reveals Fascinating Ideas Worth Considering
PR Web (press release)
Realizing that he had lofty ambitions in life (like eating), he switched into the lucrative IT industry. He has been an IT professional for about 20 years. His hobbies and passions include chess, astronomyand most of all playing with his son.
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Embry-Riddle unveils initiatives
Daytona Beach News-Journal
There are also plans to add a specialty in astronomy to the physics program and add degrees in biology and chemistry. Johnson continues to stress the university's initiative to increase the number of "young women in aviation and aerospace fields. ...
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Galaxies are running out of gas : Space and Astronomy news daily ...
By Jonathan Nally
Space and Astronomy news daily. ... Dr Robert Braun (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science) and his colleagues used CSIRO's Mopra radio telescope near Coonabarabran, NSW, to study far-off galaxies and compare them with nearby ones. ...
Space and Astronomy news daily...
Mother of Hubble Always Aimed for Stars: Nancy Grace Roman was ...
By VOA-News
However, as the first chief of astronomy at the U.S. space agency, Nancy Grace Roman is a notable exception. Mesmerized by the moon. Roman's fascination with space began not long after she was born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1925, the only child of a teacher and a scientist. ... VOA broadcasts approximately 1500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of 125 million people. See ...
Hawaii Reporter
Astronomy and Space Exploration News » BuzzTracker News Headlines
August 22, 2011. ScienceDaily: Space & Time News. Astronomers have discovered that the dwarf planet 2007 OR10 -- nicknamed Snow White -- is an icy world, ...
Space and Earth Sciences News :: Caltech: Astronomers find ice and ...
Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered that the dwarf planet 2007 OR10 -- nicknamed Snow White -- is an icy world, ...

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